Val's Cafe
HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!
I wish you all as healthy as possible a year.
Joan I didn't stay up I am sorry early starts taking Lucy in take it's toll and I was in bed for 8.30pm😳Did you stay up for the bells as they say in Scotland? Happy new year to you and Sue and the carers too ((())) xxx
Morning's Barbara" Morning indeed yesterday what a shock that was!
I am very pleased to hear your son is doing well. I had a friend who had pneumonia (had it myself as a child) and she took about 6 months to get her energy levels back. He should carry on improving now.
I love your teatowels excellent choice I bet Joan and Sue will try to pinch them so watch out! Mine are a mixture, but I do have some pusskin ones Tia gave me a year or so back.
I reckon most of us need a good clear out I shall start next week when Paul goes back to work. He needs to go back asap he is bored!
Won't be long now for Mr B's pre-op! Well done calling Toady it seems to work!
Morning Kitty Happy New Year.
I hope Asda came at a civilised hour and all was present and correct?
Did I tell you that I am worried about Kari and her DIL? Kari has really really bad asthma and her DIL very prone to infection due to type 1 diabetes. They were at the hairdressers, on weds I think, and the hairdresser tested positive on the Thursday.
I hope the BBs are behaving Sleek has done a swap again today for some reason they all want to be at yours🙄
Well Toady thank you so much for the photos! what juicy tomatoes and the seedlings popping up I hope they all succeed and you have a lovely display. Our garden sloped down but when they 'did' our garden last year they levelled it off a good bit - raised by 3ft in the corner! That was scary until top soil filled it in it was like standing on a cliff! Creeping thyme how lovely!
My 'new' neighbours did the same so we had to put some trellis on this side to give some privacy. They are nice, but a bit chatty? We live in a lovely farming village and it seems everyone who moves in wants to create a town estate house all concrete and no trees or grass 😕 The worse thing they did was put up a huge huge horrible trampoline😧
I'll try a cup of Keemun Congou yes please!
Morning Reshmi how are you today? Is the neck ok and are stretches and physio all done? I think the step was excellent use of that voucher well done. Is it very high? I am thinking about getting one my balance isn't brilliant.
I am interested to hear the physio room's compression bandage was better that the one from Boots because that's where I usually get mine - Boots that is.
Lord A can remain confident I hope as long as he is nice and kind too which I am sure he will be brought up to be bless him.
Oh dear we have an excess family visit looming do we? Of course mass food preparation will be in order. It is part of your Mum's identity she is the matriarch. I bet she is finding it easier now she can see out of the one eye. I am glad she is going to go ahead with the other eye very brave of her and the phone consult was good👍️
Such bad timing with an iffy stomach when all that lovely food will be there. Favourite Auntie will be reading books with her favourite boys at least. (((()))) for your poor stomach. Mine has also been iffy the last few days I think my own fault eating too much over the festive season.
I do hope House Vesuvius has settled back down and am sure all spicy oniony cooking has calmed down by now too. Good luck with today🤞
Mutter, mutter....Mike and his Cornish dreckly (only joking) still no photo😏. I am sure it's not so easy to sort out a pic really I think I still owe a load from my garden last year my dreckly is often never!! Sending love to you and Vixen. ((())) xxx
Best get our breakfast on:
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Mutter, mutter....Mike and his Cornish dreckly (only joking) still no photo😏.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH, such pressure on New Year's Day ! 😁 Here you are then:
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Good morning everyone and a Happy New year to you all
Kitty ((())) Good luck with your Asda delivery have a good day ((())) love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((()) I'm sorry I did not know your son had something wrong is that the one that had the midges bite's((()))
Good your brother is a bit better ((())) love to his girlfriend ((())) lovely tea towels. Love to Mr B ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))
Toady ((())) I'm sorry you have a problem with your neighbours I don't know why people can't get on some think they are better than everyone else ((())) lovely photo's
Toni ((())) how is all your aches and pains have you got a migraine ((())) love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) nd Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Reshmi ((())) have a good day love to all ((()))
Mike ((())) love to vixen
Carol (((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Morning everyone. it'snice and sunny agajn, I agree with you Toady, I'm sick of living in murkiness. I've just rung dad, he's fine. He was woken by the fireworks but didn't know what the noise was. His mind wanders a bit now and then, but at 91 what do we expect?
