Val's Cafe
Barbara thank you for your comments about Lillie she dose love her baton twirling and we now have 2 of them doing it Graycie Has just started in the tiny tots group. How. Into it she will get i don’t know. But as I say our Lillie loves it. I just wish I could manage to post the videos I get sent. On here for you. As for Mr t I think he was like me just upset with the latest development with youngest having to self isolate.. he wasn’t in a bad mood. And I know he had a few tears but as I say he would never admit it. Unfortunately myself and my daughters can spark one another of one only has to be upset and shed the tears and the other one will start.
love and sparkles❤️❤️🌈🌈
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
The main thing Carol is that your poor daughter stays well. Take her a meal round on Christmas eve or boxing day maybe? Get a taxi to deliver it to her? That would lift her spirits mind it might make her cry a bit again.....😫
Men eh? Mr T would do better letting his emotions out and having a bawl. Bless him. Far worse for her though isn't it?
We also have too much meat having no Lucy but will make a huge batch of soup for Paul who will be on his new year diet before i know it!
Barbara I am glad the MacMillan have been to see your bro P gets the district Nurses and Katharine House the Hospice. It helps and no doubt helps his GF too.
We will appreciate everything so much more when this is all over you are quite right. It's also sorting out the wheat from the chaff. Who's relationships are really up to it! Charley and her Fiancée have booked the wedding....24/01/2022!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
where's me 'at?
Joan and Kath i replied on the previous page🙄🙂
Now a wet miserable day....what shall we eat?🤔
low salt of course for Barbara and sauces
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Barbara see this what Legs can do! This was in a reply to Airwave.
' am just over 2 months post op and do my strengthening exercises lying flat on a bed. For the first time today I have been able to lift my arm and put it above my head UNASSISTED! This is major! My physio rang me last week for a progress report and I'm seeing him in hospital next month. At the end of this week I shall do the same set of exercises but am elevating myself by putting one pillow under my head. Remember that it will be a long slow recovery with, in my case, no joint paint just muscle tenderness.
Keep jumping, they will see you!'
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) your medication will be safe if go anywhere and need to take it. Love to. Chris ((()))) Anita ((()) Val ((())) and your Dad ((())) thank you for the good poem ((()))
Carol ((())) Lillie is good I don't know what the other's were like but I would have put Lillie first ((())) love to Mr T ((()))
Toni ((())) that's good your migraine has nearly gone ((())) do you have it a lot I'm sorry love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and her fiancée (((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) P (((())))
Barbara ((())) I hope everything is alright there ((())) love to Mr B ((())) your son ((())) and Niamh (((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
love to Bill (((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((())) Mike ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Afternoon all
Carol maybe send the video on don't show there emotions much but saying that Mr B will bawl away at a wonderful life and the old scrooge ..good thinking of Tonis sending the food to your daughter xx
Toni I am on the hunt for low salt cheese.. it does say Te##o but even the staff couldn't find it..🤔
Thankyou for the update on Linda she really is doing well..I am amazed..
We haven't ordered much food this year..there might be 4 of us but we are not sure..our eldest son cooks the meal he has just had a covid test and he is in our bubble..don't think Niamh will be here..😪but boxing day hopefully so she can open her presents 🙂 hope you are feeling better xx
Joan all us well here thankyou..I always count my blessing my mum and dad taught us that 🙂you look after yourselves xx
Hi to Kath and anyone else that pops in xxxx x
Barbara0 -
Steps To Freedom (short story)
Isobel vented her frustration on the carrots, chopping them into tiny cubes to cook in the microwave. The living room door was closed, so she knew she wouldn't disturb her husband Tim who was having a nap. He was so tired just lately, even though he had taken early retirement.
"It's all this running around after me," she muttered to herself as she threw the chopped carrots into a plastic bag. She thought back to the 'phone conversation with her daughter Diana.
"I've tried to talk him into going for a drink with his friends, but while David and Louise next door are away, he won't go." Diana made sympathetic noises down the telephone. "He doesn't like to leave me on my own for too long you see. Louise usually comes round to sit with me while David and your father go out together."
"You know how he worries about you mum."
"Of course I do, but it's not as if I'm ill - not physically anyway."
"I wish I could get home more often," Diana sighed. "It would take some of the pressure off dad."
