Val's Cafe



  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Bubbles, you are having a rough time at the moment, aren't you? Hope you can enjoy your trip. Think I'll have one of your scones with my cuppa. Thank you.

    It's been a rainy day here too Mig. It felt as if it could turn to snow but hasn't yet.

    Hi Sharon, you sound like another one who loves cake.

    Barbara, are you chasing spiders again? I'm sure Toni will appreciate a coffee if she calls in.

    Karen, hope you got some rest today and your neck is feeling better. Toni drinks macchiatos. They are yummy.

    Rosie, your GD is very good sleeping right through already. 2 of my GC still wake up during the night. They are 1 1/2 and 2 1/2. Poor mum and dad are always tired. My youngest, 10 months, has slept through right from being born. It's lovely being with the babies, isn't it? Lovely being with GC whatever their age.

    Hi Elizabeth, it's terrible that they didn't tell you what the charges would be. You would think they could give you that call for free. Hope you manage to get a good night's sleep tonight. Have a great weekend with your daughters.

    Kath, oh no. Did I pick up the wrong ones? :shock: Glad the itching has eased up.

    My boss's wife was telling me that their oldest son, he was 18 last week, had been reversing out of his girlfriend's drive at 11pm and a car drove past and hit his car. It had to be taken away on the back of a wagon. Poor lad was distraught. They're not sure yet exactly what happened.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning al
    Better keep this shrot..i have a poorly typing with my left hand..i have ice on at the min...i do not want anymore appointments :roll:
    Christine..the poor lad..hope it wasn't his fault..chasing spiders..i love it,,,
    I hope you all have a goodish day...xxxxxx
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hope you feel better soon Barbara ,take it easy. Mig
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks has been going for a good while now...and the crutches are not helping..
    Think i will sit and have a coffee...hope everyone's doing okish...xxxx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone, ended up fiddling with my pc til late yesterday so didn't make it in here in the evening as intended.. sorry there are a few extra aches & pains around, constable hope your neck is easing and your shoulder barbara, any leftover spider's webs will have to wait. Terrified of spiders myself, I can just about cope with catching & putting them out if I have to as long as I'm not in a confined space, but places like the shed & the loft are beyond my bravery.. need to go up in the loft sometime too but keep putting it off.

    Glad you had a good weekend RosieGlow, one of my neighbours has an exotic cat, it is rather an odd thing & not the nicest of natures - I would rather a nice tabby cat myself. :) I found some more info about the T**** cheap shopping delivery slots, it is something they are doing 'in some areas' and only til end of March - supposedly to give people a New Year helping hand (or hook in a few new customers :wink: ), glad I have never signed up to the delivery scheme they have, it would not pay to have done so, at the moment.

    KathleenT if you like teabreads I will bring in my trademark date & banana loaf one day (actually it's just about my only cake I don't really bake); as it's in the cafe, you can put nice thick slabs of butter on it too.

    Going to poke around with my pc again for a bit, that was a nice coffee break.. :D
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Guess what - it's chucking it down again!!

    I managed to get the tablets I needed, just got to wait for the rest to arrive on Friday now.

    MMMMmmmmm, Date and Banana loaf. Sounds gorgeous Toady.

    Applerose, good job it was kitty treats and not doggy chocs or those things you give your dog to make it''s tail wag (B** M*****s) :lol:

    Barbara, now you take Tamoxifen for at least 5 years. I hope you are feeling better.

    Mig, have you seen anything of the sun today? It seems to have gone into hiding where I live.

    Sending everyone a hug. Kath xx

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    It's not here Kathleen. Mig
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Barbara, sorry you are suffering a the mo. And I know how horrible the neck and shoulder area is. You have no relief do you. I am sitting here with m wheat bag around my neck. Barbara, I am so glad you mentioned them to me. I do hope that your pain eases for you.

    I hope everyone else has had a goodish day. And I am sending each one hugs of comfort.

    I think a hot choc and bikky then I am off to bed. Have a good night everyone.
    Karen xx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara, hope your shoulder is feeling better now. Your writing is just as good with your left hand. :lol:

    Toady, I don't mind spiders. In fact, I keep a few in the house to keep the flies down in summer. :lol: Hope you get your pc sorted.

