Infection in body

Teapot Member Posts: 246
edited 13. Jan 2014, 02:20 in Living with Arthritis archive
Good afternoon. Thought I would update you on my infection and blood results. Have now finished my week on strong antiobioics. Had blood test on Monday which showed infection going down so GP feel going the right way. I was and still am feeling extremely tired with no energy so he tested for everything but the kitchen sink ! I saw him on Wednesday and he also confirmed that my Vit D was on the floor. He has given me a 3 month course of high Vit D and I am to have bloods on 16th and again in 3 month. I must admit I am feeling better than I did a week ago although not 100% but I also feel I am going right way. He said I have to change lifestyle ie eat properly and right food, rest and keep warm. Problem is when you live on your own I have neglected cooking proper food so I feel I am somewhat to blame. I am 68 and need to take a bit more care. I have to admit I have been going like a traction engine for couple of years now, and after this session of feeling so ill I am now changing my lifestyle. I am only taking paracetamol for arther pain at moment as Naproxen was stopped until I see Rheumy on Monday morning as GP felt it may have been upsetting my tummy and I must admit I thought that too. I am looking forward to getting some answers but don't expect an overnight miracle ! Do any of you know if there is a tab that does not have the tummy side effects. Thanks for listening.


  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello valde, you are having a tough time at the moment aren't you? ALL tablets have side-effects but it depends on the person taking them whether their system will tolerate the drug or not. I am reasonably lucky in that I don't get too much trouble with my meds (and am also of a mind that if I do just to put up and shut up if the drug is helping). When I was prescribed naproxen I was also given a stomach protector (in my case omeprazole) - were you also given this? If I should remember then I apologise because I don't. :oops: I have omep to take when I take my diclofenacs but, having moved, I don't need them anywhere near as much as I used.

    I actually quite like having an infection because it means I drop the immune-suppressants, take the anti-bios for a while and actually feel better in myself (despite being 'properly' ill :wink: ). I do understand the not-wanting-to-bother-because-I-am-on-my-own food malarkey but, given the current state of your health, this is important. A good diet is important to help our bodies (even though they don't return the compliment by behaving) but surely our general health must benefit if the basic diet is sound? I have to cook for my husband and I ensure that we don't have ready-meals (apart from pies) or ding food (microwaveable stuff). We also eat proper cheese, proper butter, proper yoghurt etc. because the 'healthier' versions are stuffed with man-made nonsense and extra sugar. So NOT healthy. It's not easy but I think you owe it to yourself to be the best you can. A better diet will help your overall health and may help to ease the tiredness (although we all know that is part-and-parcel of arthritis). Yes, it's not easy. DD

    PS Of course your Vit D is low - it's the wrong time of year for arthritics in the northern climes. When it's sunny go and sit outside somewhere for a while, just to get some rays. I go out every day for that reason, even if it's just for a ramble round the garden or to take the rubbish to the bins.
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Gosh valde
    You have had a rough time, Im so glad your GP has done all the bloods and come across the low VitD..suppose you know that without it we dont absorb calcium.
    The good things is you are listening and changing your life style,not easy I know.
    I do wish you well and please let us no how you get on,
  • Teapot
    Teapot Member Posts: 246
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks so much for your replies, It really does help to have listening ears. I will let you know how I get on. I feel the infection is better but it seems to have settled in my feet and ankles and I have taken my antiobiotic course. I will talk to the Rheumy on Monday about this but at the moment I am only on the VitD and paracetamol, hopefully on Monday they will give me something to help. The feet have had me awake since 2 am, they feel alive inside, and I have to keep moving them, so I got up maybe will try to get a couple of hours soon. Sorry if I am a misery but I am trying and I agree it is a must to have proper food and no more ding meals. I do take lanzoperal stomach protector and did so whilst on Naproxen but GP said sometimes it does not work. I agree its like all meds some agree with some people and some don't. At the moment I feel I am taking 2 steps forward and 4 back but I know I am not alone in all this and thanks a million for your help. Going to try to get some zzzzzz now if not it will be back to nighttime TV.
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    You're doing well, valde, because you are dealing with it all despite the setbacks and difficulties. You are making progress but, from where you are, right in the middle of it, it probably doesn't feel like that right now.

    As for meals - what I sometimes do is prepare several at once ie I make enough lasagne, cottage pie, stew etc for 3-4 meals, eat one and freeze the rest. You can still end up with 2-3 'ding meals' but it's all good stuff with no added rubbish.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • ritwren
    ritwren Member Posts: 928
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Valde it's good your infection seems to be going down but it does sound like your poor feet are having a hard time. Thankfully you're going to see the Rheumy today and will be able to explain everything to them. I do hope things ease off for you soon. In the meantime, good vibes are going your way, you're doing well to hang in there.