Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,362

    Hi Toni

    so sorry for that short message earlier seem to not have had much time today but feeling better than yesterday as it was an earlier appointment as you said also did not have vampire nurse 👍.

    yes Bill is really getting away with a lot of things isn’t he? I def wouldn’t put up with him if I were in my sisters place I know that ha ha, oh yes btw BR tried to say happy birthday, he said “appy” bless.Really glad you weren’t locked in the motor home I was worried there

    I think I’ll leave it there because the babysitters are getting up at the crack of dawn well early anyway which means I have to as well and there’ll be bathroom issues but this is def not the time for ranting lol, so I’ll leave it there.

    Just wanted to mention that LA said happy birthday to his mummy as well but there was no card due to Bill focusing on goodness knows what next deliveroo order prob okay have a nice night Toni take care. Xx

    ps mushroom pic for folic acid day, lol. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,238

    Morning everyone

    Beautiful start to the day here after a beautiful sunset last night.

    Paul is still zzzzing!

    Mike if you stop by we have all been checking in on you daily hoping to hear some good news sending my usual ((())) xxx

    Joan no!!! Not Monty leaving😓 have to hope it's fake news I think🤞🤞🤞

    All is well here sunny but chilly yet. The camping is good fairly basic but goo we have electricity and water so fine.

    Did you get out yesterday to your cafe?? ((())) xxx

    I heard from Kitty yesterday who is sort of enjoying freedom from her, albeit huge, room! I can tell the staff love her because she can chat to them and is so appreciative. Xxx

    Toady yes I have also been locked out once a long time ago but the dog was inside the house so I was stressed. A policeman got me in. They did that sort of thing in those days didn't they?

    The motorhome remote key is indeed linked to the battery. I could open the door manually but it would have set off the alarm if you know what I mean?

    My snippers came yesterday morning so I had time to use them before we left while doing my last minute watering.

    Lucy is very happy at work but is actually off this weekend and also at a festival today in Sheffield. I will worry.....

    Mrs B might have more eggs 😖 oh no!!! But also how lovely! Get some sleep stored while you can!!!

    Your curtains were a new set? I hope they are up now and were a) a bargain and b) worth the effort putting up?

    That boat!!! I adored it

    Even better than my motorhome with being on water😊 bliss. He can stay there as long as he likes too so that's nice for me.

    Hope your day is good its going to be a lovely day not too hot so enjoy yourself 😊

    Morning Reshmi I am glad to hear your bloods are done. Have you really got any left???

    You might be feeling weak if your stomach isnt able to digest your food properly that makes sense((()))

    Maybe up your spinach intake🤭 seriously hope the mtx hangover isnt too bad I am ok will be outside today listening to old musicians and dodging the public!!

    I love spinach I grew it one year but I needed the whole veggie patch just for spinach and ate it in two meals 🙄

    Your poor sister not even a measly plate of spinach from her husband. Spent all is money (he with his shiny new masters degree) on his food intake😁😁😁

    Well take it easy today eh?

    Barbara if you get in is it 🥵🥵🥵🥵 enough for you??? Dreading monday and Tuesday😒 love to you all xx

    Aidans breakfast its Saturday xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,255

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) how are you doing are you feeling better now. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) that’s good your ratchet is fixed memories of things mean a lot. Have a good day

    Barbara (()) have a good day all of you. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) hope everything is going well there. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) good luck with the blood test I hope it’s alright. Love to your mum (())

    Mike (()) I hope everyone is alright there love to vixen ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,362

    Hi Toni 🌺

    Nice pic , how are you? I’m very tired today to be honest, i’m having a bit of solitude today lucky me but solitude isn’t that great when my stomach is still not okay and I’m feeling weak I’ve discovered🤢 never mind there’s much worse probs in life 😀. ShIny new Masters degree I like that lol The problem is not so much money with Bill it’s just a lack of initiative he seems to be content to keep on playing the spoiled brat lol, it worked with his “mummy” when he was growing up I don’t think it’s 100% working for him now 😀.