"You just concentrate on passing your finals. We'll be fine." Isobel reassured her. But they weren't fine. Isobel couldn't even peg the washing on the line without having a panic attack. Diana was right; Tim was under a lot of pressure and it was her fault. She blinked away the tear that began to form and finished preparing the meal.
"That was delicious," Tim dabbed his mouth with a napkin. "I'll wash the dishes."
"Oh no you won't, you do enough for me already. Why don't you start that new book you got this morning?"
"Maybe later, that back border is in need of a hoe. It'll only take half an hour."
"Well don't overdo it," she called after him.
Isobel watched through the window as Tim worked around the edge of their small back garden. She remembered when they used to enjoy gardening together. Weekends were best; they would take it in turns with David and Louise to have a barbecue. In fact they used to spend most of their leisure time out of doors. Now she couldn't even set foot in her own garden. Tim was very supportive, so was Louise, although she sometimes got a little impatient with her. That's understandable Isobel thought; I get impatient with myself sometimes. Now David and Louise were on holiday - something she and Tim could no longer do. Tim came back into the house clutching his arm.
"I think I've pulled a muscle."
"I'll put some of that heat cream on if you like," Isobel rummaged in the medicine box.
"Did Diana say what time she'd be back at her flat?" Tim called as he walked through to the living room. Isobel looked at her watch.
"About now I should think, her last exam finished an hour ago. Oh good, here it is."
"I'll give her a ring as I missed her this morning - oh!"
"What's wrong?" Isobel took the cream through. Tim was hunched over the telephone, one hand pressed to his chest, the other poised to pick up the 'phone. His face was ashen and his breath came in short gasps.
"A - pain - " he whispered hoarsely before falling forwards, pulling the telephone with him.
Isobel tried to move towards him but her limbs felt like lead.
"Tim!" She cried, reaching out for him. She fell forward onto her knees and put her ear close to his lips. He was barely breathing. Hastily she picked the receiver up and dialled the emergency number. There was no sound, she clicked the cradle and listened for the dialling tone, and then she noticed the frayed end of the wire where it had been yanked out of the wall. "Damn, we never did get round to having the telephone connection modernized." She looked back at Tim, no change there. She had to get help somehow. "I must keep calm," Isobel told herself. She went to the window and looked out. Her neighbours on the other side were still at work; they wouldn't be home for hours. Across the road Isobel saw a woman approaching one of the houses. She tapped on the window and waved, the woman didn't notice her so she waved harder. The woman reached the gate and oblivious to Isobel's attempts to attract her attention; went up the path and into the house.
"I'll have to go over," Isobel was almost in tears, it sounded so simple, but even saying it turned her cold with fear. She checked Tim again. "Hold on love," she whispered.
The garden path stretched in front of her. Taking slow deep breaths, she told herself again to keep calm.
"Think of Tim, he needs you now." She began the long walk to the house across the road. It felt strange to be outside, it was almost a year ago since she had last done this. Don't think of it, she thought as the familiar clammy feeling marked the beginning of a panic attack. Her mouth was dry and she could hear the dull thud - thud of her heart as it beat faster. Isobel gripped her gate and opened it. She took another deep breath hoping the dizziness wouldn't overcome her. Somehow, she managed to cross the road - although she couldn't remember looking to see if there was any traffic about. As she opened the gate of the other house, a wave of nausea swept over her and she felt herself falling into a black abyss.
"Are you alright?" The sound startled her and she looked up to see the same woman who had entered the house earlier. "I saw you from the window," she said coming towards Isobel. She put her arms out to catch her as she swayed forward.
The next thing she knew, she was sitting in a strange room. As she came to her senses, she remembered Tim.
"My husband," she stood up quickly and immediately fell back into the armchair, her legs were like jelly.
"Take it easy," the woman said "and tell me slowly what happened." Isobel took a deep breath and explained how Tim had collapsed, disconnecting the telephone as he did so.
"I don't even know if he's alive," she finished.
"I'll call for an ambulance immediately; for both of you." Isobel began to relax a little, although she was still worried about Tim. The woman offered to go and see how he was.
"I'll come with you," Isobel stood up slowly. "I'll be alright if you take my arm." The woman spoke soothingly to her all the way, making the journey back less of an ordeal.
As the ambulance whisked them both to the hospital, she looked at Tim who had now regained consciousness.
"It was just a mild heart attack," he smiled. "A warning to take things easier."
