Struggling with lumbar spine pain

Hi I am new to the group I have osteoarthritis in my hips, hands, knees & now my spine in the lumber area. Some mornings I am struggling to get out of bed it feels like my spine has locked does anyone else have this.


  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,148

    Hello @Gina and a warm welcome to the online community,

    Osteoarthritis in your hips, hands, knees and now your spine is causing you to struggle to get out of bed some mornings - that’s something I’m sure many of our members will understand and sympathise with. Morning stiffness is often a symptom of osteoarthritis although it usually starts to wear off after we get up and start moving about. I find that taking painkillers about half an hour before I get up, and going through a range of gentle stretching movements usually helps me to feel better. A warm shower invariably helps too.

    You might be interested in the Versus Arthritis general information page on osteoarthritis and the more specific information page on osteoarthritis of the spine. It gives you some good suggestions for managing the pain.

    Do have a look around the forum and join in any chats that interest you.

    Anna : )

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    "does anyone else have this." Yep!

  • crinkly
    crinkly Member Posts: 160

    Hello Gina.

    Me too, I'm afraid!

    I well remember the day when, on a walk with OH I had sudden excruciating lower back pain that stopped me every 100metres or so. Really scary and not a great prospect as I was then a PE teacher.

    Initially (25+ years ago) I needed OH to haul me into a sitting position to get out of bed but have since worked at strengthening abdominal muscles, finding ways around the problems and have managed to stay reasonably mobile around the house, using a stick or crutches on bad days. (I haven't so far considered an electric bed as an option but that may be for another day.)

    For me this particular problem has become much less severe but there are no easy answers and everyone has to work out their own best strategies, being prepared to revise these over time. Like Mike I was warned of the dangers of spinal surgery so haven't revisited that possibility. It may be much safer by now so don't hesitate to explore all possibilities with medics, Physiotherapists and Occupational therapists. Asking for referral to a Pain Management Clinic may also be helpful in suggesting ways of coping with the pain that allay fears and allow you to function better.

    I do hope you soon find ways of dealing with this everyday issue and look forward to hearing from you again.

    Take care of yourself - Crinkly

  • Gina
    Gina Member Posts: 5

    Thank you for your feedback its really appreciated, I have been referred to pain management clinic & due a phone call on 5th January. Fingers crossed they can help.

  • Airwave!
    Airwave! Member Posts: 2,479
    edited 31. Dec 2020, 07:33

    Refer to Jona’s post ‘help and advice needed’, no matter where your pain is we all have the same problems.

    its a grin, honest!

    (Hope this is ok Airwave)

    This is the thread Airwave is referring to @Gina


  • Airwave!
    Airwave! Member Posts: 2,479