    Kath, I'm glad it wasn't the doggy B M s too. :lol: Chucked it down here a couple of times too. Luckily I avoided it each time.

    Karen, hope the wheat bag is helping.

    Don't know what happened but I thought it was Thursday today. I was supposed to go to my boss's mum's today but went shopping to Ald*'s instead. She usually picks me up from my boss's house when I've finished there but, of course, I wasn't there. I found a few missed calls on my phone and realised what had happened. She laughed about it but I felt very disorientated. When I found out it was Wednesday, I thought I was at the dentist this afternoon. I phoned to check and I'm not there till Friday. Think I'll go in to hibernation for the rest of the winter. :lol:
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well now it's snowing ,oh poo. Mig
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Mig you have snow... :o its cold here but no snow
    Christine...thankyou..I am getting quite good with my left hand ...only kidding its driving me mad
    today I am hopefully resting this blinking all mi cobwebs down.. :) so that will do for now... :)
    Will see you all later...xxxxx
  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Everyone :)

    No snow here Mig :o - just a dull and murky day.

    Barbara, make sure you do rest that neck and shoulder. Blow the cobwebs I say :)

    Karen, did you manage to enlist the help of your doc for the damp problem?
    Hope your neck is a little better today.

    Elizabeth, good luck with the PIP form. We have friends who have a son with autism and they were sent those forms too. He is very disabled - no language, incontinent etc - and they still had to prove he was not fit for work. I couldn't believe it to be honest and thought it a disgrace :x

    Christine, yesterday wasn't a good one for you was it. I have days like that and hubby rolls his eyes and mutters '' - how very dare he :lol:

    Toady, your comment about the lighting in the cafe being questionable made me laugh :) Glad I hadn't lost the plot after all :)

    No Marianne for a few days - hope she's ok.

    Rosie, seeing your granddaughter must have been such a tonic and she sounds so adorable. Hope it isn't too long before you see her again :)

    Better make tracks. Everything takes so long with dragging this plaster about. Hubby has nicknamed me Quasi :lol:

    Love to all not mentioned xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    catie. Re PIP I used to work in a school for disabled children. Most had cerebral palsy and wheelchair bound. One boy we looked after was a hyper tonic quadriplegic and also blind. No mobility and minimal communication skills. (smiles, some vocalisation etc). He had to see a careers officer before he left school!!! :o

    We had snow for about 5 minutes. The window cleaners arrived, so I had to go out in the snow and unlock the back gate so they could get in the garden. :x Then the snow stopped and it rained, but the window cleaners had disappeared. So I had to go out in the rain to lock everywhere up again. :x . It's one of those days. Recycling day too, so another trip out to fetch the bin back Hubby fetched that in, complaining as he had to pick up a load of rubbish they had dropped. :roll: Our estate is a series of courts, no parking space outside our homes, so there's a car park at the end of our row of houses. The bin men take the bins from outside on the path and leave them on the car park. Added to that, we have just had tarmackers working on two patches of the pathway. I think I'll rub today out and start again!! Sorry for being so moany, it's been a bad day. Roll on spring. Hot chocolate and sticky bun for me today - I need the sugar rush. Then I'll just sit quietly in the corner and calm down.

    Hope all are having a bit better day today. xxx

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello folks, grey & miserable here too, not a tiny break in the cloud it's like being smothered with damp flannel. No snow though.

    Catie, I have just 'sighted' marrianne over in LWA, she has had a disappointing time with drs & so forth & will probably need rounding up & fetching in here for hot sweet tea. :( Hope you are coping with working around the plaster, slow as you say, not what you need.

    Hope you got some decent sleep constable, and barbara too, & that resting will help.

