Anniversaries for diagnosis.

Hello all,

hope everyone's keeping well in this crazy climate.

Does anybody else remember their dates for diagnosis/ the tipping point? My anniversary for diagnosis is coming up, and I've found that my emotions are all over the place because of it. I have mentioned my emotions are all over the place in other posts.

But i honestly think its coming up to a year since i last walked properly, I'm guessing other people might get like about it, or is it just me?



  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,751

    Mine was more recent, the beginning of my rapid decline... literally in this instance, as I fell on my backside in the dark after a night out to see a Prince tribute band. Date - 29.2.20. So I will be commemorating it once every four years. Can’t believe how bad it’s got in such a short space of time.

  • historynut
    historynut Member Posts: 28
    edited 15. Jun 2020, 21:26
    I was changing sheets of all things. Two days after father's day. I think eventually I won't remember the date and how it happened. But it's literally gone from one day walking 6 miles a day to not being able to walk outside my house without a stick and a ton of painkillers. I'm in a better place than I was when it happened, at least I can walk again now, but it's so hard.
    I feel you pain stay strong!
  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,751

    Hi Historynut, interesting to hear that it came on so suddenly for you too. I wonder why that is? I went from one pill a day to 8 or 9, just to be able to function at even a restricted level. None of my docs or physio seem to know.

  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520

    My first arthritis began in 1997 when I was 37, was accurately diagnosed in 2006 which of course changed nothing. The OA was diagnosed in 2011 which again changed nothing. I don't reason that rememberng the dates is of any benefit to me, things are as they are. Arthritis has been going on for nearly a third of my life, the other two thirds on the health front are nothng to write home about either so that helps. When one has had things better, then yes, I can see it being a cause for concern. You are grieving for something I never had so cannot miss. This is so much harder for you and others like you. DD

    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • distantshores
    distantshores Member Posts: 77
    edited 16. Jun 2020, 10:10

    I was first officially diagnosed with OA of the right hip nearly 10 years ago after coming back from a walking holiday in the foothills of the Himalayas - the walking must have caused strain on the arthritis that was already there. I have managed it well for all this time and have been able to travel all over the world and keep up activity but it was falling over in mid-April that has caused this flare up. At the moment there has been an improvement and I am able to do a fast 30 minute Nordic walk (as long as I look straight ahead) so I am hopeful that it can get back to almost where I was before. The worst at the moment is not the hip but I had vertigo a few weeks ago and still have sudden moments of dizziness which means I am too afraid to drive so am really limited to where I can go and I live on my own. I know from reading the posts that there are many much worse off from me but to go from an active life to being stuck at home is difficult and although I am 68 I am still working but from home because of the pandemic. I am beginning to pace the house like a caged lion! I am hoping that the dizziness will pass (doctor says it is to do with inner ear and has checked blood pressure and heart rate which is all good) and I can get out a bit.

  • historynut
    historynut Member Posts: 28

    Thanks for the responses everybody, its nice to see its not just me really.

    I think the worst aspect of it for me, was that it became a problem 6 months before my 30th birthday (preliminary) then getting my final diagnosis on my actual 30th birthday (what a present) . Since my post last night, i had a cry with my wife about it, and shes been great in getting me to see the good things in my life.

    @dreamdaisy I've had it explained a few times to me as a form of mourning and acceptance, its come in waves first the initial diagnosis i had to get used to, then not being able to walk, then realising the depth of my disability, then getting stuff like badges and passes etc.

    @distantshores I have some small walks planned around where i live & hopefully trying to go camping next year to Scotland, something that we planned then had to shelve last year. Its not stopped me going places yet, just stopped my ability to do things!

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,751

    Hi historynut, I'm sorry it's hit you so hard so young. Mine's obviously been brewing for years but I just put it down to a bit of wear and tear, not really thinking seriously about surgery, despite my sister having had two new knees before she was 60. I've recently recovered from 3 years of (relatively mild) ME, and was so looking forward to getting back out in the mountains again, then this hit me, and here I am, grounded. There was a fair bit of sobbing went on, so near yet so far. Mountains have always been a big part of my life (trekking rather than climbing), and it breaks my heart to think that by the time my hip is fixed I may be too decrepit anyway. And that I may be forced to give up work (my job can be very physical) rather than choose the timing of my retirement for myself.

    But I'm still one of the lucky ones I guess, at least the part of my body that it affects can be replaced