
Wobbly Member Posts: 58
edited 13. Mar 2017, 14:51 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi everyone,
I've been prescribed gabapentin - not sure if spelled it right. But have come off amyltriptaline to do this. Am off the amyltriptaline 4 days and haven't started the gabapentin yet.... Is the gabapentin going to make me put on weight???
I am supposed to work it up to 3x300 doses per day for the nerve pain.
I am terrified as a larger lady am desperately trying to lose weight as I believe i will have better results from hip replacements if I shed a few stone. But i can't do much exercising because of the nerve pain n the hip pain stuck n a no win situation???
Anyone had experience of this drug
Thank you for any info you share
Wobbly x :x


  • Compositor
    Compositor Member Posts: 122
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Wobbly,

    Like yourself I was put on Gabapentin for nerve pain, I have found to be helpful, unfortunately, I carry a few extra pounds (4/5st), but, I wouldn't put it down totally to Gabapentin, if at all. I was on 200am 800pm, it was totally unhelpful, the dosage was then changed to 400x3 daily and it has tremendously. It's extremely hard trying to loose weight when your mobility is restricted, I can truly
    empathise with you Wobbly, good luck.

  • stremlett
    stremlett Member Posts: 37
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Wobbly, I've just started on amitriptyline and I'm finding it helps a bit. Did it stop working or did your doc want to put you on gabantin and the two couldn't be taken together?

    It is so hard to lose weight anyway without exercise reduction and the added pleasure of food when other pleasures have rather drifted away :-) I need to lose 2 stone but I shall concentrate on not gaining right now. Doc told me that many people gain weight on amitryp too...

    Sue x
  • Wobbly
    Wobbly Member Posts: 58
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Sue
    I was on amyltriptaline for a few years and out did work well for those years until the nerve pain from trapped nerves started last year. I would have good and bad days still but am hoping the gabapentin will sort that out better. I can't blame the amyltriptaline for my weight just myself and my sweet tooth just don't want to add any more need to loose rather than gain.
    Hope the amyltriptaline helps you it did me. Sometimes I just think u need to change your meds to give your body a kick start. I think u get a bit immune after a few years.

    Good luck

    Wendy xx
  • Wobbly
    Wobbly Member Posts: 58
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi John

    Thanks for your reply. Glad to hear from someone on gabapentin that has had such good results. Fingers crossed it will work for me am hoping quickly as 1st grandchild is due anyday yaay.
    Have been put on 1x300 for 1 WK then 2x300 then 3x 300 after that and then back to gp to see how I settle on it.
    Would love to try and get some weight off but every time I move forwards with it something else comes n bites me ha ha never mind guess this is just as life is.

    Take care

    Wobbly x
  • bubbadog
    bubbadog Member Posts: 5,544
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi, I'm on both Amitriptyline and Gabaptine not had any problems find they work both together well.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Wendy ..I dont think we have met so welcome to this lovely forum..
    Like bubba I am on both the amys and was on gabapentin but it was changed to pregablin the newer version..I dont take all that i was prescribed unless things are really the early days they made me quite tired..or some would say very relaxed..but they work really well.. I always hold back meds...just in the min I am on 300 a day...I do hope they help you...x