Not a great experience THR

elsa56 Member Posts: 98
edited 16. Jan 2014, 10:48 in Living with Arthritis archive
A very belated HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
I had my op done as planned on 14th of December and came out on the Wednesday 18th. I had a bit of a rough time as I couldn't get in or out of bed on my own as my knee was very swollen and painful and today is the first time I have managed it on my own. I was taken back into a different hospital on 21st December with suspected blood clot and infection and total exhaustion which they found out I was very enemic and had to have blood. I did manage to get out of hospital on xmas eve but couldn't do anything for myself. When I got took in by ambulance, I told them what I had done and all the dos and donts that we are told not to do went out of the window. When they moved me off the stretcher my bad leg was twisted round as I was slid onto the bed, I screamed out in agony and have had bad pains in the knee ever since. I'm still feeling positive that I am 50% better than I felt a month ago.
Sorry for the moan but I just needed to get it out of my system...


  • LignumVitae
    LignumVitae Member Posts: 1,972
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Happy new year to you and I really hope things get better. Moan away, it truly sounds like you need to :(
    What a horrible time you have been through. Have you had the replacement reviewed by the surgeon? It sounds like you need some advice if it is still so painful.
    Rest up and I hope things get 50% better again very soon
    ((())) LV
    Hey little fighter, things will get brighter
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Oh dear, I am sorry to read this elsa56, you have been through the mill haven't you? Surgery is tough enough without other things coming along to complicate matters. I know I should remember but I don't - :oops: - am I right in thinking that you were having a hip done but it's your knee which as 'spoiled' things? Anyhoo, I hope you feel better for letting it all out and that things improve from here-on-in. A course of iron tablets may help to keep your red blood cell count up after your transfusion (but a) don't forget the syrup of figs to go with it and b) I am not a doc). I wish you well. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Oh no Elsa ..and there was me telling you what a good experience I had...this is terrible..I struggled getting in and out of bed but manged it the 3rd day..then the clot gosh you have been through it I am so sorry...the twisting your legs was inexcusable..what were they thinking thinking of...I hope the pain subsides for you and hopefully you will be much better off ....and you moan away you deserve it...(((()))xx
  • elsa56
    elsa56 Member Posts: 98
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Now that I'm getting a bit more with it, I'm going to put in a complaint.
    Before I had it done, I was told by the nurse that I was in very safe hands and that if I had any problems that needed hospital attention, all I needed to tell them I had just had THR and they would give me priority .... Six hours I waited before seeing a doctor when I went back in. I needed a wee and I told them that I couldn't sit on the low toilet and the nurse said I would have to because that was all they had so I said well I won't go then. About 20minutes later they came back with a toilet raiser. Then when they checked me over, I was told that I was to stay in bed and use a bed pan. The bed pan was too high and I said I couldn't lift myself onto it and was told to wet the bed!!!! Again they found a smaller one after I refused to do it. I then got moved into a ward with 4 other woman who either had dementure or alsimers all over 80 and I couldn't get any sleep as they were awake all night shouting and walking round the ward and climbing in the wrong beds. I taped them on my phone one night after my blood and being told to rest just to make sure I hadn't gone mad. I was a nervousness wreck all the time I was in there. Ther is still more but my battery is low on my iPad .
  • elsa56
    elsa56 Member Posts: 98
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Happy new year to you and I really hope things get better. Moan away, it truly sounds like you need to :(
    What a horrible time you have been through. Have you had the replacement reviewed by the surgeon? It sounds like you need some advice if it is still so painful.
    Rest up and I hope things get 50% better again very soon
    ((())) LV
    Have my appointment this Thursday to see surgeon , plus another blood test. So should find out if things are on the mend then.
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello again, it's Thursday - have you seen him yet? If so I hope he was able to help and that things are easing. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben