Val's Cafe



  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    I am so sorry to hear that P has gone, but at least she is no longer suffering.

    Revelation 21 v1-5 says

    1And I saw a new heaven and a new earth;a for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away,b and the sea is no more.  I also saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God and prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.  With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them.  And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes,g and death will be no more,h neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” And the One seated on the thronej said: “Look! I am making all things new.” Also he says: “Write, for these words are faithful* and true.”

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • clonsea
    clonsea Member Posts: 12

    So sad to hear that you have lost a dear friend. Thoughts and prayers are with you and P's family.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    Toni so sorry to hear about P.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    Hi everyone Hope you’re okay? My mum had both flu vaccine and Covid vaccine today so she’s feeling a bit under the weather bless her. I received some good news today. not ecstatic good news and nothing that affect me personally with a nice bit of news nonetheless, I used to go to dance aerobics before the good old arthritis was diagnosed, I wasn’t very good at it but it was something I enjoyed, well was nice to get a bit of exercise anyway, but given the lack of hygiene of some of the other people in the class and the fact that it wasn’t a type of aerobics that was kind on the knees at all I’ve left that alone, but the instructor was a really nice lady unfortunately I think she was really struggling for money though, where I live it’s a suburb where there’s not a lot of young or middle-aged people and though there were a significant amount of older ladies in the class, in general attendance wasn’t that great, instructor has three kids she’s a single mum and she was really not doing so well financially as I mentioned but she’s got a new job as a kind of aerobics instructor in one of the David Lloyd gyms , is so she’s earning decent money now so I’m really happy for her, I really felt sorry for her in the summer Covid months when she would do the online classes in her small room conservatory in temperatures of 46°C Celsius, glad things are working out for this lady, she definitely has a lot of resilience. Xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Toni I am so sorry to hear P has gone bless her..I love Joan's idea of a lovely memorial to her especially a tree..I will be thinking about you 💞💞....from Aidan 🌈🌈xx

    Joan what a lovely idea of yours ..a tree has a memorial for P very fitting xx

    Reshmi I hope all is well after your meds ..I used to love the gym and keep fit..but di what I can xx

    Kath thats a lovely verse ..xx

    Mike the morning fog does wear off after a while ...hope they continue ti give you some sleep xx

    Love to all


  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    Hi Barbara How are you? Not too bad thanks I had the meds at my usual time, The problem is I do know I worry too much but I know what it’s like to miss my mental health mads due to other health problems so I’ve got a bit of a “thing” about having them at a certain time really I know it’s perhaps not fully logical, lol, but I’m more or less okay, thanks for asking😄. That’s good about the gym et cetera, I wasn’t a natural exerciser, but did like doing a bit of moderate exercise because I felt so nice and tired afterwards, but it’s good that we’re both doing what we can. My right foot which is the bad foot as I call it was really hurting today but I’ve put on my extra warm thermal sock and it seems to be helping, problem is it’s so warm that I can I wear it for about 15 minutes, strange I know, haha, just have to have an early night and not think about the custard creams in the “tasty food cupboard”, that’s the name I give to the cupboard or I keep all the tasty stuff like nice biscuits, but to be honest, biscuits will be my downfall, 🍪 where do you stand on biscuits Barbara? my dad hardly has any, but he’s always eating apple turnovers and all manner of junk, he certainly is an odd character that one, hope you have restful night take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    Hi ladies and Mike a little poetic endeavour here nothing great just something to pass the time but I wrote it about ourselves so here goes… by the way I know that my pain is relatively minor compare to a lot of you but it’s just a nice little poetic empathetic statement I guess.


    Pain is part of life

    I cut my spread with a blunt kind of knife

    To your pain I am not “unapathetic”,

    Those meds’ side-effects I am more than sympathetic, 

    Because Your pain is my own

    I feel on these cold nights when we are chilled to the bone, 

    I don’t need to plan a call on the phone, 

    Because when we “chat” I always feel at home. 