    He once said that he to my Mum that he feels emasculated because my sister makes a lot of decisions in the marriage well words to that effect okay firstly no point complaining to my sisters number one fan lol,

    secondly if he wanted to marry a cook /housekeeper/ maid with a pretty face, he easily could’ve done that he comes from quite a posh family back in India you see… okay I’ll leave that subject for now see Toni I’m really good now it’s stopping myself ranting at least on here hee hee 😛 . I hope you have a good time listening to the old musicians, I’ll leave it there otherwise I’ll never get any rest at all I’ll try to post again later glad you’re having a good time take care. Xx

    ps post folic acid day kale salad pic oh and I do actually have quite a lot of green veg Toni including spinach even though that’s not my favourite bye for now take care. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,620
    edited 16. Jul 2022, 18:16

    Hello people 😊 a bit on the warm side isn't it, I do hope frog is not being sauteed at Shrewsbury and there is some shade somewhere - have been in the garden watering & more watering, and moving what might frizzle up over the next few days, not sure about the things I can't move I will probably be out making them homemade sunshades and canopies. Perhaps they'd like my old curtains draped about them 😄 yes the new ones were indeed a bargain (this is me we're talking about 😉), and they're not all up yet, so we'll see whether they were worth doing then haha. I don't really like change that much but the old ones had faded past saving sadly. (Talking of change including the painting & decorating, have you noticed how fussy a newly painted room is about what it wants to let back in? it suddenly becomes all sniffy about clutter it was happily putting up with before 🤔). Hope all well with you and yes I get what you mean about the van's lock mechanism, you did say so, but that key (no pun intended) point obviously went in one ear and out the other. Hope your own watering at home will tide you over, and yes you are so right about spinach! well when you buy a big bagful it reduces down to a couple of tablespoons in the pan doesn't it, which I never cease to find fascinating, so of course acres of the stuff is never going to keep you in greens for long is it. Have a lovely weekend are you hobnobbing with fellow camper van-ers? xx

    Thank you bosh for the lovely spinach dragon, and the ladybirds, they seem happy so obviously not the sort of dragon that will cause their house to go on fire like the nursery rhyme. 😊 It was not too bad a night for me thanks but could have been better, but don't feel too bad today and have got a few things done. Sorry you aren't really getting the full benefit of being on your own for a while, that's not fair 😔 hope the docs between them can come up with something helpful even improving digestion a bit is a great help. Glad you did not have the vampire nurse, or der Vampir (that's too similar to be interesting in German! der Blutsauger is quite good though 🦇 🧛‍♀️). Thanks for the languages info, yes I think I would probably come unstuck with the genders etc but a few phrases would be useful maybe.. I could try them on door to door salesmen etc if I wanted them to think I couldn't understand haha. Hope you have an ok evening and I really hope you, well all of us, can cope with the next few days, at least I have arthritis cool packs I may well be getting them out and putting them down the back of my neck ❄️😬. xx

    Hello joan yes I have a lot of my Dad's tools and my Grandad was a carpenter so some of them came down from him to Dad, all much nicer than new ones, as well as the sentimental value. Hope not too hot for you all today and the next few days, I think I'd better lay on iced drinks in the cafe while Toni is not here! Love to you both & the dear dogs xx

    Love to Barbara 😘 and Kitty (glad to hear how you are from Toni's post 😀) xx

    and love to all, keep cool take care xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,362

    Hi toady and everybody sorry not ignoring you or anyone else but Wi-Fi is not working right now yes it was a bit of a frustrating day today thanks for asking though a few phrases to confuse the salesman that sounds good I hope we all manage to get a little bit of sleep tonight at least take care. Xx.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,238
    edited 17. Jul 2022, 06:09

    Morning everyone 😊

    I bet there are a few sore heads in Shrewsbury today!

    Not us we stuck to water(me) and coke (Paul).

    Sending love and strength to Mike in Cornwall I hope you have some sea breeze and you and Vixen are well.

    Morning Joan. It's not too hot st all on the motorhome shutting it up quickly when it was cool yesterday morning worked!! Hope you are both cool enough.((())) xxx

    Reshmi I loved that bowl of greens! Lovely and healthy looking. I'm still worried about whether you are absorbing your nutrients given your tum atm though.

    Oh poor BIL what a shame he married a strong woman. I bet your Mum wasn't impressed but she still spoils him when they come over doesn't she?

    He ought to be simply proud of her. As you say he could have easily got himself a pretty housekeeper wife. Some people eh?

    I hope you are surviving the heat? It's ok in the motorhome so far we leave this morning before it gets too hot. You liked our flag for outside of our van?

