Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    Morning everyone

    Mike 😊 8 weeks that is so sweet We didn't get ours until 12 weeks as she was supposed to have gone to someone else who let her down. Bless her little cotton paws. Of course they must have a birthday present! I used to 'use' the scratch post myself with mine to get her going. Have you tried that?🤭

    Joan my pains vary there is my spine back and less often fortunately neck. Then hands, knees ankles and feet. You are so right we are all different I hope your pain isn't too bad ATM ((())) xxx to you and Sue.

    Kitty ta very muchly for the Besan bhaji with brussels sprout tops - yummmmy! Imagine us never having eaten brussel sprout tops ever!

    I really want to try this recipe😋

    Right Sleek says to double Chris' potion, put it in his tea his gravy anywhere you can. She has also noticed although he is always nice to her of course that he is Mr Grumpy-pants🙄

    Try the injection if you can get it in your sacroiliac joint life needs to be as comfortable as possible. I might try that fenbid gel if it actually helps. High BP really doesn't help does it 😕

    Reshmi some men! My children's father was like that my job was the one to 'go' if the children were ill. Your sister is an intelligent woman and brainy and her job is equally as important as his! Of course he can change a nappy in front of your Mum but not in real life. She is not stupid though and can see through your BIL....Yes hide your ready brek from him the whole 450g would be gone!

    🤣 Can you set up an infra red light around the cereal zone? Just a thought😏

    Now I am more like you cannot cope with indignity that is one of the reasons I hate going to the Drs or hospitals. They are in a position of power over me and I hate it. My lovely neighbour has RA and also is paralysed due to a spinal injury. unlike me she copes incredibly well with plenty of indignity on a daily basis. I do not know how she does it with a smile on her face, but she does. Your Mum and her and right and brave and I am impressed that they are happy to share for the goodness of their health. I still haven't been back for my blood tests (I can cope with needles and nurses usually) because I don't like Drs or receptionists! Useless aren't I😯 I have been naughty and discharged myself from hospital 3 times in my life already. They don't understand I am not horrible it's anxiety big anxiety.

    Do let me know how the barley sugars go. Polo mints used to help me oddly enough but they were bad for my teeth so I stopped pastry is what I need😳but don't have so i will try the boiled sweet theory. Got to be worth a try. Thanks Resmi's Mum 💜

    Barbara steroids and ABs sound a good plan for your boy and an inhaler? He should recover, but it will not be a quick process. Imagine the girls coming down here just in time to look after him!

    Aidan is still here it's getting close to his anniversary. He had his heart attack on Lucy's birthday which is this Thursday😔 I do miss him you know so much still.

    Get your ready brek ordered it's that time of year for it especially if we are really having yet another storm 🙄

    Take care everyone

    Toni xx

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Mike 😊 8 weeks that is so sweet We didn't get ours until 12 weeks as she was supposed to have gone to someone else who let her down. Bless her little cotton paws. Of course they must have a birthday present! I used to 'use' the scratch post myself with mine to get her going. Have you tried that?🤭

    Yes, I have tried using the scratch post to encourage her but to no avail; I had to crawl across the floor afterwards though and gradually pull myself into my recliner! My shopping delivered a pack of individual strawberry trifles as I fancied a bit of sweet stuff and had not had them for a couple of years; what I forgot was that Vixen loves them so when I took one out of the fridge last evening she immediately sat down and licked her lips! Of course I then had to share it with her, just the cream and custard obviously!! 😸

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) I'm sorry Chris is upsetting you it's hard when it's just the two of you have you got somewhere you can sit in the quiet ((())) take care love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((())))

    Barbara ((())) that's good your son is home now ((())) how is your brother getting on ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))

    Toni ((())) have a good day all of you love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Reshmi ((())) have a good day take care love to your mum ((()))

    love to Mike and vixen ((())) and Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Oh dear, my blood test is wrong, won’t be in today as the blood nurse is coming again!

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    Hi Barbara nice to hear from you, how are you today? Yes you’ve got it exactly right LA thought that he’s never eat again because poor little baby R Would get so hungry that he’d scoff all of his food, oh dear. I understand about your dad that must’ve been frustrating for him. My dad on the other hand was so set in his ways when his retina was detached he didn’t go to the optician or the doctor for ages until finally my mum forced him and then the optician said go straight to eye casualty, he is extremely stubborn character. Hope you’re having a nice day. Take care.xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311
    edited 7. Dec 2021, 11:09

    Hi Toni how are you today? Before I start my waffling proceedings I just thought I’d share a few poetic lines of mine it’s a few lines to be honest but thought you might like it, Before I write the lines I just thought I better explain it a little, my Mention of scrambled eggs et cetera relates to my stomach worries, indeed our mutual stomach worries 😒 and scrambled eggs also is related to the meal with friends that I may be going to this Thursday so what was basically going through my mind was that if the stomach plays up again I may be having a very exciting meal of tea and toast (but not Jammie toast that’s baby R’s domain of course) I couldn’t really come up with a great title for this so have just called it

    ”yesterday evening’s activities”

    Feminist style Facebook blogging,

    fantasy jogging

    scrambled eggs and tummies,

    still can’t indulge in a case of the yummies

    only LLF can ply herself with carrot cakes galore

    but no avocado sandwich otherwise she’ll certainly make you snore 💤

    (okay somethings happened to the formatting I’m going to send another message. )

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    Hi again Tony I’m sending another message and trying not to accidentally mess with the formatting, lol.That’s bad about your children’s father yes, very frustrating and wrong attitude I agree, to be honest I think my sister does a better job than he does he earns a bit more at the moment that is but she is more intelligent and what she does of course take skill, what he does it’s something finance related I don’t know the details but I’m not saying it’s not specialised or easy but he is not as intelligent as she is more educated too than him for what that’s worth. Infrared that’s worth thinking about Toni lol, but LA is becoming such a clever clogs these days I’m sure he’d find some way to sabotage the system and feast on Ready Brek with his daddy but hopefully not a baby R. Thank you so much my mum, your neighbour sounds so brave too, it’s very admirable indeed the way she’s coping with things. I Understand about hospitals blood tests etc everyone is a human being after all they should be treated with respect but try and get your bloods done otherwise the hospital will be on your back that’s what happened to me once it wasn’t anxiety that time it was just whole load of things , excess family visiting and this and that and this and that and I just was a little bit late getting the test done, by the time I received the somewhat upsetting letter from the hospital Id just about done the test anyway! Also at least you can put your mind at rest a bit knowing that you’re doing all you can but I know it sometimes seems like us patients are doing everything chasing up this doc, that doc and on and on it goes shouldn’t be like this ideally I thoroughly agree. Had a nice phone call recently with a friend of mine an elderly gentleman who has bipolar like me, he also has a lot of physical health problems unfortunately but not arthritis so sorry he does have arthritis but in his case it’s very well-controlled with glucozide (or something like ) that would he buys from the chemist (but that’s not good for people with shellfish allergies like myself), Close to going off the subject here time to get back on track the point is that he had an MRI scan can’t remember where now anyway some kind of MRI scan and the doctor said that he’d send a letter explaining the results basically but all that happened was that he got sent a copy of the medical report and that was it no explanation of what had been found or not found and he phoned 111 and the GP tried to help but he didn’t have all the info and it was all a bit of a nightmare basically the doctor said that he’d tell him what’s happening at some point next year, which really wasn’t good enough at all in my opinion. Oh the sweet theory you’re welcome Toni I’ll pass on the thanks to my mum it is quite a clever Idea isn’t it? it’s like some people who go to the gym and swill an energy drink around the mouth and spit it out there probably not very sociable thing to do in the middle of the gym, lol, so I can see by the size of this message that I have really waffled on offered so I’ll stop this for now take care Toni au revoir.xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    hi Barbara me again I just thought I’d mention that I agree with you about how certain foods and take you back to childhood and happier times and so on, nostalgia a big part of eating I agree okay bye for now Barbara take care. X

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    hi Joan, I’m not too bad thanks how are you and Sue today? thanks but my mum I’ll go now for now because I’ve already sent such a massive message to Tony that I think I need to start stretching my neck take care love Reshmi

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Apparently there’s a problem with my kidneys! Antoinette, Holly fetched our Xmas edition of th RT yesterday. Hopefully see you later. X

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    Oh dear Kitty not your kidneys now too😕 that's you, Barbara and my bro still there is plenty of support for each other here.

    So the radio times is out! Thanks Holly! I will get one I think I need to have something to look forward to.

    Hopefully we'll see you properly today. By the way Kari asked me to print her a copy of the white been stew/casserole you posted the other day.

    Ah yes Mike getting down is always much easier than getting back up - as long as you had a plan which you did🙄 you tried and it was worth a try. Lovely wee trifles! 3 treats left - for the pair of you😁😸

    Morning Joan how right you are about Kath's Chris. Kath should do her best to get a bit of space from him at times just to recover and rest. Love to you and Sue I hope it's not too windy for you. It's very very blowy here.

    Bon jour Reshmi how are you today? Over the vaccine now i hope and neck physio done?

    I am going to book in for my bloods now you are right they'll only chase me and I don't need that do I🙄 Nasty letters I do not need because i am a ruminator and worry about things lose sleep if I worry too. These days the patient does seem to have to take the initiative else nothing would happen would it?

    I can tell your sister is educated and bright, I bet BIL earns more, but she is the brains of the team! Partly the pay gap might be due to men not having children and having forced career breaks and the like. Still she probably knows the truth and he doesn't need to😉 The boys will both be bright as buttons and erm yes perfectly capable of breaking through any Ready brek protection you might put in place😁

    Your Mum is clever and good at trying to solve problems do please tell her thank you. If a newbie comes on to the forum with MTX issues we can pass it on even further.

    Aw your old chap sounds a proper sweetheart. Is it glucosamine he takes? If so it's probably osteoarthritis he has bless him. How annoying not getting the results to his MRI until next year?! That is bad surely, but hopefully means it's nothing serious or life threatening. I expect you reassured him anyway as best you could, but won't have helped any anxiety he has will it?😕

    I'll say hello to Barbara I am sure you will be in today. Any news on your son is he still improving?

    Did you see our Kath might be joining the Kidney club? At least you can support her.

    Lucy was at the works Christmas do last night (they all had to do a lateral flow first) got in at 1:50am and in for 5 this morning😮 bless her she's done it and clearly didn't drink much just looked after other people.

    Indian spiced porridge keep us warm with this weather

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) I'm sorry you have a problem with your kidney's I hope they can soon get some thing to help them ((())) you rest today ((())) love to Chris ((())) and Anita and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your dad ((()))

    Toni ((())) that's good Lucy enjoyed her self last night ((())) love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Barbara ((())) have a good day love to everyone ((()))

    Reshmi (((())) have a good day try not to worry love to everyone ((()))

    Mike ((())) vixen knows what's nice ((()))

    love to Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Right, now I can tell you what happened. On Wednesday last week I had my blood test, on Friday at 4 am (morning) When I was asleep, the phone rang and a chap began whittering on about my blood test being wrong and I needed another test. I was so angry at being woken up at 4am I ignored it thinking it was a hoax. It wasn't. Anyway the nurse came yesterday for my 2nd test and said it was my kidneys! Today the nurse is coming to give me my flu jab and Covid booster, and Chris is having a flu jab, but doesn't want the booster as the original jabs made him ill. I'm feeling a bit scared really - please send me a couple of Bush babies please.,400 There was an error displaying this embed.

    Save recipe

    Vegan Thai green curry

    By Lulu Grimes

    BBC Good Food

    Get your kids helping out in the kitchen with this child-friendly vegan Thai green curry. With tofu and lots of veggies, it's full of flavour

    • Egg-free
    • Gluten-free
    • Vegan

    VegetarianNutrition: Per serving

    low inkcal436fat17gsaturates7gcarbs57gsugars5gfibre3gprotein13gsalt0.1g


    • 200g baby potatoes, halved
    • 100g green beans, trimmed and halved
    • 1 tbsp rapeseed oil
    • 1 garlic clove, finely sliced
    • 1 tbsp Thai green curry paste (check the label to make sure it’s vegetarian/ vegan)
    • 400g can light coconut milk
    • 1 lime, zest pared in thick strips
    • 80g sugar snap peas, halved lengthways
    • 150g cherry tomatoes, halved
    • 100g firm tofu, chopped into small cubes
    • small bunch coriander, chopped
    • 200g jasmine rice, cooked following pack instructions


