Val's Cafe
Kathleen its absolutely beautiful out ,blue sky no wind just cold but we can lHopeive with that ,and some of Barbara s lemon drizzle cake ,I hope your daughter is fine and your back in touch its a big worry for you ,JUST HOPE for some respite for them all down south .Barbara hope the drive is clear now and nothing wrong with an afternoon nap ..its warm and cosy now Cuddles is sorry to have missed out on Kaths mackeral we dont mind a fishy smell in a good cause
do we puss x..Toady spent an hour getting 1 pix of my calico cat onto photo bucket but stuck now so looking forward to furher info thanks so much because I would not be able to do it otherwise ,hope you come back later and green house is ok bought a plant today .....a Gerbera dont know what to do with it ..but its very pretty like a daisy bright pink in colour ,Mig I hope you are enjoying your day out and you are getting some of this lovely weather cannot believe how much rain guess we wont be having hose pipe bans for years ,Christine and Catie lots of things happening re family and love and romance ...Christine I know WHY DO Young girls go for older men ?? thought it was a shame but then reading about how naughty he was well sorry
but serves him right .Catie its lovely and hopefully a wedding to look forward to ,hope you in less discomfort now ..Bubbles Rosie Karen Cocoa Mr O hope you are all ok ((((()))))hugs Marrianne
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Like others, I have blue sky & sunshine - what is this strange unfamiliar colour! Such a nice break from the mad weather.
Oh, you have a calico marrianne - how lovelyI had a calico tortie, she was gorgeous, such a beautiful nature - presume yours is a girl too. Looking forward to seeing a pic! Well done for getting yours uploaded, to be honest that is the fiddly bit, all you need is the right link now.. the thread is finished apart from any bits & pieces, hope it helps, just ask me if I've missed something. Took me a while to get the hang of this sort of thing but when you get used to it it's easier, I only know a bit more now from being round forums quite a bit over the last few years. Greenhouse is standing around indoors
it's only one of those little metal ones with a plastic cover, just needs a clean and putting back out sometime but won't bother yet. Nice to have a gerbera, they're very striking aren't they.
I will have any cake that is going..I've never really baked so it's not something I miss, but I can see how you would do if you did a lot before, Kath.. one of those things you're bound to notice even more than a hobby etc as it's part of daily life, suppose we all have them..
Mig hope you get on ok with your pics too.. any problems let me know..
No, we don't really mind a mackerel smell in here as long as Cuddles is happy.. it'll wear off lol..
Hope everyone's bit of cheery weather keeps up, toady x0 -
Marrianne, there are probably two main reasons as to why young girls marry older chaps
1 - Money
2 - A Father Figure
Christine, the saying 'there's no fool, like an old fool', sadly comes to mind.
One of my colleagues (aged 55) placed an ad in one of the broadsheets. He was looking to meet someone no older than 35. He was inundated with replies. I think the key word in his ad was 'affluent'. He's now 58 and still single and hasn't given up the hope of having a family.
Hope everyone is well and keeping dry.
Best wishes to all0 -
Mr O, you must have posted while I was still writing. My ex's wife was a Russian bride and I'm sure he would have told her he was affluent. My son told me he has £1000s in an off shore account which he wasn't able to get to when my son desperately needed money to stop him from losing his house. Hmmm! :roll: I guess they both get what they want - she gets a man who will look after her financially and he gets a young, beautiful girl on his arm , thinking he has still 'got it'.
Hope you are well.Christine0 -
Evening al
Im in bed resting my GD has my laptop so I am on my phone..sad I know
Kath I dont bake much..and when I do it in a mum was like you had a baking day
Marrian I haven't heard of calico I look forward to a pic
MrO you are very right..there are a lot of old fools around :roll:
Toady you have been very helpful with the pics...thankyou
Chrstine..ilove it...Thinking he still has it..suppose he can dream
Right I had better go..hope you all sleep wellish..night xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Its good to see Mr O .Yes we need the male point of view
very even handed in the cafe ...NOT always with the cake though
raiding the tins tonight ,Barbara hope you have a lovely sleep you were here quite late to ,Christine ,guess you have no regrets but some men have great charm all there lifes dont they ?Toady ,still strugglin :? :? but I will get there in the end going back to your instructions in the morning Mickey Calico cat Barbara its her colouring Patiena s/p ,and Toady yes she is a lovely gentle girl just like yours now my little black girl is naughty and unpredictable ,Did Mig come back I read back earlier but just not sure who came and went ,but bed time now so hugs to all (((())))Marrianne still trying :?