    If I don't get covid after that I never will. People crowding into you not a lot you can do they let too many in we thought.

    Toady I am now anxious to get back to my plants and cat.....Tia will have watered them for definite. I will chuck a can of water on the floor of the greenhouse every day that helps.

    Homemade sunshades for the plants is a great idea especially repurposing the curtains. Some of mine were specifically chosen for drought tolerance but this might be a step too far.

    You are right about newly painted rooms refusing re-entry to clutter. Over time the should let it sneak back in of you're lucky🤔

    I'm bored now someone get Paul up please...


    Can we cope with this in this weather?

    Vegan options available 😊

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,255

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope the heat won’t make your breathing too bad. Have a good day. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) have a good day they say rain on Wednesday.

    Barbara (()) I hope it won’t be too hot for you tomorrow take care. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I’m sorry if I said it wrong Monty Don is coming back to television after COVID. That’s good Lucy Is happily (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) sorry you still have tummy ache have a good day and your mum (())

    Mike (()) I hope you are feeling better. Love to vixen

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,362

    hi toady 🐸 Blutsauger that’s a good one I’ll remember that ha ha yes secret languages are good things but the problem is I don’t think there’s ever a situation in the language is completely secret take Bengali speakers in Bethnal green for example lol I won’t going into an anecdote though too hot

    hope you’re doing okay?

    I’ve got a gel pillow I’m not sure if that’s the same as an arthritis pack but I can’t put my neck on it all night because it hurts when it gets too cold nothing simple is it? Lol

    I’m in a better mood today than yesterday so far so that’s good hope you’re taking shelter from the extreme heat take care. Xx

    Ps pic is turmeric lemon tea xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,362

    hi Toni how are you today ?

    yes bill can become bit of a silly character indeed to put it mildly really ha ha, my mum does like spoiling him but even she now is trying to educate him a little bit for example she said to him recently “Reshmi said whats your signature recipe?” I like that ha ha why she had to drag my name into it I’m not sure but anyway his response wasnt bad as he said that he deserves all the teasing and that he should be active in the kitchen or something like that but the thing is saying and doing are two different things…anyway I’ll leave it there.

    wi-Fi is back today thank goodness yesterday Tony I ordered a Starbucks soya c t latte it was a one off time is it took about three hours or something like that to come and then later on Wi-Fi stopped working and iTunes bug and allsorts of things and it was a very frustrating day indeed , I hardly ever order those drinks but I’m really thinking of just giving them a miss now for a very long time looked into some recipes may try making my own if not exact same taste something similar 👍

    I like the pride flag that was very nice 👍

    apparently LA told my sister yesterday “ it was your birthday on Thurs and you are 102 you’re getting a bit too big” bless him, lol. Her gifts the handcream and necklace were liked even though LA wanted the necklace for himself and BR got v Attached to the hand cream but I think in his case it was more the bright colours on the packet aww.

    Glad that you didn’t have to stay in the motorhome during the hottest part of the day.

    Stomach is Okay at the moment thanks Toni but end of the day is the time to judge it really

    id better go now got to a few things to do hope you have a nice return journey take care xx

    hi Joan how are you and Sue today? my stomach seems okay at the moment but not sure how long that will last yet , mum’s ok thanks take care x

    hi B hope you’re ok today? Tc. Xx

    Ps pic is carrot smoothie folic acid special lol. Xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all sorry I dud read the gist if things but eyes not goid..gish it's 45 in our back garden 😲I wanted the sun but not this 😔I'm sat on my chillow 😅

    Nice to see were Kitty us living and you are now well xx

    Toni is in Shrewsbury..lovey part of the country..and um hapoy to hear Lycy is well abd going back to work xx

    Toady is having trouble with buyers ..I have gad 2 bad ones but been lucky really ..Nice to see the birds growing there own 😁xx

    Joan abd Sue hope you can mange ti keep cool and safe xx

    Reshmi thabkyou fir all the pics..I hope all us well wuth you abd your family xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,362

    Hi Barbara

    Nice to hear from you, sorry are your eyes are not too good, you’re welcome about the pics family are more or less okay thanks sis had a birthday, Ive been having ongoing stomach probs but poss improving now, my mum’s ok. Tc. Xx

    Ps pic is a winter scene in Japan. Tc. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,620