    • STEP 1
    • Cook the potatoes in boiling water for 8 mins. Add the green beans and cook for a further 3 mins, then drain.
    • STEP 2
    • Heat the oil in a wok or pan, fry the garlic for 1 min, add the curry paste and cook for 1 min, or until it starts to darken a little and smell fragrant. Stir in the coconut milk and bring to a simmer, drop in the lime zest and gently bubble for 5 mins to thicken the sauce a little.
    • STEP 3
    • Add the potatoes and beans followed by the sugar snap peas and cook for 1 min before stirring in the cherry tomatoes and tofu.
    • STEP 4
    • Cut the lime in half and squeeze the juice into the pan, then stir in the coriander and serve over the rice.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    Hi Toni how are you today? yes indeed side-effects gone and neck physio just completed thanks. I decided to limit my time on here today quite strictly as of a few things to do to get ready for the real I’m having with LLF etc tomorrow! Mum had PCR today I hope the results are okay. Good I’m glad about the bloods I know the last thing we need with all our problems is it nasty letter from the hospital isn’t it my letter said “we send this letter to you to concern for your health and safety”, or something like that very patronising indeed. I am a bit worried about tomorrow to be honest because even though it’s not in the town centre this café it’s still quite a crowded place lots of people roaming around, my mum pointed out that it is good for my mental health to do this kind of things occasionally I haven’t really seen anyone of my friends for a year apart from Louise the cat lady who I saw once and she is so close to my sister there more like sisters really than friends. Go with my hand gel and my mask and hope for the best 👍.I too am a worrier. You’re Absolutely right, what the bill who doesn’t know won’t hurt by the same token what the bill doesn’t eat won’t hurt him, Love you to find something that he doesn’t need to be honest, lol. I like eating beef sometimes but I remember when he went on holiday with my sister Paris he ate something called called…I think it was steak tartare, a whole plate of raw beef mince basically really look disgusting, lol and he worries that his stomach is upset (??). He was actually brought up as a vegetarian so whether there’s a kind of childish with that rebellion going on who knows I just hope he keeps more or less well. Yes my mum is very clever indeed thank you I’ll definitely let her know okay my alarm is already sounded so Id better hurry up and get on with things I know this wasn’t a full reply take care Toni have a nice day I’ll let you know how the LLF thing goes. Bye for now.xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    Thanks Joan Hope you and Sue have a nice day bit busy right now so can’t write in any detail I hope the weather is slightly better today? it is here okay bye for now.x

    Barbara how are you? bit busy at the moment but I hope you have a nice day bye for now

    hi Kathleen really sorry to hear about your kidneys hopefully you’ll get the right treatment soon take care yourself.xx.

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Sorry will have to keep this short eyes not good

    Toni I really miss our Aidan ge was always there fir everyone bless him ,I remember that day well 😪

    Talking 8f indignity I am the same dread the day I lose it ..and why can't we gave more femail doctors..

    i had to laygh at you on the scratch post 🤣.xx

    Kath I hope your kidneys ate not to bad ..j6st maje sure you have plenty of fluids xx

    Reshmi.. busy and bad eyes here I'm afraid ..but do my best ..your poor friend having to wait for results ..its half the battle knowing wgat us wrong ..hope your day isn't to bad xx

    Joan thankyou my brother us soldering on ..he is having a new stent soon ..I hope you are all doing ok..I have said before you don't say much ((((())) xx

    Love to all


  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    Hi Barbara Thanks for your message, I understand, I hope the stent operation goes okay for your brother is he Mr B ? Or is Mr B your husband? sorry I just I just lose track of things a bit. Optician said to me that drinking a lot of water would be beneficial for my dry eyes but I thought I was doing that, anyway the advice can be very confusing can’t it? The other problem is I can’t have too much water after supper or any other meal because that upsets my stomach so nothing is particularly straightforward anyway I’ll stop moaning about myself now. I do hope though that my stomach is okay because I’ve got that meal with the LLF et cetera tomorrow. I hope so, otherwise I’ll be stuck with tea and toast but at least I’ll be seeing them which is the main thing., I hope you have a nice evening take care keep warm love Reshmi.xx.

