Val's Cafe
Marrianne, I'm having one of those times when I can't get warm. I've got on a big woolly jumper, a chunky woolly cardi and a fleecy throw wrapped round me and the heating on but still feel cold. Glad the steroid jab is kicking in.
Catie, how wonderful that your neighbour checks on you at his age. My DIL's grandad is soon to be 90 and he walks a couple of miles in to town and back each day to get his paper and few bits of shopping. He lives on his own and manages fairly well. He won't take medication either. Just like my boss's mum, they both say what will be, will be. I know it must seem as if it will be forever before your foot is better again but you will get there. I hear an owl every once in a while somewhere in the distance. I think their hoot carries for several miles so no idea where it actually is.
Barbara, sorry to hear your kidney reading is up. This rain is enough to get you down, isn't it? Yes, I think my boss's mum is depressed at the moment. Her daughter lives about 60 miles away and wants her to go and live with her but that means leaving my boss and his family. She is living in a very big 4 bedroom house and has no friends. She says she has never had friends and doesn't like being around people. She doesn't even visit her family because she feels she is intruding. I don't know what the young ones would do without their phones. If we had to go back to only phoneboxes, they'd be lost.
So you're cold today too Kath. I was ok while I was out but started to feel cold at home so heating on and wrapped up with several layers. No snow here yeet but I'm sure it'll be here soon.
Thanks Marrianne, no pain at the dentist. I need a new denture. Had the imprints taken last week. This week, the dentist used a wax copy of my denture to get a proper imprint of where all my teeth sit. She put it in my mouth and I had to bite down on it. She removed bits that were in the way and kept trying in till it fitted perfectly. Next week, I'll get an exact wax copy of the new one. I can then let her know if there's anything wrong with it, including the colour the the week after, I'll get the real thing.
Thank goodness works finished for the week. It felt like a long one probably because I thought Wednesday was Thursday so I feel as if I've done an extra day. Hope everyone has a good weekend.Christine0 -
Morning all
Very cold here..mind you it is February...already..not long till spring...
Christine it such a shame for your bosses mum...she must feel so cut off..I hope she can either move in with her daughter or the other way round..what a palaver at the dentist..I have only had that done once quite a while ago no and the clay made me gag..hope it all goes ok with the fitting..
We have 2 GDs here one up and one in I will have a coffee and then get going...not heard off Coco since her journey down south hope it all went well...will see you all later..xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Morning all, Bitter cold here icy wind.Waiting for middle son to arrive we going to the I**A need a rug for kitchen , given the new cooker a wipe down though it didnt need it.Going to pub for lunch. Mig0
Hi Barbara Christine and Mig ,just popping in for a quick coffee after town .. missed my bus but in time to watch the start of the rugby ,Mig glad your feeling better and hope you get a nice rug ,Barbara sounds like your having a busy day but its lovely having the G/C ... I miss my little one well she is 16 yr now so she is always busy hope you mannage rests to ,Christine oh your teeth will be lovely next week but as Barbara says its such a long winded back and forth pulaver hope you can get warm as well its like no matter how many layers when you get that feeling of ice water blood ,got to watch the chillblains to
Goodness I do sound old dont I
I " L be saying and no sitting on radiators next Everybody I hope your all having a lovely weekend (((())))Marrianne
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Had to go shopping this morning. Lovely sunshine, but BRRRRR that icy wind. It bit me in several places
. I should have put a warmer hat on - cold ears!!
applerose, the only time I'm warm is when I'm in bed. The thought of snuggling down under the duvet sounds very inviting right now.
I think a piece of Ginger Parkin and a cup of redbush would help to perk me up again.
Kath xx"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi Kath, Barbara, Mig, Catherine, Marrianne and all who have pottered in the cafe.
Dentists, grand children, shopping, worrying about neighbours, as we do.
Hope everyone has kept safe and are keeping warm. It is a howling gale outside, lashing rain, well, horizontal rain. Have shut the curtains and have the tv on, to pretend it is not really bending the trees all around us.