Barbara, I live your new T-towels.
Rwshmi, did you have a good New Year>
Where's my Antoinette? Recovering from the festivities.
Brussels sprout sauerkraut
15 Minutes + Fermenting Makes 500gEasy
Make the most of brussels sprout season by shredding the veg and mixing with zingy ginger, caraway seeds and peppercorns, then fermenting over a few days for a spiced kraut
By Adam Bush from Olive magazine.
- brussels sprouts 750g, very thinly sliced
- caraway seeds 2 tsp
- whole black peppercorns ground to make 1 tsp
- ginger a thumb-sized piece, shredded
- sea salt flakes 1 tbsp
- STEP 1
- Tip the sprouts, caraway seeds, pepper and ginger into a large bowl and sprinkle over the salt. Use clean hands to massage the salt into the sprouts for 10 minutes or until the greens are wilted and have released plenty of liquid.
- STEP 2
- Take a clean, sterilised 500ml jar and pack in everything from the bowl, pushing down to compress. Pour over the liquid from the bowl, ensuring the sprouts are submerged in the liquid. If not, dissolve 1 tsp of salt in 150ml of water and pour over enough to just cover. Cut out a circle of baking paper to cover the surface, then use something heavy like another jar or bottle to compress the surface.
- STEP 3
- Leave in a cool dark place for two to three days, tasting it after a few days until nicely funky and sour. Close a lid on top and chill – it’s now ready to eat, and will keep in the fridge for two months.
Good for our bones.
Bubble and squeak cakes
Subscribe to olive magazine and get your first 5 issues for only £5
30 Minutes Serves 2Easy
Got any left-over potatoes? Make them shine in bubble and squeak cakes, fried until golden and served with poached eggs and a quick tomato salsa
from Olive magazine.
- spring onions 1 bunch, sliced
- butter for frying
- potatoes 200g, peeled, cooked and roughly mashed
- savoy cabbage, winter greens or Brussels sprouts 100g, shredded and cooked
- coriander a small bunch, chopped
- tomatoes 2, diced
- olive oil 1 tbsp
- red wine vinegar 1 tbsp
- eggs 2, poached, to serve
- STEP 1
- Cook half the spring onions in a knob of butter, then mix with the potato mash, cabbage (or other greens) and half the coriander. Season well. Form the mixture into four small cakes using your hands.
- STEP 2
- To make the salsa, mix the rest of the coriander and spring onions with the tomatoes, olive oil and vinegar.
- STEP 3
- Fry the cakes in a little more butter for 5 minutes on each side over a medium heat until golden and crisp. Serve two cakes per person, topped with a poached egg and some of the salsa.
using up all our Christmas vegetables.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hello all, just a quick Happy New Year and to catch up with my hellos and thank yous from the last couple of days - hello Kitty, hope you're well and thank you for asking - love the name, I would happily change my (real) name but never been able to think what to - anyway the more kitties the better, say I, there are no nice cats now where I live. Just one hisser, one yowler and one mouser. 😺
Thank you too Joan for the good wishes and wish you a Happy New Year, to you both, I suppose I shouldn't grumble about my neighbours they could be so much worse.. but you're right, I do think they feel superior & they are quite fussy & finicky, I suppose it's their nature.
Oh frog, you too, not the trampolines and the cutting down trees. I wince every time I hear someone else get their chainsaw out. Vandals. Bah. 3ft, that is a difference in your garden level! Hope it's working out well. Thank you by the way for helping me sort out the chris-es from each other. I know there's someone else missing but I can't remember the name, must think. Could you give me a very mini version of the wedding plans so that I'm up to date (then I won't mention it again as I quite see why you want to think of other things when you're in here!)