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening everyone

    Sorry I have been missing for a good few weeks. Have had lots of pain recently and it has been really hard to concentrate on things I usually like to do, and the days seem to disappear and go by so quickly.

    Hope you are all keeping safe and warm and are as well as can be. We managed to get our cruise thanks to all mr T’s diligent sorting out of paperwork. Despite having a couple of hiccups during the time we were away all went well and we enjoyed it. It was definitely what was needed. Unfortunately I have had lots of pain payback from the arthritis since hopefully it will ease soon and I will be more my normal self. Mr T has been suffer lots of aches and pains in his knees.

    Eldest granddaughter is just recovering from Covid. She was feeling really unwell for a couple of days but of course she and the girls had to isolate. She did a pcr test herself which was positive and of course she had the symptoms anyway. And she tested the girls every day with lateral flow tests and they remained negative all the way through. They are not in isolation anymore so th girls are now back at school.

    I have not read through past comments so cannot reply to any of them.

    my concentration is waning now so I will close and post this.

    will hope to post soon I haven’t really forgotten about you all but it’s difficult to type when concentration is not there.

    love and Sparkles to you all


    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    Morning everyone

    The wind has dropped but it is still raining out there 🙄 Madame Sleekipuss has been out and is back now I think she went to Kath's.

    Hi Joan you are so right it's lovely to see Lucy enjoy herself, but tough to work the next day for 5am! Today she is off as it's her birthday 😊 Hope you and Sue are ok? ((())) xxx

    Kitty 4am....4am! Surely that would have waited until 7am unless it was an ambulance job of course?

    Well I am glad to hear the bloods are done then they can fill you in what it all means for you. Madame La Sleekipuss has brought two more bushbabies and taken the other one home. She also brought a supply of jammie dodgers.🌈

    I had less side effects with this booster than either of the other two (all pfizer) C is a silly boy. I am glad you had yours.

    Mmmmm that Thai green curry looks yum. Child friendly must mean not too spicy so maybe lucy could manage it. Since her chemo she has struggled with spices.

    Morning Reshmi I am very pleased your vaccine side effects are all gone and that your neck physio was done early yesterday. Hope you remember to do today's with going out for the meal with LLF and that you have a nice time. I also hope she is ok. You will be safe I am sure and it will do you the world of good, some company other than family, we all need it. Expect to be shattered though when you get home.

    I am certain your Mum's PCR will be just fine nothing will stop her having her eye(s) done🤞

    Today is Lucy my youngest's birthday and also her dermatology appointment. Must remember that wee test she needs to take. I booked my bloods you will be pleased to know.☺️ Pompous letter wasn't it? and patronising like we don't know!

    Oh yes raw beef! One of my girls came close to ordering that once, (aged about 11!), when we were in France but luckily the landlady pointed out what it was! Gross thought isn't it even for non-vegans?🤢 Perhaps it is a kind of childish rebellion with BIL which makes him eat as much meat and food as he can. As you say just hope he stays healthy.

    Barbara I do wish you could have surgery on your eyes😕 ((()))

    Your bro is having a new stent that should help he is doing so so so well it's just incredible isn't it? Aidan will be watching especially today. 2 years ago it was dreadful wasn't it that day, but i was sure he'd be ok at that point. bIG sigh.

    I have to agree about not enough female Drs. Also don't want to be washed ever by a male nurse! It's just not culturally normative in our society is it? I think I am just too private for my own good!

    Some cats just take to a new scratch post some need 'lessons' from their cat parents Mike will agree! even if it is funny.

    Well hello Carol! Lovely to see your name appearing. Not so lovely to hear your pain levels are up.

    Probably was the holiday, different beds, more walking even, and just not enough rest. Take some time now to recover hopefully all will be well. I have just had a bush baby back if you need her I can send her over to Cookie via Sleek.

