Val's Cafe
Thankyou Carol for your help..I dont have the box.. maybe it's because I use my phone..I can't see my laptop at the min till I get new glasses... B)Love
Barbara0 -
evening everyone
Hope your day has been a good one I had my usual lunch with Mr T and then met my friend for coffee. She wasn’t too bad today. I think she has realised that I am not going to put up with her constant contradicting me, or when at knitting group butting into my conversations with others. So she is behaving a bit better .
Toni yes it was lunch with Mr T and coffee with friend after as usual. I didn’t do well with the cards at the MS as one of the members there has started bringing in ones she has Handmade but even she doesn’t sell many either. We have open morning at the church tomorrow so maybe we might get some visit
ors, and then maybe I might sell some then we will see.Barbara yes 3 years for Snowie and time has gone so quickly it hardly seems that. I will post a photo that we have in a frame in our hallway it’s our memory of him as it also contains his collar.
Sorry to hear about the glaucoma not good.
Kath I agree loving all the emojis too and yes so much easier to post pictures.
2 photos before I go taken the day after youngest granddaughters 18th when we went to see eldest Gd new house.
Mr T with Graycie who wanted to sit on our laps all the time.
And Lillie who decided she wanted Great Grandad to take selfie of them with her sitting on his shoulders.
Well must go now before I fill up the page. 😀😀😀
Love and sparkles to you all
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Barbara do you mean your own photos? Or pics like this breakfast (Kath should love it!. Pics like this off the net you just right click and then click on copy - come over here with it and paste .I open two (or more pages)
Cosgans are he same - no need to do the old copying link and finding code business just click on the cosgan you like and do as above
There's Kath waiting for her eggs and mushrooms!
For the pic of Sleek (she'd been to see the nymphs as you can see) I clicked on that things down there that looks a tiny bit like a picture. It took me to all the pics saved on my lap top chose one (by clicking on it) then clicked on where it said 'open' ??
Did that help at all?
Probably now sorry.
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Good morning everyone
. Barbara I'm sorry you have glaucoma do you have it in both eyes I've heard of it but don't know anything about it ((((((())))
. Carol lovely photo's the children always seem happy you can tell they are loved (((((((())))
Toni did you enjoy your holiday.((((()))) how is Lucy doing (((((())) love to Paul (((())))Tia(((())))Charley ((((()))
take care love to Kath (((((())))Bill((((()))) Mig ((((())))
. Joan xx
take care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..
Toni I confuse everyone..its my own pics..but I have to use me phone really near to my eyes..I cant hold the laptop luke I dont have to little whatever at the bottom..wonder if there is a way with my phone..I lovely the photo of sleek..bless..and thankyou for breakfast...((()))
Carol what lovely photos of your ggc and Mr T..they all look so happy..and how nice does the framed pic if Snowie look with his collar..bless..wish I had thought of this..
I hope your friend behaves...good for you (((()))
Joan I will get there with the macular that is taking my sight but one eye is not bad at the min.. ..hope you are all nice and warm and have a good day..(((()))
I am missing the smiles.. dud try the ones at the top but they dont come up..will have to use cosgans for now..
Love to everyone xxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
So Alfie Boe and Michael Ball were great but there was couple in front of us who had TOO much to drink and spent half the evening talking people were shushing them all the time they weren't a young couple either why spend all that money for tickets if you're going to be talking all the time, any how our meal was great we were in a place called the Red Dog Saloon food was american bbq type .😋
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Kath I hope you liked the eggs and mushrooms I did for you? Well any of us can eat it of course!
Good news about Anita. I will have everything crossed that things go really well for her. Sleek will bring a potion for her and leave it in her and leave it in 'her' cupboard at yours.
I like Aidan's afters and Sparkles both a bit 'desserty' (a newly invented Aidanism there!),though I have to agree.
What about 'Aidan's titbits'? Or Matron's Munchies???
I just realised it's still the café we can post pics of any food wherever we like!!
