Val's Cafe
Brief note - post by @toady from last night was in Spam Queue and has been approved this morning. It is here if you haven't seen it higher up the page 😀
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Morning all - thank you very much Admin, that explains that 😊. Anyway yes of course I should 'save draft' frog 😳 the same as I should just highlight/copy like I always tell myself, but still don't. Twit. 🙄 I will now, anyway (says she). Well ignore what's out of date, and you've already answered my newt question (that's what I was thinking, do you have in pond) and I will start again in sequence next post! 6am, good grief, not even at the worst case of having to get up for an early workman or boilerman do I ever see 6am. Well not to be up by. Thank you for the breakfast, I'm afraid I had a crumpet & marmalade. The birds had mixed seeds, 2 sorts of cheese, oats, a few brown seeded breadcrumbs, apple, & blueberries. 😂
Have a good day everyone & I am under the cloak with a flask of coffee - jolly cold - hope to hear good news of Barbara & Mr B 🤞xx
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hi Toni sorry for the late for the late sign in , thanks about the stretches et cetera be careful with your knee today, I keep forgetting to mention when is your daughters wedding planned for? is it the end of January? I hope it goes well I know it must be worrying with the covid situation. Yes the Japanese programmes are quite good, I know what you mean I often feel that I don’t want to watch subtitles but when you get into it it’s quite good the one I’ve just seen Atelier it’s fairly good but the one I saw before I think it’s called midnight diner or something like that I can check if you want that’s really good and it takes very little patience to get used to the subtitles for that one because it’s such a great storyline it’s a series of stories actually that little drop one off drama type things but it’s very interesting (they’re all set in the same diner), Hot chocolate was great thanks and it didn’t upset my stomach so that was one good thing you know something funny happened today Toni I went outside and did a normal walk but my back is not quite hundred percent there yet so I was careful and my mum advised me to wrap up even warmer than normal which was good advice even though I wouldn’t have done this normally and it made me a bit tired, in fact it was such good advice that what happened was I felt so warm I didn’t even set foot inside the bakery and thank goodness for that the iced buns were a - calling, if things goes okay I’m meant to be meeting the LLF and my friend Roger this Thursday for lunch, it’s quite limited food there but it’s nice, you know the last time I went Roger told me off for having fried eggs which I didn’t order by the way but that’s okay while he ate the biggest cheese omelette I ever seen in my life, lol, The good thing with Roger is that he if tells someone off he will do it gently Unlike my LLF friend/dragon, lol. Sorry about Paul’s eyes. Bill may have eaten the essences anything is possible, lol, I was joking my sis didn’t take 10 hours to put on make up it was more like three but that was bad enough. Hi Joan, Barbara and Kitty hope you’re all okay today I know Kathleen it’s all too easy to go overboard on the chocolates I’ve done it myself 😄, Barbara is Mr B having his hip replacement pre-op today? sorry I lost track a bit, whatever he’s having today I hope it goes well. Take Care all of you and have a good afternoon. Xx
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@Arthuritis one of the first things noticeable to me was lost appetite as well as feeling faintly queasy and having a slightly raised temperature. BP was always low....way on 👇 down. Slightly higher these days due to meds, but the medics are still happy enough. My breakfasts are unfortunately always healthy just the cooked ones when I am in a hotel which is rare these days! You've done well with yours. The loss of appetite went as soon as my meds were 'right' though. Thanks for the tip on wine I will get me some. Ocado are coming this mornig i could ahve got some sparks😣
Toady your post has reappeared thanks to Bryn bless him. That happened to one of Joan's one if i remember so should have thought of it. Luckily Bryn spotted it.
The same can be true of greenbelt here but as ours is inside our boundary now it should be safe enough and the hedge is ours too I will let NOTHING happen to mine. It also means I shouldn't get houses built too close to me ☺️
You have a tulip? was it a tulip (your post is over the page and my memory is not good sorry) already? I am optimistically looking for my snowdrops which I planted last autumn...under the bird feeding trees/station. Who didn't have your lovely breakfast only mixed seed and fat roll thingies!
The pond has no pump and will just be left to do it's own thing I think with minimal attention from me - I just followed Monty Don's advice there. No fish or anything just a drink for the hedgehogs and the wild rabbits etc
Trying to eat healthily after Christmas's excesses!😳
Morning Joan it is nice to get a bit more sleep yes Lucy too! You take a fair few BP meds yourself as long as they do the trick? ((())) xxx
Mike the glue remover didn't work?🤬that's annoying I wouldn't know where to start I'm afraid. Is it worth asking Sue her being a cleaner and she's with you today isn't she? I wonder what treats you will both be having with your cuppa....
No new yet from Barbara I hope she knows we were all there with Mr B as she wasn't allowed. Multiple cats too of course....
Fingers are sore from being crossed for so long🤞
Kitty my Ocado is coming this morning so looking forward to some lovely treats. I think all is present and correct as they always message to say when things are out of stock. The cost was higher than usual so will have to check whether Madame La Sleekipuss has added anything like multiple jars of cockles etc.....
Reshmi you can be later in that's no problem and good to keep doing your physio and stretches even if gently and slightly less. That's where a lot go wrong because pain makes them keep too still and then you seize up don't you? Your Mum is right to never let your back get cold - some of my worst back flares have been because of the cold or standing still too long.The bakery was avoided well done!👏Oh but iced buns.....
The wedding was 2 weeks yesterday - HELP!!!!! I am hoping for dry sunny colder weather by choice rather than rain or drizzle and not convinced about snow although some falling in the afternoon would be lovely for photos as long as it doesn't stick!
You will enjoy being out with LLF and Roger i am sure and if you want the odd fried egg (even if you didn't actually order it!) have it😊 Sounds as though Roger is nice. Hope he enjoyed his 3 egg (no doubt if not 4) omelette!!
I had a tiny suspicion that the 10 hours of make-up preparation might be a light exaggeration! Bless your sister Lucy can be as bad but i think that's lack of confidence. Charley and Tia only do a little foundation then they are out!
Well I had better get on lots to do....
overnight oats anyone tried them?
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Mike the glue remover didn't work?🤬that's annoying I wouldn't know where to start I'm afraid. Is it worth asking Sue her being a cleaner and she's with you today isn't she? I wonder what treats you will both be having with your cuppa....
Morning, I found some scratch remover in the garage and gave it a go, albeit with a little trepidation, and it got the bulk of the marks off, there are still some which I can live with and the worse side has been positioned at the back of the display. Yes, Sue the Home Help is here today so we can have a good old natter but the only treat available is a Picnic bar which I am sure she will munch down happily.
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Good morning everyone
Barbara ((())) I hope Mr B ((())) got on all right yesterday. Love to your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece (())) and her fiancé ((()))
Kitty ((())) do you still take tablets for the Cancer you had. I hope you have a good day today ((())) love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Toni ((())) I hope the weather is fine for Charley and Annie's big day ((())) love to Paul and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari (((())) I hope she feels better now ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Reshmi (((())) how is your back now. Love to all ((()))
Arthritis ((())) have a good day with not too much pain
Mike and vixen ((()))
Carol ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
@frogmorton Thanks for your cheery post, always a pleasure & boost to read and the weight tips! Forgot to ask, what meds are you on and dose? I am on 15mg mtx, 2.5mg pred & 400HCQ, however i suspect its not enough early on.
On alc free red - Lindeman’s alcohol free red was superb, as was spark’s own brand merlot. Of course I only have red now for zoom socials and the high resveratrol content!
I love Premier Inn Breakkies, so delish and filling, but its easy to over do them!
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Morning folk, hope all are as well as can be.
Joan, no, my cancer treatment is definitely over, but I still have the nightmares and worry about it coming back.
Barbara, I hope Mr B is OK.
Antoinette, if you've ordered any spuds, even McCain jacket spuds, or chips, you will find the price has gone up because there us a worldwide shortage! I'm making this short, as we had an electician arrive this morning - which was a bit of a shocj, and the nurse might come too.
