This made me happy today

Apologies if a similar thread already exists.

There’s so much to worry about just now but I’m trying to dwell on good things because there usually are some to be found and thinking about them is good for us.

What’s brightened your day?

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  • BettyMac
    BettyMac Member Posts: 217

    My granddaughter, who’ll be two next month, can recognise and name several different birds - including Kingfisher, magpie, robin, blackbird, pigeon, duck and chicken!

    The bird gene skipped a generation - but she’s got it! 🙂

  • phoenixoxo
    phoenixoxo Member Posts: 625

    Hi BettyMac,

    Excellent thread 😊

    I like birds too, so it's nice to read about your granddaughter's interest. We have a good assortment of garden birds here, and there's a park not too far away. The park is home to a breeding pair of swans, great-crested grebes, coots, mallards, lots of other waterbirds, and many a songbird.

    I'll miss visiting the park over the next few weeks, or even months; who knows? But we have our own Facebook group, where members share photos and short videos of the birdlife 🙂🦆

    Best wishes,


    PsA (psoriatic arthritis) and other things since 1990. Happy to help when I can :-)
  • louisealice
    louisealice Member Posts: 25

    story in the daily mail online about the rescue collie dog - who after 10 years in the rescue centre - has finally found a new home. Go and view the pictures - so adorable.


  • BettyMac
    BettyMac Member Posts: 217

    Hi Phee

    Your local birds sounds great! We’re delighted by increasing numbers of Red Kite over the house.

    Happy birdwatching!

    All best


  • BettyMac
    BettyMac Member Posts: 217

    Hi Louisealice

    I’ll go and check that out! Am a sucker for a happy dog story. They’re the real optimists. Almost always forgiving and giving.

    All best


  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    I put a bird feeding station in my front garden so I can see it from my recliner - which is where I spend most of my day - only for it to be abused by magpies and rooks who devastated the fat ball feeders and kept the little birds away. I then made a cage out of plastic covered mesh to go over the whole thing so that robins, tits etc can hop through it and help themselves to the food which seems to work well. The magpies, being clever things, have worked out how to still eat the fat balls but they do not spend so much time on the feeding station as they used to. The rooks are really miffed though, they do not have the skill to be able to cling to the sides of the cage like the magpies can, they try to hand on but have to keep flapping their wings to stay in touch, quite comical really. The robin pops along about 0815 for breakfast and tops himself up about 1515. Makes a change from the telly!

  • BettyMac
    BettyMac Member Posts: 217

    Mike, it’s these wee things which keep us going.

    Those magpies are absolute thugs. I suppose they need to eat too but they’re bullies!

    Stay well!


  • BettyMac
    BettyMac Member Posts: 217

    This made me happy today:

    Lots of silly chats with family on Wotsapp - and friends on FB. One friend reckons that this self-isolating is Mother Nature sending us all to our rooms for being ****s

    The tulips I planted last autumn are now showing some colour. I’ve a few happy, wee corners where bright red tulips are sitting adjacent to bright blue hyacinths. 😎

    The buds on the trees and shrubs remind me that life will go on, despite what us humans have done to ourselves and the planet!

    What’s bringing YOU a wee moment of happiness today?

  • phoenixoxo
    phoenixoxo Member Posts: 625

    Hi BettyMac,

    Thanks for the happy birdwatching; the same to you. I'm very impressed by your red kites! I don't remember seeing any here, but we have had sparrowhawks in the park. I think they were nesting high up in an ash tree, on the lakeside.

    I like your friend's Mother Nature theory. Recently I've read about pollution levels declining now that so many people aren't travelling to and from work. Here a few trees are slowly coming into leaf and the birds are becoming more vocal. Your flowers sound lovely! We still have a few daffs out here.

    Earlier today I saw my older brother outside, walking past my block, so that was quite a good moment. He waved and I made an 'X' sign with my crutches, just to be daft. It's strange not seeing family at the moment, but like you I'm on FB so I can easily keep in touch with people 👍️

    Best wishes,


    PsA (psoriatic arthritis) and other things since 1990. Happy to help when I can :-)
  • Airwave!
    Airwave! Member Posts: 2,479

    Hey, the sun coming out is enough, how glorious! I’ve just been hoovering the car out and amid a cloud of dust I’m still smiling.

  • louisealice
    louisealice Member Posts: 25

    the last 2 days I've been laughing at myself. My more tech savvy friends and family, have now put me on Whats App, Facebook, Zoom and Skype|

    My brain is buzzing. Had a great Zoom get together with friends last night , lots of laughter and silliness - just what is needed at the moment. We're going to start a virtual book group - no idea how that works!

    This morning had a slightly more chaotic trial run on Zoom for our Tai Chi class - we are not IT literate people either by age or inclination. What a laugh - I couldn't get my microphone to work and was doing hand signals and writing signs for them to read.

    Sorted now, but cross fingers for us tomorrow morning as we are supposed to be trying the whole class routine for 40 minutes - I'll let you know how it goes.


  • louisealice
    louisealice Member Posts: 25

    well we did manage to get together "virtually" this morning for tai chi and although it wasn't perfect and there were lots of hands signals, we all enjoyed it enough to say same time next week!