    Hi all, just a quick hello - has been a nice (relatively) quiet Sunday, so am going to try & top it off with a fairly early night. Had a peaceful few potters in the garden in the shady side, swept up, sowed some more chard & rocket with the aid of my new anti-sparrow cloches 😂, tidied up some pots etc. The 'spare' cup & saucer plant has recovered beautifully frog, & has been back outside acclimatizing, but as to putting it back in its intended place by the shed (which appears to be the death corner ☠️ as more than one type of plant has discovered), do I dare? 🤔 Look forward to news of your garden & your toms & cucumbers when you get back, which I'm not sure when is. Weather not 'too much' today personally but we'll see if tomorrow lives up to its red warning if so hope it doesn't affect you or Lucy who has been away too. I passed on the cooked breakfast this morning no offence 😂 how are you getting on for catering do you totally do your own thing & take exactly what you need or are there facilities to get stuff assuming you'd feel safe doing so - mind you it sounds like you have been fairly sardine-like 🐠 do hope everybody's been reasonably sensible xx

    Hello bosh, yes please to that lovely looking tea 😍 why didn't I buy any lemons, it now seems like exactly what you need for nice drinks 🙄 oh well iced herbal tea will do. Yes nothing is simple at all, trying to keep cool in summer, or hot in winter either, hot water bottles are a bit antiquated but I'm not keen on plugging in stuff either. Perhaps it will just be a really nice autumn and we won't need either. Hope things fairly quiet with you & family & glad mum is ok today, and that you had a better less annoying day of irritating tech things &c. You are quite right that no secret language would be foolproof, I would absolutely get someone with a degree in German if I ever tried it 😂 maybe I need an invented code of my own (a toad code! actually isn't there an old joke about Morse toad? 🤔). Take care tomorrow & Tues, by Weds it will be a decent drop in temps so that's something to count down to, 48hrs ⏲️ or ⌛️if you prefer. xx

    Hello to joan and sue I hope you are all coping and the dogs are keeping cool xx I don't have rain forecast for Weds but it is going to drop 15 degrees over Mon to Weds, so they say.

    Lovely to see Barbara 😊 I have never thought of actually testing the outside temps! I just go by what it is indoors, which is a bit pointless 😂 I have not had too many silly ebay customers lately, well apart from the one who asked combined post and a discount on 3 things and then didn't bother 🙄 mostly people are very nice. I have been shopping more than selling lately 😳. Birdies are all fine hope yours are too 🐦️ love to all xx

    Waves to Kitty hope things ok with you 👋 xx

    and love to everyone xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,238
    edited 18. Jul 2022, 06:25

    Phew! Here we go folks brace ourselves for a few very very hot days!

    Shall we have a cuppa?

    Morning to Mike I/we are continuing to think of you, check in on you daily and hope you will soon feel up to popping by ((())) xxx

    Joan phew! That's a relief😊 Gardener's world would be just plain wrong without Monty! Thanks for the reassurance. Is it cool enough in the house for you both? ((())) xxx

    Morning Kitty if you call in.

    I'm sure you are doing your bets to keep cool there.

    A larger room has to be much better I hope those windows are open as far as possible.

    Did your new cooler clothes arrive in time?

    Morning Reshmi. My stomach is usually worse in the morning and yours at night that's odd. Mind I eat to much later on maybe? What was the harm in one soya chai latte once in a while? I hope you still fancied it after all that wait? We have had a go at making them here too it's difficult to make the 'tea shot' strong enough if you know what I mean to the 'milk' bit. Lucy likes hers with almond milk.

    Cheeky Mum dragging you into her digs at BIL and his eating habits😮sounds as though he took it in good humour though so not a problem. That is one good thing about him isn't it? I can't see him getting more active in the kitchen maybe on the deliveroo app yes..... Did they have a lovely holiday? I bet they were happy to be home though I think it's going to be hotter here for a few days now.

    How will we cope?

    I'm very pleased to hear your sister loved her gifts from you. Sisters tend to do well for each other because we know each other well even if we are very different people. I have Kari's birthday present already like you had your sister's. As for the boys good that they now appreciate Mums have birthdays too. Even if she is 102. She does well at her age🤭

    Take care in this 🔥

    Barbara it was lovely to see you and know you managed to read all our news.

