Pain management
Hi I'm new to this but I'm really at loss with my pain i have psoratic arthritis in my feet and osteoarthritis in both knees and spine and a bakers cyst behind my knee. I'm struggling with pain relief as I have health anxiety and emetophobia so I can't take new medications cos I worry about the side effects. I take…
Just venting
On the 5th March this year. I was Medically Capability Dismissed. I have several medical conditions. I have Osteoarthritis in both hands. I recently got my x-ray results. It says, There are severe degenerative changes within the middle to little fingers DIP joints bilaterally with more moderate degenerative of the MCP &…
Total hip replacement in next 3 months
Hi All, So I found out last week that I have to have a total hip replacement on both hips due to my severe osteoarthritis. The first hip(left) will be within next 3 months. I've read alot of the posts regarding surgery, and tbh I'm finding it pretty difficult. I'm 38 and was not expecting to be going through something like…
Living with pain with hip osteoarthritis
I am 66 and really struggling with the paining my hips. I've been living with osteoporosis for 15 years. I've been on pregabalin various strengths, but recently,over the last few months my pain has got worse. Fingers, hands and hips. Went from 50mg x3 daily, then 75mg x 3, for about 4 months it controlled pain. But since…
CBD Oil Amitriptyline
Hi. Couple of questions. Does anyone on here take CBD Oil or capsules to relieve pain of osteoarthritis? What dose? Does it work? Can it be safely taken with Amitriptyline.? Do people take Amitriptylin? What dose? Does it work? Asking as I am currently on 10mg daily Amitriptyline prescribed for Neuropathy not…
Zero carbohydrates - does this help?
Could anyone please tell me if they have experienced a reduction in pain levels for osteoarthritis when following the 'carnivore' diet….zero carbohydrates? I'm overweight which I know doesn't help, but I'm in so much pain daily now, predominantly hips, knees, legs in general, shoulder and hand. I know losing weight would…
Osteoarthritis…. Any advice
I’ve recently been told I have osteoarthritis in my left big toe and in my hands. I have been told I have degenerative conditions in my right knee and to be so much more careful with my activity. many advice would be greatly appreciated. Any information regarding supplements etc … anything that may help. Thank you.
Recently diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my hip
Hi, I'm a newbie here. I have been struggling with pain in my right leg for a couple of years and coming up to 50. I have always been active and finding it very hard that the pain is limiting my life. After alot of pushing for, I had an MRI scan. The results aren't good. It is showing advanced osteoarthritis alongside…
Coping with a bad flair up that isn't settling
Hello, I last posted on here a year ago when I was waiting for a diagnosis for pain either side of my sacrum which I had had for 5 years. I got diagnosed with early sacroiliac joint osteoarthritis. (I know that early osteo doesn't normally cause a lot of pain, so it's not a definitive diagnosis, but it's the best guess at…
Help with knives for eating
Hello Thank you for having me here. I have osteoarthritis in hands, knees and feet. When my hands are in flare, it is extremely painful to use a knife to cut my food at meals. Any tips on how to use a knife to minimise pressure on the index finger?
Pain management for OA in neck?
I recently found out I have OA in my cervical spine which was picked up on an MRI I had for unrelated reasons four years previously (however this was not shared with me by medical professionals until recently when my physio went through the MRI report with me) I am 31 years old, I had a car accident at 14 which I think…
Facing ankle fusion as an active sporty person?
hi all, I’m new here! 42yr old mum of young children (5&7) and have inherited osteoarthritis from my creaky mum! Unfortunately post traumatic injury, the arthritis in my ankle has reached ‘end stage’ and the surgeon has recommended a fusion. As an active person who has lived with and sucked up chronic pain for years and…
Hallux Rigidus, self-manage or clinical interventions
Hello I've got quite severe Hallux Rigidus in my right foot, with a couple of bone spurs at the bottom of the toes. After many years running, I am now limited to walking which is uncomfortable even in shoes that have specialised insoles made by my local hospital. For the last year, I have attempted to self-manage the pain…
Avoiding finger exercises making OA worse
Hello, I have distal joint OA in my thumbs and little fingers, with a heberden's node on the little finger of my left (non-dominant) hand. I've had a course of physio and so know the basic set of finger exercises, but I have specific questions that I can't find answer to online. 1. Strength exercises I"ve been given and…
Hello all!
Hi there, I got my diagnosis yesterday for osteoarthritis in the knee. I am 32 and also have sciatica and nerve damage in the spine. My mind is all over the place right now and not sure how to feel about the diagnosis. I’d like to talk to people who know what it’s like and maybe get some information and helpful tips in…
Newbie saying ello 👋🏻
Ello everyone. Newbie to this here community but hoping to be able to learn a bit more and speak with folks who understand what it's like living with OA. I was diagnosed just over 3 years ago and I'm really struggling with it all now as it appears to consume my whole body. Looking forward to getting to know yous. Rosie 😊
Can you help - shoes?
Hi there, new to the community and wondered if anyone can give their advice please? I was diagnosed with ankle arthritis 6 years ago and it is now at an advanced stage. Sadly, I can’t have a new joint or arthrodèses as over 30 years ago, I had my left knee fused following a skiing accident. I wear a brace on my ankle to…
Using stressball for hand arthritis
I have recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my right hand and I am using a stressball for exercising the fingers. I am wondering if I might be over-doing it. Is there any guidance as to how frequently I should be using the stressball ?
Recent diagnosis - feeling overwhelmed
Hi all, thanks for having me. I've recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the AC joint (shoulder) I'm 37, I broke my collar bone over a decade ago which is how I have ended up in this position. I've been going for physio every 4 week's and that definitely helps the muscles around the joint but the joint pain is…
Leather gloves
Hi folks, new here so hoping I am not breaking any of the guidelines with my question (I don't think I am, but the fibro fog is hitting hard today!) My mum has her heart set on a pair of leather gloves for Christmas, but she has really bad arthritis in her hands, so her knuckles are too swollen for most ladies gloves. Is…
Diagnosed with grade 2 arthritits
hi, I’ve been diagnosed with grade 2 arthritis in my knees, and neck and recently in my toe making it difficult to walk. The pain has started to get worse and now waking me up. Is this expected at this stage? I’m finding it painful to walk most of the time. This has caused me depresssion as I was a very active person. I’m…
Hello , I have had osteoarthritis for about 10years and just now the pain is hard to live with. My doctor who is lovely knows I try to take minimal meds. However sometimes the pain in my legs and feet is so bad the only thing that helps is 5mg of oxynorm liquid. Can anyone please suggest a med that helps without the risk…
What does your arthritic hip actually feel like?
I'm new to the group and have found the compassion, understanding and highly practical advice incredibly useful. This question is coming from a place of being new to an arthritic hip - severe apparently. With arthritis being such a personal experience, I realised what I hadn't seen was any indication of what others…
Pain 4 months after hip arthroscopy
Hey everyone. I wanted to post on here because I'm looking for specific advice and I can't seem to find what I'm looking for online. So any and all responses are welcome. Bit of back story: About 4 months ago, I had revision hip arthroscopy surgery. The first surgery I had fixed my cam and pincer impingement, and this…