Still continuing with family health issues, but glad we went to visit the hospital the other day, typical ex nurse, I had eyes like a chameleon, going in all directions. Things seem to be progressing to treat the symptoms and to build s in law up, with respite care at their local Hospice (a fabulous place, with such a caring and dedicated team). Once we had calmed everyone at the mere mention of the word Hospice, it is only for a short time, to get her back on her feet again, so I think everyone has stopped panicking.
We went out for lunch today, just us, no in laws, no family, just us. I thought it was a bit selfish, but we had to have to down time, we are both pretty jaded, I know I am. Fybro is rearing its very ugly head and my back is singing a screechy opera at me.
That is usually a sign for cups of T and a nap in bed. There are some cream donuts and a platter of millionaires shortbread. I will away and tuck into some maltesers, ( they help me rest, honest )
Everyone take lots of care, XXX BubblesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hi Bubbles ,Its lovely to see you back ,and with all the family and other issues goodness your so entitled to just you two time
And I hope you had a lovely times ,Yes curtains drawn here to just settling down to the England /France Rugby love it Hi To Kath to hugs to all ((()))Marrianne
0 -
OH forgot Ginger Parkin for Kath ,And I big box of maltezers for Bubbles as long as get some jaffa cakes and any left over christmas cake0
Hello everyone, it's been busy since I was in I see, I have been skimming back over.. had a quick read yesterday on my phone that's all.
Marrianne I had thick toast & marmalade after reading your post so the power of suggestion was working well there, very nice it was too. Glad to hear your steroid jab is kicking in & hope it lasts you a good long time. They certainly saved my bacon while I was waiting for other things to happen. I see you & everyone is piling on the warm layers, I hate the cold but I hate being bundled up in winter clothes too (don't like being constricted) so I tend to just suffer and complain.
Glad everyone loves grumpy cat tookath, I've made a little 'how to add pics' post beneath to keep it separate.
Did you get your kitchen rug mig, I'm so lucky to have internet shopping as an option so I don't feel nearly as bad that I can't go to every shop I used to, & in my area 2 more shops have closed this week; there will be not many left to go to physically at this rate. :shock:
Applerose that is a very good idea of your sister's about taking photos; sometimes only the actual item will do to bring back memories, but for other things a picture would do just as well, I'll try it, thanks. I braved the loft yesterday (go me) and turned out some rubbish. Also found 2 dollies' chairs in a trunk I thought was empty - have just sold the matching dollies' table and 1 chair on ebay, so they would turn up now after donkey's years of course.
I would love to hear owls again too, had no idea they were so loud it is a lovely sound.
Sorry long post I can't seem to write short ones but will try. I'll trade some maltesers for one of those individual chocolates in a whirly shape with a certain nut on the top & a filling, you know the ones, I have a box here. Glad you had a nice quiet lunch bubbles on your own, not much to ask, is it. Kettle on for me I think; how is the shoulder today barbara, sit with me for a bit and rest it up..
xx to everyone.0 -
Adding pictures; you can add pictures using the 'Img' option (which is above where you compose your post, with the things like bold & italic &c). Just pick an image eg from a g**g** search, leftclick on it, then go to the 'view image' link and not the 'view page' one. Copy the address & when you are writing your post, click on the Img tab, and paste the address you've copied between the tags that will appear. There is a size restriction on this forum, I think it is 200 x 200 pixels. One of these days when I get round to it I will post a 'Toady's How to Post Pictures' thread & include instructions for posting your own photos as it's a bit more fiddly.0
Hi Toady ,Glad your back ,I hope your feeling better ,Yes the cold does not help anyone and all the pulling things on and off does not do the joints any favours at all Going to have a go at putting pix thanks for the help above will read through in a minute ,Missed the end of the rugby
honestly thought England were going to do .....telephone call 15 mins to end so didnt see the result .. Mig said it all
anyway watching the voice in bed nice and warm at last and hope you and all the gang are having a good evening to hugs to all((((())))Marrianne
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Got two large doormats in brown and black pattern.also got some silicone utensils for the new pans we got with Xmas money ,they look good one the new cooker.
