Covid vaccine

Hi, I'm on immunosuppresant drug amgevita for rheumatoid arthritis will i get the covid vaccine soon?


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,917

    Hi @bexter38 Welcome to the Versus Arthritis Online Community.

    I see you have Rheumatoid Arthritis and are taking Amgevita (Adalimumab).

    If you take a look at this Government information: COVID-19 vaccination first phase priority groups - GOV.UK (

    it says people with Rheumatoid Arthritis are in category 6 having a 'clinical condition'. I am presuming that you are under 65.

    I hope this helps to answer you query, but please do take a look around the site and join in wherever you might feel comfortable.

    Best wishes


  • bexter38
    bexter38 Member Posts: 7

    Yes this helps thank you very much Ellen 😊yeah under 65 I'm 38 so should hear something soon.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224

    I just got a text @bexter38

    and booked in for tomorrow afternoon!!! I'm so excited in the same category as you so any day now you should get your text.

    Sorry nice to meet you I normally say hello much better than this but I'm over-excited!!!

  • AmyAcorn
    AmyAcorn Member Posts: 29


    I have rheumatoid arthritis also and am on Imraldi, but my GP is telling me I'm not eligible to get the vaccine as I'm not at a higher risk. Frogmorton did you get the text from the NHS or your GP?

    I think potentially my gp surgery haven't got the correct info on my medical records as at the end of last year they told me I wasn't eligible for the Flu jab (I was on Imraldi then). I'm just concerned that if the info the NHS use to determine that I'm in category 6 isn't correct then I will miss out.

    Amy x

  • bexter38
    bexter38 Member Posts: 7

    Hi, I'm really happy to hear you have received a text. Fingers crossed i should hear something soon. Lovely to meet you @frogmorton

  • bexter38
    bexter38 Member Posts: 7

    Hi amy, i looked on the government website and we are under clinical conditions in group 6 so you are definitely eligable i think its a case out waiting till they vaccinate group 6. Take care xx

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Got mine booked for Friday morning 😁

  • Rina
    Rina Member Posts: 86

    Hi @AmyAcorn , I think you should be in category 6 if you’ve got RA since it’s a chronic condition, so it might be worth contacting your Practice again to confirm that you are in this category. Then it’s just a question of waiting till you’re called. I haven’t heard anything yet but hopefully it won’t be too long for either of us. 😊

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224

    My text came from my GP's surgery although the vaccine was at the County Showground. So impressed with the running of the place and how thin was that needle! I really really hardly felt it!

    Hope more of us hear soon.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224

    Great news @Mike1 🙂

  • stellabean
    stellabean Member Posts: 308
    edited 19. Feb 2021, 16:30

    It is strange in my area several people who have no medical conditions and are only 55-50 and were done locally for their jabs already there is no rhyme or reason to who they are contacting. Hubby is 66 this year and got his letter today but was told he would have to go over 55 miles each way for vaccination. We booked on line and managed to get a place only 45 miles away for next tuesday.

  • AmyAcorn
    AmyAcorn Member Posts: 29

    Thankfully I ended up having my first jab last Thursday, but I did end up having to write a complaint letter to me doctors as they didn't have my medical records up to date with my rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis (even though I've had it for 9 years and they have all the letters from my rheumatologist). A very helpful lady at my surgery basically advised me to complain as she could see I was eligible bit no one with any authority to change my records wanted to look on to it at all and just kept on saying I wasn't in group 6. Fortunately the letter did the trick though and the nice lady called me the next day and booked me in for my vaccine that same morning. It does make me wonder how many others will potentially get missed due to incorrect medical records that aren't up to date x

  • Boydy47
    Boydy47 Member Posts: 1


    I have Chronic Psoriasis and taking Amgevita fortnightly and i have checked the Gov website and my condition is on the list, but i have had no contact from my GP or Hospital.

    Thanks Steve

  • Aj_x
    Aj_x Member Posts: 206

    Hello Boydy47

    Welcome to the Online Community Forum and Thank You for Posting.

    After catching up with the above posts, I understand that you are taking Amgevita (which are the same as some of the people above) but you are still waiting to hear regarding your COVID jab?

    Have you tried to ring your GP Surgery and just asked them if you are able to have it as you feel you meet the Government criteria.

    Mind you what you also have to think about it everyone lives in different areas which is why people are getting them before other people.

    I hope you are able to get it soon. In the mean time

    Stay Safe
