Val's Cafe



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Sorry eyes are really bad ..they give me headache now something I don't normally get

    Toni yes I wilk lean one way when I smile 😅not good because I forget mind you like you say its hold to smile 😁

    Ooh not long till the wedding ..can't wait to see photos of them ..and you of course ..and I never touched Mike's cream eggs 🤣xx

    Mike wouldn't that be good winning all that money ..its like Charley chocalate factory..xx

    Joan a good idea I will sell the house and have a good smile😁 Toni and you don't think I could have to all of you xx

    Reshmi it's a shame about your dad and the lifts ...and taxis are so expensive ..glad you flu hab went OK..but what a chemist were they all chat about nothing 😟you take care xx

    Kath I am so glad you put the recipe on again I really need to try it

    What a shame Emily didn't get thr job she wanted ..but I'm sure she will in time ..we are ok at the min with our supplier octopus.. just hope they kero going xx

    Love to all xxxxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Toni I will send a proper message later on just wanted to say unfortunately I cannot drive I have tried but never got to the driving test stage at all it’s one of my many feelings, lol, I better go and help my mum now she’s not feeling very well blood sugar got really low in the night baby R is okay thank goodness bye for now. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning everyone

    Late in this morning I have had visitors already!! well only dropping stuff off to talk to outside and of course took Lucy to work and back via the little tesco so I could get more lemon for her homemade hot lemon. I've probably said before, but her epilepsy drugs mean she can't have hot lemon so I make some with honey (vegan) lemon juice and paracetamol (soluble).

    Reshmi don't think it's a failing! No way a lot of people can't/don't drive. I can't do motorways anymore since Lucy got cancer and had seizures on the M6 where they were doing that stupid 'managed motorways' thingy so no hard shoulder! I will try again soon though maybe on a Sunday or Christmas day when it's quieter.

    Welldone having the flu jab, but what were those people thinking??? Yeah right collect your meds in Christmas day??? Totally bizarre some people. Was the mask wearing ok pretty well? I reckon more people who really could be exempt wear them than those who allege they are exempt!!

    Well I think you need to go back so we can find out how they are having their sprouts with their Christmas meal😁

    I like pinterest too, but only if I want ideas a bit like yourself I am not sure why i would want my own board although I think I've got one unintentionally.....oh dear I think I might need the tape measure for my head😮

    WONDERFUL news that Baby R's test came back negative so you should be safe to meet up all of you? I pictured your Mum as stylish you know!

    Your Dad isn't being fair to your poor Mum with her needing a little more help at the moment. So unfair on her and you I bet you are trying very hard to be peacemaker stress is not good for your Arthritis or mental health! Poor Mum being scared by some silly woman in India. She is extremely unlikely to die of cataract surgery in fact I can hardly imagine much less likely can you? Bless her. I hope your dad is being gentle with the eye drops. Yes I was being dramatic about the drops being every 5 minutes😳🤭

    Barbara I missed you at choir practise last night it was all Christmas songs, but can you sing at St James' on Sunday? They are short of sopranos.....

    ((())) for the headaches those darn eyes😡 I think it's time for a reader you know. Can you remember which one Sharon recommended?

    No not implants my friend had one (after a car accident) and it was a good one appearance wise, but she couldn't eat corn on their cob and it cost the earth! for ONE!!!

    Keep smiling though and don't worry just be careful if a camera comes out!

    Mike said you didn't take his cream eggs they were still safely there!

    Kitty I am absolutely over the moon the bloods were normal thank goodness for that! Emily is right to stay put better where she knows and is happy the right slot will come up for her at the right time.

    Where did you find that photo of us all dancing the highland fling?! I am the one at the front left - just look at my knees. Which one though i wonder might be our Mike???

    Thank you so much for the vegan haggis I made one a few years ago from one of your recipes and I lost it. I hope it's the same one it was YUMMY!

    The BBs are great at reading poetry they do it here sometimes too. They are avid readers even the little ones start young.

    This one is having a go at writing!