Love to everyone, and anyone who calls in later, & absent friends etc. xx Good to hear some hopeful news for 2022 :) let's hope. 🎆 🎇
Love to Barbara of course :) x
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Happy New Year Joan, how are you And Sue? I hope You are having a nice day. Hi Toni how are you today? I’ve done some stretches and I’ve done the neck physio to thanks for asking.stomach Has calmed down a little bit but not hundred percent I’m really hoping that managed to get through today and tonight without feeling too ill stomach wise. My Neck isn’t feeling too bad at the moment thanks. Isn’t it strange this mild weather where having ? very weird but at least it’s not black ice weather I suppose and thank goodness for that. I haven’t looked at the step box properly yet because it’s still in packaging and put away in in the back room because otherwise LA will take over and claim it as his own and possibly hurting himself bless but it looks a manageable size to me not too high don’t worry. It’s a similar step to the type people using step aerobics classes I have been to one or two of those classes a long time ago and it wasn’t too high, I would say personally that if your knee is more or less okay I would use it if not maybe leave it till later on when it gets better. Yes LA is generally nice and kind but he’s getting a bit jealous of his little baby brother still, last visit in Maidenhead he called him toilet- face or something along those lines, I told him off in my auntie capacity but I don’t think it’s had had much affect, so I’ll leave that to the much higher powers of his mummy and daddy.yes there was the massive food preparation went on yesterday I offered to help as usual but my cooking powers are not up to the mark or something like that, well people do get set in their ways especially as they get older I guess, not much anyone can do about it 😄. The cooking smell was really terrible day yesterday Toni no amount of room spray or perfume could get rid of it, I don’t know exactly what the smell was it was worse than an onion based odour, at least it wasn’t quite as bad as the Indian fish frying smell that sometimes provides the kitchen et cetera, I like fish in general but I’m not really fond of the Indian fish so much I think it’s an acquired taste and smell well I’m not sure who can acquire that but there you go, lol, though my mum said that she’ll make sure there is no fish fry on going on for a while so at least she understands me sometimes Bless her. I understand but the thing is it’s only natural for people to eat a bit too much during the festive season it just seems a shame that you and I are suffering like this with our stomachs but side-effects could always be worse as you once said or implied I believe that’s very much true, my poor mum’s medicines have so many side-effects but she’s just silent and stoical about it almost all the time which I don’t think is helping her (or anyone else) but that’s how she deals with it and I have to respect that. House HV it’s not as bad as it could’ve been actually, I did make sure that I went on a proper walk this morning I also went up and down the stairs a few times to make sure I was really tired well that wasn’t the intention actually I was just getting stuff but I did work out well in the end because the only room I was able to have a morning nap in today was my room which is a stuffy kind of Inferno of a place but I feel much better for that now thankfully it’s not all of those summer days or those terrible winter days so the room I’m having the secret voice control session in is quite tolerable. LA’s parents have been trying to convince him that auntie / Mima is not a Genderless god , just a normal human female, I think They said something like, “ daddy is a boy mummy is a girl so what is mima? She’s a girl like mummy isn’t she?” , which he answered in awed and reverential tones, “ What is mima? Mima is Reshmi”, oh dear I think they lost that argument, lol, I feel I may have inadvertently started a cult albeit a very small one, lol. Okay that’s it for me for now, have a nice afternoon. Xx
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hi Barbara are you having a nice day? did you stay up late to celebrate the New Year ? I don’t like staying up late I’ve never enjoyed it , so I went to bed fairly early in my normal way, lol. Hi kitty Brussels sprouts and bubble and squeak cakes I love both of those things, yesterday Was ok ty, didn’t do much it was nice and quiet day listened calming music and things like that so that was good. How about you? okay everyone bye for now. Tc. Xx
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Hello all and a Happy New Year to everyone and hopefully less painful one xxxx
Toady I'm another that had trees chopped back by our new neighbours.. they put up a new fence so couldn't really grumble 😒I love the photos ..and can't wait for spring ..saying that today us 15 here xx
Toni I do hope Kari and dil will he OK ..its so scary Paul us bored bless him ..I only said the other day I need a job ..not a clue what but I di get bored in winter 😐 pneumonia is awful ..we have had a jab against ut just hope it works xx
Joan it's our other son the eldest ge has long covid ..our gd bought us the tea towels and I thought of you and the doggies love to all 8f you xx
Kitty glad your shopping arrived ..and dad us OK..we had fireworks till 4.30 next door ..thankyou fir the recipes xx