"We're going to be alright," she smiled back and she believed it. She would look after Tim and she had taken her first steps to freedom. She knew that with his help she would eventually overcome her fear of the outside world.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hello all, hope all are well. At least the sun is shining. Well, that's the shortest day over and done with, spring is just around the corner.
Carol, I'm sorry to hear you won't be able to see your daughter over Christmas. I can't remember when I last saw any of my family. Years, thank goodness for telephones, email and FB. Covid hasn't made much difference to us.
I won't see Holly for a couple of weeks, but I've pinched a couple of photos off her FB page.
Esmae and La'vaya
Cute, or what.
Chris has just found from t'interweb that our sirgery have begun doing Covid vaccones - GULP!
Love to everyone.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Elliott was due another round of Chemo today but his blood count was too low to allow it to proceed, fortunately they send a District Nurse around to do the bloods down here instead of having a wasted trip all the way to Bristol. Anyway, more bloods taken today and Chemo rescheduled for next Sunday. On the plus side they were all well enough for a visit today so my baby sister came over and we both went to see them, only half an hour with us outside and the kids inside the front door but it was great seeing them for the first time since February. Made Elliott nearly wet himself with a round of raspberry blowing between him and Guncle Mike!
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Well Gunkle Mike!!! good morning!
What a great photo of the children so Christmassy - they should use it as their card. Maybe they can have Christmas on Christmas day if chemo has been delayed?
I am so very pleased for you all that you got to see them. I hope you told them we are all backing the family and f course Elliott all the way?🎄
Kath that was a great story a bit worrying I suspected Tim wasn't well, but luckily they all survived and hopefully a better future ahead for them all.
I am very pleased to hear your surgery have started their vaccines. You'll need yours fairly soon I hope. My neighbour on the one side had hers on Sunday afternoon at the county showground. She had a one minute slot!
Holly and the children look adorable great photos thank you. You can borrow the pics if Holly is happy of course you can.
Yes thank goodness it's all downhill from now towards spring. Love the pic thank you 😘
The low salt cheese is normally near the low fat cheese in our tesco......well it was I used to get it for my Mum😕Barbara
I hope you do get to see Niamh on boxing day open her presents. I'm sure you will. Does your son enjoy cooking in your lovely new kitchen now it's all done?
I've tried to book a slot for Church on Christmas day, but not sure it's sensible although I'd enjoy it i know.....
Thank you Joan don't you go worrying about me I keep on going whatever! Good to feel better again though just in time for the big day. At least Charley and her Fiancée can pop by. Did i tell you we have a wedding DATE?! 24/01/22! Love to you and Sue and your carers ((()))
Going low salt beans on toast this morning - we are all busy!
for Kath!
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) I'm sorry you have not seen your family for a long time lovely photo's thank you. Love to Chris ((()))Anita ((())) Val ((()))) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) How is your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) love to Mr B ((())) your son ((())) and Niamh ((()))
Mike ((())) lovely photo ((())) and the best to them.
Toni ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((()) and her fiancée ((())) and the carers ((())) that is something good to look forward to (((())) love to Lucy ((())) Tia ((()))) Kari (((())) and P ((()))
. Love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((())) Carol (((())))
take care
joan xx1 -
I still make regular visits to the café to catch up with your news but don't really have anything to say except to wish you all - wherever you are, whoever you can and can't see, however your state of health
⛄️ the Happiest Christmas possible and the best of New Years 🎄
Crinkly XX
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Evening all
Mike I am so pleased you got to see Elliot and your baby sister..and family a nice boost for you Guncle..I love it.😁.hope all will be well with Elliott blood's xx
Kath what a good story that was..and I managed it all..very very clever thankyou
It's nice to out a face to Holly and the girls.. bless bet they are looking forward to Christmas..have you made your mind up about having the jab yet xx
Joan all us well brother is waiting for word has to the next stage..I hope you are all snug and warm love to all of you xx
Crinkly how lovely to hear from you..has long as we know you are ok and thankyou and I wish you all the best..xx
Toni I enjoyed my breakfast.. will be nice for you to see Charley and fiance ..ooh a wedding date I must gave missed another hat but you have a year to decide.. 😁
Love to everyone
Barbara1 -
That is lovely to know Crinkly! I hope one day you'll have time on your hands to pop in for a natter🙂
A very Merry Christmas and Happy 2021 to you and yours too
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Good Morning Joan I hope you are well. Do you and Sue get a little something for the carers? I bet you get them some choccies! Yes something for us all to think about next year. As for when Lucy gets roun to it that will be a few years yet, but Aidan will be up there vetting the candidates! He was rather protective of Lucy. Love to you Sue and the doggies ((())) xxxx
Hi Barbara I hat or not to hat this time? It was slightly hard work and Annie's Mum sadly passed away a long time ago so no-one to compare notes with🤔
It will be nice to have them over. We will be eating at 6.30pm as they are on nights and will have them until maybe 7.30/8 before they go back to work, but it is something to look forward to. We will also be 'bumping into' our lovely neighbours for a walk (or wheel) in the afternoon.