    I am with you on Coronation Street I have been moaning for weeks and hoping it improves Paul says it's COVID. I am not impressed they are making Audrey lose her marbles😠

    I hope Chris is calmer now and sorted Asda ok it sounded as though you had far more to do yesterday than him with British Gas etc...🙄

    Joan best of luck at the optician's I hope all is nicely stable with your eyes we don't need the expense of new specs do we? Thank you for asking Lucy's epilepsy is way way better than when she was on chemo😍 ((())) for you and Sue xxx

    Mike did the replacemnt plug in arrive yesterday? I hope so and that Vixen is feeling much happier😺

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 17. Dec 2021, 09:18
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Barbara are you today? Thanks about my dad and the lifts yes it’s not so easy is it? taxis are expensive I agree and of course with the Covid situation I don’t really like the idea of getting the bus unless I really have to atm. Thanks About the flu jab, yes very odd people seem to I haven’t encountered that day, lol also the pharmacist herself was quite a strange lady she was dressed professionally if a bit on the Glam side, but her jewellery it was really quite strange, I have this auntie type lady who are used to see at weddings quite a lot at one point in my life and she wore the gaudiest loudest gold jewellery you’ve ever seen very much an Indian bride kind of stereotype maybe she was wishing she was getting married again? no comments there, lol. Thanks you take care to Barbara have a nice Friday. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Toni sorry to hear about Lucy’s is sore throat I hope that the vegan lemon drink makes it better. Thanks About the driving thing, my dad has always made me feel like a failure because I can’t drive but then again that’s really nothing new with him, i’m not that great at maths, though of course i passed it at a basic level but again this is not something that my dad likes and he’s always tried to make me feel like a Failure about that too, my sis is really good at maths surprise surprise, it would be just so nice if he could accept me as I am but that’s families for you I guess always pretty complex. Poor L the managed motorway situation must be so difficult for her, sometimes I feel really carsick even short journies so try and get sick take some chewing gum with me if I organised that is, my sis can and does drive but she took a really long time to become a confident driver and obviously got an ear bashing from my dad about that too. Yes indeed the veg options chosen by pharmacy assistant, it’s as exciting as it gets, lol, perhaps somewhat oddly I actually enjoy Brussels sprouts quite a lot but no one else in my family seems to like them where do you stand regarding the festive vegetable? Say no more T, I’ll order tape measures, lol, I have done the same thing actually I’m not sure how, the Pinterest board thing oh well I better put in a bulk order for those tape measures lol, enough for everyone here at val’s cafe 😄. Thanks so much about baby R he’s here downstairs at the moment I said hi but he was a bit shy because he doesn’t know me as well as his grandparents yet but that will change of course in time. Thanks for understanding about the situation at home, exactly cataract surgery is one of the safest to forms of surgery , poor mum she was saying to me yesterday “you know those mugs I called white? they’re actually white and yellow, before I couldn’t see the yellow but now I can, they’re such beautiful partly yellow mugs aren’t they? “bless her. What was really worrying was that she felt very ill in the night so well early morning really her blood sugar got really low extremely dangerously low, but luckily she had Lucozade and sweets and and that made it okay I think the stress about baby R couldn’t of helped matters we found out that he was negative this morning I think roughly 6:30 am anyway I’m just hoping that she can talk to the nurse on the phone about this discuss whether she needs a higher level of insulin or something like that. Dad is doing the eyedrops okay at first he didn’t quite do it properly but now I think it’s got used to it that’s okay about the five minutes thing, ok. That Looks worryingly like cheese on toast Toni I’m Trying to cut down on my cheese again easy yes it’s not very easy I like you said at leas virtual cheese has no calories. For now take care. X

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi Joan and Kathleen how are you today? I’m Too bad thanks, excess family are around LA has demolished all the low-sugar brownies i made for him available already, when The plate was empty the sadness of the situation brought tears to his eyes oh dear but at least no one hit him in the face while he was having his curry, ok. Take care.xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning everyone😊

    I hope you are all well?

    Mike is Vixen back to her settled content self? I expect she is and hope all is well with you too? How close is the diorama to completion?

    Reshmi it was just me and thee yesterday😮🤔 how unusual. Mind you Barbara needs every other day off, Joan had the optician's...

    Right my own Dad was all maths too🙄 I am useless at maths. Luckily Paul is good at maths and rubbish at English whereas one of my A levels is in English😊

    I feel for you and your sister driving is blooming scary! Some people are actually overconfident so best to be safer I think. You know I feel more confident in my little pink car than in the juke not a size thing just that she is so much fun and people smile at me (her really)🤗 Your Dad doesn't realise that putting people down is actually counterproductive. Yes seizures on the M6 in heavy traffic is just no joke at all and really terrifying. much better now they are a rarity. I get travel sick too which is one of the reasons I braved learning to drive. You are not usually sick if you drive yourself.

    Spouts are one of my absolute favourite veggies!!!! I have no idea why, but I could eat them every week.😋

    Worrying about your Mum's sugar dipping. Lucozade and sweets sort it but best to chat to the diabetes nurse I agree. Isn't it just lovely that your Mum can see that the mugs are yellow now as well as white? Bless her she is realising how much she missed. I bet the Grandchildren are more visible now too. Baby R will learn to love you too as he grows, but Lord A might not be so happy about his favourite Auntie being anyone else's favourite Auntie too - be warned.

    A large order of tape measures? Good idea - watch that Kitty Kath she is clever I know She writes poems just like that!

    I'm sorry it was cheese on toast.....half fat and low salt, but as you say 100% calorie free in here. Doesn't it look lovely? Not vegan either sadly🙄

    Joan how did you get on at the Optician's? I hope your eyes are stable and no new glasses are required 🤞 Lucy was in work at 5am today so 3.45 start here and teh same tomorrow ((())) for you and Sue xxx

    Kitty me duck is everything ok?? Were you having the day off? I am shattered after the early start will be in bed for 8 tonight I think. Hoping all is well with you, Chris and the BBs 😘

    Barbara have your eyes 👀 appreciated the day off? I hope the headache has dissipated?

    How is your son doing, how is his breathing?

    Has your bro had his stent yet?

    and are you still smiling? I hope so.

    Did the bigger letters help if not just say so.

    Aidan's breakfast:

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Mike did the replacemnt plug in arrive yesterday? I hope so and that Vixen is feeling much happier😺 Mike is Vixen back to her settled content self? I expect she is and hope all is well with you too? How close is the diorama to completion?

    Mitten da Froggie et al; yes the new plug in arrived and it seems to be working. I took the wick out of the ones that were burnt by the plug itself and have placed one on a shelf and the other on a radiator so the bungalow is swamped with pheromones!! I had hoped to have the castle diorama completed by xmas but I have had a few wonky days this week and have not been up to much, I have 8 horses partially painted and the 8 accompanying knights still to start so I will still do my best to get it finished by new year. Have a good day all.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) that's good your blood test is normal what about your DEXA scan you have not had that yet. Sorry Emily didn't get the the job she wanted ((())) yes the optician's went well. Love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) I hope all is alright there ((())) love to Mr B (((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))

    Toni ((()))have a good weekend all of you ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and. Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Reshmi (((())) have a good weekend ((())) how are your mums eyes ((()))

    Mike ((())) have a good weekend and vixen

    Love to Carol (((())) and. Mr T ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 18. Dec 2021, 10:51

    Morning everyone, Asda did exceptionally well, so I gave them a good review. Dad rang me yesterday because he thought it was Saturday and wondered why I hadn't rang him. 🙄 😕 Sad or what?

    Joan, I'm glad your eye test went well. Because I had 3 cancellations of my DEXA, they have tp have authorization from my consultant to make a new appointment

    Antoinettemi lovely. I too am a complete dunce at maths or Arithmetic as we used t call it. 1+1 definitely makes 5, and half is equal to 100% so wha delight are lurking in the T kitchen today?

    Vegan fish fingers

    from exceedingly Vegan

    INGREDIENTS (10 - 12 vegan fish fingers):

    Step 1 ingredients:

    • Plenty of cooking oil
    • Sushi sheets

    Step 2 ingredients:

    • 250g extra firm tofu
    • 150g artichoke hearts in oil
    • Juice of 1/2 lemon

    Step 3 ingredients:

    • 80g chickpea flour
    • 5 tbsp nutritional yeast
    • (2 tbsp olive oil)
    • 1 1/2 tsp salt
    • 1 tsp garlic powder

    Step 4 ingredients:

    • Breadcrumbs (e.g. gluten-free ones)

    Optional ingredients:

    • Lemons
    • Peas
    • Ketchup
    • vegan Mayo
    • Potatoes salad 
    • Chips



    Step 1:

    Pour cooking oil into a pan and add 1 pack of sushi noori sheets to infuse the oil. The longer you leave them in the better: e.g. you could soak them in the morning and then cook the vegan fish fingers in the evening for a more intense taste. Alternatively, if you don't have much time heat them up a bit for 5 minutes so they give up more flavour. Make sure the heat isn't too high because they burn easily.


    Step 2:

    Place ingredients of step 2 into a food processor until you get a semi smooth mixture.


    Step 3:

    Transfer the mixture into a large bowl and add all other ingredients from this step and mix. Make sure there are no chickpea flour lumps, otherwise the fish fingers might taste bitter.


    Form fish finger shapes. Alternatively just form sausage shapes. Admittedly it was a bit of work to make rectangular shapes and when they were fried they lost their shape a bit anyway. So if you want to make your life easier, roll them into sausage shape, it won't make a difference in terms of taste. They will be quite soft at this stage, but don' worry they will firm up when fried.


    Step 4:

    Add breadcrumbs to a bowl and roll the vegan fish fingers in them until they are covered on all sides.


    Take the sushi sheets out of the pan with cooking oil and heat up the pan. Fry the fish fingers in the pan until they are golden brown. Place on a kitchen towl to soak up the excess oil.


    Optionally drizzle some lemon juice on top when serving the fish fingers. Have cooked peas, chips or potato salad and ketchup or vegan mayo on the side. Enjoy!


    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Toni Barbara Kathleen Joan how are you all doing today? It will just be a very short and sweet message at least that’s the plan, lol. On the neck physio yet everything is been a bit disrupted due to the XS family visit yesterday Toni must’ve been really hard to deal with and Lucy was that ill with the epilepsy but glad she’s better now. Mums eyes are a lot better now Joan thanks she says there is a tiny pain in the eye but but that will get better very quickly. Hi Kathleen another nice looking recipe there, how are you today Barbara? Toni I know that not everyone writes on here every day but I just try and get the messages in as it were so that people can look at them when they have time. I’m feeling a little bit Fluish put that could be any number of things really well it’s nothing too bad okay I should try not to waffle and be succinct, so just wanted to say nurse said had osteoporosis in knee i didn’t know that but my mum said yes that’s right she remembers that from when I was first diagnosed but it’s a lot better than it used to be so that’s the main thing I guess at least at the moment. Yes Toni you’re right Kathleen definitely has a big brain Ill have to chase up the tape measure order, lol I think it’s time for me to use what little brain I have left lol and end this message i could go on waffling on here all day but my backs already aching I need to have methotrexate and do this and that…okay au revoir.

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all

    Toni thankyou for the large print 😁still squiffy but easier ..very strange is macular

    Poor Lucy hope she will feel better soon..she us still my inspiration bless her brothers stent seems to be OK but he's losing weight fast now ...I have made them a hamper fir Christmas and put in things they can both eat..our son is mych better but very short of breath when he overdoses things he's 50 in january ..xx

    Reshmi I am please about the baby being negative its such a worry especially for your mum ..forgive me but has your mum had ger eye op sorry I'm behind ..hope you are not coming down with anything xx

    Joan hope your eyes were OK at your checkup..thankyou again fir all the hugs ((((()))) xx

    Kath think I would get on with your dad ..I get most days wrong

    Thankyou very m6ch for the vegan fish fingers I will try and make them for our middle gd who is vegan for now ..glad asda did good by you xx

    Love to Mike and Vixen

    X xxxxxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316
    edited 18. Dec 2021, 19:13

    hi Toni Barbara Kathleen Joan I am back briefly Sorry I think I’ve lost track a bit to what I’ve answered and not answered sorry about that, lol, I have consumed my methotrexate for the week so at least that’s done thank goodness, how your eye checkup go Joan? was everything more or less okay? I have to get new glasses unfortunately but there just hasn’t been a chance with one family drama after another oh well that’s life I guess I’ll try and get them in January at some point. Yes Barbara my mum has had her op and it went really well thanks for asking don’t worry i often lose track of things on here as well, lol, how are your feeling today? LA came for a quick visit with his brother and parents yesterday, feeling well at all at one point yesterday but felt better after eating something Street my mum thinks my blood sugar might get low a bit sometimes I think she has a point not not not obviously dangerously low or diabetic and low but she definitely has a point there, it’s okay so far I’ve never been really be in the kind of person to pig out on chocolate or anything like that, no mention of bill here okay maybe a little mention lol, but The problem is it’s a bit of a balancing act isn’t really?with the tiredness and the sugar and the healthy ish eating? anyway I’m doing what I can and at least blood test results are fairly good according to Rheumo nurse so thats something. I have bought some nut butter online almond butter rather wasn’t in too great the condition though, so I’m not going to spend any more money or nut butters right now but might try some other recipe that’s a bit more diabetic friendly where did you get your cashew butter from Toni, from if you don’t mind me asking? okay I am putting down my pen or my voice control function or my quill I like quill, lol, okay bye for now, lol. Tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 19. Dec 2021, 05:37

    This is the cashew butter Reshmi it's YUM!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 19. Dec 2021, 05:37

    Morning everyone

    Foggy here today kind of spooky!

    Mike I bet your house smells lovely to Vixen even if the human nose can't really sense it.....unless that is why you aren't progressing with your diorama???? Maybe you are just too chilled. Look at what I got the cats (all of them Grandcats too to annoy my kids - hah!) for Christmas:

    Joan I am glad all went well at the optician's and hope that means no new specs needed? They cost far too much these days down't they? I decorated a wreath for my lovely neighbours yesterday and apparently they love it. Hope they aren't just being nice! They are nice if I can I'll take a photo for you to see.

    She is getting used to her new carers slowly now, but still misses the old ones😔

    Morning Kitty mi duck! How are you today? vegan fish fingers? Wow! Never tried those so I think I ought to have a go. I used to love a fish finger butty!

    Bless your Dad getting his days mixed up. He is entitled at his age of course. Apart from that was he ok? Is he bored I imagine he is with no Friday club to look forward to.

    Go Asda! I am very pleased Lucy loves Asda and I think they do brilliant vegan and free from food. They deserve an excellent review. Lucy has been rewarded by Macd's for all her hard work with some 'burger' socks and a reindeer shopping bag this week. She started yesterday at 5am and worked until 4pm.

    Now she isn't good at arithmetic, but knows her money!! Go Lucy!

    Barbara I am glad it helped a little, the bigger text. I will keep doing it for you .

    Remember when squiffy was what we used to say in the forum pub for tiddly🤭 Those were the days!

    I don't like the sound of bro losing weight at all he needs to drink those build ups like there's no tomorrow if he can. Is he on steroids yet? They might help a bit.

    Your biggest lad will be 50 now that is scary 😮 How dare he?!😁 Sounds as though he is on the mend just needs to take it steady.

    Good morning Reshmi I hope the picture of the cashew nut butter worked? I got it from Ocado a bit back on offer when I bought something else. I just have a little on toast for lunch sometimes. Nuts are good for us in fact very good in moderation.

    Have the tape measures arrived yet? We need to monitor Kitty's (Kath's) brain size and make sure there is no increase. She reckons she is like us with maths though so there is hope for her I think?

    I am a little worried about you feeling a bit fluey? I hope it eases off soon and isn't the start of a flare. Still taking your MTX should head that off all being well. Your knee though - osteoporosis or Osteoarthritis? Mind neither is actually that good is it?🙄 Excelelnt to hear that your bloods are looking good as far as rheumy nurse is concerned.

    It very much sounds as though your Mum's eye procedure has worked bless her i am so pleased and hope they aren't sore now today.

    My blood sugar drops too sometimes and that really is a great time for something like the nut butter a slow releasing source of energy rather than sweeties which would be lovely....sigh....😕

    Whatever you do, do not follow BIL's policy as far as keeping his blood sugar high enough. Maybe a bit too high in his case🤫

    Well I had better get dressed now I am feeling a bit chilly. Hope the shower doesn't wake Paul up...

    Sunday so we can be piggies:

    Vegetarian cooked breakie

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Well I’m here, so I’d better bore you a little. Dad listens to BBC Rado Nottingham in the morning, and watches TV in the afternoon. His carers only come in the morning, but Anita pops in every day and I ring him on a Saturday. No time to be bored. He has meals on wheels twice a week when Anita is at work. I don’t think he gets bored, but of course he misses his chats with his neighbour now he has stopped going outside to cut the grass and water his Hydrangea etc. He has always been an active man, a floor layer by trade, and he did weight training as a young man. One of his tricks was to sit me on his hand (as a toddler) and lift me in the air. Doubt he could do it now I’m a porky pig of 70! He did teach me to play cards, and Chess though. Oh those were the days, lining up my matchsticks for Gin Rummy and Brag.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    I'm writing again I was not login

    Kath ((())) sorry about your DETA scan love to everyone

    Barbara ((()))sorry to have so many problems we are hear for you I don't know to do bigger writing (((())) love to everyone ((()))

    Toni ((())) that must have been scary on the motorway with Lucy ((()))yes I need new specs and I have cataracts can see alright at the moment . Love to everyone ((())))

    Reshmi ((())) have a good day love to everyone

    Mike and vixen (((()))

    love to Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi Toni and Kathleen Barbara and Joan how are you all today? going to be a short one well relatively short otherwise my neck may snap off, not a great morning for me because I misjudged the thermostat situation because my bedroom was cold this morning and that never happens anyway I’ve recovered from the hot shower and the thermostat adjusting and a bit of rest and so on ready to face the afternoon, baby R can say “ mummum” now by the way, bless, he seems more friendly since he started nursery but you’re right Toni I do worry about what he catches there but then again it’s not for me to pass judgement on the situation at all indeed I’m not passing judgement I just have worries, but being a parent is a big responsibility and I can only really imagine those responsibilities and concerns and of course there’s no point pretending there’s no chance of getting Covid even if we stay in the house as much as Poss we just kind of have to try our best and hope for the best, thanks very much for the info and photo of the cashew butter, Photo was attached perfectly thanks again. Did I write Osteoporosis? I think actually the voice control may have written it actually, it sometimes does that, it doesn’t have a very big brain no need for a hat, lol, sorry I actually meant osteoarthritis no not a good thing definitely but it’s so much better than when it was swollen up like a balloon and I’d had to wear that hideous compression bandage regardless of the temperature. Thanks for asking about my mum‘s eyes Toni and Barbara she says she has very little pain in them at the moment. Oh yes tape measure order Toni , I did try to chase it up it seems of the tape measures have gone to the wrong address somewhere in Paris apparently along with cream filled macarons that nobody‘s ordered in this house oh dear I asked if I could get a refund but apparently Bill has been travelling around on his days off consuming French coconut goodies and tape measures my goodness he must be hungry do you think you could get a burger of some description for him when you pick up Lucy’s please Toni? It might be a bit expensive though best not just to stop at one burger for him best to buy the whole shop, lol. Okay I’d better go for now otherwise nothing will get done take care everyone have a good day. Xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Toni it's been very foggy here's has well all day come to that ..gosh I am old enough to remember the pea soupers

    Yeah squiffy in the forum pub..😅thies were the days..

    I bet your neighbours do love the wreath P taught you well ..went to see my brother today with the hamper I made them ..didn't go in but stood at the door ..he says he's no appetite bless xx

    Reshmi I'm so glad your mums eyes are healing well ..did they do both for her ..I w7sh I could cut out sweet stuff its ls only downfall .. you take care xx

    Joan it's OK the big letter are still squiffy ..not to worry has long has I can see some if it I get the gist ...what are the doggies having for Christmas xx

    Kath dad sounds so nice ,you can tell he has always been fit bless him ..I can understand how he misses his chats ..xx

    Love to all


  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 19. Dec 2021, 21:54

    Evening all

    I return like a bad penny but I have been trying to stay off the internet as much as I can. It bad enough seeing all about Omicron on the news without seeing it repeated time and time again on the media.

    I was pinged on the Covid-19 app on Wednesday the 15th this week to say I had been near someone on the 12th who had since who had reported a positive test. I haven’t had to isolate because I am fully vaccinated but was advised to take a pcr. Which I have managed to get sent to home which I will do tomorrow and get it posted. I have taken lateral flows daily since and all have been negative. The slightly worrying things is that I have had cold like symptoms since Tuesday. But I have felt fine so praying the PCR will be negative too. Although I will say my asthma and rhinitis have both been playing up for the last few months too.

    I am really trying to work on not getting too stressed out about all that’s going on, as that makes me worse. Which is why I have trier to avoid social media as much as I can. Also of course I have the situation where mr T avoids talking about the pandemic and youngest daughter dose nothing but go on about it.

    well this is where I shut up about it. On to better things our Baby Ava is now 5 months old how fast has that gone. I don’t get many kphotos of her I get better I get calls from my youngest granddaughter and baby, she always call me when she is awake and playing it’s lovely. I did try to send you just a photo of Ava but I think my i-pad when berserk and you have a few photos of Lillie and Graycie at a baton twirling competition a few weeks back just after our cruise. And stayed in a hotel with mum, And I can’t seem to remove them. So I will leave them all on hope you don’t mind.

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Oops this iPad is having a crazy moment. 🤔🤔🤔anyway it’s time for a cuppa so I will say

    love and sparkles to you all. ❤️❤️❤️🌈🌈🌈

    Ps. Miss Cookie is being so funny I must post soon about some of her antics.

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning everyone!

    The fog is lifting I'm so pleased not easy taking Lucy into work in the dark at 4.30am! Paul is in London until tomorrow night so no help bless him.

    I hope all is well with you and Vixen Mike and you are both still super-chilled. I had a text yesterday saying my puss is due her vaccinations😫

    Oh Joan I am sorry your prescription has changed that won't be cheap, but I am pleased that your cataracts are stable at the moment 🤞

    Kitty your Dad sounds rather busy 😮 The carers must put your and Anita's mind at rest a bit knowing someone is helping him up. Anita is a good girl going every day like that. I wish you had a photo of your Dad's party piece with you in his hand being lifted! Erm no I don't think he'll want to try it now bless him😁

    My Dad was standing on his head until a few days before he died....mind he was only 66 and that is pretty young. He did like to keep fit too, but smoked that's the problem.

    Kari wasn't local when my Mum was on her won, but like you she rang regularly and kept in touch with me too so she knew what was going on. So your Dad taught you cards did he? Ppeople don't play cards much these days do they? Having said that we popped to drop a gift off to Paul's Aunt yesterday and she still plays cards with the family.

    the only thing that's sad is not talking to the neighbours or going to his Friday club.

    Madame la Sleekipuss is happy to check in on him of you like?

    Barbara I really don't like the loss of appetite and would think Christies won't be happy either with your brother. There are things they can do to stimulate the appetite steroids being one ((())) for you.

    I bet you loved seeing each other even at the door. Very wise indeed he needs to take care, but what is this? His third Christmas since diagnosis??

    Do you know I can't even remember what the name of the forum pub was😳 Just that there were a few trouble-makers in there!

    You take care now and rest those eyes ((()))

    Oh dear me Reshmi - setting your neck off is just not good! Mine isn't happy with all the wreath making I have been doing, but nearly finished now and resting early taking my arcoxia. I hope yours is ok today and you got the temperature just right ((()))

    Baby R can say Mummmmm ooooh! That is adorable make sure you record his little voice while it's all new for the future babies are so sweet. As far as nursery is concerned I suspect your sister has no choice. I had to have a childminder with mine i also had no choice, but l was lucky no such thing as COVID 19 then. We are all just doing our very best and that is all we can do and hope and pray that everyone stays safe and well.

    I had a feeling your phone had put osteoporosis by mistake so annoying for you. Yes we can get osteoarthritis just like anyone, but i think more likely with the inflammatory arthritis too.

    Oh dear me!!! 😮 your order seems to have gone missing! Where are the tape measures - they are no use to your BIL (unless he glues two together) if he has consumed all the missing macarons😁 I do not know what we can do about the situation, but maybe his gain (in more ways than one) is our loss - around the waistline👍️

    They had an order for 80 burgers the other day at Lucy's go somewhere in Maidenhead I think.....

    Well hello Carol. Lovely to see you ☺️

    What we read or hear about COVID is a balance isn't it? I do not want to hear too much myself just the essential. As you know we have Charley's wedding in January so am a bit worried.

    So Mr T doesn't want to talk about it all and daughter wants to talk about it all the time🙄

    YOU got pinged?! Oh dear you will be on edge especially if you have a cold as they say 1/3 of cold are actually undiagnosed COVID. I will have everything crossed that your PCR is negative and all is actually well for you ((()))

    I cannot believe the baby is 5 months😮 when did that happen?! The photos are absolutely gorgeous as ever i can see how everyone is growing up. the IPAD did a good job we do just want to see them and I think even Barbara should manage with those photos.

    When you brave popping by again yes please do tell us of Cookie's escapades😽

    Right I had better get on really haircut this morning

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyones

    Kath ((())) that's nice your Dad has someone to speak to every day ((())) love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) do you remember meccano( I know that is spelt wrong ) the dogs are having some chicken with us.

    Sorry your son does not want any food ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))

    Carol (((())) your have some lovely photo's love to Mr T ((())) and the rest of your family

    Toni (((())) that must have been very scary on the motor way with Lucy ((())) love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Reshmi ((())) have a good day

    Mike ((())) love to vixen

    take care
    joan xx