Severe OA in foot? MRI uses complex terms cant see anyone for months


Hi everyone,

I am new to the forum. For months now i have been suffering with swelling to the ankle/foot (L) and in July I had an xray which noted mild OA.

Fast forward to last week I had an MRI and was sent a copy of the report (my only way to describe the MRI report was someone vomiting a medical dictionary) with a note attached saying I was being referred to orthopedics. I have spoken with the appointments team and they say I may not even be seen until next year.

I have rang my GP surgery and my GP is apparently fully booked for phone calls for 2-3 weeks.

Its getting colder where i live, and Im at a point where I cannot wear a sock/slipper/ or enclosed shoe without the swelling increasing and the pain gets unbareable. Of course resting with my foot up the swelling goes down, but as soon as im up and mobile it starts again.

I just want to know what I am dealing with.

The conclusion of the MRI report states the following:

"There is significant loss of the longitudinal arch of the foot. Significant intrasubstance degenerative signal changes to the deep fibres of the deltoid ligament with marked degenerative cystic changes to the medial malleolus with mechanical marrow oedema to the medial malleolus and the adjacent aspect of the talus at the tibiotalar joint."

I already know im flat footed so I have no arch- thats been a case since birth. Anyone have any clue?

On top of this, I have been trying to ignore similar pain in my wrists. I did have a blood test when this started which didnt show anything, but then the xray of the foot says mild but now it looks like it might be severe. Im so confused.

I have a number of health conditions already and I am only 31 years old. (Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia, NA Fatty Liver, Carpal Tunnel, Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, Anxiety, Depression, Degenerative disc disease (spine).

Would be good to hear from you all. :)


  • Hi @palmk002

    Welcome to the online community- it's great to have you here!

    I'm sorry to hear that you're suffering with your ankle/foot but it's good to see that you're in the system and getting seen to as such. It's never easy trying to make head or tail of medical reports but at least you have your x-ray result to get started with!

    We have some general information on OA here that might be of use to you for now:

    There is also some more foot/ankle specific information for you here:

    I do hope that you find out more from your MRI report- have you been back in touch with your GP or specialist who should be able to shed more light on the report?

    Keep talking to us here- we're a lovely bunch!

    Take care,


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,446

    Sounds as though you have to wait a good while for your conversation with the GP - I hope you did book one @palmk002

    Very complicated report I wouldn't dare try to analyse it too much but yes I can see you have no arch and it mentions swelling and ligament issues....that's all I understand.

    Do you ice your foot ever? You know ice in a tea-towel or an ice pack? and have you thought about walking aids so you can put less pressure on your poor foot?

    If you are able to did you suggest to the appointments team that you can take a cancellation appointment at short notice? The sooner you see orthopaedics the better I think.

    I hope you'll let us know how you get on.

    Take care