Mike have you painted the figure..its incredible ,especially the face xx
Reshmi my neighbour ysed to make us Indian sweets so I know how sweet they are ..I rambert the first time we visited an Indian tlresturant and though I don't like this we love it..but don't think I would like the fish smell ..hope you gave a good day is it today everyone us count round xx
Better go
Love to all
Barbara1 -
Last night
Barbara1 -
Hi Barbara thanks for your nice message that’s a lovely picture you have attached, its interesting what you said about smells and how someone smells appeal to people and some don’t I think you’re absolutely right there, I also hate The smell of raw meat, to be honest even bacon being fried is quite a problem for me, lol yesterday the smell was everywhere even in my pillows I’m not sure how it got all over the house like that, weird, at least that didn’t happen today, yes it’s today that everybody’s come round so I’m still doing some secret voice control, lol, you’re right about Indian sweets they can be sickeningly sweet can’t they? they don’t always appeal to me but everyone else in my family loves them but of course my mum is very careful and controlled with her intake of them due to her diabetes type 2 . LA downstairs at the moment being very naughty and making a lot of noise bless him, while baby R is doing his best to crawl all over the house with a very quiet and gentle expression on his face remember when LA was about his age he want that quiet and gentle to be honest, I stopped him from going into the kitchen and then he stamped on my arthritic foot and my goodness that foot was painful back then, tiny little innocent but naughty baby LA didn’t stay for too long Reshmi said whispering secretly into her voice controller, lol, of course he wasn’t wasn’t to blame but I remember that pain it’s difficult when the whole family often think about themselves first, in my opinion, in my family I have the feeling that I just have to keep on standing up for myself and it shouldn’t have to be like this anyway nothing is perfect, they’re all leaving at 6:30 pm today I believe I am counting down the seconds, lol. Okay Barbara, I’ll go for now hope you had a nice day? take care Reshmi. Xx
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Morning everyone :)
Hello Mike - the figure is lovely absolutely 👌 spot on you can even see the relationship between him and his dog can't you? I can see why you chose that one to do in between the two big projects.😊Thank you for sharing him.
Joan I was lucky the aura didn't turn into a migraine. I think it's my age you know or getting up too early for Lucy's work. How are you both doing? ((())) xxx
Kitty I bet you can see yesterday's post now? I was there sometimes that seems to happen not sure why I lose people sometimes then they reappear.
Did I tell you I had double the quantity of sprouts I asked for? It's almost as if you knew! I might just try them both (I might have to!!), but the bubble and squeak cakes really appeal to me.
Poor Dad i can understand why he gets a tiny bit forgetful at 91 I expect we all will if we get there.
The sun came out here yesterday afternoon and I think it should have at Barbara's too judging by her red sky photo.
How are you doing? How is your energy level? Are you still swigging Tosca's ton-ick?
Oh yes Toady WHOLE trees! GONE just gone after years of growing and living and birds nesting in them and cats climbing them just gone😒 In fact the new neighbour (sort of) behind the Dr's house they put a new fence n and chopped so much of one tree (with a TPO I might add!) root that a month later on a stormy night last year the whole thing came down and took the village's electricity with it!
As for trampolines don't get me started.😠
It's Carol (Turbogran) who is missing ATM Toady she will happen in soon enough though she has such a big extended family and has really struggled with the pandemic.
My eldest daughter is marrying her fiancée on 24th January. Scarily close in light of the Omicron variant's rampage across the country eh? We still have two final wedding dress fittings yet (one for each girl) and two lots of hair to be coloured and cut. The hairdresser currently off with COVID-19 having seen my sister (very bad asthma) and her DIL ( very bad type 1 diabetes) the day before her diagnosis. I'm sure it will all be alright on the night!!!!!
Barbara what a lovely evening photo - that means you had sunshine yesterday like we did? Wasn't it uplifting? I collected Lucy from work in Penelope with a big grin on my face😊
I want a job too I really really do! Whether i would physically be up to it I'm not sure, but I'd love to be back out there...sigh....
Fireworks until 4.30? We don't have them at all in the village only rarely. We did them one year for the village it was great that was bonfire night but it was a one-off sadly COVID came along the year after.
You have to wonder don't you, why people buy a house in a street with trees and then just chop them down? Still it takes all sorts doesn't it?
Hi Reshmi I take it you survived the excess family's visit? Did your stomach dodge the food as much as possible too? That morning nap will have helped you cope.
I saw the story about Baby Lord A accidentally hurting your poor arthritic foot. That's dreadful. I know I remember a child kicking mine in IKEA by mistake I wanted to cry, but you have to pretend you're ok😫The pain isn't like anything the parents can imagine.