So tata for now. Oh, re Emily's allotment, she's been super busy with school so hasn't had time to work on her blog - sorry. Hope Hennifer and co are safe from bird flu.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi Arthritis I just thought I’d quickly mention there is a great site called my fitness on which you can find lots of basic nutritional info for all sorts of foods and drinks too, I believe I don’t use it religiously but I do like to use it when I just want to get an idea if a new food I’m eating is actually good for me take care bye for now
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Hi Toni how are you today? yes indeed seizing up would be the worst thing in many ways. I’m not sure that it’s a lack of confidence with sis, she’s just one of those personalities who enjoys posing on FB etc, she really enjoys this completely unlike me but we all have our faults goodness knows I have a plethora of them, lol, I see so the wedding is very soon it must be scary for you I hope it goes well and that there is no black ice and extreme snow that would be terrible indeed.yes I Managed to avoid the bakery yesterday and today, but it’s so tempting Tony the bakery is also practically on my doorstep, lol. I must admit I did eat a bit of cheese but it gets really hard avoiding everything and it could’ve been worse quantity - wise oh well what happens happens, at least the methotrexate hangover days have passed till end of next week lol, no not tried overnight oats yet, looks good though, just wanted to say I got a pop grip for my phone from eBay it’s just small circular grip type thing that makes it easy to pick up a phone you’ve dropped on the floor when your back is killing you okay bye for now take care T, have a nice nice day. Xx
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Hi Joan My back is not too bad thanks I did a normal sized walk today it’s not fully better but it’s definitely on the mend, I hope you and Sue have a nice day take care. Xx
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Hi Barbara how are you today? what happened to Mr B? sorry I’ve lost track did he have an operation or a pre-op? I can’t quite remember anyway hope you have a nice day by and take care, bye for now. Xx
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@bosh Thanks for the tip! Its quite a huge database and great ready look up for getting an overview of nutritional content.
I usually go one step deeper in looking for the carb & fat type breakdown eg ratio of omega 3/6 fats and fructose/sucrose carbs. (see screenshots below).
These matter because omega 3 is anti inflammatory but omega 6 is pro-inflammatory. When they are metabolised they compete for the same limited enzyme, so you want a high omega 3 content to compete with omega 6, generating DHEA instead of pro inflammatory metabolites.
With fructose & sucrose its a similar issue. Although both have calories, fructose is better avoided as it is a 5 carbon sugar that is processed on the same pathway as alcohol in the liver, whereas sucrose (and starch) is quickly split into glucose before it even gets to the liver right in your mouth. (If you chew slowly on anything starchy it will soon taste sweet because amylase in your mouth breaks it down to glucose). Fructose can be slowed from reaching the liver if you eat whole fruit as the fibre slows absorption and then it goes towards feeding gut bacteria further down the line which is much better.
I really like flax (linseed) as its got the perfect omega 3 ratio, that overshadows any omega 6, so I use a coffee grinder (a must) to break open the seeds and blend with some almond milk, a couple of almonds, stevia or strawberries for taste into a lovely mousse, which if chilled, has a soft ice cream consistency but much healthier. Experiment to your pref.
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Hi @Arthuritis , you’re welcome, thanks for that info it was very interesting, I do have some nuts and seeds but at the moment quite limited amounts because unfortunately they really seem to upset my stomach but it’s good to know, thanks for the tips.
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Hello all sorry didn't get back yesterday Mr B only got back at 5 30 ish from news on his op,they think they found an heart murmur so he has to have a scan first 🙄everything else was fine
Thankyou everyone for thinking about us
Toni bet you can't wait fir your water feature and pond .we have a sort of laddder for frogs and they know how to use it ...fingers crossed for goid weather fir the wedding xx
Toady your post sort of cane back thanks to Bryn..its strange but the newts don't go in the pond but stay under the rocks were its damp ..we di have a big lodge nearby and builders had to leave it alone because if the newts,
Joan hope all us well at yours how are you getting on with the new carers xx
Kitty I am sure Emily will soon get stuck in with the allotment, xx
Reshmi Mr B had his preop but no date fir his op not till he has had a scan of his heart ..hope all is well at yours xx
Sorry these seem short but best I can do xxxxxx
Barbara0 -
@bosh Completely agree with you I avoid all seeds & nuts except in very limited quantities (2-3 almonds, walnuts, brazils), and a few grams of flax, which does give me stomach rumbles but not painful. Also means I don’t need laxatives (TMI?😂).
My RA is not well managed by the DMARDS, I think the right dose has not been found as I started with a blood test that indicated a highly aggressive form (off the charts/max measurable limits). However so far I still think I have the right DMARD, as being late even 2 days meant hell to pay!
Hope you are doing well with yours.
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Just a flying visit.. have spent half the evening trying to sort out posting a small parcel to Europe, I don't recommend it, postage & customs terms have changed since I last did it so in case anyone ever wants to know (that doesn't already) you can only print out or complete customs forms online for a parcel if it's tracked &c, CN22A, for standard or economy you have to go to the PO for a CN22B.. apparently.
