Val's Cafe



  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all,Gasping for a cuppa and a biscuit.
    Still cold here and very cloudy,hubby just put bin out and left all the doors open ! :roll:
    Sausage and mash for tea.
    Gonna have a go at Toadys picture lesson. Mig
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    yeh me yeh me
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mig that looks delicious I count on you to give me an appetite... :D onion gravy yum..
    Marianne sorry I missed you..surprising how a pub lunch can knock you out.. :? some days I think I will really push myself and see how much I can do..then you can guess..what has happened to my fit body...honest I was... :) kitty has been quiet but like you say the sardines have gone unless we have rats... :shock: I will go and find her could do with a cuddle.. :D see you later..xxxx
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara that's a google picture I was trying Toadys posting lesson. Mig
  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Everyone :)

    It's gorgeous here today - lots of sun - and spring feels like it's just around the corner. To think that this time last year the ground was covered in that white stuff - a different picture entirely.

    Toady, I hadn't even noticed the icons before you said :oops: . It's nice to see the pics on here - I will have to have a go :). Mind you, I'm still struggling with Windows 8 :wink:

    We just had a knock on the door and a chap asked if he could clear our garage of junk and recycle it. He explained that he was 58 and had just lost his job. Times must be bad as this seems to be happening a lot lately. I'm not easily 'taken in' and realise that some people might not be genuine, but my feeling has been that a lot of them of late, have been. It's certainly a tough old life for some folk.

    Hope everyone is well as they can be. Love to all xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    mig wrote:
    Barbara that's a google picture I was trying Toadys posting lesson. Mig
    Mig I dont care still give me a appetite... :lol:
    Catie its so sad..we had a oldish man come round with flyers...odd job man..must say its only weeks ago and he is doing really well..I think we were all waiting for someone to offer him work to see if he was one time we wouldn't have worried...such a shame....hope you are doing ok...we don't have the sun but at least its dry.. :)
    I am having a lazy day will sit and have another cuppa..see you all
  • RosieGlow
    RosieGlow Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone,

    Wow, there`s a lot been happening. You know what though, coming in here is like being enveloped in a soft, fluffy duvet, and being given a massive group hug. Thanks lovely ladies.....and you too Mr O.

    I`ve been getting out and about in the car as much as possible during the last week. It`s always so sad saying goodbye to my family, especially now we have the beautiful babies, so I try to take my mind off it. I don`t let them see that when they`re leaving, but I`m sure they know. Both my lovely lads are very good at keeping in touch on a daily basis, and I appreciate it.

    At the moment the cold weather is making the dropped right foot, and general post op neuropathy worse, and my balance is not great, so I feel safer at home just now. I`m still waiting for an appointment to see about getting the splint. As soon as I feel fully confident again, and the weather improves, I`ll be off to visit the babies.....well, that`s my hope.

    I send you all my loving thoughts, and I`ve just put a little posy of freesias next to Lucy`s candle. Toni , if you look in my love, all my thoughts and prayers are with you......Much love.....Rosie.x.
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I agree with all you said re: Doberman's etc toady. It barks at everything too. I hate having to go outside when she is in their yard.

    I'm feeling a bit upset today. We recorded a program called 'In these four walls' last night. It was a sad program anyway, as it was the opposite of Benefits Street. All those on it were trying their best to get work and look after their families. There was also a bit about older people too. First the baby of one family died. Then at the end it put photos of two of the older people who had also died since the program was made. I'll be crying again tomorrow, as we are recording the program about WWI by Jeremy Paxman. That always sets me off :cry::cry::cry:

    Oh, there's the cat, think I'll have a quick cuddle to cheer me up. Mig's pic has made me hungry - I love sausage and mash. But I've been a good girl and had some mackerel today. Love that too. So will just settle for hot chocolate.

    Keep indoors where it's warm, but I'm sure I don't need to tell you that. Hugs.

    Kath xx

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Kath, it is no use whatsoever me watching anything sad these days :cry: I would be in floods. Show me an ad with a homeless dog and I am as good as off.. the worst of when they put up that thing you mentioned, to say 'since this was recorded etc etc', is when you have not seen it coming at all - and you have just followed some person all through a programme & got immersed in their life, and then that's what you get at the end. I suppose if you are recording sad wartime things you know what you are in for! Hard going but of course it is good to watch these things if you can muster up the sticking power.