  • phoenixoxo
    phoenixoxo Member Posts: 625

    That's all great, Louise 🙂

    It's my mum's birthday today, so I phoned earlier this evening for a chat and to (try to) sing. Lately I've been opening my window wide and getting plenty of fresh air, which has also been good. I thought I heard a wood pigeon singing in a rather unusual manner -- a sort of Woo! Woo! Woo! instead of the customary call -- but that might've been a different sort of bird. Intriguing!

    Best wishes,


    PsA (psoriatic arthritis) and other things since 1990. Happy to help when I can :-)
  • crinkly1
    crinkly1 Member Posts: 156

    Doing short stints of gardening then sitting in the sunshine watching very noisy frogs going about their business in the pond.

    The kindness of younger neighbours who shopped for fruit and veg for us this morning.

    We are so blessed!

  • MazFox26
    MazFox26 Member Posts: 9

    I realised that I have had more "chats" with my three adult sons than I have had in ages. This is partly because two of them are working from home and have more time i.e. less travelling etc.

    I've also joined a virtual book club and have no idea how it will work - louisealice!!

    Looking for small wins every day!!

  • louisealice
    louisealice Member Posts: 25


    I'm reliably informed that face to face book clubs among friends usually involve a fair amount of Wine and nibbles. Not sure how you do that virtually, but we're going to give it a try.

    Each of us is going to take it in turns to pick a book and our first meeting is going to be in April. We've all got the book - physically or otherwise now - so I'll let you know how it goes.

    PS - you can borrow free e-books for 21 days from your library service - log on to their website. A deal cheaper than having to order everything from Amazon

    PS as I live way out in the country, when I'm well enough I can still take a walk. Spring is here - saw my first wild violet in the road bank yesterday.

  • MazFox26
    MazFox26 Member Posts: 9

    Thanks louisealice! We have chosen our first book "The Silent Patient" a psychological thriller, chosen by the lovely lady that suggested the idea. I think I she and I will enjoy it as we both work in Mental Health and are used to "that kind of thing" but I'm a bit worried we may traumatise the other two! Will let you know how it goes.

    Thanks for the heads up with the e-books, I'll look into that for next time.

    So lovely that you can get out for a walk. Keep looking out for those violets!

  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,917

    A few years ago we had a virtual book club on this forum! It worked very well for some years. Enjoy your reading!


  • louisealice
    louisealice Member Posts: 25

    just to update you, in addition to the book club meeting at the end of the month, we have now added a theatre critics night. I've been recommended a number of different sites on you tube that are offering free (previously recorded) live theatre shows.

    If anyone's interested, the National Theatre is doing Jane Eyre from this evening (available for a week), search under Andrew Lloyd Webber and Jesus Christ Superstar goes up on Friday evening for 48 hours. I'm also told the RSC and other local theatres are doing the same. If you're more of a music fan - Andrea Bocelli is doing a live free concert on Easter Sunday.

    Anyway my friends and I are going for Jesus Christ Superstar and doing our exchange of views when we get together next Tuesday. I'm reliably told that wine (in my case tea) and nibbles are mandatory.

    Everybody have a good day.


  • stellabean
    stellabean Member Posts: 308

    We went to get some food for the horses and animals and needed a couple of new handles for spades/forks so I had the joy of asking for "fork handles" which set us and the lad serving into the Two Ronnies sketch it was good to have something to laugh about.

    Heard the sky larks signing on the wing it always lifts up my spirits as it brings back childhood memories of being on the fells with my pony.

  • crinkly1
    crinkly1 Member Posts: 156

    Another gorgeous Spring day on which the tadpoles suddenly chose to emerge from their eggs filling our garden pond with wriggles!

    Also received a beautifully written letter from a 9 year old grandson whose home-schooling is clearly proving effective.

    Such small joys are greatly appreciated while we are self-isolating as 70+ wrinklies.

  • stellabean
    stellabean Member Posts: 308

    made up several bunches of daffodils from the garden and dropped them onto doorsteps of some locals who have to be in isolation and brought smiles to their faces.

  • BettyMac
    BettyMac Member Posts: 217

    Just catching up here after a few weeks of being “distracted” and it’s lovely to see everyone making the best of things.

    The spring blossom in my garden - apple, pear and plum - has cheered me up.

    A wee breeze this afternoon made it look like it was snowing as all the blossom got wafted off the flowering cherry.

    On the bird front, although it feels we shouldn’t really be looking, we’ve been amused by the energy of the Romantic Pigeons who manage a very energetic love life whilst balancing atop the fence.

    Stay safe and well!

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    How many more times? It's 2 metres you tit!

  • numptynora
    numptynora Member Posts: 782


    Numps x
    Pets come into our lives, and then leave paw-prints on our hearts.

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The community is a safe space for people living with and connected to arthritis to ask questions and share experiences. Get started by registering here and posting your first comment or question!

Hi, Welcome!

The community is a safe space for people living with and connected to arthritis to ask questions and share experiences. Get started by registering here and posting your first comment or question!