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    Reshmi thank you for your poem to the cafe crew! So lovely. I am glad you feel like that I do too.💜

    What a happy ending story about your old aerobics tutor! She sounds really determined if she was prepared to do online classes in her conservatory during lockdown! She deserves to succeed I am so pleased for her - and you too if it was hard for your bones you don't have to go yourself! Her determination has been rewarded and she can provide for her children😊

    Your poor Mum! both jabs at the same time😣ouch how did she sleep? ((()))

    Thank you P was a lovely lady she did so much for this village. At the request of her daughter (who had to dash to her own home to tell her children and be with them) I spent the morning telling important people in the village and then sent a message out via the email service we have here. There have been some lovely replies.

    On the subject of your meds it could easily be your mental health meds Kari has that problem if she mistimes hers. Shame your sister was more angry than sympathetic as you said she maybe internalised things not healthy. Poor Baby R though! Oh i do hope he feels much better soon. I think he will bless him if he is on ABs and babies usually pick up quicker than adults ((())) Now I hope Lord A does not catch it as well🙄

    Joan thank you for your kind wishes. I think it would be lovely to do 'something' for P in the village what a great idea a bench or a tree or both even! She was so very important too and has left a very big hole.😓Glad your booster is booked for Wednesday the sooner the better. Her living memorial book went with her to the hospice and all the nurse knew how much she means to us all. For you and Sue ((())) xxx PS I had a cuppa with my lovely neighbours as they were desperately upset.

    Barbara How odd. I have actually felt Aidan's presence here since P died and you must have too thank you ((())) It's so close to 2 years now I can't believe it. But you know P was given 6 months she did 16! and the first 14 she was still 'well' and doing for the village. BUT I couldn't hug her. Though between you and me I held her hand in the hospice because she wanted me to.

    I hope your weekend is being a good one and that Niamh came and lit up all your lives.☺️

    Take care now.

    Kath thank you so much for seeking out such an apt and comforting passage for me. So very kind of you.

    You are so right.

    P was suffering and had had enough. God bless her.

    I've been doing so well telling everyone and being strong, but you all leaving messages just for me I am now bawling my eyes out!

    I HATE cancer🤬

    Let us eat:

    Mike I hope all is well with you and Vixen ((())) xxx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    Good morning everyone

    Reshmi ((())) do you need to have a word with your Doctor about your tablets. Have a good day all of you ((()))

    Toni ((())) thinking about you and P's ((())) sister ((())) and daughter ((())) love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((()))) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Barbara ((())) have a good day ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))

    Kath ((())) love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Mike ((())) have a good day and vixen

    Love to Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    Hi Toni how are you? It Must be so hard dealing with P not being here anymore I can only imagine. It sounded like she was a really nice person xx