    Applerose, I came in here yesterday specifically meaning to reply to your post (mentioning freecycle & disposing of things) & totally forgot, so I wasn't on the ball yesterday either if it's any help. Hope you get on ok at the dentists tomorrow if that appointment is now definitely straightened out! I have used freecycle before, and ebay, and have put out endless charity bags (not to mention filled skips in the past!!) but now I am getting to the less easily got rid of stuff (sentimental, or a bit more valuable, or things I just can't make a decision on &c). I need to carry on with ebay if I can but it's slow going, I have no idea how people list the amount they do :shock: as I have a pretty good idea I couldn't even have kept that up when I was well!

    Hope your snow is just fleeting mig & you feel a little less grumpy. There is a lot of it about today, I think "grumpy cat" is called for.

    Bah to your window cleaners Kath.. your bins sound an awkward arrangement especially if there is much snow, having to fetch them back from the car park. I will join you in a sticky bun :) actually the doggy drops don't sound like a half bad idea, I mean aren't they mean to aid health & vitality & give you a glossy coat? :lol:
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all
    Karen forgot to say...glad you like the wheatbags...i have 4 on the go...but ice is helping my shoulder at the must be inflamed..hope you get some relief very soon
    Catie poor you having to drag the cast round, sorry if you have said..but how long is it on for
    Kath..our binmen leave ours 4 doors away...what a shame you had to go out in the snow...and ddint even get the widows cleaned...hope your day picks up...
    We still have work going on in the rd so it is closed...10 weeks...we have a long detour..but the upside the rd is sooo quiet... :)
    hello toady thanks for letting us know about Marianne..will go and get her...
  • MrOptimist
    MrOptimist Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Catie, you tell Andrew he needs to make an appointment at Specsavers.... Quasi indeed :).

    Lots of chat in the cafe - pleased to see you are all coping pretty well :)

    Barbara, don't leave those hands too long. I genuinely think you would have a much better quality of life afterwards :).

    Best wishes to all :)
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Love grumpy cat.Better today was just grumpy .Mig
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yes I love the grumpy cat...poor you say the weather doesn't help...
    MrO..thankyou ..have to make mind mind up do I have my other hip done first or my hand...but at the min my shoulder is grumbling...think it might be to much typing... :oops: hope you are keeping well... :)
    My lovely Indian neighbour is giving me a massage tonight...I cant wait... :D
    Leaving some hugs for anyone that needs them...((((()))))
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Snow Mig. We don't have any here yet but don't think it will be long.

    Catie. He doesn't know what he's talking about. :lol: And name-calling? Tut tut. :lol:

    Kath, I think sometimes these people just read a list of to-dos and go ahead with them instead of using their brains. If I'm at home, I offer to open the back gate for the window cleaner but he says no, he'll use his ladder and climb up on to the shed roof to get over. I think it's because he has to go next door as well and our sheds are joined together so he'd have to climb over theirs anyway. Sounds as if you are having a bad day. Mine was yesterday. Tomorrow's another day, hopefully much better for you.

    Toady, so I wasn't the only one not quite with it yesterday. yes, it's the dentist tomorrow. Just hope I remember. My sister had a good idea for when you need to get rid of things but feel you can't part with them. She takes a photograph of the items. They take up much less room. I had some of the doggy drops and felt much better today. :lol:

    Hope Marrianne is getting things sorted out.

    Barbara, hope the ice is making your shoulder feel better. Maybe your neighbour can help with that while she is doing your massage.

    My O, hope things are good with you.

    I went to my boss's mum's today. As we were chatting, she told me that as she is getting older (she is 80 now and very active but lost her husband a year ago), she is wondering what will happen when she can no longer look after herself. She doesn't want to go in to a care home and doesn't want to be a burden on her family. She asked me why her GP would not give her a pill. I didn't dare ask her if she had actually asked for one or if she was referring to the fact that euthanasia is illegal in this country.
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to everyone ,Its great to be back ,its warm in here its terrible out the snow didnt settle here but last night just couldnt get warm ,will have some thick white evil but yummy doorstep toast swimming in best butter and chunky marmalade and read back .Hope all is well with you lovely girls and Mr O ..I am just starting to feel some benefit from my recent steroid jab and spotted Toadys grumpy cat pix :lol: What a star yes a very grumpy face but what a beauty. hugs to all ((((()))))Marrianne :)
  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Marrianne and everyone :)

    Marrianne, lovely to see you back in the cafe and so pleased that the jab is helping you. Bet you enjoyed your toast :)

    Christine, I think I would have been wondering what she actually meant as well :? We have an elderly neighbour (90 in July) who calls in to make sure I'm ok :). He walks at least 2 miles a day and isn't on any medication at all - he's amazing :)

    Kath, when I hear stories like that, I wonder about what happened to common sense. I feel so sad for the parents who seem to have to fight one battle after another - that should never be.

