Val's Cafe



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    one GD just gone to school ..Im not good in the mornings.. :o
    Marianne we will be going on a bus trip.. :D went to France last year to see Toni on her hols..don't worry I don't drive...
    Christine...I hope that ear inproved ..its so scary when it just happens like hubby is troubled with one of his ears...
    Your GD 12 my middle one is 13 next months..don't they make you laugh..mud packs...bless at least she is looking after her skin...some young ones don't mine would just want clothes and more clothes.. :lol:
    Coco its good to see you was worried after the journey you had to did it go... :)
    Gosh I am tired this morn...and I slept..mind you the wind did wake me was awful..and we still haven't got the pebble dash sorted the insurance are digging there heels in.. :x
    think its a quiet day today so will see you later...xxxxx
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just popping in for a 2nd breakfast :) and company ,Barbara , :lol: I couldnt park a mini never mind a bus ,Yes its certainly another windy one all those poor people without power again ,I do like Prince Chares re his enviromental stuff ... but I wasnt impressed by his rather paltry donation and flying visit .what do you and anyone who saw it think :) ? Hi Cocoa missed you last night hope you will be back soon Christine I would love to make chocolates do you make cup cakes ?I had a go before christmas they were ok but I have definately bought better :lol: My girl never liked skin girl naughty girl but GD is fanatical cleanse tone moisturise unlike her gran :lol: I try but get to tired ,Hope your ears are ok now dont get cold grrr earache nothing worse well not much Rosie hope you had a good sleep re the matress topper Hi Catie Karen Elizabeth Toady Bubbles mr O ...hope I didnt forget anyone ((()))Marrianne..
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I did lovely funny Mig ,how I dont know as I am looking at cookers soon and fingers crossed a belfast sink would really apreciate feed back xx
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all

    Hope you all had a goodish night's sleep.

    Barbara, just wandering, have you made any decisions yet???. And my two love face masks. We all do them. It's out girly night. I do love being pampered. And I am the same as you, mornings, it takes me ages to get going.

    Coco, lovely to see you, hope things are okish with you, what is the weather like your way.

    Christine, I hope you have your hearing back. And regarding my physio( a lovely young Greek man) I think it is no pain no gain. But he keeps telling me that I should be doing a lot more resting and a lot less housework. Well, that's easier said than done.

    Marrianne, I am like you, cant park well at all. When I had lessons they didn't teach parallel parking. Showing my age there me thinks.

    Well we have a load of drilling going on right outside out house. I went to ask them what they were up to. Putting in new water meters was the reply. I explained we were going out ( couldn't see how we could) luckily, they will be finished in about an hour.

    Sending hugs to everyone, have a good day all.
    Karen xx
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Karen .You sound bright its lovely have cafe catch up ..o/h says little just covers things in dust and I still cannot do much in the .....itch....n .hope the water people are finnised soon ,I am thinking about going for another swim or a float while the steroid is still in my system .. if I stay here I will just eat far to much :):) ((()))M arrianne
  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Everyone :)

    Hope you are all safe. Boy the wind has been blowing in these parts, but no flooding. Those poor people in the west country. Maririanne, I agree with you about Prince C's donation - won't go far will it. I think there should have been a few extra ooo's added :wink:

    Barbara, the insurance companies take our money very readily, but when it comes to making a claim....mmm. I hope you win your battle and soon.
    Yes, the children did see the queen :)

    Christine, when I was 12 I feel sure I was still playing with Sindy :lol: I certainly wasn't bothered with make-up etc. Children grow up so quickly today - think it's a shame really.

    Having another easy day. Can't get into much mischief with this plaster. Boy it's like having chains :)

    Love to all xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi everyone,

    Sorry I didn't put in an appearance yesterday. First I went to Asda with OH and treated myself to some lovely cosy pyjamas. In the afternoon, as it was dry, OH went out to tidy the garden up (I stayed in and watched TV I don't do gardening :oops: ) then we decided to move some of the bedroom furniture around. So didn't come online at all :o

    I'm a bit worried about eldest daughter. She lives in Bideford, but we don't keep in touch much - only on fb. So I've left her a message. I don't know if she will get online to see it, it depends if she has power or not.

    catie, I believe the Duke of Westminster has also donated an equal amount, but as you say, it won't go far. As for insurance claims, they will probably say this was all an 'Act of God' and not pay out. :x

    Barbara, I'm neither a morning person nor a night person. I'd be happy to sleep all day if I could. But if your lovely coach turned up, I'd love it, and jump(?) straight on.

    Marianne, I hope your steroid injection is doing it's stuff. Save some biscuits for me. :wink:

    Sorry for all those I've missed, but sending everyone hugs and best wishes.

