Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,298

    Thanks @dachshund , that’s interesting, I went to uni in Bangor, v long ago now, one of me best friends, who’s also an ex colleague, is Welsh, he went to the same uni, but not at the same time, he’s a classical musical composition lecturer, v nice person. I was born in Reading, but my parents are Indian. I hope you have a nice day too.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223


    Kath it's good to see you👍

    Sleek 8s bringing two things today

    1 whelks

    2 bunting for you scaffolding.

    Nothing wrong with living in Nottingham all your life! It's a lovely place to live.

    You must let me know if cockles are better than whelks or vice versa🤔

    Thanks for the dinner it was yum very yum😋

    Joan Lucy copes so well just a couple of paracetamol here and there. I suppose she's had worse. You don't complain much yourself either. Though you have a lot on ((())) xxx

    Bosh so you were born in Reading eh? I have a cousin there. I was born in Bournemouth. (I probably already said that!)😳

    I wouldn't fancy living in London even with a good boss!

    A lot of Indian food is veggie/Vegan and I love share any recipes you think we might like🙂

    Thanks for the tea much appreciated. 👍

    I am think I will post a video from the 'do' it is an advert for a shop but only for Figaro owners so I hope it doesn't count as advertising admins?

    I am the 4th person interviewed!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) if you was paying they would have been quick for their money wouldn't they ((())) I'm sorry you have so many problems you don't need that as well ((())) love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Bosh ((())) I hope you have a good day ((()))

    Barbara ((())) I hope all is well there ((())) love to everyone

    Toni (((())) your busy with the builders love to everyone ((()))

    Love to Chris ((()) Carol ((())) Mig ((())) and Mike ((())) and Elliott ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,298

    Hi @kathleenT , thanks for welcoming me to the group, you don’t sound boring at all! My mum has 2 grandchildren and is always wishing she had more, lol. That looks like a great recipe btw, I never would’ve thought of making a cashew nut sauce. Do you ever eat those raw energy bar things? With cashew nuts, dates, etc? I found them tasty, but unfortunately they upset my stomach. @frogmorton @dachshund and @Turbogran , how are you all doing today? I’m not so bad thanks, I guess, my sister’s birthday next week, big 40, no less, she looks like she’s 17 though, lol, shes also one of the skinny ladies who can eat a whole choc cake and burn it off by lying on the sofa, oh well.

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Good morning lovelies, bad news first - WOT NO ROOFERS!!!! (shades of war time)

    Bosh, I don't cook, all my recipes are pinched from GOOGLE - and I like to feed my vegan friends. Between us, my brother and sister drove our late mum mad with our habit of popping babies out at a rate of knots. Well my brother had 2 partners, One child with wife number 1 and 2 with wife number 2. My sister only has the one, so really I was the main child bearer. Then I found out what was causing it. 🤣 Like you, I have to be careful what I eat as my tummy complains.

    Joan, is it sunny where you are? Or have you had rain?

    Barbara, Is it long before you will see Niamh again?

    Toni, I didn't expect you to talk like that. How brave ae you? I must try and get a recording of moi reading one of me poems. The one about Sleek's ickle house. Just to remind you.

    I'd have to try and talk posh though, not with a common Nottingham dialect.But of course you have a copy because there's one on Sleek's wall and the one in our poem book.

    Now to look for an Indian dish in honour of Bosh.

