Turmeric, CBD, etc

Moonunit Member Posts: 9
edited 1. Aug 2021, 12:40 in Living with arthritis

Hello! Have any of you tried any of the 'alternative' therapies such as Turmeric, CBD oil, anti inflammatory diets, etc.

I've been considering trying some of these things as I'm getting concerned about the number of drugs and medications I'm taking. I'm not trying to replace any of the meds, just looking for an alternative to even more pain killers. I have psoriatic arthritis that gives me sore joints, tendons and muscles.

There are so many different brands of supplements, different strengths, different diet versions and so on that the mind boggles! Just wanted to hear of any experiences any of you have had.



  • Poppyjane
    Poppyjane Moderator Posts: 882

    Hi @Moonunit ,

    I see that you are interested in alternative therapies and attach a link with information which might help your discussions with other members of the community

    There are often discussions about these complementary medicines. Some people find them beneficial and others not, so I hope members will share their experiences which may help you clarify your thoughts about the way forward.

    We look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Take care


    If it would be helpful to talk to someone ring the Helpline 0800 5200 520

    Monday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 6.00p.m.

  • N1gel
    N1gel Member Posts: 163

    Yes, (although I have Osteoarthritis in elbows and hands).

    I've tried Turmeric, Glucosamine, Omega oil and good old paracetamol.

    Two points occurred to me before I stopped buying them by subscription:

    1. I didn't honestly think they made a bit of difference, but it was very hard to stop taking them 'just in case' - until I realised I was spending about £30 a month!
    2. You can get these supplements a lot cheaper from your local supermarket and it's a lot easier to stop buying them that way. I did some research on one of the companies I was buying from and found they'd been had up by the Advertising Standards Authority for another of their products. The other company was relying on 'inertia selling' - i.e. it wasn't easy to find out how to cancel your order.

    (and the Paracetamol was from my dimwit young GP who told me I had 'Tennis Elbow' in spite of X rays and whose answer to everything is to prescribe pills).

    Don't let me put you off trying them I know some people swear by them but be wary about the people who sell you promises.

  • Coffeecup
    Coffeecup Member Posts: 16

    Turmeric has steady research behind it being an anti inflammatory. I always take a daily high dose. Recently on holiday I didn’t for over a week, and my knees became a lot worse. However, I was also more active than I usually am and had to climb a lot of stairs. After a few days of retaking turmeric my pain reduced again.

    Its trial and error with these things I suppose. What suits one person might not benefit another.

  • Yetibee
    Yetibee Member Posts: 10

    Heard of people who have had success with cbd but so many types and strengths and it cost the earth. I tried a full spectrum 1500mg courtesy of a friend but it didn't seem to help my hip at all and at £60 a pop I couldn't afford it anyway. Can't try turmeric cos of acid reflux etc but Pregabalin prescribed by doctor has given me some relief. Hope you find something to help you

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,751

    I was advised against turmeric by my GP due to contra-indications with other medications I'm on, so you should always check with your GP first. If you do consult a herbalist, if they're any good they will ask the same questions and steer you away from problem combinations. That doesn't happen online.

    I'm afraid I swear by western medicine developed and tested in laboratories rather than herbal remedies, but that's just me. I know others are differently persuaded and equally convinced, who will argue a lot of (but by no measure all) modern treatments had their origins in herbal medicine, but at least my drugs are on the NHS.

    I'm always rather suspicious of "alternative medicine/vitamin pill" peddlers, as their vested interest is not effective treatments to manage patient numbers and welfare, but money in the bank, and a lot of desperate people waste a lot of money finding out they make little or no difference. I once made the mistake of ordering some vitamins (recommended by my GP) online, and these wretched people pestered me constantly by email and phone calls at work until I told them, very succintly, to stop harrassing me. I now only buy the few I take from local stores instead.

  • TraceyS
    TraceyS Member Posts: 9

    I have tried curcumin supplements. But I'll say now I didn't find them effective. Curcumin is found in turmeric and it is curcumin that gives turmeric its anti-inflammatory properties. The problem is our bodies cannot absorb curcumin very well. The better supplements improve the absorbability by adding black pepper or a phospholipid complex to the formula. However they tend to be more expensive. Yes there is some scientific evidence behind curcumin but be careful what you buy. If it's of interest I tried Thorne Meriva 500-SF Curcumin Phytosome after reading about it arthritis.org I think it was.

  • Dali
    Dali Member Posts: 4

    Hi @Moonunit i personally feel it can all be quite confusing. There is so much conflicting information online.