Good on you doing your physio and stretches☺️ I am going to go for a super early walk any minute once I am dressed I feel inspired to get out there! I will have the spikes on my walking poles though it's very muddy here. Yes good no black ice the weather has been so warm! Apparently cooling down soon now though. Well done doing your proper walk and stair climbing too I can't do that we are in a bungalow.
The step sounds good, not too high. I might get me one. Had a look at the physio room's compression bandages i like the look on them and the knee supports too. Mine is ok unless I bend too far so I could do a step. I did step aerobics once or twice, but gosh my co-ordination was diabolical🤣
It really sounds eye-watering the cooking smells you had to cope with. Gosh yes at least no indian fish cooking that would have been far too much. for anyone to cope with. Mind I bet your Dad loves it all bless him! Your Mum will give in and accept your help in time because she will have to, but for now just let her get on with it. Silly really I would let anyone help me! Her meds will be having an impact we know that ourselves, but she is private and as you say stoic bless her.
Poor baby R he is not a toilet (was it poo?) face I think he has a sweet smiley gentle face. But he he gets lost of attention because he is a baby so Lord A will be jealous. Yes Auntie Reshmi let the higher powers do the discipline you can just read the dinosaur books...many many many times🙄
Are you Auntie Mima? If you are it's a sweet name🤗 and of course you are a Goddess who will soon have a larger cult as Baby R will join Lord A. Really his love for you is adorable💓
Well I suppose I had better get dressed so I can get my walk in before Paul emerges....
Love to Carol
A small one I think we've all had plenty to eat lately!
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Good morning everyone
On the 10'th of January the council are closing the subway we use they are doing a crossing to cross the road but we won't use it because you have to wait in the middle of the road then cross the other half. We won't be able to go to the vets or the fields or town with the dogs. sorry to go on
Kitty (((())) thank you for the photo's. Do you feel better now ((())) love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val (((())) and Emily ((())) and your Da5d ((()))
Barbara ((())) I'm sorry you have so many worries ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and you son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé (()))
Toady ((())) I hope you have a good new year and your family.
Toni ((())) you must be very busy every day the days go so quick don't they. Love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Kari (((())) I hope Kari and her dip are alright ((())) love to your lovely neighbours ((()))
Reshmi ((())) I hope your family is a bit smaller now some have gone home. Love to everyone
Mike ((())) that figure is so good thank you love to vixen
Carol ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi everybody sorry I had a bit of a fall it was nothing too much but I was in shock and now I’m tired and I need to have my methotrexate so forgive this lack of a proper proper message hope you’re all okay will try to write again later or possibly tomorrow take care everyone bye for now. Xx
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Only a very quick line for me tonight & will leave an IOU for the other things I want to say, so just a hello - Joan, so sorry to hear about your subway, why do they always change things, and for the worse. (That's a jolly good reason to be upset too, not 'going on' at all - I would hate to be cut off from going to places I'm used to! My GP is moving much further away from where I am - just when you least want to get taxis or buses anywhere!) Hope you are both as well as possible today, and Happy New Year to you too xx.
Bosh sorry to read you've had a fall, hope you are ok after it and the mtx not too bad today.
Frog I just wanted to say it's not Carol I was thinking of, it was tkachev/TK - Elizabeth - I could remember the person not the name (terrible with names). I checked back quickly and it does seem she's just absent as in not coming in these days, of her own accord, which is fair enough.
Barbara, not a proper post from me today - back soon xx
& Love to everyone xx
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Thanks today I’m not too bad now thanks will feel better after sleep and painkillers, methotrexate not too bad thanks, good night. Xx
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We were quiet yesterday weren't we? That's odd must have all been busy.
I am making the most of my Christmas lights and tree because I will take them down soon.
Morning Mike will Sue be coming tomorrow? Yesterday was such a lovely day until the afternoon when my poor puss got caught in a really heavy rain shower bless her. She was hiding under a bush waiting for me to let her in when I got back from fetching Lucy from work. She has her own flap but that would have meant coming out in the open!