    Toady, loved 'grumpy cat' :lol:

    Barbara, just a few weeks until I see the foot doc. I've been told that when the plaster is off, I will then have to wear a boot and then more physio. Neverending - as you know. Is your neck and shoulder a little better today?

    We woke at 4 am as there were a couple of owls calling to each other. Often hear them in the autumn, but not usually in winter. Hubby wondered if it was because of the mild weather. Gosh it was noisy, but I love to know that they are there :)

    Love to you all xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..just been to see the nurse at my GPs my bloods test came back...kidney reading up again..and its poring down
    Marianne its good to see you..I hope that injections carry's on bringing you some relief...
    Catie...I have seen the boots when I have been to physio a moon should be more comfortable for you...
    Christine I had a lovely massage..I could fall asleep when she is doing it...the poor must be so scary when you are old and on your own..its something I worry about..maybe she needs help with helped my father when we lost our mum... :( don't you wish you could help..
    I feel for all these people that are flooded and count myself lucky...hope everyone's safe and warm..
    Will see you later xxxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Continuation of yesterday really. Window cleaners came back and cleaned the windows - only for it to chuck it down a couple of hours later :roll: So glad we don't live in one of the areas where they've had flooding already.

    Barbara, I'm sorry your blood test wasn't as good as it could be.

    Catie, how lovely to hear owls. All we hear are Magpies and pigeons. Wow, walking regularly at 90. My dad's 83, and he's not too bad although currently on steroids for arthritis - we know all about that don't we girls and boys!!

    I also loved the grumpy cat. How do you put a photo on here???

    It's so cold today I've put tights underneath my leggings and a pair of socks too. :shock: a T-shirt, two jumpers and a fleece, with a scarf round my neck. I nearly put a hat on too but thought that might be overkill. The heating is on now, so I'll probably end up stripping off - OO-er Mrs :o

    I hope everyone has kept warm today and not had any snow. Hate snow, looks nice in pictures but don't want it outside my house. Hugs Kath xx

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone ,Kath T , :oops rosy cheeks with that lot on ,I am heading for my bed shortly will be wearing bed socks o\h pjs ..vest jumper,hope you didnt have to brave the cold to much today ,Our bin men have the worst system now up one side first thing ... then lunch time they come back and do our side .Barbara I am sorry about the blood tests but hope you enjoyed your lovely massage think it was last night :) Catie hope you wont find the boot to uncomfortable ...good for kicking naughty people :lol: and it will give you even better support hope your better soon certainly for the better weather if we ever have it Christine hope you are not in to much pain re the dentist and you didnt get cold or soaked should be better weather Sunday Toady glad grumpy cat cheered Mig up from yesterday and looking out for Elizabeth Sharon Karen and lovely RosieGlow Mr Optomist hope you are all keeping warm and happy its been a very quiet day in the cafe but its a great place to be ((((((())))))Marrianne
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks Kath these blood test are up and down.. :roll: no what you mean about the heating...I am the same freezing then start to boil over..hope you are now nice and cosy
    Marianne..yes its nice in the cafe...I had a lovely massage..I could honestly fall asleep when she is doing it...but she is chatting away so have to answer her.. :lol: tonight the baby has just left and there are two GDs here one 12 and one 16...they are on there beds with there phones....when I think my friends used to ring the local phone box for me...and that is true..whoever picked up the phone thy would ask them to get me ..just at the end of the street I rambling... :?
    Will have a cuppa and a piece of cake...hope everyone's well and warm..xxxx

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