Barbara yes of course your eyes that won't help did you used to be able to post them before? If so how did you do them?. I haven't yet tried posting a pic from google drive...
a bit big but it worked I think!
I think we need some breakfast now:
and coffee to go with...
Of course I made them myself 😉
Joan the holiday was lovely just what we needed, but think we will maybe stay closer to home until this virus is under control a bit🤔
Thank you for asking all is well here. Charley is off to France soon for her birthday - she will be 25!!!! I am shocked - when did my baby grow up!!!
Are you both well too and the dogs?
Mig that is infuriating people ruining a good night out drinking to much and getting loud🙄
and not even kids old enough to know better.
At least Alfie and Michael were good! American food is yum (a lot of it though!) I love TGIs vegan burger yum-meeee!
Right better get my act together it's suppose to be Village clear up today and it's a dreadful day😮
Love to Carol. Hope all is well.
Toni xx
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Good morning everyone
. Carol have a good day (((((())))
Mig I'm sorry the couple spoilt your time at the show very rude of them you enjoyed the show they probably don't remember any of it. ((((((())))
. Barbara how is your brother getting on ((((((()))) have a good day you and Mr B ((((())))
. Toni yes the years go quick don't they Happy Birthday to Charley when it comes (((((()))) I hope it's dry when you go on the clean up ((((((()))) have a good day you and Paul (((((())))
take care love to Kath (((((())))and Bill ((((()))) Aidan (((((())))
. Joan xx
take care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..we have sunshine for now
Joan my brother us doing ok thankyou..he finishes fuemo this week not last week..has I said..then he continues on the trial drugs..
Love to all of you...((((())))
Toni I am glad the break dud you good.. yes I agree stay nearer home for a while..I have just been reading that over 60s should cancel doctors and hospital appointments..
I really enjoyed breakfast
.thankyou..Aidan trained you well
Village clean up already..times go so quickly..
Your baby Charley 25..hope she has a lovely time in baby is 45 next week...
Yes I used to use Google photos but the link comes up then nothing on the forum..
Do you need help with the clear up...((((((()))))
Sorry if I have missed things has Kaths sister had her results.. I am thinking of them..((((()))))
Better move or i will set...
Love to everyone
Xxxxxxxx <3Love
Barbara0 -
Daily Poem
Familiar Stranger
Familiar stranger, who are you,
what do you want of me?
I hear that voice and see those eyes,
tell me what they see.
Did we meet somewhere in a dream,
or maybe at a dance?
I hear that voice and see those eyes,
they hold me in a trance.
If I should wake and find you gone,
would I remember you?
Still hear that voice and see those eyes,
could you remember too?
We didn't come online yesterday, we cut our hair instead. So we are two shorn lambs now.
Babs, I'm glad to hear your brother's chemo is over, so just the trial drugs now. Let's hope they are doing good things for him, and bad things for the &*%%$y cancer!!! 😕
Toni, many thanks for the lovely grub. Yes, Matron's Munchies is good. I put two more suggestions in the Aidans Afters thread, Matron's Morsels or Bubbles Bites, or Bubbles Bakes. Sleek looks so sweet with flowers in her fur,
mig, what a pain having people chattering during the show. Ignorant ^$*&". Lots of swearing in my post today. 😡 Hope you still enjoyed it though.
Carol, such a lovely photo of Lillie and her GGdad. It's actually a pleasure to post pictures now. 🤗
Take care everyone. XXXX
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Afternoon all..forgive the typos please
Mig I am so sorry I missed you can anyone act like the couple did in a theater..apparently it is becoming the norm with people also using phones..disgraceful.. but glad you enjoyed most of it ((()))
Kath a really clever drew me in..
Thankyou..hopefully the drugs works for my brother or at least gives him much longer with his girlfriend...((((())))
Had our lunch out today and really enjoyed I am happy...
Love to everyone xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Barbara click on the picture not from google say maybe pinterest? Them it shoul say copy then click on here and paste - give it a go :)
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Morning everyone 😀
Barbara I am thrilled to hear how well your bro is doing such great news. Long may it last. I bet you enjoyed that meal out. Your older brother will be looking down smiling. As will Aidan I'm sure.