    Kath xx

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all.. :D
    Pouring down here... :roll: but never mind the cafe is lovely and warm
    Marrianne thanks for looking after cuddles you are having a new cooker..we got a bargain quite a few years ago now..neighbours were emigrating so they had a a double oven one..and lots of other stuff..has for Prince Charles the least said.. :roll: he has more money than sense...I am sure he could have done a lot more....
    Karen .how nice to have daughters and have a girly night..might try with our GDs.. :) hows that shoulder of yours...would you believe we have workmen outside for 8 weeks..they have cordoned us off and we have to go and look for them if we want to get out then they put this metal thingy down..hubby is fuming he is in and out most of the day
    Catie..we got in touch with the ombudsman re the insurance...we have to get a builder to say what he thinks and see if it matches the insurance company's..
    I told you my hubby mends boilers..he has lots of old customer..he even drops shopping off if he is going there old lady has has just gone into an home..and she rang to say did we want some bedding ...well what do you say I have loads..but we didnt want to upset her so he went round... :shock: he has come back with at least 10 handbags...bedding...bread bin...pots and pans..I had to laugh he was there ages sorting it all out for her... :lol: see you all later xxxxx
    Kath I just spotted you there..I hope you daughter will be ok...its awful I do take my hat to them how they are coping and helping one another....I love my warm enjoy... :)
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello all, just a quick visit - this weather is beyond a joke now and I have seen the 10 day weather forecast :( it is officially sending me barking now so if by the end of the week I am in here saying I am Marie Antoinette you will know it has tipped me over the edge finally.

    Barbara, sorry you have roadworks for all that time - very inconvenient, how noisy are they being - can't be fun for them this weather either, definitely a summer job. That's rather sweet of that lady to give you all those things (whether they are any use to your or not!) it's a kind thought I suppose - are any of the handbags etc to your taste?!

    Kath do hope you hear from your daughter soon - I don't know anyone too near the worst areas, or at least no-one I haven't spoken to. I am looking forward to going on the bus to the seaside but then again will there be any seaside the way we are going, or will be just be submerged underwater completely. Fine if you go there to swim, not so good for us water-haters!

    Catie I still have Sindy here somewhere :lol: but I feel she may be going to ebay at some point if the price is right (mercenary!). I missed out on an item I wanted yesterday - my own fault, it wasn't an auction just a buy it now but I thought about it too long as there were 2 left - some blighter bought both, half an hour before I logged on to get it. Hell hath no fury like someone pipped on ebay for a bargain. :x

    Marrianne hope you get your belfast sink, would be lovely, I had various plans to update my kitchen at one point but people (tradesmen here for other jobs) kept saying things like 'that's a good sink that is you won't get something as good as that now' - most of the kitchen is the original & people keep putting me off by saying they like it. So I might regret changing it, so now I've had doubts put in my mind!

    Probably be in later so will catch up with those not mentioned but hello all round anyway & I am putting on some beans on toast if interested - toady x
  • coco67
    coco67 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    evening all, hope your all ok and not getting battered to much by these storms. it is horendous here again but thats the joys of living near the coast,

    Barbara hope your ok . The uni visit went really well, she loved it there so i think that is where she will be heading, it was a tough couple of days and really took it out of me but worth it, im back down there in june with my other daughter so she can have a look as she is heading that way next year :shock:

    karen i hope you and yours are ok,

    i dont know how long i will be about tonight as the lights are flickering again so looks like we could have power cuts heading our way,

    kettle is on, you will find me in the corner by the fire xxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Coco. Glad your journey went well. Sounds as if your daughter is almost sorted for going there. It'll be nice if both daughters will be there together. Hope your power didn't go off.

    Barbara, I put oil in my ear last night and have been ok part of the day and deaf for most of it. It's the loud buzzing that is so annoying. The family all went round to see my GD after school. She had her best friend there too and they disappeared upstairs as everyone was going to do their mudpacks. I got a few different ones including chocolate and white chocolate so I told them not to eat it. :lol: I think it was windy here last night too but I didn't hear a thing. Sometimes I wonder if it's worth having insurance. They always seem to manage to get out of paying. How lovely of the lady to think of you with the bedding etc.

    Two breakfasts is ok in here, Marrianne, as they are calorie, sugar and fat free. I feel so sorry for those people on the south coast. Wonder if it was a coincidence that yesterday Prince Charles said something should have been done about flood defences a long time ago and today, David Cameron said they could have thousands of pounds to sort it out.