    Cuddles will cheer you up :) give him/her a kiss & enjoy your hot choc, toady. x
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Kath, there's a big dog next door to me. It's never allowed in the house so it is always barking and crying. A few years back, it attacked a young boy who had looked over the fence. It has also attacked a few dogs, throwing them up in the air. They have 2 teenagers and a little one who is 3. It scares me when I hear the little one outside playing with him. I was like you over Xmas, crying at the least little thing, even the adverts. I didn't see that programme but it did sound very sad.

    Toady, my dad's cousin lives over 300 miles away but they will be able to talk over the phone. It's great finding family you didn't know about or who you've never known, isn't it?

    Marrianne, have you been watching big thighs on tv? :shock: :lol: Hope you enjoyed your pub lunch.

    Mig, typical man leaving the doors open. Don't they understand it lets the heat out and the cold in. Hope you didn't get too cold. That dinner looks rather yummy.

    Barbara, I often have a long list of things to do but rarely get them done. Sometimes I get quite frustrated, other times I just think never mind. It'll do for tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed your lazy day.

    Catie, white stuff? I've got my fingers tightly crossed we won't see any this year. I had someone knock on my door a short while ago asking if he could take away some things I had in my back garden. I wasn't sure but, as you say, things are tough for some people at the moment.

    Rosie, it is sad leaving your family after a visit. I think boys are in one of 2 categories. They either only phone home if they need something or they phone regularly. I'm lucky, like you. My son phones regularly. Hope you get your splint soon. I'm hoping to go and visit 2 of my GC sometime soon too.

    Finished another jigsaw tonight but I'm not doing any more. I have been sitting way too much and not getting anything done round the house. The hoover at work developed a hole in the hosepipe. When I told my boss's wife, she said he had already ordered a new one. I thought she meant a new hosepipe but when I went in today, there was a brand new hoover. :shock:
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Rosie..I do feel for you having to say goodbye to your family especially the babies...hopefully in summer you will see more of them..its good to be busy but not easy for try and keep positive....its good you haveus lot to talk to... :)
    Christine....I am tempted to start a jigsaw...but like you say I would sit to much ...its bad enough with my comp... :oops:
    Kath I am more emotional than anything makes me cry.....hope you enjoyed the cuddle..we have 4 cats next door...and one more or less lives here he is massive so plenty to get hold of.. :D
    Toady my hubby is has bad...he can cry at anything .. :)
    The sun is shinning..and hopefully I will get out for an hour...we have rd works ..and they have barriers across from our drive so wish us luck...
    I am thinking of everyone that is missing...especially our Toni and Lucy my prayers go out to me..will see you all later xxxxxxxx
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Everyone ,Yesterday was such a mixture of happy and sad ,not unlike the weather ,I went for a float I cannot mannage even slow breaststroke because it pulls my shoulders and hurts my osteo/knee .. when I joined last year I was definately stronger,but the people are nice and similar age with various joint issues to,.........Just missed 2 buses from town but finnaly home and thinking CAFE ....lovely warm quiet always some one nice to chat to and Cuddles to stroke ...........MIGS sausage peas onion gravy mash would go down A TREAT just now hugs to all Marrianne((((()))))
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sadly the girls have gone home now but we had a lovely weekend. Its not often I have all 5 of my children in the house at the same time. We had our Chinese pig-out and spag bol the next day, trivial pursuit and 1 daughter helped me put some pics on the lappy at long last. Plus we had a sing-song with 1 daughter on the guitar. Dan chucked all the coffee down the sink we'd especially bought for the girls plus a spare one I had in the cupboard!

    Tumble drier blew up on Friday too so had to get a new one but luckily the girls don't bring their washing. searching for a new dishasher to save my achig legs but bewildered by all the choice. I keep thinking I've narrowed it dow but then see another.....

    Had some victoria sponge and tea to warm me up as a tad chilly today.

    How lovely you made contact with your Dad's cousin Applerose.

    I missed in these 4 rooms. will have to look on catch-up.