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Just a quick line.. marrianne I have thought of something that might be causing your troubles with photobucket, my fault, I have added to the thread - it should help - hope you haven't been tearing your hair out! Sorry! :oops:
Will be here tomorrow if any problems.. 'night all, not too stormy I hope!0 -
finnaly Toady thanks to new instructions tea and toast for all Marrianne(())..........oh its my Calico cat ..I should have put my dresing gown away :oops:
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Morning all
Awww Marriane what a lovely pic...she is gorgeous.
I wll havw to look for a pic...we dont havw any pets now...but do look after everyone else's. We mind a beutiful massivecar from nexr other neighbours dog now and then and our gds kitten..
2 GDS here I am hoping they wiil be in the mood to do a couple of jobs....mind you when I was there age ...I never was
Will leave one of tonis special coffee ready incase she can pop in....
Will see you all later xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Hi Barbara ,Yes she is a good girl ,We feed 2 dogs through the gate shared drive they are called Sweeny and Todd
yes make the most of haveing help with the girls ...I know mine are the same .. Poppy G/D would still be in bed I think ..
e,njoy Saturday I spy a little bit of sunshine over the hills hope its heading your way to Marrianne((()))
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Hello all
it's nice and warm in here are heating's gone off it's a new boiler they are coming to look at it to day or tomorrow it's the second time this week.
nice cat Marrianne
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Hello Joan ,Its lovely to see you in here yes its about the warmest place ,I hope you get your heating back on today its absolutely raw out there ,we had some sun earlier but not for long ,Thanks for likeing our girl she is no trouble
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Hello Joan..its good to see you back in the cafe I said we have 4 cats next door..they are all so different..but the little girl is the boss...
Aww Joan bet you have been freezing...I am hoping they have it back on for you... :roll:
We have just been shopping and the weather turned awful..they have part of the roof off the trolley park..what is going on...I did mange to get one GD to hoover the stairs..and the other ones mop the floor..we write down what they do and then recon up what I owe them...well worth it..hope everyone is safe and warm.....soon be spring...honest... :? xxxxx
Barbara0 -
What a pretty kitty Marrianne. Dogs called Sweeny and Todd?
I was the same Barbara. I think kids should do a few small jobs but when I was a teenager, I thought mum and dad were being very unfair asking me to wash up after dinner. Feel quite ashamed of it now.
Hi Joan, hope you are able to keep warm without your boiler. Did it get fixed?
Very windy all day today. Thankfully, I was just getting off the bus coming home when it started to rain so only got a little wet.
My daughter's husband has been going through a set of interviews over the last few weeks for a job in Singapore. He should find out in the next couple of weeks if he's got the job. If he gets it, they could be off to live there in around 6 weeks. A 13 hour flight. My son-in-law has told me he and my daughter are going in one plane and they want me to take the kids over on the next flight.If they can make a better life over there, I'll back them all the way but I feel quite sad because I don't know when I'll see them again. I'm used to popping over to Dublin for a long weekend several times a year but a 13 hour flight and £600 price tag probably means a few weeks over there every few years.
Hope Lucy and Toni are doing ok.Christine0 -
Hello all, lovely to come in here & the other thread and see beautiful kitties - glad you all got there with the instructions. It is all very well me saying certain bits of it are easier than others; well, easy if some silly fool doesn't miss out vital bits of the tutorial. :oops: Sorry again & thanks for bearing with me, the thread is a bit of a work in progress.
Marrianne your calico is gorgeous - such a nice picture, looking up at the camera like that! & she does have a look about her of my dear tortie (lost her in 2009 *sniff* I may look out a little picture to post one day).
Your photo is lovely too barbara and they do look so good & peaceable together.. but I can believe the kitten is a little troublemaker. Glad you have the black & white chap to borrow, must be so nice to have half-shares in a cat, not quite the same as your own but compared to no kitty it's a lot better. I know I have really liked having the neighbour's tabby pop by here for some furry company. I like your cheery sun face.