Ate the rest of the Xmas chocs after the rugby to cheer myself up,hubbies a Scot so shall cheer Scotland on tomorrow.Mig0 -
Hope you got your rug Mig and enjoyed your lunch. Just noticed you posted just before me so see you got some rugs and utensils for your new cooker.
Marrianne, the kids are always busy aren't they? I don't see much of my two older GC as they are always off doing something.
Kath, it's only 8.30 and I feel like going to bed now. Cosying down in bed does sound rather inviting at the moment.
Bubbles, I can understand people panicking when they hear the word hospice but glad they have calmed down now that they realise it is only temporary. You did the right thing just the two of you going out for lunch. You need some quiet me time every now and again. Hope the fybro eases up a bit.
Toady, although a lot of shops are closing, we seem to have a few opening now in our town and the next big town. Hopefully, that means things are improving in our area. There have been times I've taken things to a charity shop and then found bits of them in the loft months later. I write long posts too but feel I have to to mention everyone.
Freezing cold here too and very windy. I'm trying to ignore it. A friend in Nottingham lost her power for a few hours but it is back on again. I feel so sorry for those people who keep getting flooded.
I came across my dad's cousin on Facebook the other day and have managed to contact him. Dad has never met him but has often wondered where he is and how he is so I'll be passing on his address and phone number. He has also told me he has lots of family tree stuff he is willing to post me.
I'm off to bed now to watch Casualty. If I can keep my eyes open. Hope everyone has a good night.Christine0 -
Blimey busy in here..
Mig glad you got a couple of mats and some utensils..we nearly went to I**a today..but changed our minds
Toady thanks for that I used photob**ket but it stopped working so will try your way
bubbles glad you had some time out have had such a stressful time
Kath it was the same here..the sun then it went dark and was so cold...I have 3 wheatbags on the go here
Marianne our eldest GD is 16..then one 12 and the baby is 17months..and we have a step GD who we love she is 9..yes busy but bliss..Iim forever putting layers on taking them off..
Is that sorry If I have missed you but I did read through then mi meds not mi age...
Think I will have a tea..and some ginger cake...xxxxxx
Christine just spotted you lovely finding your dads cousin..I bet he will love to catch up enjoy of my favorites xxLove
Barbara0 -
Morning all
The sun is shinning much better than the dark wet days...
Out for lunch today...with one I am looking forward to it
I will put the kettle on warm the grill..and do some cleaning while Toni's away..we have let standards drop... :roll:
Will see you all later...xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Lovely sunny day but bitter cold,must have been windy in the night peg bag blew off the washing line so been picking them up .
Spaghetti and meatballs for tea with garlic bread,hubbies having beef grill and cauliflower cheese.
Watching Scotland this afternoon hope it's better than yesterday.Take care all Mig0 -
Hello to all ,Barbara yes its a lovely morning at last still a bit nippy but wrapped up warm its nice ,Pub lunch on the agenda for me looking forward to no cooking so will help with some cafe chores to
no idea where the cat is she has not been seen for a few days I shall put a bowl of sardines on the step to tempt her back ,Mig hope you got all your pegs back we had bins over last week ....grr the rugby hope to be back in time your Scotland I think as is my son in law ...but my money has to be on Ireland in the spirit of friendship but I am probably going to be disapointed hope everyone is having a good sunday to ((()))Marrianne
0 -
Thanks for the 'how to' Toady. Shows how observant I am, hadn't noticed the Img button until you pointed it out!! :roll:
Had the fright of our lives last night. Sat watching the telly, when we heard an almighty crash. OH tried to look out of window but ended up going outside as he thought it might have been our fence. Mercifully it wasn't, so we don't know what it was :shock:
Hugs to all, hope you're keeping warm.
Kath xx"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Quieter in here people are taking their time over their pub lunches obviously - good show - have some apple pie & a coffee, go on (go on, go on)
Definitely better for being sunny though it's going to drop down fast now.. listed a couple of ebay items & tackled a grim untidy corner of spare room, that's me for housework, so I will do some washing up in here as we are having a tidying blitz.
Lovely kitty kathwish I could draw. The Img button does not exactly jump out at you, to be honest. Wonder what your crash was - I always assume it's fences or the bins, hopefully it's nothing of yours & just a neighbour's bin and nothing worse.