    I hope Mr T's knees are ok if not he will need to see the GP. Will he go? I know some men put it off far too long.

    Oh my goodness your poor eldest. I do hope she is ok. I suppose it was bound to happen, when you have as busy a life as she does, at some point. Shows excellent hygiene standards if no-one else caught it though.👍️

    Post when you can and take care ((())) 2 years ago today since Aidan's heart attack.

    Morning Mike how was Sue yesterday? Just out of interest what was the treat of the week? Please don't tell me you shared your trifles? If you did you are a generous man! xx

    Right breakfast...hmmmm....

    one of my absolute favourites! Plenty for our Kath too

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    Don't know if you've seen this?

    It's a survey by Versus Arthritis

    I completed it but went back to it twice.

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Morning Mike how was Sue yesterday? Just out of interest what was the treat of the week? Please don't tell me you shared your trifles? If you did you are a generous man! xx

    We had lemon drizzle cake on Tuesday. Been up since 0320 and then discovered that Vixen had been "ill" on my bedroom carpet so I had to clean it up immediately, lovely start to the day!! My Surgery has actually gotten around to dishing out booster jabs so am off to get mine first thing, taxi booked so £15 for a round trip of 3 miles plus a few minutes waiting!

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    Hi TG Nice to “see” you. Xx

    hi Tony I have set my alarm again so I don’t get obsessed with VC and I manage to do the other things I need to do to get ready et cetera., going back to your previous message yes you’re absolutely right that’s what my elderly friend said he must have got osteoarthritis, got it, thanks for that info. Thanks about side-effects going and physio. Thanks about your nice wishes about the meal and LLF, i think she’s okay actually she did try and phone me one day when I had a blood test or something like that, it was a bit of a misunderstanding so I pointed it out to her politely, I would say it’s her personality and not OCD. Thanks you’re right it’s definitely good to have some other company sometimes, yes I agree about being shattered and it happens a lot to me, probably all of us really at least it’s possible for me to walk without the crutch now, of course I’ve doing that for a long time really but when it flares up it’s horrendous isn’t it? anyway that flat there is no flareup at the moment. Thanks about Mum’s PCR et cetera.I Hope Lucy‘s demo appointment goes well. Pompous letter yes. Oh dear about the almost beef incident good job the landlady noticed in time, I think bills mothers side and fairly recent times that it’s okay if he eats meat as long as he didn’t do it doesn’t do it in front of her face I think that He accidentally sent the raw beef picture , she’s a vegetarian and strict Hindu…oh dear. LA said to his mummy he is the whole family’s best friend so he’s busy, really busy. Yes poss rebellion with Bill I hope he stays healthy too. That’s my alarm I better get moving on one or two secs hopefully not too many mistakes in this message and that the voice control hasn’t manufactured any rude words, okay, bye Tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    Hi Barbara Kathleen Joan Hope you’re all okay today? Thanks for survey link Toni I’ll try and have a look at some point. Bye xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) don't worry we have had the three jabs we never had any side effects from any of them and the flu jab.

    sorry Chris was ill with them. Love to Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) sorry you have the trouble with your eyes ((())) that's good your brother is having a new stent fitted ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend (((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))

    Carol ((())) sorry about your daughter ((())) and everyone who had the virus ((())) love to Mr T ((()))

    Toni ((())) Happy Birthday to Lucy ((())) that's good she has the day off ((())) love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Reshmi ((())) have a good day with less pain ((()))

    Love to Mike ((())) and vixen

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    hi Toni I forgot to mention I found a new chocolate that I am pretty sure is vegan of course you you will be the better judge of that, It’s also a reduced sugar chocolate using stevia which is a good sweetener , my mum didn’t experience any side-effects, it’s called sweet switch from from eBay also direct from manufacturers site, Belgian company, great taste taste, pretty low sugar content the dark chocolate options are vegan or at least seem to be my opinion, tastes like “real” chocolate can’t be that bad for you okay bye for now. Xx

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The community is a safe space for people living with and connected to arthritis to ask questions and share experiences. Get started by registering here and posting your first comment or question!