Sorry your boiler is playing up Joan, getting someone out on the weekend is no joke I expect. :roll:
Applerose that is a bit of a facer (as they say) if your daughter & family are planning to up & move - especially if it could be as soon as all that. Certainly must be mixed feelings there.
Have stood up to the wind here today so maybe it will start to blow itself out? Can but hope. Have a good night all, toady x.0 -
Morning all
Christine I was wounder how your Son in law was getting on with the wonder you are sad..but how lovely that they want you to take the children over with you say you want whats best for them...I think I am right in saying the crime rate in Singapore is very low...and there are great opportunities.. have been a big help with the pics..its brilliant when you actually see them posted..the big cat Jake more or less lives here and my neighbours don't mind..he is like a big teddy on your knee
Its was very windy here last night...when will it end for the poor people that are flooded....
We have one GD here take it she will be going to school form here..
Will leave more coffee for our Toni..and extra Carmel..see you all later xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Hello everyone
we are still waiting for the heating to be fixed he is coming today we were down for his first call.
have a good day everyone.
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
afternoon all
Joan I hope that heating is fixed...and you and Sue are nice and warm
Just made a cheesecake with my GD didn't realize it had to be in the fridge for 4 hours.. :roll:
Oh well will have a cuppa and a ginger biscuit...very cold here but at least its dry...
will see you all later xxxLove
Barbara0 -
Just a quick visit for a nice cuppa and I decided to bring the mackerel anyway. And a supply of pegs for everyone's nose.
Good news, I've heard from Marie Claire. She says they have been very lucky where she is and not had too many problems - phew
Joan, nice to meet you. I'm sorry to hear you have heating problems. I hope they are soon sorted out.
I'm just off to find toady's photo posting instructions.
hugs Kath xx"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi Kath & everyone.. a cuppa would go down beautifully around now..
if you are going to read my instructions bear in mind I have made some additions, so there may be bits later on that shed extra light on some of my earlier posts.. any problems let me know
Glad to hear you have heard from your daughter, that must be a big relief, & good that she has had no major problems - we must be nearly through the worst of it now (surely!)
Love to all, it is quiet in here today.. Sundays are always a bit quiet I suppose.. not keen on them myself, no buses no post etc. Blood tests for me on Tuesday, oh goody :roll: at least can totter to the shops after with a bit of luck, I deserve doughnuts after thatwill bring back for all - probably custard ones - but I do requests.
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Evening all
Kath I am pleased to hear you have heard from your daughter we never stop worrying do we
Toady your post have been relly helpful has you can see by all the pics..good luck on you say you deserve a doughnut or two...could you bring me one with just jam please...
like you say Sundays ..I'm not keen...just seem to do more sitting around... :roll:
Love to all that are missing...xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Jam it is Barbara
thank you very kind about thread, I have enjoyed doing it.
Have a good night all. Do hope your heating is on now joan, it is quite cold enough even with it this evening.Hope everyone who had damp is getting it sorted too now.
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Barbara, I have heard that Singapore is a very clean place. My son-in-law found that they have the happiest school children in the world. Did you manage to have some of the cheesecake or do you have to leave it for tomorrow?
Hope the heating is working now Joan.
That is good news that Marie Claire is ok. I'm sure Cuddles will love the mackerel.
Yes Toady, it is often quiet on Sundays. I think everyone makes the most of it. Your thread on photo posts is really good. Thank you. Hope the blood tests go ok on Tuesday. Oooh, could I have a custard doughnut please?
I managed to sort out my wardrobe today. Usually do it just as the summer is coming in but done it early. I've got 3 carrier bags for the charity shop. I would have quite liked to have gone for a walk today but it has been cold and still very windy. Rained all night but a bit drier today. Hope it hasn't been as bad as expected down south.Christine0 -
Morning all
Looks like its going to be a nice day...mind you a few have started with the sun coming out...
one GD just gone to I am sat here with my coffee... for you getting the wardrobe sorted..I take them out and out them back :?I have heard nothing but good about Singapore...we had a little bit of the cheescake..and believe me you only need a bit..
its not something I would eat normally to sickly... but thought I would have a go..there is some in the fridge for those that want it
Toady the thread had been really helpful....I love technology and love to learn new things...
I hope that Joan got her boiler mended.. :roll:
Today I will be meeting my niece,,,she is 30 on Thursday..I love seeing her she is always so upbeat..
Will see you all later xxxxxxxLove
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