I hope they have a good plan for bro's next stage. Really Aidan would be amazed how well he is still doing. Mind P isn't so bad at all either.
I hope all is well and you are all organised Kath? No more parcels can possibly be due now although I heard Amazon have started their Boxing day sale already🙄 Sleek is coming over later be ready!
Love of course to Carol and Chris and Christine. I heard from Chris - her poor daughter is in tier 4 now so can't travel to see her on Christmas day as was their plan😕
Love to Mike and the family especially Vixen.
1 -
Good morning everyone
Barbara (())) yes we are warm it's just the living room that's cold we use a fleece on our laps in there thank you. I hope your brother "s next stage is a good has the first one ((())) love to his girlfriend ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and Mr B ((())) we are in tier 3 from boxing day.
Toni((())) I just realised I thought the wedding was in Jan then Barbara said a year. Have a nice walk with your lovely neighbours ((()) love to Paul ((())) yes we do give the carers presents. Love to Charley ((())) and her fiancée ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) P ((())) that's good P is not to bad ((()))
Crinkly ((())) Nice to see you have a good Christmas and a good new year.
Kath ((())) love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and. your Dad ((()))
love to Bill ((()) Chris ((())) Carol ((())) Mike ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Mrs Dalloway (based on the book by Virginia Woolf).
Clarissa, Clarissa,
Your beauty and grace
Is apparent to all who look into your face.
When you buy flowers or when you buy gloves,
Do you think back
through your life and your loves?
You're known for the dinners and parties you hold.
But life's not that simple, were you never told?
Never told of the hurt, never told of the pain,
not told of the anger, not told of the shame?
Do you ever think of the Glorious Dead?
Or mourn for their loss as you lay in your bed?
Did you know of Septimus, hear how he died?
Impaled on the railings In front of a crowd?
When you had influenza did you think you might die?
Or do you ever think your whole life is a lie?
Clarissa, Clarissa, your charm and your grace
is just a façade. Oh, it's such a disgrace.
Dawn and Jonathan dropped a present off last night. I felt really bad because they had to stand out in the rain as we couldn't ask them in for our safety and Dawn's safety. 😪 But at least we saw them. This morning Holly popped over with presents and Paracetamol for us.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all
Mr Bs Birthday today 73😯time goes no where you turn around and the years have gone by let's all enjoy what we have..
Joan I hope they sort that heating very soon I get do annoyed fir you..I dud see Swindon us going into teir 3 we have been in it a while now and our numbers are very to all of you xx
Toni a lovely breakfast you shouldn't have gone to all that trouble.. 😁Aiden will be looking down and watching over us..Lucy in peticular ..
I am glad to hear P is doing ok I really am xx
I am sure you will all have a nice time.. if only for a couple if hours..they will certainly enjoy there dinner all made for them 😁
so Annie lost her mum you will be more important to her then..🙂 xx
Kath another good but strange poem 😁how nice of Holly droping presents off and Dawn it is a shame we can't have people in but better to be safe..xx
I wish everyone a safe and peaceful Christmas and a much better new year
Love to all
Barbara1 -
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,let’s hope we all stay as healthy as we can,god bless. X
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Evening all
I know it’s been an odd year and maybe we can’t see who we want too this year, but I hope you all have a good Christmas.🎄🎄Stay safe and as my grandson put it this morning it is only one year that is different and at least we are all here to see Christmas. We will video call round the family tomorrow but other than that will not be on the internet at all. Our annual non iPad laptop day.
so I wish you all a Merry Christmas. I will be back on Boxing Day .
love and Sparkles to you all ❤️❤️❤️🌈🌈🌈🎄🎄🎄🥳🥳🥳🎉🥂🎉🥂and.Cookie2 say merry meowmas 😸😸😸
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
He's been!!