So, mainly just to say
Sorry that Mr B will have to wait on further tests Barbara, you gear yourself up for these things don't you.. but glad they could go ahead with the pre-op (well not glad, as such, but you know what I mean, in the getting it over with sense). All the best for the next stage, have a hot sweet tea with me when you're passing, only another 6 packs of my overbought xmas tea to go ;)
I love your froggy ladder :) They are very clever, and newts are fascinating aren't they, with all they can do.. regenerating bits of themselves.. and hibernating.. puts us humans in the shade.
Hope you get some around the pond, frog - I'm a very late Monty Don fan, I never realized how much the programme leans toward the wildlife & not everything tidy side - once I saw all the lovely things at Longmeadow, old stonework and woodwork and everything left to weather nicely, I was sold. Oh the envy though! Yes, v glad your greenbelt is safe. 🌱 I did say tulip - only the first sign - they were late being bought & going in and some sprouting when they arrived, so put them in asap, whether getting ahead helps or hinders them between now & Spring I don't know tbh. Nothing yet in my cheapo zinc pot except the grape hyacinths I transplanted in, even though the tulips went in at the same time, they will catch up hopefully and maybe slower will be better.
Love to everyone xx & I'm going to stick my parcel labels on and wind down 😴
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Hello all.. I've gone into the moderating queue again (it seems to be editing that does it) 😳
as my post will be in the pipeline somewhere I won't repeat myself, just love to all &
Barbara you will get my good wishes on a delay - have some more for now xx
'night all xx
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Morning everyone it's very icy here this morning brrrr!!!
Morning Mike good to hear you have sorted out that blob of superglue to an acceptable standard👍️ I think a picnic bar would have been just fine? I used to love them in my veggie pre-vagan days. I hope Sue was well and Vixen forgave her the hoover!
I have booked a man to come and clean our rugs ready for the wedding (photographer will be here) not going to be cheap, but what can you do? Having the garden landscaped last year meant they got pretty manky - somehow in spite of our best efforts.
Hi Joan how are you and Sue today? Today is the final dress fittings which I am about to pay for before we go. Exciting eh I will take my tissues with me! ((())) xxx
Morning Kitty all of my Ocado order was present and correct including some jars of roll-mop herrings and some cockles I suspect young Sleek has been editing my order.....
It's not so nice for gardening ATM anyway but hopefully we will hear from the girls soon that they are back working there and exactly how the Hennifer et al are doing 😊
I am trying to buy local and we have a 'real farm shop in the village so i got my spuds from there village spuds. I forgot to assess any price increase I will check next time.
Hope the electrician was just doing your annual safety checks?
Arthuritis (@Arthuritis ) I have to agree there is a lot of information about gut health being relevant to inflammatory conditions it is no coincidence that so many of us have stomach issues here. No need for laxatives😳🤭
I also like flax and chia introduced to both years ago by a former café dweller (Aidan 'Bubbles') who we all adored here, but sadly died just over two years ago. I just grind them with my pestle and mortar and sprinkle over soups, casseroles curries anything I can get away with!
You so remind me of my brother who has a recent diagnosis of IgA (kidney disease inflammatory) he knows all about his nuts, seeds etc as he has to very much protect his kidneys and liver. He is looking into everything to try to do the best he can. Ah well....onwards and upwards for us all fellow Vegan.
Barbara I think we can develop heart murmurs as we get older this has happened to Paul's BIL and my ex MIL recently when trying to have something else treated. They will need to make sure it isn't a danger for the anaesthetic for his op. Tell him to have a spinal block then he wont need a GA will he.
The pond is in (hoorah) just needs rocks and the ladder put in I have seen a youtube how to make your won as it's large I might add a few ladders. I bet those newts nip in for a swim when you aren't looking!
I have always coveted your pond....
Final dress fittings today so tissues at the ready!
Reshmi how right you are a seized back or neck is just awful the worst thing ever so painful it has actually made me retch with the pain in the past I never want it to happen again. Keep warm and keep moving those are my top tips!
Oh dear me just how close is this bakery? Not good, but you know as they say 'A little of what you fancy does you good' I am lucky the only thing I can buy in the village is fruit and veg from the farm shop and that is a 15 minute walk away. Not too much temptation.
Before I was vegan cheese was a 'go to' for me on MTX hangover days! You know we just have to ride them out and do what we have to do. The other 5 days we can be 'good'☺️🤞
Your sister sounds like Lucy when she gets going. She takes selfies and does tik toks a lot and unfortunately social media dictates what 'look' is acceptable so they are under pressure to look a certain way which i do NOT!!! Hopefully they will both stop needing such reassurances in time - maybe?