    I’m glad You liked the poem, it’s about the aerobics instructor yes she is a nice lady, she is very jolly and friendly as well I remember she expressed her concern when I missed a few classes due to an eczema flareup, I know she was busy and she needn’t have bothered but she did which makes all the difference indeed. Was a bit strange the other ladies in the class were not really that friendly generally speaking, The older ladies were quite friendly but they were kind of few and far between but the people in the 30s seem to have a real attitude problem for whatever reason, lol, One of them got in the real mood because I stood in the wrong place on the first day of the class I was new, they’ve been there for years, how was I supposed to know? anyway glad I don’t need to see her face every Monday morning anymore,lol. A Couple of girls in the 20s seems quite nice and approachable but they weren’t around a great deal. The class was in a church hall, One big problem was that it was so cold in the winter I was like exercising outside I put several thousand layers on, lol, then One day quite expectedly they put the heating on and then I had to take as much layers as I decently could off,, oh dear! But it’s hardly ever happened, lol. My mum didn’t have a great sleep, though she often doesn’t sleep too well, but I think you’re right the pain of the vaccines couldn’t have helped, she was in a terrible mood this morning but she is feeling a bit better now, so that’s really good thanks, my dad was in a hideous diabolical mood in the morning but then he always tends to be, for no reason whatsoever, he threw something and it broke but don’t worry, he didn’t hurt me or my mum, well not physically, mentally is very much a different matter, always has been, but his aggressive tendencies really upset me, to be honest, anyway things could always be worse 😄. You may have a point there about my mental health mads but I think it’s just that I’ve got such into such a routine of basically having them just before I go to bed and it’s the fear, like I said, if things go wrong with my mental health, it’s a massive trauma, so yeah I think in my case basically it’s just the mental security I have of knowing I’ve got the mental health done and then I can just collapse in my bed because they really kind of seem to knock me out, yes, but yes, generally speaking, I’m not really 100% happy with my methotrexate dose, but luckily I do have a docs appointment coming up end of this month so at least I’ll get the chance to express my concerns which is good thank you also thanks to Joan, who suggested talking to a doc about MXT. Looks I think that baby R is a little bit better today thanks. He doesn’t have a temperature at least that’s the last I heard, but he’s very sleepy so sleepy he’s not eating much. Antibiotics should do him some good yes you’re right if Lord A catches it too, that would bit of a disaster. Interesting Looking breakfast almost looks like a smiley face you take care Toni. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    Hi Joan thanks again for your advice about the meds. How are you and Sue doing today? I’m not too bad thanks I’ve got an opticians checkup appointment tomorrow, the one I go to keeps me waiting for so long that’s the only problem, sometimes it’s more or less a two hour wait very frustrating , I sort of expect in the hospital to a certain extent, but they just seem very disorganised there, never mind, it’ll be over soon. I think the doc told my long lost friend that she needs to lose weight but the thing is that although she exercises a lot she eats more rubbish than prob anyone I’ve ever seen, she said she says things like “fry ups and cream cakes are good for my mental health” but but not if you have them all the time, anyway I don’t like to talk to her too much, she’s a bit dragon-ish, lol, I’m keeping polite but distant as T recommended, lol, another factor is that she is not in physical pain anymore since her brain and mobility related surgery, lucky her, right? (Lol), so I could understand if she were comfort eating just to deal with the horrible pain, I think we’ve all done that (to be honest I’m still doing it, but in a controlled manner), so she’s just stuffing her face merrily ignoring doctor’s advice well, some people are their own worst enemies I guess, never mind. Okay bye for now Joan have a nice afternoon

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    Hi Barbara and Kathleen Hope you are well today?take care Reshmi xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Toni Aidan definitely told me to send the rainbow's ...l am sure he was there for you ..yes P did si much un the time she had bless her ...I'm so pleased she got the time ..I can imagine how you and the village will miss her

    No Niamh this weekend she went to a bonfire near home ..but had to come away she's not keen on fireworks xx

    Reshmi I have a sweet tooth and if I have biscuits I like I don't know when to stop. So try to not buy them🙄 I understand you needing to take your meds at the same like a safety blanket...gosh thoes socks must be warm..I must get some soon xx

    Joan thankyou for all the hugs I still dont know how you remember everyone 🙂some hugs back to all of you (((((())))) xx

    Love to everyone


  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    Hi Barbara thanks yes I do have a sweet tooth not the sweetest in the family is but sweet yes, I know what you mean they can def be addictive these days I do manage to ration them more or less but it isn’t easy it’s kind of nurture winning a tough battle against nature, or something like that that, as the psychologist may call it lol. Keeping them out of sight helps matters and also I guess thinking about what they’re doing to us, all these biscuits, haven’t achieved perfect control by any means but I am getting better at it practice makes perfect and so on, However I do admit that I tend to eat something sweet in the morning as well as the healthy porridge even if it’s just a bit of sugar in the porridge itself along with healthier things, the morning lack of energy with the arthritis makes me kind of feel sluggish and horrible I think quite a few people feel that way am I right? just thought I’d ask, okay Barbara have a nice evening biscuit free, lol. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    hi again Barbara, just thought I’d mention the socks that you were interested, they’re on Marks & Spencer‘s website it’s a three pack of ankle socks they cost £9 plus postage and they are sort of big fluffy grey and white socks of various designs, hope that helps take care.xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    Morning everyone 😊

    I'm going to make an effort to get back to normal today. Except I keep having to talk to people in the village about P they are all so upset. Her daughter sent me a lovely poem someone had sent to her a proper tear jerker, but good too.