I wonder whether his ongoing meds are hormonal or low-dose chemo🤔 Still think to book a wedding though to celebrate.
Kath now we need a secret ballot (helped by the mods maybe?) so we can finalise the name. Matron's Morsels/Bubbles bites.....some excellent ideas there. I think alliteration is key.
Loving the poem is it someone who has dementia maybe??
Aren't you two chilly now you cut your hair?
Joan we managed the village clean-up (I managed a lot of nattering too!)then it snowed after we all went home! Thank you Charley's birthday is the 9th but she and her new GF will be off in France and why not ? 🎂
Carol I love the pics did I miss them yesterday I am so easily confused ATM!
Both girls seem to love their GGrandad. I bet he's never moody with them🙄
Your friend may well have finally got the message now your relationship should be much much easier. You can knit and natter to your hearts' content. Just a thought she might well be trying to make sure all the others there know that she is your friend and knows you better than all of them!
That's a shame about the cards at the MS group in fact that's probably made people avoid buying at all - split loyalties. Good luck at your open day though - is it this weekend?
Some breakfast maybe?
and a cuppa to go with....
Like my decorations?!
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Good morning everyone
Is there anyone else who has all the posts come up in their. emails I read them twice.
Kath nice to see you are you and Chris alright (((((()))))how is Anita getting on ((((((())))
. Barbara have a good day ((((((())))how is Niamh getting on (((((())))
Toni I bet you had a job with the clean up with the wind blowing and rain (((((())))
. Bill how are you (((((()))
. take care love to Mig Carol (((((())))
. Joan xx
take care
joan xx0 -
Afternoon all..
Joan I was having all the post coming through to my emails..and the lovely mods helped.. think it was on your profile and you can untick the boxes from there..I will tell you more later when.i rember what I did..
Toni it us good news for my brother he wasnt going to see Christmas..the drug is some new trial to keep it at bay now it has shrunk a little..the shrinking has helped him swallow some foods
Now who is getting clever with the coffee and the fluffy omelette looks so good..
I am make my own hand sanitizer with vodka and Aloevera gel..if anyone want the recipie let me know..I got the pump bottles from the £1 shop..
Love to everyone xxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Daily Poem
Who Cares?
'Change the Record' Someone said
as voices spin inside my head.
'Can't you see what I'm trying to say?
I use the same words every day'.
But no one really listens to me
as I sit here in misery.
So smile politely 'I'm okay'.
Will someone notice me today?
Sightless people pass me by
Don't see those who sit and cry.
Tomorrow may not come at all,
But who cares?
Hello everyone, I am so fed up of hearing about the Coronavirus. But I expect we have to expect it. My poem sort of reflects this irritation. 😒
Joan, how are you and Sue getting on with Akscess? Are they as good as the Dial A Ride was?
Toni, that breakfast looks just scrumptious, thank you. Regarding my previous poem, dementia? No, It was originally meant to be about a secret love (imaginary). I think the idea of a poll is good, and getting the mods involved is brilliant.
I've just had a restart (windows updates) while halfway through this post, which I emptied of text and closing the forum. When I logged back in after restarting, my post was still her. MAGIC.
No new news about Anita yet, I'll let you know when there is. I've got to edit a few poems to keep the supply going. Until I have some ready, I'll have to choose some from online. 😮.
So noe I'm going to post a recipe in Aidans Afters, or whatever it is going to be called.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Barbara0 -
Barbara0 -
Barbara0 -
Kath that's the good side of this constant saving of our posts as we go along 🙂
I liked today's poem and initially thought it might be someone who was suffering from depression and being ignored.
Let's hope we hear only good news about Anita and she is able to have her lumpectomy ASAP ((()))
Yes a poll and vote sounds like a plan Aidan's afters will do for now.
