Eating well to lose weight (and get a new knee)

System Administrator Posts: 48
This discussion was created from comments split from: Damage knees.


  • sunnyside2
    sunnyside2 Member Posts: 131

    I am waiting to see a knee consultant- and I have now started the diet as like many have lock down weight gain. I know full well it will be first thing they say - they said it years ago and I had to lose weight to be able to have first surgery. weight lose made no difference to my wrecked knees or pain but it did mean they would do the surgery so had to do it.

    It may be worth talking to your GP about weight loss. They may be able to offer a diet class . some people prefer a class structure for motivation/education

    from my own perspective I know how to lose weight- its boring but boils down to reduce the eating of anything with sugar, cut down on anything beige, ie cut down on bread, biscuits, chips, cakes, crisps, potatoes, eat sensible amount of meats, sensible amount of fruit and eat unlimited greens, fill up on lots and lots of greens as they are very low calorie. It is possible to lose weight without exercise but its slower.

  • AnLes
    AnLes Member Posts: 6

    Sunnyside thanks for your kind words

    As i am now am really down with this unending pain.

    You are right the fist things they say weight, which as you say and i know makes no difference to the severe pain. The NHS i think use the bmi as an excuse to deny some of us elective surgeries if u go for gastric bypass bmi ( Forty) is not an issue ,thats where am confuse is it not the same major operation and anesthetic involve. I am confuse and at times depress with what am going thru.I eat sensible i have even got some medication to help with weight loss, which i started last month. i have another appointment in May ,

    please keep in touch so we exchange ideas.

  • YvonneH
    YvonneH Member Posts: 1,075
    edited 29. Apr 2021, 15:31

    I can't change author but AnLes sent this to my inbox and has said I can post it here to share with other members too.

    Hi YvonneH,

    Thank You Very much for your kind reply.

    I understand what you saying am now in a situation where i cant move, every step is severe pain it gotten so bad that am almost housebound , i have lost weight i dont mind to get a loan and go private because am at a point i cannot take this pain its getting me severely depress. I eat sensibly, i can not do any exercise at the moment. Am confuse down and lost.I have had this arthritis for a long time now Its now extremely damage according to the doctors i see.

    i dont know what else to do. i have even started taking weight loss tablets

    I think the NHS to deny operations to someone of us is an excuse, if i wanted a gastric bypass there is no restriction on bmi is it not the same major operations and entails anesthetic .

    please keep in touch

  • YvonneH
    YvonneH Member Posts: 1,075

    Well done AnLes,

    Would you like to start a new thread on eating well to lose weight or should we keep it here?

    I'm going to use the site I went to last time, when I hadd to diet to have my TKR. It was diabetes uk site and they have lots of help there with a low carb diet. I think first I need to refresh my memory on what to do, I have been slowly emptying the fridge of tasty but carb full goodies.


  • AnLes
    AnLes Member Posts: 6

    yes YvonneH i would like to start a new thread on eating well to lose weight

    I would e very please to get any website and help from you to help in eating well to lose weight

    Any tips is welcome let me know the tasty car bs full of goodies,

  • sunnyside2
    sunnyside2 Member Posts: 131

    You can do it. may I ask- was the medication off a doctor? please don't take random stuff off net if it wasn't- most are just scams-others can be deadly.

    I find I lose weight if have unlimited veg/salad. bit of fruit, generous amount of meat and really cut out the carbs like bread/potatoes. Its not as easy if can exercise but it is doable. You can also get sugar free sweets for a little sweet hit when desperate (werthers do one) watch the drinks- fruit juice is shockingly fattening and likewise most pop-and you still feel hungry!

    I find doing something that takes a bit of concentration helps take your mind off hunger, painting, drawing or if you are inclined something like knitting or embroidery - and those are all things you can't do with a biscuit in hand lol , If you aren't arty even something like adult colouring in books are good or jigsaws. Nothing too hard but hard enough to keep your mind on.

    If you are up for it walking in a swimming pool is great exercise for arthritic limbs- far gentler then normal walking but does build muscle (which reduces pain) and burns a few calories. A lot of pools have women only sessions which is good if a bit self conscious.

    Good luck- you can do it- look at it as a means to an end- lose the weight and they will help you, its not forever

  • YvonneH
    YvonneH Member Posts: 1,075

    Dear @sunnyside2 @AnLes

    I've split off the losing weight comments from the Damage Knees discussion so others can see what we are about and pop in to join or give us some support and advice. Please do join us - the more the merrier x

    I've started today to write down what I'm eating. I find this is a good way to make me think twice before I eat anything, I can eat it but I have to write it down kind of makes me pause to decide if I really do want something.

    @sunnyside2 I'm like you, basically cutting down as much as I can on the bread, spuds, pasta, rice - I don't have none - I allow myself 100 carbs per day which is enough for a few with meals if I don't have the cakes/sweets type. I have some sugar free sweeties too. Remember if you have too many you may be running to the loo! But they do take away the craving.

    Good luck to us, and especially you @AnLes as you've not done this before

    Take care


  • sunnyside2
    sunnyside2 Member Posts: 131

    sugar free sweeties... my husband raided my bag of them after I had gone to bed-and ate loads... boy did he pay for it!!! was swearing loudly (from Loo) that it should be illegal to sell sweets that do that !!