    Karen, it takes me a while to get sorted out in the mornings. I used to start work at 8.30, now it's often 9.30. A young Greek man, eh? Sounds good. Do they think we can just wave a magic wand when things need to be done? So your way out was completely blocked? What if there had been an emergency? Did they not let you know?

    Catie, I was the same. My friend and I used to play with our Sindy and Barbie. Don't think we bothered with make-up etc. They do everything much earlier now. Hope you're not too bored.

    Sounds as if you were very busy yesterday Kath. Hope all is well with your daughter. It is worrying, isn't it? Yes, insurance companies always manage to get out of it, don't they?

    Toady, what a pity you missed out on your item on Eb*y. Will there be more from someone else? I'm a bit like that. I don't like to change things in case I don't like it and end up never changing anything.

    Went to my son's this afternoon as it was my GD's 12th birthday. There were quite a few of the family including my ex-husband and his wife, who is 10 years younger than our youngest child. My son took me home and without thinking, turned the wrong way and almost deposited me round the corner from where I live. Oops, he said, that's where dad has just moved to. :shock: We had a lovely few hours none the less, take-out and a few laughs.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Toady...yes the roads works starts at no lie in...but the upside is the rd being closed makes its really quiet... :)
    Coco Im so glad it went well..blimey another daughter doing that will be nice to have her sister there..we have not done to bad weather wise not like some..I hope that electric stays on for you
    Christine..glad you had a good time at your GDs party...bless I love to see the young ones enjoying themselves...MEN eh...10 years younger than your daughter :shock: ...wounder if she will get fed up when he gets even older... :lol: so he is moving round the corner from least you can do what you want when you want.. :D
    Today hubby has half a day out I go...I must stop relying on him now...its time I stood on my own 2 feet..well one... :lol: see you later xxxxx
  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Everyone :)

    It's dark and gloomy here.... more rain on the way :roll:

    Kath, I do hope your daughter in Bideford is ok. When I was a child I lived in Appledore for a while, so know the area very well. Such a beautiful part of the country.

    Toady, gosh I wonder how much Sindy will fetch :). I wish I still had mine and also her sister Patch :). My daughter has various Barbie dolls packaged away :)

    Coco, nice to hear that your daughters are doing so well. I know that area very well as well - beautiful place to study.

    Barbara, my fingers are crossed and hope the Insurance Ombudsman can work some magic.

    Christine, I have a friend whose ex married a girl who was younger than any of their children. There was a 25 year age gap :shock: The marriage didn't last and now he's on his own and determined not to marry again.

    Marrianne, I think I saw on another thread that your boiler was playing up. Hope you managed to sort it. I dread ours breaking down during the winter -it's happened before and was a dreadful time.

    Our daughter's bf has asked to speak with my hubby. Andrew thinks he's going to formally ask for permission to marry our daughter. He is very old fashioned in his ways - which I love. So, watch this space :wink:

    Love to all cafe friends xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon people, sorry did not make it back yesterday, my internet connection was very on/off (also the weather I imagine), it just about crawled along to let me post my pics thread. Thanks for your comments marrianne & barbara I will be posting the next bit soon. :)

    Much calmer & quieter today, what a contrast - well until it all comes back again on Sat so they say I think - my mini greenhouse was leaning over at 45 degrees yesterday, had to fetch it in, and 2 fence panels down overnight. :shock: Could be worse.

    Sorry about your early start Barbara & hope hubby will not be put out too severely with needing to get them to let him out - maybe they will finish quicker, sometimes they put an approx time on these things to allow for the longest possible time it will take rather than underestimate.

    Hope your boiler will be ok marrianne, are you having to get someone in whenever the pilot light goes or is it the sort you can do yourselves? Maybe not, seeing as you said you had no hot water :( but is that because it went off overnight without your knowing.

    Applerose yes thanks I will find something similar to my ebay item, it was not a one-off type thing, it was only from the a*g*s outlet store, but it just happened to be quite cheap so I should have moved a bit quicker. Just one of those momentary annoyances.

    Dreadful weather scenes (I'm sitting with tv on too) at Dawlish & so on, people having to evacuate at the drop of a hat. There were 'rheumatic scenes at Somerset' yesterday - well that's what the subtitles said - 'dramatic' I presume they meant. :lol: (Subtitles are on only because my freeview remote is on its way out and I can't turn them off - they do make a lot of blunders with the text, feel sorry for anyone relying on them, they are very hard to follow).

