
Every couple of days I go to the village shop on my mobility scooter to get milk which is basically an excuse to get out of the house and see someone other than my cat. The road, as one would expect, is narrow as all we have is the shop, 2 pubs and a post office; plus at my end of the village there is the "narrows" which only allows one vehicle at a time to go through and priority is given to those going into the village from my way. In the main area of the village there is parking along one side of the road. The narrows has always been a bit of a pinch point but with the rise of tourists down here I feel like I have been dodging death whenever I go out. Why is it cars are quite happy to wait for horses and cyclists but think that it is OK to bully their way past mobility scooters; mine is registered and insured unlike horses and bikes so I have a right to be on the road, especially as the pavement is not wide enough to accommodate me. There can be no excuse that I cannot be seen as my scooter is the largest of its type and is yellow and black, I also have a flag flying from the back to increase the height and visibility, added to that one cannot accuse me of being small!

I have had to fit a dashcam to it so I have evidence .... just in case!


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,057

    Mike that is not an invisible scooter in anyone's book! Very nice actually.

    I hope you never need to use the dashcam as evidence though😮

    We are a tiny village like you and also only one vehicle at times down the main lane which I live on too. Sadly no pub or shop. There is a garage on the main road for milk if you want to travel that far about 30 mins walk I expect.

    We have a system of only parking on one side of the road too, but my new next door neighbour's visitors flout the unwritten etiquette and it really annoys me. I need to learn to ignore it. They are new and with lockdown school hasn't been open (much) so they perhaps haven't seen what we do here. Neither have any of them yet been clipped by another vehicle.

    Stay safe on the road!

  • N1gel
    N1gel Member Posts: 161

    What's the RAF crest can I ask? You really ought to have roundels on it too! I wanted to put a 'danger ejection seat' on my stairlift but was over ruled!

    (You can get all the stickers on eBay)

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,750
    edited 29. Jul 2020, 11:18

    That's awful Mike. Can I suggest you get a really wide and hinged right hand mirror (or other very visible projection) that you can swing out when you get to this spot and swing back in again when not required. If they see you're about 4 feet wide they might think again about trying to squeeze past. Be bolshy.

    That's how I survived years of moped riding. After being driven into a kerb on day 4 and bending my lovely new bike (not to mention skinning my knees and elbows) I behaved like I was a car and only pulled in out of their way to overtake if there was plenty of space for them to do so safely. Tough if they didn't like it. I'm still alive.

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992