Joan really this is terrible you and Sue should get on to the radio again and tell them about your situation. I mean you really would not fancy crossing a big road with a dog on the way to the vets for sure. Please don't feel like you are going on you have every right to be upset😕 You are so right about days flying by before we know it we will be unpacking our Christmas decs again for this year!😂 ((())) for you and Sue xxx
Reshmi how on earth did you fall? are you ok now did you injure anything. I bet that shook you up a lot. Makes you feel really vulnerable doesn't it? You are already doing what you can to minimise the risk. Your physio and stretches the step might help your core strength and balance too I think🤔 anyway ((()))
Hope the MTX hasn't made you feel rough today if it has you just do what you need to do. I rest more and eat savoury or have a boiled sweet like your Mum suggests.
Take care now
Kitty did you enjoy your 'day off' I hope it was just you usual day off and not because you feel rougher than usual? Today i might have a go at making those bubble and squeak cakes they looked so tasty😋
Sleek will be over later hopefully not too late she has to visit Rosie and Mrs Darcey today as well as Loki Charley's latest rescue kitten who has had his 'bit's done😖 poor lad but it has to be done doesn't it?
Does Holly still bring your radio times for you?
and are there any updates on the allotment 🤨
Toady of course Elizabeth! She is still active on facebook too if you wanted to find her. Last I heard she had moved and lives here in Staffordshire now, not that close to me it's a big county. She does have her work cut out with her children.
You don't have to post loads no problem just good to know you're ok.👍️
Bank holiday today gosh this festive season is dragging on!
Should see Barbara later I hope 😊
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Morning Froggie et al. Yes, Sue the Home Help will be coming tomorrow and, fingers crossed, our treat will be delivered with my shopping dreckly - cream donuts this week! I have started the next diorama by making the board for the base which fits on top of a little side cupboard I have by my recliner with wheels on the base. I have had the perspex for the lid cut on-line and I was going to glue it together yesterday BUT, I have made the base about 1mm too narrow for the lid so I have to sort that out today plus last time I made a cover I superglued the panels together but yesterday superglue would just not do the job so I have had to order some different stuff. Have a good day.
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Joan, that must be a blow to you. They certainly don’t make things easy for us. Is there anyone who could give you a lift to the vers, to make sure the dogs get there health checks?
Reshmi, how awful that you had a fall! I do hope you are all right.
Antoinette, I have rejoined Health Unlocked, using the name Kittyandme. For some reason it wouldn’t accept Kitty.
love to everyone. ❤️ XXXXXX
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Good morning everyone thank you for your kind words everyone
Kitty ((())) how are you feeling to day. We are hoping the council will change their minds. love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad (())
Reshmi ((())) I'm sorry you had a fall it's a shock it happens so quick (((())) go steady take care
Toady ((())) yes I remember Elizabeth she had a lot of problems ((())) have a good day.
Toni ((())) yes we've had a lot of rain they say some places will have snow this week. Love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) how is she and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Barbara ((())) I hope all is has well as it can be ((()))
Mike ((())) love to vixen ((()))6
Carol ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi Toni how are you ? Also thanks for the Facebook information I’m going to onto that a bit later on thanks for your concern about the fall it was just one of those silly accidents I was wearing socks but there were new ones and they’re meant to be winter socks with a bit of a grip but they were kind of silky feeling cotton blend or something like that and I was hungry and I was full of energy and I just wanted to quickly go downstairs and eat something and I fell on the stairs but I only fell about two steps down and then I managed to grab hold onto the railing so I was okay but you’re right falling at all then in any way makes us feel vulnerable and I felt really tired and cold afterwards with the shock I suppose, but then gradually started feeling better I hurt my lower back a bit but then that hurts anyway sometimes and there’s just a bit of stiffness near the collarbone and poss shoulder I am stretching thanks for reminding me to though , it’s getting better and I’m a very careful person generally speaking and Things like falls hardly ever happen to me but it’s okay now I’m going to be extra careful on the stairs now regardless of which socks I’m wearing. Thanks about the methotrexate I’m feeling at the moment I guess more or less I normally feel with it i’ve decided that when I have this med or at least for a little while after the med to kind of keep talk to the bare minimum to my parents during this time because I know I’m feeling ratty and I know the reason for it but I can’t always expect other people to understand but it is weird really it’s like a semi - permanent PMT or something like that I was wondering if maybe if it affects some people worse than others and maybe people with mental health disorders like me shouldn’t really be taking such a strong dose in an ideal world