    Hope everyone & property are more or less still standing - toady. x
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello all you lovely girls ,forgive me for not doing names ,I need to put p/c on charge and start dinner ,I read back and am reading back further ,it seems ages since I had my feet up in the cafe ,I have been across the road waiting for my niegbours washing machine repair man .. He finnaly came mid afternoon :) .. She does not get home until after 6 this evening and she is going to be disopointed ,he has to order a part ,I will do what I can re loan of mine ......but I am not sure about doing it for her I tend to stick with one program the cheapest :lol::lol: serioulsly the quick wash at 40 degrees seems to suit mostly ...Did Catie ask about my gas boiler ,well it blows out in the drive we then have to switch it off in then airing cupboard upstairs run down and relight the pilot in the bio;ler then back upstairs and so on then if we get really bad gusts .. ITS OUT AGAIN GRRR :lol::lol: HUGS TO ALL Marrianne ((((())))
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Brrrrr, freezing cold, thank goodness for Val's cafe and the ever boiling kettle. Poor Cuddles looks like a drowned rat. He must have got out somehow. I'm sure he'll dry out in front of that lovely fire.

    No news from my daughter yet (Marie Claire). I've just visited her fb page and no new postings. But then that is quite norml so I won't start panicking yet.

    Oh Barbara, what a lovely old lady. Will you have a sale for charity? She probably wants to be sure her possessions will be looked after and knows they've gone to a good home.

    Good evening Marie Antoinette - er, I mean toady. Hope your sanity is bearing up. :roll:

    Coco, I'm glad your uni visit proved productive. My grandson Oakley goes sometime this year, I think he said Lincoln. If I'm right he will have to move there as it's too far for daily travel.

    Oh dear applerose, it must have been a shock to find your ex has moved so close. :shock:

    How exciting catie, if you're hubby is right about imminent marriage proposal. :D

    Hoping all with builders, boiler problems and any other problems soon find some peace and quiet. And a good night's sleep wouldn't come amiss either.

    Hugs, Kath xx

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello ladies ,busy few days ,out visiting sisters in laws yesterday have to do both on same day as one will have a moan if you miss them,today hubby was at the chiropodist so had a slow morning ,then cleaned the bathroom while he did the stairs and landing.
    I have a friend who lives in Newquay spoke to her to see if she is alright down there she was fine but she said the amount of people out along the coast is alarming ,they not only put themselves in danger but those who would have to help them .
    So market day tomorrow need fruit and veg and see if the fishmonger turns up this week.
    Shall watch pointless then have a nice shower and then a cuppa and biscuit .
    Stay warm and safe everyone . Mig
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Back for some cheese on toast ,cannot light boiler now ,but o/h will be home soon ,Kath/ its such a small world ,Karen living in Appledore ,Your girl in Bideford ,I was brought up close in Newton Ferrers S/Devon .Hopefully you will have news soon .. friends in cormwall are posting on f/book it pretty bad but they are all sticking together Barbara I am sure your o/h doesnt mind at all mine has no choice if he wants to eat bless him ,Christine you ex just around the corner that is :lol::lol: just well chalenging sounds like you do get on so no worries ,a constant reminder that he has missed out maybe 8) Catie hope your keeping warm and getting better each day Toady it nice to see you back to and thankyou for help with doing the pix ,need to finds something to download now ,Cocoa bet your glad to be back home .My 8) o/h has to drive a distance this weekend hopeing for some better weather for us all ,Hope Rosie Mig Elizabeth everyone are 8) safe and warm Marrianne
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh muddled again ,Its Catie who lived in Appledore not Karen ,I need sustinance :lol: ..Oh come here Cuddles yes your lovely now all dried out and fluffy ...Marrianne
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Had a lovely half day out...then fell asleep in the chair..hubby said I was snoring :lol: I do is I am on my back...
    gosh so many in...
    Marianne hope you got the boiler lit...I had cheese and bacon on a toastie for lunch.. :) I always use the chepest setting on my you say it does the job
    Mig glad your friend is ok...and the weather seems to be back at the weekend :roll:
    Kath have I missed something is your daughter ok..or is she on hols
    Toady...glad you have your connection back..what would we do without the internet :shock: ..
    Catie how lovely of your daughters boyfriend...ooh wounder when the wedding will be...I do love a wedding... :D
    Hope I have not missed anyone...when we came home this afternoon we couldnt get on the drive because of a digger in the way..and the trench they have dug is so long we had to reverse down the rd...anyway hubby had aword with them about me and the they did move it ..suppose they have a job to do
    I have homemade rice pudding here if you fancy some...made with proper cream..
    See you all laterxxx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    kathleenT wrote:
    Good evening Marie Antoinette - er, I mean toady. Hope your sanity is bearing up. :roll:

    So far so good :lol: wind has stopped howling today so I am getting a grip of myself (well i think so, you will all be the judge of that!) Wishing you better night's sleep, perhaps a bit of calm will help you too. :) Poor cuddles, I'm glad he has fluffed up nicely again now.