    Is it just me or can you actually 'heat up' a chillow? I'm sure I do with mine🤯

    45 degrees! That's like your own terrifying microclimate.

    Stay cool as Aidan would say I'm melting!

    It's only 48 hours and anyway i blame you wishing for hot weather.

    How hot is the water in the pool? Bet we could boil our veg in there😁

    Morning Toady. How are you today? I think our energy levels will be seriously depleted.

    I was so pleased to see to my garden yesterday when we got back. Hanging baskets are underneath the trees and all drowned ready for the next few days in the shade Used my snippers to dead-head lots of stuff. I watered the hydrangeas can't move them, but they need so much water don't they? I also painted the two glass windows(special safe stuff it just polishes off in autumn) which I think are maybe scorching the tomato plant leaves in the green house. Watered the veg plot especially the new kale seeds.

    It was just lovely all the life in this garden😊when we first moved here there were no flowers at all nothing. Now its teeming with life, bees and butterflies everywhere. Birds - oh yes filled their bird bath up too of course can't forget them.

    I agree yesterday was bearable wasn't it? at the moment I have all windows open as i'm sure you do until the sun gets on them then curtains shut etc....🙄 I will go for my walk pretty soon while it's still possible to manage.

    Lucy is home from her festival no doubt a bit wilder than the oldies one we were at. Luckily she is off work today and I can keep a close eye. She no doubt drank too much and I know that can be a seizure trigger so fingers crossed please.

    What do i think about the corner of ☠ death?? Ohh dear I would feel like you about the second precious cup and saucer plant......hmmmm....was it slugs that did it? If so can you keep it in the pot and allow it to sit there? I have put copper tape around my pots in the past. Felt guilty though. Well done continuing to sow your summer salad. I need to do more too. As you can imagine we have chomped most of ours so far, but I'll leave it until later on in the week.

    Catering on the trip. We are largely self sufficient I know exactly what to take and what is easiest to prepare. This time the fridge was chocker with drinks and fruit mostly. We often eat simple stuff like vegan sausage and beans on toast or pasta with homemade pasta sauce which I batch cook and freeze.

    I think I'd better get me dressed and out for my walk before it gets toooo hot!

    Take care everyone

  • PeterJ
    PeterJ Administrator Posts: 1,013
    edited 18. Jul 2022, 10:26

    It's warm and getting hot. Trying to do everything early before the heat builds too much.

    Keep drinking everyone🥛

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,362

    hi toady 🐸

    how are you today? toad code that sounds good haha, not sure about old morse toad joke but I am not that well informed on such matters to be honest 😀, I think that’s prob more your domain lol, I felt fed up with the heat much earlier today than on any vaguely normal day, but as you say roughly 48 hour countdown, hope you’re doing ok in this weather? Tc. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,362

    Hi Toni 🌺how are you doing today?

    I’m not against the shop bought sc tea latte in theory but yesterday it was a massive wait and its quite expensive really so I’m in a bit of a mood with Starbucks at the moment ☹️.

    thats interesting info about homemade version thanks, but I may just improvise and make a nice sweet hot drink lol.

    I like nondairy milks but unfortunately nut derivatives can upset my stomach although almond does sounds like a tasty option.

    I think bill is def in wrong business atm, he should become big boss of Starbucks and Deliveroo lol.

    Yeah whole family loved the holiday including BR who was ecstatic to walk up and down in the balcony.

    Sister looked really tired yesterday during tiny vid call then I realised she must’ve not removed her make-up off I thought for a sec she had dark rings around eyes, but that was just somewhat excessive application of eyeliner, lol, She’s got a very pale complexion so she looked a bit like vampire nurse 🧛‍♀️…oh dear, lol.

    i have orthotics appointment at the hospital on Thursday but it’s early morning which is good and I’m really hoping heatwave has stopped by then🤞.

    glad that Lucy is better and back at work did I say that before? I can’t remember now.

    you take care of yourself in this heat too. Tc. Xx

    Hi also to Kitty Barbara and Joan Hope your afternoon is going okay? sorry to write a short message but feeling the heat badly, my mum is ok btw, take care. Xx

    hi also to moderator Peter J .

    bye all. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,620

    Ah, summer. The cheery clink of cutlery as people eat their lunches al fresco 🍴 .. the jaunty tap tap tap of the unexpected caller before you can get even one forkful of your own lunch.. 😕 the crunch of metal shearing off as your laptop hinge snaps into a nasty jagged point 😱 ⌨️ .. the tick of the clock as you have an hour or so left to finish your ebay listings .. talk about 'how not to chill out on the hottest day of the year' 😂I'll be off for a day or two disembowelling my laptop, I can't cope with proper posting on my phone but I will call in and wave. We'll see if the hinge seller I have chosen off ebay will indeed send by 24hr service, usually when I do that, any old second class post would have been here quicker 😂. Will let you know in exciting real time updates. I may have managed to buy some seeds before shutdown 😉.