    Veg Makhanwala Recipe - North Indian Mixed Vegetables Gravy


    For the veggies

    • 1 tablespoon Butter (Salted)
    • Salt , to taste
    • 1/4 cup Carrot (Gajjar) , cut into 1 inch diagonals
    • 1/4 cup Green Bell Pepper (Capsicum) , cut into 1 inch diagonals
    • 1/4 cup Green beans (French Beans) , cut into 1 inch diagonals
    • 1/4 cup Baby corn , cut into 1 inch diagonals
    • 1/4 cup Cauliflower (gobi) , small florets

    For the gravy

    • 1 tablespoon Butter (Salted)
    • 2 Cloves (Laung)
    • 1 Cardamom (Elaichi) Pods/Seeds
    • 1 inch Cinnamon Powder (Dalchini)
    • 2 Kashmiri dry red chilli
    • 1 teaspoon Coriander (Dhania) Seeds
    • 1/2 teaspoon Whole Black Pepper Corns
    • 6 Cashew nuts
    • 5 cloves Garlic
    • 1 inch Ginger
    • 1 Green Chilli
    • 2 Onions , finely chopped
    • Salt , to taste
    • 1 teaspoon Kashmiri Red Chilli Powder
    • 1/4 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi)
    • 1 teaspoon Cumin powder (Jeera)
    • 1 teaspoon Garam masala powder
    • 1 cup Homemade tomato puree
    • 2 tablespoons Fresh cream
    • Butter (Salted) , to serve

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all sorry about 6esterday even had to watch England win wuth one eye covered

    Sun is shining today so that's nice

    Toni I love your accent sort of North Country..

    My face to face us the 12th bit I tend to think it will be physio..Mr B still not had his xx

    Bosh my ex neighbour was Indian and cooked the best foid ever and always sent some round...xx

    Joan I'm fine just resting these eyes my leg is on and off not bad at the min just you see when I go to the face to face it will ge to all of you xx

    Kath I love the ickle poem and Tonis accent would be perfect ...thankyou for more good recipes xx

    Carol I'm glad your legs are a little better with the cream ..nothing worse than itching 😫xx

    Love to everyone


  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,298

    Hi @kathleenT , sorry, I wrote a big message, that somehow got lost, I’m fairly new to the group, lol, so I’ll try again, thanks for welcoming me. You don’t sound boring at all, btw, even if lockdown were completely over, I probably still wouldn’t travel much, I’d worry too much about losing stuff, haha. Great recipe btw, inventive use of cashews, btw, have u ever tried “Nkd” energy bars, lovely taste of cashews and dates, but upsets my stomach unfortunately. Hi also to @frogmorton and @Turbogran and @dachshund , how are you all doing today?

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,298

    Sorry found my message and yours thanks @kathleenT , I’m getting the hang of this now, no shame in using internet recipes at all, the Indian veg recipes looks great too, thanks. I must admit I really should cook more, I’m slowly trying to get back into it…I think I’ll need to buy some lighter pans first, as my hands hurt sometimes. My brother in law is the laziest “cook” I know, I believe once he fried some bacon, lol. Take care x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,298

    Hi. @barbara12 , thanks. That’s great, my mum is also an amazing cook, my dad can cook well if he tries, which is hardly ever, lol. Have a nice day. X

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,298

    Hi @frogmorton , thanks. That’s nice about your cousin. I see, but the boss was actually unsympathetic, quite cruel really. I agree, was so noisy at night there, for example. Ok, I’ll go now before I get RSI. Tc xx.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,298

    Hi @frogmorton , just wanted to quickly reply, no recipes spring to mind atm, I kind of need to get back into cooking, but I haven’t made my own recipes yet. Tc x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 9. Jul 2021, 05:58

    Bosh you must get back into cooking! I do as much as I can myself being veggie/vegan it's easier. I did however get some lighter weight pans so your idea is a good one. Much easier. There are other tips too you can use too to make things easier cooking. The main one I do is to cook a whole load and freeze them during 'good' spells.

    My Husband is a bit like your BIL😁I suspect he burnt pans on purpose so he could get out of cooking!

    Happy 40th to your sister even if she can burn of chocolate cakes sitting on the sofa🙄

    Morning to Mike. I hope all is well with you in Sunny Cornwall. Have you had any of these really heavy stormy showers we've had? Sending love to Elliott too ((())) xxx

    Kath did you say no builders? Oh dear me mine have been every day come rain (mostly) or shine. Today maybe?