A dry cold sunny day would be best i think don't you? for the wedding? Gosh imagine if it was foggy😩 Toni stop worrying!!
Anyway i hope you are well and Mum too and Dad is behaving himself not too much spitting from House Vesuvius!
Toady what have you done to upset the moderators then? Very odd. Your posts seem harmless enough to me.
Monty Don is my hero I LOVE his garden I love the GATE! the walls oh heaven heaven! I have some very old wall I must post some pics for you. It was repaired last year by a neighbour who is a builder and it looks amazing. apart from that all hedges.
We have a house called Longmeadow here in the village I was quite hopeful when I first moved in but sadly it's not the Longmeadow😕
Oooh! yes I see the tulip! How exciting!
I must post some pics of my pond so you can all watch the progress this year. It will be my project for 2022 as the wedding will be all over in 2 weeks time.
I hope the parcels finally got off and all is well now. 🙄 Life has certainly got more complicated.
Right off to pay now for the dress alterations.....
Some porridge for breakfast feel frees to sprinkle on some flax/chia
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Good morning everyone
Kitty ((())) yes I bet that was frightening ((())) I hope the electrician does not come the same time has the nurse love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) sorry about Mr B((())) sorry about the heart murmur hope it's not too bad ((())) love to your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))
Toni (((())) not long now everyone is getting excited love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Reshmi ((())) have a good day take care love to everyone
Toady ((())) have a good day thank you for the photo's
Mike and vixen ((()))
Carol ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
morning, yes the electrician called to check our wiring, but when he saw the ridiculous place our main board was in, he couldn’t get to it so took a photo to report to the housing and went home! So I don’t know what will happen. I’m waiting for the district nurse. I wonder if she will come. Chris is expecting a phone call from the practise nurse! Oh the excitement of it all.
Love to Joan, Sue, Carol, Resmi, Mike, Arthuritis, Antoinette, Sleek and anyone I’ve forgotten. ❤️🙏🏽🌈
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi There Arthuritis , I’m glad you’re doing more or less okay with your meds I am sort of okay with mine thanks I actually have PsA, I have bipolar too, so I have to be very sensitive if I feel my moods are going the wrong way, I take methotrexate once a week as all of my arthritis meds, it’s definitely helping a lot with my joints but the mood swings I am having with methotrexate I’m finding pretty hard to deal with basically but I’ll see the nurse, or doctor if I’m lucky, lol, in about six months time and I will ask him or her about this problem then so thats something, it’s interesting to know that you have a sensitive stomach too, so does Toni as well, it is a pain isn’t it? bye for now take care. Xx
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Hi Toni how are you? I must admit I really had a problem getting started this morning and this afternoon to be completely honest, lol, I woke up late and the whole household was already full of stress because baby R is not well again he had temperature, not sure if he still has a temp tho, he’s got some marks which indicate it may well be hand foot and mouth, but also it could be Covid so he’s had a PCR and we are waiting for the results , tomorrow I’m still planning to meet my friends if my stomach holds up ☹️, but I think I’ll be getting a taxi and eating very sensibly and may really indeed need to have my proper lunch when I go home , whether I’ll get a taxi and then a bus I’m quite not quite sure yet, I’d really like to avoid the bus if I can but, this stupid café is in a bit of a weird place right near the main road there’s not really any parking that I know of, so I’ll have to deal with the situation as it arises. Those are Good tips indeed, thanks.the Bakery is two roads away but it’s closer than it sounds, one is a very little road very near to my house, it is further away than the coffee stall but only slightly. That Must be Very handy not having the cake Temptations nearby sounds good to me 😄. It reminded me a bit of Bangor , I liked living there for many reasons, in my student days there were no fancy bakeries and thank goodness for that, there was a Health food shop which was really good much better than Holland and Barrett in my opinion and cheaper, and what was then a safeways but now would’ve been a Morrison’s I suppose, it was Nice and also to get to the shops you need to add to walk up and down the hill in fact to get anywhere I needed to walk up and down the hill it was quite a steep hill but manageable at least in my non-arthritic days and it was a kind of enforced exercise which must’ve been good for my weight even though for one year I was on those terrible mental health needs but let’s not talk about that, there was a little café there inside the Safeways which was quite handy so after walking up and down hills there was never a question of not being able to get a hearty lunch if I was in lectures all day if I really needed it, in the weekend it was a special treat for me I still also go there with my family when they visited, nice days, apart from when I was ill of