    Marianne I can't seem to swim at all anymore. My body has lost the coordination.

    Well off to do my caring role! love to all. will try and get some time to post but still struggling with the PIP rubbish.

    Elizabeth x
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 4. Feb 2014, 11:13
    Hello marrianne & everyone :) sorry you had a mixed sort of day yesterday, it is so cold today you were brave to go into town & hope you got what you wanted - relying on buses is a nuisance, I hope you had some shelter while waiting for yours. We have 1 an hour round here & it doesn't go the route it used to which was a much more useful one. Used to have 1 every 15 mins! No doubt they will try & cut them back further one of these days..

    It is certainly better off in here than at a cold bus stop, much much warmer. I will be having vegetarian sausage for lunch if that is any help but probably not - they are not bad at all though.

    Glad Cuddles is having some fuss, & guess what? I found a small hedgehog on the cafe doorstep this morning that had woken up a bit early, so I have brought her in (no fleas & ticks honest! :wink: ) and put her in an empty crisp box with a blanket in. When it's warmer she can wake up properly and be popped outdoors again. So no rats Barbara - just a hedgehog snaffling the sardines! :lol:

    Lots of bluebells on their way up in the garden so something to look forward to.

    Catie mentioned Wind*ws 8, I am still on XP Pro here & resisting any upgrade but may have to think about it now they are withdrawing support for xp - I have an eccentric filing system of my own & the thought of moving my stuff over to a new OS and having all my stuff resorted A-Z or something fills me with horror. :o

    Keep warm everyone, think I'll make some nice extra milky coffee thanks to tinkerbell - toady x

    Hi tkachev just missed seeing your post - what was the idea behind jettisoning the coffee?! Good luck with your dishwasher, I can't make decisions on new appliances etc I am getting worse for indecisiveness & worrying I'll make the wrong choice. Need to become less of a wavy mavy! (arkwright's stores if you remember).
  • RosieGlow
    RosieGlow Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone,

    Just been fighting with a memory foam topper.....I beat the bu**er!!!

    I`m normally in the biggest bedroom, but moved into one of the smaller ones when my family were here. I`m used to memory foam, and really missed it. I also felt a lot warmer, as the main bedroom is really big, although my son had the window open, claiming it was too hot. Well he hasn`t got Arthur has he? - thank the Lord!. Soooo, I decided to stay put, and ordered the topper. I`d forgotten how heavy and awkward they can be. Still all done now, and looking forward to bedtime.

    Also bought a small deep fat fryer, so going to have chips and egg for my tea. Have to be careful not to use it too often, as I don`t want to put the weight I lost back on. A little treat now and then won`t do me any harm. In fact I think I`ll have some butties and a mug of tea with it. I`m all class!

    Much love to all.......Rosie.x.
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Hope you have all had a good day.

    Rosie, me and hubby have the smallest bedroom. We only have a two up and two down. So, we are crammed into a tiny room. But the girls need the space so we don't mind.

    Not been around again so sorry I haven't read back. Physio again today, then 1 more session. He really knows how to make me nearly cry with the pain. I know, no pain no gain. But it's not just the one shoulder now, it's both. Oh well, I think we know now that once it starts creeping in, it doesn't stop.

    Sending big hugs to all of you.
    Karen xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    evening all did well there I haven't floated for a long is nice coming in the cafe... :D
    Elizabeth its nice to see you..the house must be so strange without them all..hope you get the forms sorted they dont make things easy
    Rosie..good for you ..what counts is that you did it..and like you say beat it brilliant..they are not easy...I could do with a deep aft fryer..hubby scare me when I go to bed and he puts the chip pan on.. :roll:
    Toady the hedgehog will be safe and warm in here...we had a family of them last year...sadly one of the babies died but we were thrilled the others was the farm nearby that takes the credit they look after sick animals.. :D
    I have had a lovely half day out...took my chariot..and rode and walked...and ended up in a tea room...were else... :lol:
    did Elizabeth mention cake... :D
    Hello Karen its lovely to see you..only sorry they have hurt can be so blinking painful...I hope Tony is doing ok ...and the girls xx
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    [*][*]Back to feed Cuddles vist baby hedgehog and raid that biscuit tin ,,steroid injection cold weather ....equals GREED ....Oh Karen I am so sorry it hurt today I will get you some tea and hot butterd toast ,Toady Hedgehogs are wonderful :lol: Rats are not ..but they are good to the babies Rosieglow well done winning the tussle with the duvet and yes I to Wonderd why Elizabeth lost the coffee down the sink .....Looking for Christine Barbara CatyMig Bubbles Kath Cocoahope you are all well today ((()))Marrianne
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Barbara ,Well I just missed you by seconds,Hope you ad a good day to .I miss Toni s little people cleaning toilets and scrubbing floors .I have no idea how she did them perhaps Toady could show us hugs Marrianne ,Did I mention Bubbles to havent seen her for a couple of days ,I hope all is well
  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good Evening :)