I don’t know I’ll have to look into it talk to the nurse about it next time that rheumo appointment was quite frustrating to be honest with you Toni because I know she had some family issues or something going on but she was quite distracted and she didn’t really seem to be paying attention to what I was saying and I didn’t have time to express myself properly and then the appointment ended it oh well maybe next time will be better 😄. Lord A did indeed call his brother a poo I did not want to mention it in case somebody minded, lol, without going into remarks possibly worthy of censoring, he made up lots of songs in nursery rhymes and songs based on his brother being a poo! oh dear oh dear that was a very naughty aristocrat, lol. It’s actually baby R’s first birthday on Thursday so we’re going to Maidenhead again I didn’t know about this I don’t mind going but I just hope my sister hasn’t gone mad with the heating and that the pains have settled down by then also hope I won’t be browbeaten into eating loads of cakes and things lol, oh well that’s family with the same hand it feeds wait that’s not the right saying lol, with the same hand it fries fish, it passes you the paracetamol that might have to do, haha. I agree with core strength comment but I don’t think it was a balance issue , so basically it was just me being a bit kind of careless and hungry and full of energy with which doesn’t usually happen to me, anyway it was just one of those things but luckily it ended well compare to what could’ve happened my goodness I remember that my mum once got an injury just by turning on the stairs at the wrong time or something like that and that will never be 100% healed but usually it doesn’t act up the problem with her in the injury is the exercise is good but too much is bad and and then you know the usual vicious circle with weight and things she also has benign tumour in her stomach doctor said no point operating so some of the weight is isn’t really due to exercise problems or anything like that which is a shame but it’s better like this then having a necessary operation, especially in these times that’s true. Think I’ll go for now because I seem to waffled on a lot and it’s time to get some lunch without falling down the stairs don’t worry I’ll be careful indeed then I’ll try and pop back to the café a bit later today bye for now Toni and everyone take care. X
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hi Kitty how are you? I indeed have a fall but it wasn’t that bad luckily, one of the the worst parts of it was the shock, but not really any severe bruising or anything luckily and I’m very much on the mend , thanks for asking and have a nice afternoon take care. Xx
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Hi Joan, How are you and Sue today? yes I did have a fall but it wasn’t too bad , bit of pain in my back and things like that but nothing too bad thanks, the shock was indeed the worst part really, but I’m very much on the mend today but guess what? my mum has just burnt her arm but not badly enough to go to A&E she says but you know it’s just one drama after another really, anyway I hope you’re enjoying the afternoon take care.xx
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hi Barbara how are you today ? I had a small fall, but I’m on the mend now take care. Xx
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Evening all
Toni tgabkyou for breakfast just the rught size..but the beans were missing ..🤗blimey the wedding isn't long away ..I will have everything crossed all can go ahead..but can understand your worries..this blinking covid ..did you see the daily mail it had a peice on a mew treatment for migraine ..Will see if I can find us Kari and dil getting on xx
Joan u am so sorry they are closing the underpass..what an awful shame you have used it for so long ..😡and you never go on don't apologise its good to talk about things to all of you xx
Toady don't you worry about mentioning us all I just like hearing what people are up to 😁xx
Reshmi your poor glad the baby is more calm.. well for now 🤭you never know with children they go through so many stages
I'm sorry you feel like it's a battle with your family must be hard..I always say there us no such thing has a perfect family ..hope they all left early then you could rest and recover from the fall xx
Kitty how is Emily's allotment coming on ..I bet they are looking forward to this to both if you xx
Curry tonight for us ,our gd us making it
Love to all xxx
Barbara0 -
Hi Barbara thanks for your nice message, The fall didn’t actually happen when the excess family were there, that’s true kids definitely go through stages, thats also very true nothing is perfect, I had a friend once who was a very gentle mild mannered and decent kind of person, but his relationship with his father was terrible, his dad abandoned him when he was a child, possibly a baby and only once ever contacted him once when he was an adult because he was ill, the son didn’t help the father and to be honest I’m not sure that I blame him, of course no one really knows what to do unless they’re in the situation and I obviously do not judge, but people often pretend that their family relationships are great on the outside when on the inside it’s a different matter, that reminds me I’ve been told that he has fallen out with both his parents now not just his dad, but his mum who spoils him rotten, I wonder what’s happened there, but I know that it is very much my place not to ask. I hope you have a nice meal prepared by your granddaughter take care. Xx
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