    Sorry no sensible post but hope everyone well as poss, heat manageable here so it should be tailing off - love to all & speak to you soon!🤞😘 xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,620

    By the way the old (kids') joke is 'What goes dot-dot-croak, dot-dash-croak? Morse toad!' But in the way of these things Morse Toad also seems to be an online chocolate shop, an actual gift shop, a morse code app and so on & so forth.. gosh, the originality. 🙄

    Anyhow all the best for some sort of sleep, bosh and everyone, and I will probably be wandering about the cafe at odd hours making tea and dropping laptop screws xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,238

    Oh dear me what a night I think I saw every half hour.

    @PeterJ I drank 4.2 litres yesterday thank you so much for thinking of us all.

    Morning Mike gosh I hope you are feeling better and this heat isn't making you worse. Sending some ((())) and some ❄ cubes xxx

    Morning to Kitty who is living in one of the hotter areas just now. I hope you are ok up there and that the tiny bit of window you can open is enough ((())) and Sleek is bringing choc ices in her little coolbox xxx

    Morning Reshmi. Yes I get that when you are looking forward to something and it takes 3 hours it must be very frustrating. Imagine how uptight BIL must be waiting so often for food to arrive🤭You could try experimenting, but not in this heat. I wonder whether non dairy is making my stomach worse too🤔I tend to go soya to be honest but quite like coconut.

    Thursday for your orthotics yes I think it should have rained by then if we are 🍀 lucky.

    You sister got her make-up all wrong if she looked like vampire nurse😮I would be almost certain that was not the look she was aiming for😁bless her. oh how adorable I can imagine BR running up and down the balcony.they Some happy memories there.

    Another rough day and night ahead maybe not night if the rains come 🤞 as is possible. I hope you cope ok and HV remains stable ((()))

    Morning Toady. Not sure if you can reply easily so I plan to keep this brief.

    Bloomin laptop! How annoying and unexpected. Now i know that can happen I have checked mine all looks well so far. Here's to expedited delivery from ebay. Not easy to use your [hoe I did it all weekend and it's harder much harder although smilies are easier. Just do a row of them😂

    I bought more seeds too did I confess? Edible flowers to make pretty salads and they look pretty anyway. Includes viola - don't let your little plant read this will you🤐

    Right of for a short nice cool walk.

    Love to Barbara if you pop by 🌞

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,255

    Good morning everyone

    Take care in the heat sue loves it. I’m cold until I get in the sun.

    Kitty (()) thinking of you have a good day. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) have a good day how is Mr B (()) and his hip getting on love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) have a good day they say we will have rain Tomorrow and Wednesday the gardens need it.

    Toni (()) have a good day that’s nice your garden has been transformed since you moved in. If you don’t mind me asking how long has Lucy had epilepsy. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (())

    Mike we miss you and vixen take care

    take care
    joan xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,255

    Good morning everyone. Have a good day everyone yesterday post was still in the box again.

    Kitty (()) have a good day you take care. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) I’m sorry about your laptop I hope you don’t have to wait to long.

    Barbara (()) have a good day take care love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I hope you all have a good day. I like those t shirts with Versus Arthritis on them I wonder if you can get them. How is P’s sister that’s got the big C (()). Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (())

    Mike (()) how are you we care about you and vixen

    P j moderator (()) thank you for thinking about us.

    take care
    joan xx
  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,921

    @dachshund I will try to find out whether it's possible to buy the T shirts for you.

    Best wishes


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,238
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,255

    Thank you Ellen

    I have C palsy and arthritis my sister has carers I help her has well. I’m sorry I cannot do fund raising I liked the t shirts.

    Thank you

    joan Dachshund

    take care
    joan xx