    Barbara, the answer to where I would be without the internet, is, it's too awful to contemplate. I do nearly everything on it, shopping banking, & so on not to mention welcome diversion & timewasting. Feel like I am putting all my eggs in one basket though, if the net ever goes up boom - but don't have much choice about it. Rice pudding & cream, that's a definite yes sounds lovely thanks.

    Marrianne your heat &c is back on I hope. Pics thread is progressing, hope to get on with the next chunk tomorrow and that should be most of it apart from any tweaks & footnotes.

    Catie I just missed you earlier by a minute, I'm surprised we did not bump into one another. :D Sindy will not make my fortune I don't think, I have 2 somewhere, I think they both had 'haircuts' at one time (nothing drastic, but still it will affect their value) - but you never know, I have some clothes &c as well & sometimes you do find people pay funny amounts to get certain things.

    Hope you get out ok to market tomorrow mig & anyone else going out in all this.. night for now, toady. x
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara, they have been married for about 5 years and she is thinking about leaving him. She wants children but he doesn't. I can never understand why a young woman wants to marry a much older man. Glad you had a lovely afternoon. You obviously needed that nap.

    Catie, my ex will be 60 later this year. His wife isn't 30 yet. :shock: Oh how exciting. Maybe a proposal. Let us know what happens.

    Toady, my greenhouse didn't stay up very well in the wind. Hope you get the fence panels sorted ok.

    Marrianne, isn't it always the same? They never seem to come first thing. Always at the end of the day. I use a short wash on 30 degrees most of the time and up the temperature for towels and bedding. What a carry on with your boiler. Mine is behind the fire and won't last much longer. Must get a quote for a new one soon. I wouldn't say I get on with my ex. I'll never forgive him for the way he treated my kids and me but I'll be civil when I need to and that is all.

    Kath, Cuddles is stretched out in front of the fire and looking cosy and dry now. I'm sure your daughter will be fine.

    Mig, glad your friend is ok. I hope those poor people get all the help they need.

    Skyped with my daughter earlier just as she was getting the kids ready for bed. My son-in-law held my GS upside-down by the feet whhile my daughter pulled his jumper off. My GS was laughing his head off. Then the two GC went running round the room laughing. My daughter had to switch the computer off so they could get their jammas on. :lol:
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning ladies,It's raining,it was raining when I went to bed,it was raining at 3.30 when I went to bathroom ,we are lucky we haven't any flooding but my heart goes out to those who are suffering ,you take years to build a home and it can be ruined in minutes.
    We are off out in a little while ,have to wait for 9.30 for bus passes to start,if we went out before it would cost us £3.40.
    Having burgers and chips for tea with a dollop of pickle. (Like the word dollop)
    Nice and tidy in the cafe and the bus is all sparkly,we ought to plan an outing would perk us all up.
    Been going through my photos to find a good one for when Toady puts all the instructions on.
    Have a good day . Mig
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all
    Thought I had posted this morning.... :? honestly I am going worse.. :roll:
    Toady yes we do rely on the net suppose most people do now..apart from my hubby who doesn't go on.much...
    Christine isn't Skype brilliant..I have a friend in Aussie and a cousin in South we get good use out of it...I had to laugh at your GC...hanging upside down...sounds like a fun house..
    Mig..its the same here for the bus enjoy your time out and the burgers
    Today the sun is shinning...sorry Mig...think we have rain tomorrow...and I am sat looking at the rd works wish they would finish...
    Tonight we have 2 GDs coming...GD will pick them up from school..
    Think I will make lemon drizzle cake if anyone fancies any..will leave some hugs for Toni and Lucy...(((()))xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Lovely sunny day today, after a wet start. I wonder how long it will last?

    Lemon drizzle cake sounds lovely Barbara, I wish I could still bake. Years ago (seems like centuries) I used to have a baking day every Tuesday. Savoury pies, fruit pies, biscuits, Lemon Meringue pie, fruit cakes, coconut cakes, jam/cream sandwich, and bread. I can't believe I used to be so productive. My freezer was always full of home baked stuff and plenty to spare for daily sustenance. Now it's full of shop bought. :(

    I'm glad to know cuddles has recovered. I almost bought him (her?) some mackerel, but thought it might stink the place out so thought better of it.

    I'll have a nice hot mug of instant soup. Can't be bothered to make my own. I've brought some cheesy biscuits to have with it. Plenty to go round.

    Kath xx

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein