Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316
    edited 23. Dec 2021, 14:53

    Hi Toni I’m back again, really nice walk this morning by the way I walked and I slept I didn’t feel in a low mood and I felt refreshed, it rarely happens like that. Thanks about my dad so it’s difficult for me or anyone really to fully sympathise with him because he is being such a nasty piece of work these days he’s really nasty to my mum especially even when she’s not well anyway I won’t go on a rant. Thanks about my neck but I am fairly careful to be honest I mainly use voice control and I’m not stuck to my tablet all day long by any means also when the pain does get bad it’s not as bad as your pain luckily for me so that is that something for what it’s worth though of course I do sympathise with your pain and it sounds really terrible when you have those neck flareups. That sounds like a sensible idea about small hot chocs I do try and do that sometimes too but unfortunately the local café doesn’t have a small size just regular, I don’t always have such self control lol and there was a time when I was mental health meds just made me eat and eat and it was so demoralising and people would judge me for that of course, but now I’m very much influenced by my mum who is an extremely controlled and tough person so I do try even though the situation at home really does get frustrating as you can imagine with my dad buying all sorts of rubbish I don’t know…his hobby is food shopping can you imagine that? not necessity but hobby well he’s a strange individual to put it mildly I don’t think he needs tape measure, lol. That’s Certainly a very colourful breakfast, lol, I do like strawberries but I find too many upset my eczema unfortunately though I do have some banana in the morning. My parents and I are going to Lord A’a house on Christmas Day that’s of course if everyone is well I really hope that is the case, that everyone is well I mean, Baby A was vomiting but I think because that’s because they overfed him at Nursery he’s ok now i think so that’s of course a very good thing that he seems to have recovered from that, but, now this will make you laugh, good old bill ha ha is convinced that he’s got pneumonia or something like that because he’s got a cold and he sneezed once his PCR test was negative my poor sister was doing lateral flow tests on him every day because of his hypochondria, he does worry about his health is much too much you know though not in the right way as we know his stomach requires a special tape measure lol, I remember long time ago now he came here and he was putting flowers in a vase or something like that and he cut his finger on the glass vase it was quite obvious that it wasn’t serious cut but he got really worried and he wanted to go to A and E , but we ended up managing to calm him down in the end I don’t know strange strange kind of guy this brother-in-law, lol. I’ll go for now because I have sort of waffled on and on and I hope you are having a nice run-up to Christmas? Tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316
    edited 23. Dec 2021, 14:51

    Hi Joan how are you and Sue today? did you see the physio at the hospital? I’m glad that it was helpful the physio exercises helps me quite a lot too. Thanks for your nice message I hope you are keeping warm as well I’m trying too, I’m in one of the cold rooms again but I think I’m not going to stay in it all day even if it minds means being in the midst of the family battles, oh dear, lol. Tc. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Kathleen glad you’re not too bad I’m more or less okay too thank you love parsnips by the way good choice of recipe take care Reshmi

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Barbara Hope you’re feeling more or less okay today? are you doing much for Christmas time? I am seeing LA and his kingdom and courtiers et cetera , lol, on Christmas Day if everyone’s health is okay that is take care. Xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Hello all

    Toni I love both breakfast bit the fruit ine has given me ideas ..just you want till you become a grandma..gosh it's love beyond words 😁...I will mention the steroids to my brother irs strange they haven't mentioned ..but knowing him 😟

    Glad to hear Paul us home safe ..we haven't had an heavy frost thank goodness xx

    Joan we had a TV that you put money in 😁something rentals it was called glad rhet have given you exercises to di for your hip xx

    Kath I really hope the stronger inhaler help you must be so scary for you xx

    Mike that is incredible thankyou for sharing the photos..think I gave said before they are museum are very talented xx

    Reshmi poor you in the cold room layers di help buy you been some heat ..hope dad can get his tooth sorted not easy these day ..I think they want us all to go private 🙄..our son cooks the dinner and brings it round in large trays..I used to cooked it but no take care xx

    Love to all


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning Everyone it's CHRISTMAS EVE!!!!

    That is good Joan you need physio then to keep those hip muscles as strong as possible just have to remember to do them every day now!((())) My neighbour has real problems - the electric hoist has broken and the carers refused to use the manual one as it wasn't serviced last year due to COVID! So her husband who is waiting for his hip op is having to use it. Luckily their son arrived last night so he can help.

    Thank you I do also hope the wedding and then honeymoon can happen for them fingers crossed. Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Resmi well done going for your walk it really helped you yesterday I am so please that's how it should be isn't it. I must do mine today - with cards I have yet to deliver😳

    Cloves have highly medicinal properties don't they? I'm glad you use them. Dad is being really naughty I think your worry about his cognitive delay might well be relevant you know. I do sympathise with you and your Mum sending you both a ((())) and some strength and patience to cope.

    If the cafe doesn't do small hot chocs all you can do is try to be restrained....aha! not so easy. My sister is still on the 'heavy duty' mental health meds and still struggles not to eat. She is feeling extra despondent I think ATM as she doesn't want to look overweight for the wedding photos. Bless her. My own Dad was a diet saboteur too when my Mum lost 4 stone he kept buying cream cakes and lovely deli food to tempt her so i had to eat it for her! Luckily I was only 18 at the time and could eat anything.....sigh!

    Oh dear BIL has a slight dose of hypochondria bless him! Your poor sister will be so cross (quietly no doubt) if all the tests are coming back negative🙄 Mind we do not want him to get COVID think of his circumference. Well you must watch those tiny cuts in fingers I mean he could have needed several stitches and even a wheelchair! I am very pleased to hear Baby R is ok and just was fed too much at nursery. I bet your Mum is looking forward to seeing them all on Christmas day bless her. I do rather think Lord A will miss his favourite Auntie though.

    All is going well here pretty well, but Paul had had to zap up to Glasgow this morning for work. I know I shouldn't say it, but I pretend he has another wife up there🤭

    Kitty that mushroom ragu looks absolutely wonderful Lucy will have some please as well as me. parsnips and walnuts it's just full of yummy stuff I think I need it NOW!

    Well that is a lot of changes for your asthma! Gosh a lot to get your head around. Good that changing meds has meant you can change your inhalers - they may be better. I am not sure how I feel about the once/twice a day inhalers sometimes it can feel better to be able to take them more often. I know it's the same really and the idea is to be more under control though. A nice new shiny spacer ooooh! get you😁 I hope your patches can get sorted now she sounds good the nurse 😊

    Sleek has left some BBs have you lost them? Check the airing cupboard if you have one look for a trail of crumbs you'll soon locate them.

    Yes she has done the garden, very proudly she brought photos home.

    Have you seen this:

    Mike that diorama is just fabulous I so want to see it in real life! such a shame you live so far away. It is incredible. You must have an incredible sense of achievement, but do you feel slightly bereft?

    So the next plan is the Battle of Waterloo! That sounds massive when will you start?

    Just out of interest and having a nosey 🙀 cat does Vixen ever 'help'😉

    Morning Barbara you won't believe it, but Paul has had to go up to Glasgow again! I tease him and say he has another wife up there🤭 He expects to be home by 5pm so let's hope so.

    Oh yes I heard there is something amazingly special about Grandchildren. Your own child's child!! I know I will love them more than life itself.

    Was it radio rentals the telly?

    Perhaps your bro has been taking the steroids all along it can be increased though if he has been on them.

    What are you plans for the big day tomorrow who is coming?

    I had better get on really.

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Mike that diorama is just fabulous I so want to see it in real life! such a shame you live so far away. It is incredible. You must have an incredible sense of achievement, but do you feel slightly bereft? So the next plan is the Battle of Waterloo! That sounds massive when will you start? Just out of interest and having a nosey 🙀 cat does Vixen ever 'help'😉

    Morning Froggie et al. Thanks, it is more a relief that I have finished it really. I started making a WW2 pilot racing to his plane yesterday as a break cos it is 54mm scale so much bigger and will only take a couple of days to do. The Waterloo diorama is in the smaller, 1/72, scale and is over 2ft x 2ft. Before I start I have to convert the cupboard beside my chair to more of a mobile work station and display base, I have the bits needed (I got wood and perspex cut to size on the internet) because the new diorama is too big to go anywhere else. I always try to keep the work covered to prevent Vixen from investigating, when I built my train layout she got onto it and chewed the railings beside the track!!

    Have a good day peeps.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 24. Dec 2021, 07:46

    I kind of get the Mike. A relief yes it has been such a huge project as will the Battle of Waterloo be.

    I can feel relief when I finish a tricky jigsaw (not quite the same scale of course!). I do the wasgij ones which aren't normal at all I often do an easy one in between so you will enjoy your WW2 racing plane.

    "WASGIJ is jigsaw spelt backwards and the puzzles offer an interesting take on the standard traditional jigsaw puzzle. The puzzle that you have to piece together are different to the images shown on the box and you have to use your imagination to complete the jigsaw."

    Ouch your railings!!!! I rather thought young Vixen might be interested perspex is the ideal solution to curious pusskins...😁

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((()))that's good your Asthma has changed is it better I hope so but what is a spacer is it something that tells you how many hours before the next dose (((())) love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((())))

    Barbara ((())) I hope all is well there ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))

    Toni (((()))) have a good day I hope all is well there love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Reshmi ((())) that's good you enjoyed your walk love to your mum ((())) take care

    Mike ((())) that was a lot of hard work you must feel proud of it thank you for letting us see it love to vixen (((())))

    Love to Carol ((())) and Mr T and family ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi everyone happy Christmas Eve to you all! Okay so I’m limiting myself here because heating has got me really drowsy and there’s not much time left to have a shower et cetera and make preparations for me going to Maidenhead tomorrow To see my sisters family with parents, yes there does seem to be a little bit of hypochondria going on there with the bill Toni lol, thanks Barbara that’s nice that your son brings your dinner round et cetera does he live nearby? Are you doing anything nice during the Christmas period? Another wife in Glasgow now that’s an idea Toni I sometimes pray that my dad finds another wife and family it would solve a lot of problems, lol. Barbara my dad does go to a private dentist but he’s just being as difficult as possible he’s lucky that he can afford a private dentist I used to go to the same dentist at one point but it just got so it’s extortionately expensive and then luckily found an NHS dentist in the town centre also the private dentist has lots of emergency appointments going I know that for a fact so I don’t see what the problem is it’s just him being childish and silly and stubborn and so on and so forth anyway I’ll leave that topic of conversation for now, lol. Toni I’m actually going tomorrow to Maidenhead tomorrow at least that’s the plan so LA will actually see his beloved auntie, lol. I’ll leave it there Toni otherwise I’ll never get things done you have a nice Christmas Eve and take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Thanks Joan I hope you and Sue are having a nice Christmas Eve you take care too bye for now. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi Kathleen how are you feeling today? take care Reshmi xx.

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Mr B is 74 today our eldest gd has drawn a lovely picture of his mother and framed it..I got him a new phone..not really new but were i get all mine from music magpie

    Toni it will be even better to have Paul home bless your poor neighbours struggling like that gave a good Christmas xx

    Joan we are fine thankyou ..did I say Mr B preop us now the 10th of Jan..he can't wait... love to all of you have a nice Christmas with your doggies xx

    Reshmi hope you have a nice time with your sisters family keep safe abd well and have a nice Christmas xx

    Kath hope you and Chris have a nice day tomorrow..not always easy I know xx

    Love to Mike and Vixen xx

    Might not get on tomorrow

    Love to all


  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Barbara thanks so much you have a great Christmas day too take care. Xx

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992
    edited 25. Dec 2021, 07:44

    Yo Ho blinking Ho! Have as good a day as you can peeps. Vixen has had xmas breakfast and gone out.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Merry Christmas Everyone!

    Hi Joan Merry Christmas to you and Sue from us lot here. What did you get for each other? I wonder whether it was the same as each other again? Call the midwife tonight!

    Morning Mike and Vixen it's here finally. I expect you will hear from your baby sister today and if I remember you actually have a proper Christmas lunch this year. Vixen will be waiting for her salmon treat too. Then same as everyone in the UK try to find something decent to watch on TV!!!

    Morning Reshmi Merry Christmas. I hope the excess family are all well today and enjoy seeing you three. Will they have loads of presents I wonder🤔yes I expect so! Baby R should be old enough to take some notice, but Lord A will have been anticipating this day for months! BIL will be able to stuff himself silly legally all day so he'll be happy!

    Yes another wife in Glasgow he's always up there in Scotland doing the highland jig with her😁 Are my emojis looking odd? I upgraded to windows 11 the other day and they seem different....

    Another wife and family for your Dad? Give it a week she'd send him back🤭sorry

    Have a lovely lovely day.