    Morning Joan I hope you and Sue are doing ok? Thank you for thinking of us. I had a cup of tea with my lovely neighbours because they were so upset they have known P for nearly 40 years! ((())) xxx

    Barbara you have a direct line to Aidan bless him he would have sent rainbows and sparkles for sure. I wonder whether he'll meet P? If so I know they'd get on well.

    No Niamh! Oh dear me but she is growing up and there will be times when she wants to do other things I suppose. I am not overkeen on bangy fireworks either although I do like the pretty ones.

    Joan remembers us all doesn't she bless her she is organised unlike me!

    Kitty had the day off yesterday I hope you enjoyed the break from the web my friend. ((())) Sleek is coming over she has more bulbs to plant she reckons she's late with them....

    Morning Mike i hope you and Vixen are well. I am a bit cross with the men who fitted our garage door. They left a huge oil patch on our brand new (expensive) tarmac. I bought some stuff from screwfix and tested in an inconspicuous area and am not sure it hasn't affected the colour so had to resort to hands and knees soap and water and a scrubbing brush. That was not fun neither was getting back up🙄

    Reshmi Kari is the same 100% mental health meds take priority over everything. I think you have both done so very well to cope through the pandemic. I have found it very tough myself. Absolutely you must take that medication as prescribed. Maybe the MTX can be tweaked. Some people take it by injection and that can make you feel less of the side effects if you're lucky.

    P was a lovely lady i should have told you about her very very kind she did so much here in the village and was the first person to welcome me here when we moved in. She was diagnosed during the first lockdown with bile duct cancer and given 6 months. She managed 16.

    I am very pleased to hear that Baby R is on the mend bless him and have everything crossed that Lord A doesn't catch it too🤞 Life would be tough for their parents if he did.

    Your Dad is naughty throwing things in temper I am very relieved to hear it didn't hit either you or your Mum but still that is very childish isn't it? You both have enough to cope with without that😠I should think your Mum's arms will be feeling a little better today bless her. I wouldn't fancy both vaccines on the same day myself!

    That aerobics class sounded good. I did a yoga one a few times not long after my back operation and it was the older ladies who were mean to me. Like you I set up in 'someones else's' spot🙄 and they were critical that I couldn't do some of the movements due to the arthritis when they could 'at their age' Hmmph! Some people. Shame we don't live nearer we could have gone together and they wouldn't have dared say anything!

    I forgot to thank @clonsea for your kind wishes yesterday ((()))

    Right breakfast hmmm...

    I'm cold so something hot!

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Morning gang, nothing much to report other than I am still surviving thanks to Vixen who has had two breakfasts since 3.30 this morning and is now kipping on my bed! Note the early start, I had in fact been tossing and turning since 2am as the trips did not work last night! Have a good day all.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) thank you for the poem and photo. Love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val (()) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) I like watching the fireworks from the window yes they are noisy I can't blame Niamh for leaving there ((()))

    how is Mr B ((())) love to your son ((())) and brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))

    Toni ((())) I'm so sorry about your tarmac you paid a lot of money for all of it won't someone come and clean it up if you complain ((())) his Charley still a carer now she was promoted or is she in the office ((())) P ((())) did so well trying to cope with the cancer living longer than they said ((())) she was a well loved lady of the village ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Reshmi ((())) I liked the gym you did well ((())) Arthritis stops you trying to work out love to everyone

    Mike ((()))have a good day and vixen

    love to Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583


    A New day, 

    a new week, 

    a new start.

    Take a deep breath 

    and make sure 

    our memories of loved ones 

    are all present and correct.

    Especially those who are totally memorable 

    and will NEVER be forgotten 

    Dear Aidan and P 

    are at the top of that list.

    Reshi, what a beautiful poem, there is so depth to it. thank you for sharing it.

    Joan, I'm so pleased you liked the picture. It is what the garden of eden would have looked lik, and the Earth will look like again, wHen it is turned bck into a Paradise. .

    Antoinette, the scripture I quoted is God's promise for the future on Earth and when P (and Aidan) are ressurected back in God's time, that is what they will see. I think Sleek is growing her own little Paradise in my garden.

    Barbara, I share your love of biscuits, and don't know when to stop either. I can easily finish a whole packet off. Which are your favourite?

