

I am 22 yrs, I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis 3 months back. My arthritis is very progressive so I have started with strong meditation such as methotrexate, salazopyrin and prednisone.

At the moment I feel as if I am being silly, as I find it hard to open jars and after a few hours typing on my computer my wrist and finger are extremely sore and swollen...

Just wanna know if anyone has any advice on what relaxes them or helps with their joints that isn't medication 🙊


  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,113

    Hi @Paige99 and welcome to the online community,

    You are certainly not being silly when you can’t open jars and find that your wrist and finger become sore after a couple of hours on the computer. You’ve been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis and these are some of the symptoms that you may experience. It’s good that you are being treated with a variety of drugs that will hopefully start to control your condition and manage any pain and stiffness that you have. It can take a while before you notice any difference in your symptoms.

    All the members on the forum have experienced arthritis in some way, so I’m sure you will get some responses to your question about what helps them with their joints apart from medication. You might find it useful to have a look at the following link about wrist and hand pain. There’s a section at the end that mentions how to deal with swollen joints and also suggests some exercises you can start doing to strengthen your fingers and wrists:

    Do let us know how you are getting on,

    Anna ( Mod)

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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,089

    Hi Paige , nice to meet u, I have same condition, maybe use voice control instead of keyboard, most jars are pressure seals, so v carefully put jar near the flame from stove, heat loosens the seal, no problem. Though of course if grip is really not good atm, don’t take risks with stoves, keep moisturising, maybe use foot cream after your shower, that helps me a lot. Relaxing music, sugary treats, but not too much, that’s about all I’ve got, still trying to figure it out myself, Tc. X

  • Paige99
    Paige99 Member Posts: 4

    Thank you so much for your comment:) I will definitely try all those tips!

    I have been finding it quite difficult, as being 22 year of age it would seem that their is a big stigma that younge people don't get arthritis. I am finding it hard to convince and explain to my parents and friends why I can't do certain things or why I find it difficult to complete certain tasks. I have used theories and countless examples but I want to know does it eventually make sense to those close to you on how the condition effects your body or do you just learn to adapt overtime and not let in bother you?

  • YvonneH
    YvonneH Member Posts: 1,075

    Hi @Paige99

    Welcome to the Online Comumunity. There is a site

    which is specifically for young adults with arthritis which may be of help. The page I'm sending you is in relation to sharing information about your arthritis with others, not specifically parents. I wonder if it would help your parents to realise more about your condition and how it affects you if one came with you to your next appointment? You could also point them towards our booklet or information on psoriatic arthritis from our website

    At the end of the information is Siobhan's story, a lady who first developed PsA at 23.

    Keep posting, let us hear all the worries and concerns and we can help you move forward.

    Yvonne x

    PS I'd run the jars under hot water to make the metal in the lid expand and it will turn easier x

  • Hi @Paige99 !!

    welxome to the forum !!

    And big hugs 🤗 it’s not easy being diagnosed specially at such a young age !!

    I was diagnosed myself at 44 Xmas 2020 ! I’ve found it hard to accept ! (Also with psoriatic arthritis)

    when your in pain take your painkillers and u must pace yourself! If u don’t rest u will end up worse !!

    it’s hard when people don’t get it ! My hubbi only realised how I suffer when we had a 4 day break in London and I struggled to walk people will eventually realise xxx