    Personally I take Turmeric to help with inflammation. I’ve changed my diet dramatically this last year and have seen significant improvements.

    I’ve suffered with RA for 12yrs, with lupus and connective tissue disease being diagnosed a few years later.

    After contracting C-19, my health took a turn for the worse and I decided to try the holistic pathway, as the medical establishment could no longer help me.

    I’m now in remission from Lupus and connective tissue disease. I was once controlling my RA with heavy meds including Rituximab etc I’m now managing with steroids and cocodamol.

    I understand my experience is not for everyone. But definitely worth exploring. If you’d like more info about my path, please message me:)

    wishing you all the best, in your discovery.

  • JaneM
    JaneM Member Posts: 5

    Hi there - I tried to self-prescribe various supplements -Curcumin, CBD and lots of others - when I was first diagnosed with RA. But it was scattergun and I didn’t know how to measure the response. So, eventually, I enlisted the support of a complementary therapist (and former Gp) to apply more science to it. After paying ( a lot) for private tests I found out I had ‘expensive wee’ as I wasn’t absorbing food or supplements properly. I have since changed my diet, taken a range of supplements including turmeric/vitD/ magnesium/ Vit B complex/Boswelia/ MSM and others. My inflammatory markers fell drastically over a year in which I continued to take a low dose of methotrexate and resisted the offers from my consultant to increase. I have had one flare up recently but I feel stronger and able to bounce back quicker. But this alternative route is expensive and time-consuming. My hope is that if I manage to rebalance my body I may be able to reduce meds. I wish there was far more research into these complementary therapies but no drug companies will pay for that! Good luck. If you can afford to access a nutritionist or complementary therapist I’d recommend that.

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,751

    @JaneM , is there a way to differentiate between the benefit you’re getting from the methotrexate and from the various supplements, either individually or in total?

  • JaneM
    JaneM Member Posts: 5

    @Lilymary good question. The only measurements ( other than how I feel) are the CRP/ ESR levels in my blood - my consultant agreed to add these to my quarterly blood tests. ( I was concerned the tests were only measuring the harm Methotrexate may be causing). I also put on a stone in weight over the first few months of my new diet/supplements which was much needed as I had lost too much weight when I wasn’t absorbing food properly. I have kept my methotrexate intake the same as a constant. For the previous year before the changes in diet etc my inflammation markers were consistently high and not moving. The next step is re-testing my bodily functions. These tests are expensive so I can’t afford to do them all again. I’m taking with my therapist to see which ones are most essential. The original set of tests gave me a clear holistic picture of my gut/metals/etc

  • Jacqui_S
    Jacqui_S Member Posts: 2

    Hi, I’m newly diagnosed with arthritis in both knees secondary to osteochondral lesions which apparently occurred years ago. I can’t take NSAIDs due to also having ulcerative colitis and the orthopaedic consultant recommended only turmeric for my knee pain. I have been taking it for about 5 months - it has no effect on my knees at all but I no longer have pains in my finger joints so will continue taking it.

  • Tom
    Tom Member Posts: 522

    Hello @Jacqui_S and welcome to the forum.

    I see that your knees are affected by arthritis secondary to osteochondral lesions from some years ago. You also mention your fingers that are responding to the Turmeric suggested by your consultant.

    I attach links to information on our website which I hope you will find helpful:

    Good luck and let us know how you get on.


  • Hi Moonunit

    I suffer from RA among several other ailments, for 23yrs now . I will say if you are on any meds prescribed definitely ask before buying any vitamins/supplements as they might be contraindicated and expensive to waste.

    I have tried cbd Holland/Barrett one and I really didn’t like it ,my experience with morphine is it makes me hyper and nauseous. Turmeric I have been meaning to try for ages mix glass milk,1tsp turmeric,1tsp cinnamon,honey stir and drink if remember. Also I have started (early days )juicing again to try. Been so long on pharma meds Over the years,time to try anything again. Avoid tomatoes and all red fruits/veg was a diet heard about years ago but I love toms etc!.

    fingers crossed for you.

  • Tom
    Tom Member Posts: 522

    Hi, @Elaine1983 and welcome to the forum. Thank you for sharing your experiences of your condition.

    To help you in your search for alternative therapies, here are dome links to our website:

    As advised in these links, it is strongly recommended that you talk to your GP or Consultant before starting any of these treatments.

    All the best and let us know how you get on.