    Barbara pre-op on the 10th? Wahay!!!!!! that is great news. and I hope he had a lovely birthday 74! Just a baby really😉

    Your GD is very talented to do that I bet he is really really chuffed bless him.

    Good news is dolphin came to fix the electric hoist yesterday and I saw them outside and they promised they would get it going however long it took🤞

    Paul is home and all is well here you have a lovely day.

    Kitty me duck 🦆 how are you doing? Are you seeing any improvement at all from your new inhaler regime? I do hope so. Sleek is a dab hand with a nebuliser so she says and is going to get one to add to her (Pepe's) Dr's kit.

    I hope you have a good day I am looking forward to call the midwife tonight and a good lunch seeing the kids maybe at different times they are all working except Tia.

    Love and ((())) watch the BBs they have circled their programmes in your radio times....🙄

    Hope all is well with Carol and family hope you have a lovely day and no more COVID!

    What shall we eat?

    (sorry Aidan no croissants today)

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    The TV is as disappointing as ever today, luckily I have recorded quite a bit and have a few DVDs that I have not watched yet.

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    For Joan.

    A spacer is to Attach to inhaler to stop any of the powder collecting in your mouth and irritating it.


    Sorry, I won’t be in for a couple of days, need to rest, BBS.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone Happy Christmas to all

    Barbara ((())) Happy Birthday to Mr B I hope he has a good day ((())) the 10'th that's good ((())) I hope you have a good day has well ((()) love to your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))

    Toni ((())) yes we have the same. Have a good day all of you ((())) love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Kath ((())) thank you now I understand what you mean ((())) love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Mike ((())) have a good day and vixen (((()))

    Reshmi ((())) have a lovely day how is your mum ((())) love to everyone ((()))

    love to Carol((())) and family ((()))

    and the mods thank you for this forum ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Hello people :) have been poking round looking for my post from last xmas to no avail, the search box will let me find best match, but under newest, apparently no results found. I may have to have a mutter under my breath again about how the forum was fine as it was before. ;)

    Anyway as I can't check if I'm repeating myself, I probably will, so may as well just embrace it: 'where does the time go.. funny how there seems less time to do anything now in the pandemic, when you'd think you'd have acres of spare time' &c.

    Hope you are all well, & everyone is present & accounted for? Sorry for everyone with poorly relatives, & ongoing troubles themselves.. hello barbara xx (sorry, I can't find the font sizes either.. oh dear). And hope no-one was affected by the awful storms and power being off. I was wondering the other day how my neighbours would all get on, banding together and helping each other out in those circumstances.. yes, well, less said probably the better haha. I get more sense going out & talking to the birdies every morning. 🐦️

    Anyway nothing to report from me, 'still here - slow and silly' as a friend of my mother's once memorably wrote in her xmas card, that about sums it up. I realize I'm the prodigal so I don't expect much in the way of cafe largesse, I'll warm myself up some few-days old scones and get myself a pot of tea, ta. ☕️ (never sure if this emoji is coffee or soup or what, but near enough!)

    Love to all and if there is a nice big old cafe cat still to be borrowed, steer him my way, would you. xxx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 26. Dec 2021, 05:40

    Well HELLO Toady!

    Lovely to see you Cuddles (cafe cat) is very happy to sit on your lap too bless her

    There she is.... she must be a good age now she's been around since before the cafe opened in about 2009ish....

    Still here.....slow and silly is just lovely and will be my sign off forever now😉

    Prodigal you may be, but no less welcome for that. Repeating yourself? Repeating yourself? hehehe! carry on we do it every day in here and it does us know harm. I think the emoji is coffee/tea minus any milk? I imagine it can be whatever we want it to be.

    I hope you and yours are well and that the year has been kind to you? Do pop in whenever you are passing, but never any pressure ((())) xxx

    Morning Mike. Yep not much telly. We had stuff recorded. 'You don't know me' (I had read the book) so managed ok with 'Call the Midwife' and of course Coronation street clashing nicely🙄 Why do they do that????? It's all done now and back to normal need to get Lucy off to work soon at least it's 6.30 leaving the house today not 3 or 4.30.