Just waiting now for Paul to get up, but I am going (have booked my socially distanced place) to our Church at 9. I don't know how it will be with no carols, but we shall see.
Hi Joan we sit with blankets on our knees too, but I can light the fire if I want. It's laid ready. Charley and her fiancée are coming to eat at 6.30pm for an hour they are both on nights so won't have long. I have to open all windows and keep the heating on. That's the advice. I have opened up the table so we are 2m apart too and chairs moved in the living room as well and they have regular tests as well at work.
It's at this time of year when you really appreciate what our carers do for people isn't it? ((())) xxx
Kath I love that poem, but have never read the book oddly maybe I should?
I am so glad you saw Dawn and Jonathan even if it had to be outside in the rain. Tough times, but they wouldn't forgive themselves if they made you ill.😕
Bless Holly getting you gifts too!
Hi Mig Merry Christmas to you I hope you have a good one and yes stay healthy that is the main aim.
Good Girl Carol staying off the internet today. I wish you, Mr T and Cookie a very merry Christmas. I bet she is spoilt again!
I hope you have a great day lots of video chats it will be different for sure, but at least we are all still here.
I was lucky enough to book a pew in Church this morning so am looking forward to that.
Morning Barbara happy belated Birthday to Mr T
I hope he enjoyed his day. Yes we must all appreciate what we've got. Heating (well most of us Joan!) food, a roof over our heads, good friends and family. Plenty.
I hope you have a good day today and enjoy your dinner cooked by your son.
Love also to Mike I hope everyone is well and that elliott feels up to enjoying the day. I bet they got some extras thanks to Phil and Hollie!
Love also to Chris and Christine
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Happy Christmas Kath Barbara Toni Carol Mig Chris Mike Christine and P and all the carers and the moderator 's
Kath ((())) love to Chris ((())) Anita (((()))Val (((())) and your Dad ((())) and Holly (((())))
Barbara (((())) Happy birthday to Mr B (((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh (((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Carol ((())) and family have a good day
Mig ((())) love to you and your family
Toni (())) have a good day love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) and P ((()))
we still do the cards on Christmas day our neighbour is the only visitor we see to day the carers tonight we are getting our Christmas presents next year when it might be better to go to the shops for jumpers sue won't shop on line she likes to see them.
we wish everyone a better New year ((()))
love to everyone
take care
joan xx0 -
Good morning everyone, If you are interested in why myself and thousands others don't celebrate Christmas, you might like to read this article:
This explains it much better than I ever could. I sincerely hope you all have a pleasant day.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi everyone :) well I made it, just - I called in a while ago and was confronted with the new layout, and I was so thrown I never actually posted - it is supposed to look like this, is it 😕😂. Anyhow this is only a line to say Happy Peculiar Christmas to everyone, and I will call back in again over the next few days when I have had a chance to catch up.. everyone seems to be present & correct (I hope) so you can add me to the rollcall.. but as I would expect, I can see there are people who haven't been able to see family in all of this, so thinking of all of you who are in that position. 😔
Anyway I will be back soon, I have been working through all the emails &c I owe people, no idea how this sort of thing takes me so long when I'm in touch with relatively few people.. I suppose it's because you can't really space out your xmas letters all year.. anyway if I use the screen any more today I will start typing gibberish 😉 unintentionally, as opposed to the usual sort.
I am keeping ok touch wood so no news, so for now - Love to all & brb - toady xxx 💝 ❄️☃️🎄
0 -
Evening all
Well our eldest son cooked dinner ..we did the bought prepared it was lovely.. Niamh is coming tomorrow..
Hi to Mig thankyou and u hope you had a lovely day xx
Carol thankyou you we have made the most of it face timing family..xx
Toady how lovely to hear from you you had a shock when you saw the new forum.. but you got here thank goodness xx
Joan thankyou.. its very wise to buy presents when this virus has gone away..the carers are worth far more than they are paid xx
Toni I hope church goes to plan..and your dinner with Charley and fiance I am sure they loved it..and there first Christmas in there new house.. just like our new neighbours ..yes Mr B had a good you say we have so much to be grateful for xx
Kath I didn't know you didn't celebrate Christmas ..but nice to treat ourselves to presents.. hope all as well as can be with you both xx
Love to Mike and I hope Elliot is doing ok xx
Sorry to keep some short its been a long day
Love to everyone
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