    Butter bean curry (Gujarati Rangoon na vaal)

    30 Minutes Serves 4Easy from Olive magazine

    An easy curry made with tinned beans and fragrant spices. Using asafoetida gives allium notes to the curry without even chopping an onion. Minimal prep but full-on flavour makes this a great midweek dinner

    By Maunika Gowardhan


    • vegetable oil 3 tbsp
    • carom (ajwain) seeds 1 tsp
    • asafoetida a pinch
    • kashmiri chilli powder or mild chilli powder 1 tsp
    • ground turmeric 1 tsp
    • butter beans 470g from a tin or jar
    • jaggery or soft dark brown sugar 1 tbsp
    • tamarind paste 2 tsp
    • coriander chopped, to garnish


    • STEP 1
    • Heat the oil in a heavy-based, non-stick pan over a medium heat. Add the carom seeds and asafoetida and, when they sizzle, add the chilli and ground turmeric. Add the beans and stir well for 2-3 minutes. Add 400ml of water and the jaggery, and season to taste. Cover and simmer over a low heat for 25 minutes, stirring halfway through until the beans begin to soften.
    • STEP 2
    • Add the tamarind paste and stir. Crush some of the beans with the back of the spoon to thicken the curry slightly. Mix well and garnish with coriander.

    This butter bean curry recipe is adapted from Thali: A Joyful Celebration of Indian Home Cooking, Maunika Gowardhan (Hardie Grant, £22). Photographs by Sam A Harris.

    Raw Turmeric.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    Hi Toni Barbara Kathleen Joan, went to opticians today for a checkup all things seem to take a long time but not as long as it sometimes does got completely shattered when I came back haven’t had to resort to Lucozade for energy which I don’t do very much these days and I’m half asleep as I speak, lol, Or possibly quarter asleep, going to be concise and to the point here without going into a kind of massive opus, or something like that, lol. Yes my dad is childish and aggressive I’m afraid it’s very frustrating indeed, my back is aching a bit because of the way I had to lean forward into the machines things in at the opticians and I didn’t really have time to adjust my chair properly, oh well at least it’s over now, eyesight is a bit worse but nothing too bad and dry eyes et cetera related to arthritis, optician told me, so at least I know what’s causing it, thanks Barbara for understanding about the “safety blanket”, Mum said she’s feeling a lot better today thanks my mum and dad have gone to do some emergency babysitting my sisters house because baby R is still not feeling well bless him. Had a tiny look round the shops in the town centre which I haven’t done for ages but there wasn’t really a lot of time because of the babysitting and the lift and etc , did have a mini hot chocolate which was good because at the local Costa I tried to get the mini but the lady was very kind and somehow talked me into having a slightly larger one , oh dear! Lol. Anyway could’ve been worse no whipped cream on my drink and didn’t go for an pastry experience even though I came close, lol. I need to buy some presents soon as well though, did I tell you that bill was born on Christmas Day? I thought it was one of his many jokes at first but he really has this rather unusual birthday, lol, he’s into all the gourmet jams and all that kind of stuff so I think I’ll get him a little jam selection nearer the time, basically his whole life seems to revolve around food at the moment, he befriended and one of the male neighbours to talk about the best local takeaways, he scoffs down my mum‘s massive delicious home-made food parcels and then still has room in his stomach for takeaways? Then he tells us “ my belly is getting pretty big I don’t know why” I think it’s an LLF situation, own worst enemy kind of thing again I’m afraid. I just looked at the size of this message it is pretty large isn’t it, okay I’m going to stop my pen / quill / ink / voice control mechanism and I know I’ve not replied properly to anyone but hope you all have a nice day I’m going to finish watching Doctor Who and try and get some rest bye for now.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    Hi everyone feeling slightly better now after Lucozade and sleep and a very nice soup by the way vegetarian but not vegan unfortunately, butternut squash and sage out of a tin, not ideal but quite tasty. Thanks so much about the poem Kathleen I really liked your poem too , You’ve got a good point Toni, if we were neighbours we could’ve gone to aerobics or yoga together, strength in numbers 😄. Optician said I need to drink more water, but I think I do, prob I found recently is I can’t have too much water right after a meal because it puts pressure on my stomach and I don’t feel well, but I suppose I can always ask the rheumatology nurse about this when I see her at the end of the month. Toni I know what you mean but unfortunately my mum didn’t have a choice the doctor just jabbed her in both arms, oh dear , better than not getting the jabs at all though, she said the doctors were doing the vaccinations this time not the nurses wonder why that was , a little bit strange…I understand it saves the time but you’re right two jabs at the same time can’t have been pleasant , my mum is a very strong -minded person but even she was feeling the pain anyway she’s better now and baby R seems to be better now too, thank goodness, He has no temperature last I heard and he’s been enjoying himself trying to head-butt the chairs but he hasn’t actually managed to hurt his own little baby head as yet, thanks to my mum’s careful vigilance, aww. it was funny the optician said “people don’t like it when I say this but people who are middle-aged have worsened eyesight when it comes to reading I just smiled and said what I was supposed to but I’m not worried about getting older, at least in some ways, lol, in many ways I’m glad I stopped being a young person a long time ago, never really fitted in with them you know? Lol. Nice recipe Kathleen okay I’m going to stop I gossiping for now and enjoy maybe half an hour’s freedom before my dad comes in and starts throwing things about, but not me thank goodness okay au revoir.xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    Oh dear Mike that wasnt thd best night was it? Maybe an increase in amitriptyline? I'd keep records for 2 weeks and see how often it's not working. Vixen loves the bed bless her😻