    Morning Joan how are you and Sue? What did you get for each other? This is what i want to know every birthday or Christmas you are both so very alike. I hope you had nice carers in for Sue and had a lovely lovely day. ((())) xxx

    Morning Kitty. Nice explanation of a spacer me duck. They are very very useful with kids too who can struggle to inhale at the right time a spacer keeps the meds safe so they can keep on breathing it in for a bit.

    Take care rest up you'll see Sleek even if you are resting she is doing a Bush baby swap and bringing over some curry. It's smells like it might be herring🤢

    Hi Reshmi how are you today? How were your precious, annoying, adorable, frustrating, funny and sweet nephews??? I hope they had everything they could have wanted and young Lord A ate his sprouts🤭

    As you know I LOVE them - sprouts I mean and possibly the boys too😘

    I hope Dad behaved better than usual and you had a good day.

    I managed an ok day saw Tia and her husband in the morning (Rang Charley first thing at work by mistake😯) and of course Lucy was here later on after Maccies closed. Now we have to work out how to use her soda stream.

    Morning Barbara did you have a lovely day? Did you see Niamh? Was it your son's turn I can't remember from last year. Sorry no brain cells left.

    We had a good day nothing went wrong. I laid the wreath I had saved for P on her plot with the blessing of her daughter. I can see her plot from the living room window by my seat so she is never alone.

    Well I hope Santa was good to you

    Love of course to Carol ((()))

    I have heard from Chris (cat lady) she is on a Christmas cruise! How lovely☺️

    A few of our five a day!

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi happy boxing day everybody, happy boxing day Toni how are you? did you have a nice Christmas Day? As for my dad‘s second wife sending him back I wouldn’t blame her either, no need to apologise for that, lol. There’s a bit of a strange and funny story about dad, once my dad met this nice Irish lady at a wedding, She was a married lady who was the mother of the groom and the strange thing is that this lady and my dad really hit it off they even exchanged Mobile numbers, which part of Ireland she comes from escapes me possibly somewhere near Dublin, oh my mum and I always joke “if you want to take a permanent trip across the channel you’re more than welcome, lol”, maybe he can take up writing and become the next Seamus Heaney, given his skills are more mathematica rather than linguistic opposite of me, lol, I doubt that that can become a reality haha, done my neck physio already thanks for encouraging me with that Toni, definitely got other things to write but I’m trying to go for a quick walk before all the chaos descends yet again alright soon take care Toni and everybody bye for now.x

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Toni ((())) that's nice you can see P ((())) from your window I won't forget her or Aidan (((()))) I read people are going to people's houses to give them the jab. Yes we bought jumpers. Love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Kath ((())) have a good rest love to everyone ((()))

    Barbara ((())) have a good day love to everyone (()))

    Reshmi ((())) have a good day love to everyone ((()))

    Toady it's nice to see you again how are you ((()))

    Mike (((())) and vixen have a good day both of you

    love to Carol ((())) and Mr T ((())) and family.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Toni I’m back again yes the excess family thing was good thank you, it was good that it didn’t happen at home because it limited arguments, my dad couldn’t see properly when driving back home plus he arrogantly did not listen to my mum who remembered some of the directions so the journey back home took more than double the normal time and I felt really carsick I won’t go into the sordid details. The kids did get a lot of presents altogether yes Little baby R was calling everyone by his brother’s name apart from “mumum”of course, LA and his brother were both really happy, I was on dinosaur storybook reading duty yesterday, by the way LA told me that for breakfast dinosaurs eat a rather strange combination of meat bread and cakes, no ready Brek in sight, oh yes and potatoes of course no healthy breakfast is completed out a large bowl of potatoes just hope he doesn’t serve this breakfast to his daddy lol, my sister looked really tired poor thing, the kids didn’t sleep well and hypochondriac Bill was in bed most of the day and then again lying down in the lounge because he sneezed once or something like that! Maybe I Should lie in bed eating cakes for 20 years because I sneezed twice, what’s the right mathematical equation to calculate the number of years? I can either ask Professor LA or my dad I think I’ll opt for professor LA somehow. I think the Emojis are okay they might be a bit brighter than usual that’s all the difference I can see. Okay, I hope you’re enjoying Boxing Day. Tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Barbara how are you today how is Mr B after his birthday celebration? My bill was born on the same day, though slightly different year I presume, lol, how Christmas Day? how are your eyes feeling? I had a nice time with LA and baby R thanks , bye for now take care. Xx