  • Diwan53
    Diwan53 Member Posts: 1

    Hi, I have osteo arthritis in my knees and neck bulging discs in my spine and an autoimmune disease which affects my wrists, hands, and shoulders.

    I take CBD paste, I just have it at night and find it really helps me to relax and sleep.😊

    Text deleted, we cannot advertise CBD products on this community

    Admin Yvonne _H

  • YvonneH
    YvonneH Member Posts: 1,075

    Welcome to the online community @Diwan53 it's great to meet you.

    I see that you use a CBD paste, it's fine that you are sharing your experience with this. Further information regarding CBD in all its forms is below. We can't allow any recommendations on strength/type etc of this product so I have had to delete that part of your comment.

    Cannabis oil (CBD)

    CBD is type of cannabinoid – a natural substance extracted from the cannabis plant and often mixed with an oil (such as coconut or hemp) to create CBD oil. It does not contain the psychoactive compound called tetrahydrocannabidiol (THC) which is associated with the feeling of being ‘high’.

    Research in cannabinoids over the years suggests that they can be effective in treating certain types of chronic pain such as pain from nerve injury, but there is currently not enough evidence to support using cannabinoids in reducing musculoskeletal pain. We welcome further research to better understand its impact and are intently following developments internationally.

    CBD oil can be legally bought as a food supplement in the UK from heath food shops and some pharmacies. However, CBD products are not licensed as a medicine for use in arthritis by MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority) or approved by NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) or the SMC (Scottish Medicines consortium).

    We know anecdotally from some people with arthritis, that CBD has reduced their symptoms. If you’re considering using CBD to manage the pain of your arthritis, it’s important to remember it cannot replace your current medicines, and it may interact with them, so please do not stop/start taking anything without speaking to a healthcare professional.

    Please do continue to post share your story with arthritis and to support others along their journeys.

    Take care

    Yvonne x

  • Moonunit
    Moonunit Member Posts: 9

    Thank you all for the useful comments and discussions. After some research and a chat with my rheumatologist, I've started taking turmeric. I've found out that turmeric extract rather than organic turmeric is the best bet, it contains much more of the curcumin which is the active ingredient so that's what I've gone for. They also contain bioperine from black pepper.

    I'm not going to try CBD just yet though one thing at a time!

  • Hey Moonunit,

    Great to hear you've spoken to your consultant now.

    My partner had PsA and he stopped all meds (due to side effect issues) and opted to try alternative medicine. He was seeing an Acupuncturist and Osteopath. Taking Tumeric and black pepper, Vitamin D, Vitamin C (for a short time) and Cod Liver Oil. It was in big doses and he felt ok. Then he had an epic flare making him redundant to minimal mobility and dependent on crutches and my help. (He's 36). The flare was significant enough for him to decide that alternative meds were for him.

    Although they made him feel good overall I think he was looking for a "fix" instead of chemicals.

    Good Luck with your journey and fingers crossed its right for you.

  • Frenchjac
    Frenchjac Member Posts: 1

    Hi everyone

    I was diagnosed with OA in my jaw(I have TMD) and neck some 10 years ago at 65.Since then it has steadily crept to my knees, right hip and ankles.I have variable degrees of pain varying from mild (mainly summertime) to moderate(sometimes severe) in the cooler months.I also have stiffness and restricted movement in all my joints.I walk our dog and try to keep active with gardening and DIY!

    I dislike taking prescription medicines and so have tried to find alternatives that at least keep me mobile and bring any pain to a managable level.Thro' trial and error and a lot of research I find the following 'cocktail' effective and now only have to take over-the counter regular painkillers if I cannot sleep on some nights-rarely during the daytime

    Turmeric with bioperine; Glucosamine Sulphate; MSM ; Rosehip; High Strength Cod liver oil;High strength Omega 3 oil;Chondroitin Sulphate; Osteo 4 containing Vit D,K calcium and Magnesium.

    I will only buy from reputable companies online and try to get the best formulations at a reasonable price-it costs me a fair bit but if it keeps me well and functioning I feel it is money well spent.

    Another tip (which doesn't always make me popular with my partner!) is the use of some old-fashioned remedies- namely Rubbing ointments.

    I use Radian B (which contains Capsicum) and Red Tiger Balm both essentially what might be called herbal remedies.They are miraculous in taking away much of the discomfort if firmly rubbed into the afflicted area and also are very comforting as they are warming.Any good chemist usually carry them.

    I hope this might be of some use to some of you as it has been to me.