course but I don’t go to that understandably, they used to do such nice deserts , Apple pies and things like that I could eat pastry in those days for some reason not all the time of course, Quality of the baking is so much better than down here in the south to be honest, lol, but The cafe was so popular that one day we noticed that our cutlery was in a terrible state that was my dad and at that time we were so hungry we just to ate with it anyway, oh dear but that only happened once so fair enough I guess. Understand about your daughter my sister is actually 40 now so I was kind of hoping she’ll grow out of it but maybe she won’t, lol, but she has reduced posing quite a lot on Facebook because she says she doesn’t want her kids to be in any online photos or hardly any online photos because it’s dangerous there seems perhaps a bit of paranoid to me but at least she’s not saying “hey it’s me I’m a goddess, I’ve got more hair than Rapunzel and what a face!”, anyway what keeps her happy I’m not complaining really as long as I don’t have to sit through too many three hour make up routines, especially when I’m just trying not to throw up basically anyway, thank goodness for that so yeah I’m fairly sure your daughter will grow out of it, my sister has become ultra sensitive about her looks though my my mum said she might of spotted one or two grey hairs on my head, and guess what my sister took offence as per usual on the verge of saying you can get one or two Grays when you’re in your 20s megabrain time to deal with it and to be honest going grey is something that happens to us all and I think they’re worse problems we need to deal with, this may sound bitter to some people I don’t know but I do love my sister but that doesn’t mean I love every single aspect have a personality okay I’ll stop that subject there my goodness T, I have rambled on and on I think I have to stop now if not may not have covered everything I hope the wedding goes well weather is definitely in the hands of let’s say mother nature to keep it PC nothing we can really do about that and I’m sure to be a lovely day okay bye for now Toni take care also wanted to say hi Joan Barbara Kathleen my backs not quite hundred percent but definitely a lot better hope you all have a nice afternoon and thank you for “listening”to my ramblings. Xx
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Only a line to say hope everyone's well and keeping warm, I confess to interfering with the cafe thermostat 😉 & have also set it to come on a bit earlier in the morning for frog 🤫 if we can't pay our bill blame me.. it is so cold. I have been admin-approved now so my posts will not be going to spam & I will not be writing in random tenses & confusing people. 👍️
Love to all & will be in again soon xxx
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I say it's much warmer in here today...🤔 In spite of the ice and fog outside...Ah I see Toady has turned the heating up! Thanks Toady I was getting a bit chilly first thing sitting under my blankie with Cuddles on my lap. I am glad the admins have made you all official now and you are not talking out of turn (hehe!) and confusing those of us with smaller than average brains😁
Joan yes I am getting very very excited! I think we all are and desperately worried that someone important (the brides or me!) might get COVID so all being as careful as we can be. How are you and Sue doing and the carers? ((())) xxx
Woo-oooo! to Mike👋Hope all is well with you and Vixen.
Oh dear me Kitty! Sounds as though your wires are crossed😁 seriously though perhaps your box is not compliant to current wiring regulations . Sleek says she is going to have a look and is on her way now with high visibility jacket, hard hat and toe tectors
Be careful I am not at all sure she is qualified😮
I hope the DN came and maybe Chris got his call back from the practise nurse?
Coronation street has improved slightly but i still can't relate to the new Summer🙄
Morning Reshmi I am very sorry to hear Baby R is running a high temperature and has a rash. That is a worry on one so young. I van imagine it's all your Mum is talking about bless her. I hope you ahve some better news about him today ((()))🤞
Kitty also has a delicate that makes everyone (I think) who has inflammatory arthritis. There has to be something in that. I hope you can manage to eat out today, but if in doubt just maybe a slice of toast if you can or some soup? It is tricky isn't it going out when things are rough.
Oh dear me Lucy is still early 20's so I see what you mean your sister might not grow out of her posing🤨 She's right to avoid pics of the children until they are old enough to post their own. Maybe it's her friendship group who make her feel she has to look a certain way. Mum made a mistake mentioning the grey hairs😣 Charley my eldest has had grey hairs since she was about 18 so your sister is right to be fair. Oh BTW how is the job application going for her?
Thank you you are quite right I can't do much about the weather, but there is a lady in the village who is Irish Catholic she will put out her Saint (can't remember who sorry) to guard against rain. She does it every time something important happens.
Mother nature will do her best I hope!
Hope all is well with Arthurutis today or as well as can be.
Love to Barbara too of course ((())) xxx
It's cold so we need something warm
vegan option.
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