    I would love to hear your voice too! I think the Nottingham accent is lovely East Midlands is a lovely accent. Mine is dreadful close to Brummie people say who don't live here. Because l originated 'down south' people from here think it's posh! I think it's a total mix.

    Of course I know your poem but Bosh didn't so worth reposting and Sleek (reading over my shoulder) loves seeing it online again!

    Now I must get a picture of Sleek's ickle house for Bosh to see too. My puss is so spoiled that she really does have a little house of her own🙂

    That curry was amazing I had two portions and froze another ta very muchly!

    I had to laugh - you 'found out what was causing it'!!!😂no more babies for you after that!

    Barbara I am so sorry your eyes are being so badly behaved. I hope watching TV with one eye did not spoil your enjoyment of the football. I did not watch it......yawn!

    The 12th? Yes I'm sure you're right it's likely to be physio at least to start with it usually is🙄

    The weather is picking up here and when does Niamh arrive? I bet you cannot wait!🙂

    On the subject of Indian food (or food full stop being me!) have you seen your old neighbour recently? I bet you miss all that lovely food she used to cook😕and her mostly though.

    Joan how are you today? At least our builders are reliable unlike poor Kath eh? 😠 Makes me so cross when people much us about. We made 8 bunches of flowers with P the other day and several small ones. All using flowers from our gardens . I will post a photo....all sold! Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Love of course to Carol - hope the legs are healing 🤞

    and Chris who is doing really well sewing!


    Will you pop the kettle on @bosh ?

    thank you

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    The flowers we made with P the other day all sold!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    My pusskins house for Bosh to see

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,298

    Hi @frogmorton , yes, I know about the cooking, I think it would be easier to do so if I were living alone, but I’m not atm, also there’s lot of family drama right now, certain guests etc, but I’m getting there gradually, I cooked pea and mint soup and butternut squash risotto, but not recently, using BBC website.Love the cat’s house. I know I haven’t answered everything, but I’m a bit busy atm. I will put on kettle though. Earl grey or Assam? Tc x

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992
    edited 9. Jul 2021, 07:33

    Morning to Mike. I hope all is well with you in Sunny Cornwall. Have you had any of these really heavy stormy showers we've had? Sending love to Elliott too ((())) xxx

    Morning petal, no heavy rain down here just a few doses of liquid sunshine. Just had an email from Asda regarding my on-line shop and am stunned to see that nothing is missing from my order and nothing has been substituted! First time ever I think. Shame that I left out fresh pre-prepared veg as whenever I have ordered them in the past I have not had them. Found out through a third party that Elliott has been back at school for the past couple of weeks albeit for 4 days a week with a dedicated helper, so hopefully that will greatly enhance his recovery.

    Can't wait for this football thing to be over, can't stand the game!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) the roofers not coming does that mean you have to fix it ((())) it would be done by now if you had ((())) love to Chris ((())) Anita (((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) sorry about your eyes ((())) we haven't had any heavy rain yet love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Bosh ((())) have a good weekend all of you ((()))

    Toni ((())) the flowers are lovely how long did they take to get together ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia (((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Mike ((())) have a good weekend and Elliott ((()))

    Love to Chris ((())) Carol ((())) Mig ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Morning all, since Brynmor kindly made it so easy for me to edit my signature, I keep doing it in the hope I will not forget. But I think I have it perfect now.

    Antoinette, those posies you and P made are gorgeous.

    Roofer - today - I sincerely hope not, not on Tesco day. We can only cope with one thing at a time. And I've had constipation all week. Today it's gone to the other extreme - ARGHHHH! Flippin' IBS. I'm giving up Soya milk, it really causes gastric problems. I'm going back to bottled water again. As for your accent, your time in Nottingham shows' I'd take you for a native. I can see Sleek preening her whiskers as she re-reads my ickle poem. I'm hoping mine will grow as sleek as hers do - hang on, that's an idea for another poem to work on when I've finished here.