Barbara how very clever you are (wasting vodka!) seriously a great idea no-one needs worry now I am sending the recipe to Kari she can't get any gel anywhere.
I wonder if maybe it's a super low-dose chemo you bro is having. Such good news he can now eat something 🙂Aidan would be thrilled. Christmas and now it's March!
Joan I'm not getting notifications in my email, but Barbara will tell you what to do I'm sure 🤔
Right some cake:
A fairy cake! I think Sleek brought it back from the ravine. Turns out the cats had one or two parties here while we were away🐈️
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This is a baby blanket I’ve made you can’t see the colour properly it’s pale peach.
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Evening all
Hope everyone had a good day I have been a bit busy the last couple of days . I didn’t sell any cards at the open morning. Sunday we had a representative of the place where our church applies to to help us find a new pastor. The man preaching in the service and then spoke to us all in a meeting after the service for the church members and gave us hope that he could find us someone . So we shall see what happens. Mig the baby blanket is beautiful. Toni yes the GGDs are all very loving to great Nanny and great granddad And fun to be with, even GGS little girl Faye now calls me nanny. And really I have only seen Her a few times. Lillie went to a conference thing over the weekend to do with her enzyme problem, along with mum dad and her sisters 👯♀️ seems like they all enjoyed it very much especially Lillie was able to meet others with the same problem as her.
Kath yes that’s the good thing about the auto save that is now happening posts should not get lost in the big black void anymore 😀😀😂.
It’s time went for a Potter Around must keep the knee going until my first physio appointment on the 23 of April
Love to you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️Stay positive always👍xx1 -
Morning everyone 🙂
Mig I love the blanket I can see it's peach, but probably not exactly the colour it is. You are vey clever is it for someone in particular?
Carol no cards at all? Well that is not good is it 😕I think it's competition from those cheap card shops where you can get 10 for a quid or something like that (exaggerating as usual!) If you get a minute please pm me the link to your page on the flamingo site.
How lovely that all the GGchildren love their G Nanny and Grandad so much and make you so happy. Bless GGS's (step??) daughter already calling you Nanny 🤗
23rd of April still sounds a way off, but soon be here and yes keep using that knee until then so it's in the best condition it can be.
Joan I hope all is well with you and Sue. Today is the Lent Lunch at Church I might nip in for a bit if I get 5 mins the electrician is here sorting us out some more sockets for the living room so I'm up in the air again. How is Sue's mouth doing?
Breakfast anyone?
Veggie sausage option also available of course!
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Good morning everyone
. Thank you Barbara I have looked at the profile but haven't worked out which one is right yet ((((()))) that's good news about your brother long may it continue ((((())))
Carol pretty blanket that took consideration ((((((())))
Toni have a good day all of you more sockets always handy (((((())))
Kath thank you for the poems how are you feeling ((((()))) love to Anita (((((())))
. Bill how are you and Tosca (((((())))
. take care love to Mig ((((((()))))
. Joan xx
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poems
I prefer
warm fur,
a perfect fire
to lie beside,
a cozy lap
where I can nap,
an empty chair
when she's not there.
I want heat
on my feet
on my nose
on my hide.
No cat I remember
dislikes December
April Is a Dog's Dream
april is a dog's dream
the soft grass is growing
the sweet breeze is blowing
the air all full of singing feels just right
so no excuses now
we're going to the park
to chase and charge and chew
and I will make you see
what spring is all about
Joan, Anita is fine, things might change when she has her surgery, but she's a brave lass. Thank you for asking. 😘
mig, the baby blanket is lovely, thank you for sharing it. I used to do a lot of knitting when my kids were young. But I never got the hang of crochet. 😕
Toni, lovely breakfast, whether it's veggie, vegan or anything.
This morning I donated to a local animal rescue charity. They re-home cats, dogs, guinea pigs, hamsters. The lady who organises it is so hard working and has all manner of ways to raise money. Those on FaceBook will find her at Bilbo's Animal Rescue.
Off to post a reipe in Aidan's Afters. 😜
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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