Inflammatory Osteoarthritis progressing rapidly

On being diagnosed at the age of 51 after trialing Prednisolone for 6weeks to reduce swelling in joints running along side Hydroxychloroquine taken for a year now. The osteorthritus seems to be progressing rapidly. In the 7 months I have gone from no erosion on x rays to bone on bone of my hip and offered a replacement operation in 16-20 weeks time . This was offered last week to me on seeing the Orthopeadics. With such a rapid progression I am worried that this inflamation will be damaging my knees and ankles . I feel that this inflamation is not under control with the medication I am on , and this needs to be reviewed. Last appoinment (Nov) with Rheumatology they reduced my medication down to 200mg per day , I am taking Non steriod anti inflamitories and over the counter painkillers at least 1 < 3 dose in every 24 hrs to get to sleep or kill the pain if I am to walk to shops etc. Could any one suggest what may be an alternative medication(s) that would suit my condition . I requested to speak to a special clinical nurse in Rheumatology prior to my next appointment which could be in 4-5 months, but no one is getting back to me . Hence the need to find out some information from Versusarthitus. I live on a livestock farm , have been very active and want to continue working and to enjoy my new granddaughter and family as best I can.


  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,148

    Hello @CarolynAnne and welcome to the online community,

    You we’re diagnosed with inflammatory osteoarthritis and it seems to be progressing rapidly. You have been offered hip replacement surgery but you are worried that the inflammation will damage your knees and ankles, and would like some suggestions for alternative medications to hydroxychloroquine and prednisone.

    You are taking the right approach in trying to talk to your consultant or rheumatology nurse - they are the only ones who know your medical history and with whom you can discuss changes in your treatment. Is there any way you could contact your Rheumatologist’s secretary, or ask your GP to speak to them? There may be other medications that will suit you better - hydroxichloroquine is one of many disease modifying drugs and not often used to treat osteoarthritis.

    You might be interested in having a look at the Versus Arthritis website on osteoarthritis. It talks about treatments and medication, and also has a helpful section on self help including gentle exercising to help with pain.

    All our members have experience of living with arthritis and I do hope you find support from browsing the forum.

    Do let us know how you are getting on.

    Anna ( Mod)

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Hi CarolnAnne,

    Thank you for posting on our helpline forum, I am sorry to hear that your condition is progressing so rapidly and that it is impacting your life so much it must be such a worrying time for you. Unfortunately, we don’t have a lot of information on this condition but thank you Anna for attaching the link to Osteoarthritis.

    Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are used to reduce the inflammation and to keep the condition under control, I agree with Anna the right person to contact is your Rheumatologist and hopefully they will be able to review your medication, you mentioned that you are having a problem getting in touch with them for an appointment so it may help if you contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PAL’s) who offers confidential advice, support and information on health-related matters, hopefully you then will be able to get that appointment and the right treatment.

    If at any point it would help you to talk things through informally and in confidence to one of our Helpline advisors about how you are feeling you are more than welcome to call our Free Helpline on 0800 5200 520 weekdays 9am – 6pm.

    Best wishes


    Helpline Advisor