    Bosh, I'm pleased you approved the recipe, I do my best, but not everyone agrees. Perhaps one day you might share one or two of yours.

    Mike, good news about Elliott, let's hope and pray for him to keep improving. I'm with you on football, rubbish game. Our Aidan would have been upset about Roger Federer getting knocked out of Wommbledin. He was a great fan of his.

    Barbara, so your F2F is on the 12th. Hope all goes well. I wonder when my Rheumatologist will remember I'm still here. my last chat was via the 'phone and she wasn't very nice to me. 😲

    Love and (((()))) to Joan.

    I'm not feeling up to doing a recipe today - not with having a naughty tummy etc. so love and (((()))) to all.

    Now about that poem! See you Sunday as tomorrow is my day off.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,298

    Thanks @dachshund , today is methotrexate day for me, so I feel groggy and horrible, lol. Do you take this medicine? Just thought I’d ask. It’s so nasty and fiddly, I have to take 10 tiny tablets and it’s so easy to almost lose them on the floor. I had some red meat at lunchtime, which made me feel a bit better, no offence to the vegans. Do you like this muggy changeable weather? I can’t wait for it to end. Tc.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,298

    Hi @kathleenT , you’re welcome. I’ve yet to get back into my cooking stride, tbh, lol, situation isn’t easy atm with certain family issues etc, but I’m v gradually getting there. I’ve mainly used the bbc recipes in the past, soup, risotto, etc. Have a nice afternoon. Tc.

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all a lovely day today si dud some shopping then pottering 8n the garden

    Bosh pea and mint soup sounds good to me ..hope your day was good sorry about the family's eh xx

    Mike I'm so please Elliot us back at school ,just wish they would keep you in the loop xx

    Toni crumpets thankyou 😁the flowers are gorgeous no winder they sold ..Niamh is here today after 2 weeks she has had 3 test and all negative thank goodness xx

    Joan thankyou I usually manged with the eyes at the min but yesterday they were iffy love to all if you.xx.

    Kath I know what you mean one thing at a time I get all jittery when there are things going is to much most days wonder if its an age thing xx

    Love to all


  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Spot the newt

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    OMG Barbara it looks like a lizard!

    I am so glad Niamh is all clear and with you I bet everyone is so very happy😊 Not good enough weather for the pool though😕

    I prefer only one thing to happen per day if possible it's just too stressful otherwise.

    Today there is a village plant sale outside Church which I will be helping at probably making tea as usual at such events.

    Hah Kath!! "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein Made me ☺ I LOVE your pusskin signature as does Miss Sleek as you can imagine.

    Sorry about your oh so naughty tum. I hope today it is 'right' (ish) and your day 'off' is a restful one.

    I have to agree with you and Barbara I can't cope with too many things on one day. It's too much and upsets my belly!

    Sleek was laughing about your idea for a new whisker poem😹and oh yes she preens as you know. I hope the belly trouble is the soya....and not the cockles and whelks🤢

    Thanks for saying my accent is more East than West Mids!!! love you Kath😘

    Morning Mike. I am very impressed to hear your order was all present and correct that is very unusual but has happened to me once or twice recently too. Is the the mixed veg that you roast you wanted? If so I love them too. I shop at Tesco 3 weeks Ocado one.

    Well I must say that is excellent news Elliott going back into school. It will help with his recovery for definite.😊

    Roll on next week when the footie is well and truly over!

    Morning Bosh oh dear me family drama is not much fun. Hopefully when the guests depart (any hope of that anytime soon?) you will be able to get near the kitchen! I am very happy with soups they are so good for us get plenty of veg in that way. You don't need to answer everything, but we are a nosey lot and just want to get to know you. Feel free to ask us anything!

    Morning Joan the bouquets took 3 of us Myself P and J from the village about an hour and a half to do, but P made tea in the middle for us all and biccies were eaten too! i have learned another new skill thanks to P.🙂 Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Aidan's breakfast of course it being Saturday: