Battle with employer with extended shielding

Hi everyone,

I have been working from home since the beginning of January due to shielding and I thought this arrangement was working okay and due to shielding I was very safe in my own home. However, this week I received a further shielding letter dated the 15th February advising that I was to shield again until the 31st March. I duly emailed my HR manager in my office and told him that I had received the letter and saying that I had to shield until the 31st March. His reaction was that "he was expecting me back in the office at the beginning of March" and "what was happening with regards to my second jab". I said I was happy to continue working from home and no news yet on my second jab. Now my firm have gone very quiet and I have not heard a word. I am sending them a copy of the latest letter so that they are aware of the situation. The situation is not helped by the fact that two of the women in my firm who were told to shield (due to both having cancer) took no notice of their letters and decided to come to work as "they would be bored at home". I am not prepared to risk my health or the health of others by going into work. I am now waiting to see what they are going to do.

I have been at my firm for in excess of 25 years and have had Rheumatoid Arthritis and on Methotrexate since 2016. Are there any legal people who are members of Versus Arthritis who could give guidance? We should not have to battle with our employers to keep our jobs or give in to their emotional blackmail.

Stay safe everyone

Kazza xx🐶