    This afternoon I had a visit from a neighbour's children. There are 4 of them ranging from 4 to 10. They were so excited because the queen had passed their school in the car. I asked them what she was like :wink: . The eldest said she was 'so beautiful'. The next one, that she was 'very royal'. The third one, that she had a 'kind face'. However, the youngest (with a very cross look on his face), said he was very disappointed. I asked him why and he replied that she was not wearing her crown lol. Bless him, I guess a lot of the youngsters were expecting to see that as well :) That little visit gave me such a boost - just love the way children chatter on :)

    Lovely to see so many in the cafe today. I also miss Toni. Her cheerful presence and kind words. Crikey, what's she going to say about the cafe.... Right I'll get the hoover out and put the duster around.

    Hope everyone is as well as can be. Love to all xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    here you go Marianne...just for you.. a065.gif c045.gif they are cosgan smillies..just like the ones at the side but off the cosgan site
    Catie me too I could listen to children all day they do lift you...did the queen really go past... :) the only royal I have seen was princess Anne many years ago...I am getting the bus all ready for spring...we can go anywhere you want..maybe pay Toni a surprise visit.. :Dp065.gif see you all tomorrow..xxxxx
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara thankyou for those smilies wish that I could crack on like that my knees havent touched the floor for years ,Catie its lovely how the kids just say it as they see :) Goodnight Barbara Caty and everyone ,It would be lovely if we could all go somewhere on the coach I hope Lucy and Toni and the family are haveing a good night to hugs Marrianne9(())))
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara, that was my problem. I was spending all my time either doing a jigsaw or on the internet. :o Hope you didn't have to climb over the barriers. What a surprise you ending up in a tea room. :lol: I do like a cuppa and a cake when I'm out and about. Good to see the bus again.

    Hope you enjoyed your float Marrianne. I am thinking of going. I'm terrified of the water in the baths or sea but I managed to 'swim?' while on holiday last year with one of those long tube-like polystyrene floats under my arms.

    Sounds as if you had a great time Elizabeth. Some lovely memories. Sorry about your coffee and tumble drier though. Hope you get the PIP sorted soon.

    A hedgehog, Toady? I wondered what the snuffling noise was. I used to have XP Pro. I liked it but had to change when my computer broke. It was a bit of a nightmare changing everything but I'm used to it now.

    Rosie, that did make me laugh. Glad you beat the topper. Funny how some of us feel the cold and some the heat. I hardly have the heating on and feel faint after a couple of hours as I'm too hot. Have to keep throwing the duvet off in bed. Have even slept with the window open by mistake and not noticed.

    Don't worry about reading back Karen. It's been very busy and it would take you a while. Bet you'll be glad when the physio is finished. It does sound cruel if it's so painful but hopefully it's doing you some good.

    Aaaw Catie, I guess the very young do expect the queen to be wearing her crown. Perhaps she should when she's out and about. I think we will have to give the cafe a very good spring clean before Toni gets back. She has always kept it spic and span.

    Woke up this morning almost completely deaf in my left ear again. Better get the olive oil out again. It's my eldest GD's 12th birthday tomorrow. I need to tell her she is growing up way too quickly. She asked me to get her some mud packs so I got them as well as face cleanser, toner and moisturiser so she can have a pamper night with her friends who will be staying over and I made her some chocolates.
  • coco67
    coco67 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    evening all
    i hope everyone is ok, xxxx