Will be back in later to catch up on hellos to others, just a quick visit - see everyone later on.0 -
I got the cat from a search Toady, just as a test really. I wish I could draw too. What I really wanted to do was put a photo of me to give you all a laugh (or scare you, I don't know which).
The only thing we could see that might have accounted for the noise was that a plastic garden chair next door was lying down. But it might have already been like that, I never checked. I don't like looking over there much as they have a Doberman, and they don't clean up after her very often - and they have little kids too.Yuk!!
If that apple pie has cinnamon in it I'll have an extra large piece and sit by the fire to warm up a bit.
Sorry I missed everyone. Hopefully see you all tomorrow.
Kath xx"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
evening all
Mig sorry about the was on in the pub so was very noisy..but didnt bother me...had a lovely meal
Marianne hope you enjoyed your pub lunch..I do such little cooking now think I have forgotten how to
Kath I love the late brother used to draw animals....wish I could drw ..the thing is I was good at school..not a clue what went wrong...wonder what the bang was...
Toady thanks for the apple pie..didn't have a sweet in the pub...honest :oops:
Still got one GD she will be going to school from here ...that means up before 7..but who cares....
I will have a cuppa with my apple pie...I hope all the cafe dwellers are doing okish xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
'Lo again all. Have come in as a change from wrestling with a well-known audiobook website, what a pain some of these sites are, and the other one as well that sells music & books to people with a certain brand of device. Sorted I think but they do make things difficult for you.
Barbara, glad you enjoyed the apple pie especially as you abstained at lunchHaving to get up before 7, oh dear, it's not often I have to and if I do, well it's not exactly with a smile and a song, let's just say. I do use photobu**et still for ebay and used to here (for own photos), but I do remember having problems with it, will give it a proper test out again.
Hi to mig & marrianne - I don't watch the rugby but I sympathise with you, especially missing the last 15 minutes (or maybe that was less painful than watching). Hope the sardines have gone by tonight, too cold out for cats, will check.
How nice to find your Dad's cousin applerose - how far afield is he, will he & your Dad be able to get together? Finally found the details of a missing great-great-someone of mine recently which was great to pass the info on to my aunt.kathleenT wrote:..I don't like looking over there much as they have a Doberman, and they don't clean up after her very often - and they have little kids too.Yuk!!
A Doberman, ugh. Small children, ugh...seriously that sounds horrible, and I would not really trust a Doberman with kids would you.. even if people think their own dog is 100% trustworthy I would have doubts.
I'll post my further pic-posting instructions sometime and you can spring your 'selfie' on us when you think we are ready for it.0 -
Will look forward to your pic posting lessons Toady. Mig0
Morning all
Gd hubby just taken GD to school ...he will arrive back around 15 past 9 ready for a cuppa..
Mig yes I look forward to Toady's pic session
Toady Photobu** t is hard work sometimes....sorry you had probs with the sites....
Well the sun is rising here ..and the sky looks lovely hope it stays that way..
I will put the the kettle on...and have a min by the window...
See you all later xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Just missed you by seconds Barbara ,Well of coffee girl this morning usualy soya milk mug full and nig teaspoon of decafe ..micro wave o/h settles for tea to .MY TYPOS this morning would certainly benefit eith Toadys thread on all things posting ,Guess the pub lunch wiped me out a little yesterday so did not get back ,Barbara I am glad you had a lovely time even though it was quite noisy
once again I missed a fair ammount of the rugby ,but hope Mig is not to bothered and lookinf forward to The Ireland Welsh fixture and the big thighs
Loveing all the cats well Toadys grumpy one and Kaths drawing ....our cuddles has been back during the last 48 hours the sardines are gone but I havent seen her yet so today I am leaveing tunna in oil and fingers crossed all hugs to Christine Rosieglow Bubbles Caty Elizabeth Karen cocoa Mr O missing Toni very much I hope the week is good for Lucy to we are all thinking about them apologise if I ddnt mention all our lovely girls but I am sending hugs (((())))
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