Friendly hello from Canada....

dailypain Member Posts: 2
edited 5. May 2014, 16:31 in Say Hello Archive
Well i guess i'm the new guy on the site so i figure i might as well introduce myself to everyone :? . My name is Chad and i'm 39 years old. I'm from Nova Scotia, Canada. About 3 years ago i was diagnosed with Reactive Arthritis. Being a very active person it was a very big shock to be knocked down daily with pain and pertty much house bound. It originally started in my fingers and hands then moved to my feet and toes and now its mainly concentrated in my achilles tendons( heel area). I guess that dosn't sound so bad..and i know many people are far worse...but everyday is a challenge for me. Just for me to stand is a battle some days..let alone trying to enjoy my young children and any activities involving movement. :(
As for medication that I've taken, it's probably easier to list the ones that I've havn't. The doctors and specialist had me convinced that this would just be short term but here i am. Tommorow will a new page in my journey as it will be the first day that i'll be taking Enbrel. To be honest it's a bit scary but i have faith that everything will work out. I guess i've ranted long enough..thanks for listening...Chad


  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi, you're our second Canadian that I know of, the other is Boomer13. We know where you're coming from on the pain front, I have two kinds of arthritis (39 affected joints including all ten toes, both ankles, both knees and both hips) and standing is hell (so I try to avoid it as much as I can). I do many chores sitting down (which makes other bits ache but what the heck, once one has this dross one can't win on any fronts!) and I've changed a lot of household kit for lighter-weight models. Being disabled is expensive :wink: .

    From what I know of RctA there is the chance it will clear up but may well return when another infection is caught. It's getting rid of it in the first place which is tricky but for some the big-gun meds work very well indeed and I hope you will be able to join that exclusive club. I have adjusted over the years to living with constant pain, I have learned that nothing really helps it and for me it's best just to flog on. Luckily for me I am older than you, was never that active thanks to breathing troubles, and very used to swimming against the tides of life but I can see that it must be much harder for you. Whatever form of arthritis we have it not only affects us, it hits those around us too, and it can be difficult for family and friends to truly understand its impact.

    I hope you find the forum of interest, we do understand and we are a supportive bunch of people. I wish you well and look forward to seeing your name here and there around the boards. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • villier
    villier Member Posts: 4,426
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Chad and welcome, it is OA I have and a lot of other rubbish going on I wont bore you with the details :lol: I just wanted to say hello, you have come to a great forum, lovely to meet you hope to see you around.................Marie x
    Smile a while and while you smile
    smile another smile and soon there
    will be miles and miles of smiles
    just because you smiled I wish your
    day is full of Smiles
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Chad and welcome from me
    Nova Scotia what a fascinating place to come from, I remember when we flew over there and the temperature drop...sorry I am rambling here :oops: , I am glad you have decided to join will get lots of info and support from the lovely people on here.. :D
  • Francie7532
    Francie7532 Member Posts: 40
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Chad from a fellow Canadian. I'm from Vancouver and was diagnosed with reactive arthritis when I was 22 (now 50). At the time, they didn't know what it was, but I was in so much pain. Mine also settled in my feet and my achilles tendons. I could barely walk and starting off in the morning was quite an adventure in pain! I was given anti inflammatories, steroids, pain killers, stomach protectors, it went on and on. I don't like taking meds as they upset my stomach. I lost 25 lbs in 1 month with the meds. I truly thought my life was over. After 8 weeks of pain, fear, anxiety and testing for the most horrible things, they settled on the diagnosis of reactive arthritis, through a process of elimination. They were never really sure. I saw a naturopath at this time, and she suggested it could be a pesticide poisoning from fruit that reacted with my joints. I found this very interesting as the specialists never even thought about what my body had reacted to, just that it was reacting. Funny they were so bent on treating the disease, they forgot to treat the cause!! She gave me some natural medications to de-toxify and settle down my inflammation. Within 1 week it was all gone and the doctors had no idea of what it was. I have been eating organic since then at my Naturopath's request. And never had another episode. Chad, if I were you, I would do some more investigations into your condition and into alternative treatments. Our medical system thinks it has all the answers and it has a lot, but not all the answers. This is your life, you have to live it, make it as good as possible. Good Luck!!
  • Boomer13
    Boomer13 Member Posts: 1,931
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Chad;

    This chronic pain stuff is utter nonsense, isn't it? I have PsA and have had since ~2005 but wasn't diagnosed until 2013. It started in one joint and probably my back then, but I had chronic back trouble that I blamed on working and playing hard. It spread to all joints and settled into my back by 2010 when I stopped working. I have a neuropathy too that is just being medically dealt with now. I take triple DMARDS that are not working all that well, but better than without and am going to try Enbrel too in a few months after sorting out the cause of the neuropathy.

    I'm from Vancouver Island, BC. Welcome, and hope to see you around the forum.