    Hope Sue is well today. What's on the menu?

    I am at Tia's feed her two cats after dropping Lucy off at work.

    Joan you are right there will never be another P Her daughter is lovely but not quite the so-far P was and she lives in Berks anyway.

    Charley is still being hands on. She would hate if if she wasn't actually helping people but has to organise the staff now as well. ((())) xxx for you and Sue.

    Kitty what a lovely lovely poem so perfect and even more so for P and Aidan. I would be so very happy to know they will be at the top of the list. They deserve to be bless them both.🌈🌈🌈

    Sleek is indeed making you your own little bit of paradise in your back garden! She has planted snowdrops and bluebells here and ar yours. Hope they come up!

    Loving the food thank you so tasty and healthy. A portion for myself and Kari please🤗

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    Reshmi there is no problem with needing something like lucozade once in a while and it worked too!

    As for a medium hot chocolate you rarely do that so I wouldn't worry occasional treats are good for the soul🤫

    Extra necessary if your back is so sore after your eye test. I hope its eased today. I also have dry eyes it's not pleasant is it🙄 good to hear your eyes haven't deteriorated too much. Must get mine done too.

    Poor Baby R is still rough? Oh dear me. I'm glad your parents were able to help and I really hope he's a little better today ((()))🌈 Hope Dad was more grown up and behaving himself.

    I love ot BIL doesn't see the link between loving all your Mum's food, his takeaways , his love of sweet treats and the growing belly?😁😁😁

    Right I am sending love to you Barbara hope your eyes are easier today ((())) xxx

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Oh dear Mike that wasnt thd best night was it? Maybe an increase in amitriptyline? I'd keep records for 2 weeks and see how often it's not working. Vixen loves the bed bless her😻 Hope Sue is well today. What's on the menu?

    Never thought of keeping a sleep record, what a plank, thanks Froggie!!

    Nothing special on the menu today .... yet ...., I have an outing this morning to the Chiropodist to get my toenails cut (how exciting), Baby Sister will be round to take me to my 0845 appointment and I will ask her to swing past my favourite bakers on the way home. May lose my voice dreckly because my "toe chopper" Sandra likes to have a good natter too!

    Have a good one peeps.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) that is a lovely poem thank you. I hope you have a good day love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Toni ((())) sue read 7 thousand people have died in hospital catching Covid there. P was the one everyone knew and respected ((())) I won't for get her or Aidan ((())) love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Barbara ((())) have a good day love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and your brother ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your Niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))

    Reshmi ((())) have a good day that's good you have been to the optician's ((()))

    Mike I hope you can get a better nights sleep tonight love to vixen

    love to Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx