pain in the bottom/ advice from sufferers of OA in hip need

bridesmum Member Posts: 181
edited 31. Mar 2014, 12:00 in Living with Arthritis archive
I am at the end of my tether regards pain in my buttocks. I am currently lay on my sofa with a hot water bottle in the small of my back and another under my buttocks. XRays have confirmed mild arthritis in my right hip and my doctor puts the buttock pain down to this. I can't stand the pain any more and just want to cry :cry: Have any of you people who have arthritis in your hip had horrible buttock pain like this? I have read that AS causes pain here. I have been thinking of seeing my gp about it but she can be quite sniffy when I suggest anything. Help please, Deb


  • ouchpotato
    ouchpotato Member Posts: 453
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Deb

    I have exactly this and it is, quite literally, a pain in the bum! I have OA in the hip, among other places, and it is hellish. I have barely moved off the settee today as the pain in my lower spine, hip, groin and buttock is rendering me virtually immobile. I have to move around the house on crutches.
    Unfortunately there is nothing that can be done (as far as I know) apart from heat, ice and pain killers.
    Incidentally, I was checked for AS and they have come to the conclusion that is just good old OA. It sucks. I will be going to bed in a minute with a hot water bottle strapped to my rear, and hope I can sleep!
    You're not alone x
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I have psoriatic arthritis-affected sacro iliac joints, they are the bones in your bottom, they attach the pelvis to the spine (I think I have that right). They hurt 24/7 whether I'm sitting, standing or lying, and despite the pain dullers. I liken arthritis pain to toothache in the joints and, like toothache, you can't shift it with pain relief or heat. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • As5567
    As5567 Member Posts: 665
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I have AS and know this pain very well, I find it to be the most frustrating pain that comes with my condition as I simply cannot sit for a short period of time without having to move around which causes further pain. It also makes sleeping difficult at times and standing up can also be very painful.

    I haven't really found anything useful to ease the pain other than physio which helps to strengthen the muscles in that area to better support the joints
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I have OA of the hips and its not mild I have had one THR and the other is waiting for me..but I never had buttock pain..but I have had from the sciatic nerve ..sorry I don't have a clue what AS is.. :?
  • nicole
    nicole Member Posts: 16
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Deb
    I feel your pain, I really do. Its awful. I have OA in the spine, hips and the sacroiliac joints (as well as other places) and the buttock pain is awful, it doesn't matter how or where you sit or lie it wont go and makes you want to cry. I work in an office and have to try and get up out of my chair every 30 mins or so, sometimes it literally feels like things/bones in my buttock area are collapsing. I'm also getting odd cold and numb feelings now in one leg, these seem to get worse when the 'buttock' pain is in full swing.
    We recently replaced an old memory foam mattress and my husband had a brilliant idea and used the old mattress to cut out a cushion for me to sit on when things are bad, he also cut out a hole for where my coccyx sits. Its not a miracle cure but helps with the pressure.
    It was initially thought that I had AS but the HLA B27 blood test came back negative. Its an easy test to ask for so be pushy :)
    good luck x
  • bridesmum
    bridesmum Member Posts: 181
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks for all your replies, it's good to know that I'm not alone :D I wouldn't wish this pain on anyone....except perhaps for my daughters mother-in-law. My daughter had invited our family, her father-in-law and wife and her mother-in-law and her husband and their 2 girls yesterday to celebrate her sons 1st birthday and also mothers day. Including my daughter there were 6 mothers. My daughter had done lots of lovely food and made a rocket birthday cake for her son. It was a lovely sunny day and we were able to sit in the garden, we ( my mum, sister and I ) thought it was a lovely idea to make it one big celebration, not Fegan (mother-in-law) she compained that the party should have been next sunday, (it's Isaacs birthday tomorrow) as she thought her mothers day should be celebrated serarately, she said next year to do his birthday celebrations on another day! She repeated this to my daughter several times. She then left with her husband and their daughters to go shopping! Is it just me? Or is this woman just spiteful? Debx
  • ouchpotato
    ouchpotato Member Posts: 453
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Nicole, you can still have AS and be HLAB27 negative. I think the gold standard is inflammatory changes to the SI joints? It was ruled out for me because the SI damage was not showing inflammation and therefore was out down to OA. I also get the cold feeling in my leg - feels like cold water is running down it! Very odd.

    Deb...all I can say is 'in laws :roll: ' I'm really not the best person to give advice on family as most people on here will testify!!! but I would say that next year let her have her mother's day celebrations with her daughters and the rest of you have a lovely birthday/mother's day party again next year!