Newly Diagnosed with Osteoarthritis

CMHentall Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:09 in Living with arthritis


I have recently been diagnosed with Osteoarthritis of my spine. I also have arthritis in my fingers, which I have been asking for help with for a couple of years and not got far until a bony nodule appeared on my forefinger.

I would love to know what has helped you cope with your symptoms and what exercise you have found to help.




  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,633

    Hi @CMHentall

    Welcome to the Versus Arthritis online community.

    I understand from your post that you have recently been diagnosed with Osteoarthritis in your spine and fingers although it sounds as though your pain has been there a good while until you developed a node.

    don't know whether you have had time to look through our main site this information about hands (and fingers) should be of interest:

    as might be this one about Osteoarthritis of the spine:

    Finally you mention exercise so I am linking in information about that for you:

    I'll leave you now to meet our members😊

    Best wishes


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,453

    Hi @CMHentall

    Nice to meet you. I too have Osteoarthritis in my spine back and neck as well as a form of inflammatory arthritis

    I cope in a variety of ways. I distract myself with hobbies reading, jigsaws and come here to chat to others. I take my medications as prescribed (the pain relief as little as possible because I like to keep something in reserve.

    I swear by my microwavable wheatbags; heat it so helpful with OA not so much the inflammatory stuff for me it prefers cold.

    There are exercises you can do here I have done the 'Let's move with Leon' programme it was fabulous and you do as little or as much as you can manage. That bit about actually doing something to help yourself is so empowering for me.

    I have a friend who exercises her hands in a bowl of warm water by squeezing natural sponge.

    I've found Leon for you if you are interested:

    take care

    Toni x

  • DebbieL
    DebbieL Member Posts: 64


    I have Osteoarthritis in my lower spine L5 S1 and am 55 years.

    I do ballet, tap and a stretch class. This helps my posture, strength , balance and has really improved my condition and reduced my need for painkillers. I really enjoy dancing and even when I am in some pain before I go I always feel better the next day. Some of the other dancers are over 70 years. Physical exercise also tires me and helps me to sleep. I try and keep moving as much as possible through the day- my smart watch reminds me if I haven’t stood up in a while.

    I also try to keep my daytime painkillers to a minimum and find I can manage with a level of pain if I am busy during the day. Using painkillers at night means a good nights sleep. While I am waiting for painkillers to work I am often here on this site. I also use heat patches if the painkillers don’t work. I have a 4 inch memory foam topper on my mattress that is more comfortable for my hips . I get a lot of pain in my hips from my back.

    Try and find an exercise you enjoy and if it causes too much pain try something else. I went to a trampoline play area with my grandchildren and to my surprise had no additional pain after doing a spot of bouncing . However doing aerobics put me in bed in agony for the day.

    Everything is trial and error. Keep trying new exercises, pain relief and keep busy. I hope you find what suits you.

    Take care


  • Sof
    Sof Member Posts: 2

    I have osteoarthritis in my knee and spondylitis in my spine also fusion at bottom of spine .I find even if I take pain killers which are strong I still suffer walking a d if I do any amount of gardening my back aches , I am starting physio for my back next week

  • GillC64
    GillC64 Moderator Posts: 22
    edited 18. Aug 2022, 13:20

    Hi @Sof and welcome to our ever growing Community!

    Sorry to hear you are having difficulties with back and knee pain.

    You will find that members are very happy to share their experiences with you here, in the meantime I thought I'd just share a couple of links you might find interesting:-

    Enjoy getting to know us 😊

    Gillian (moderator)

  • Deni
    Deni Member Posts: 7

    Hi and Welcome!

    For me half the battle was to finally get a diagnosis. I'd been telling Dr's since I was in my mid 20s I thought I had arthritis. Always the same response, You're too young'! My hands were so stiff and painful at times but apparently I was talking nonsense. Like you I now have lumps and bumps that show I wasn't imagining it. I'm 54 now and this year was officially diagnoses with advanced osteoarthritis only when my hip became severely effected. At this point my GP was still dismissing my knee pain until a hip surgeon also specialising in knees confirmed both knees had advanced arthritis. Back to the good news. Knowledge is power and once you know, you can focus on what helps most, rather than what's going on. I've had significant relief in my hands by doing simple hand stretches and exercises daily. Basically stretching out all fingers by spreading them followed by rotating each finger and thumb, five times clockwise and then anti clockwise. I follow this with gently rotating wrists. If they are stiff I bunch up a cloth in my hand and squeeze a few times, it seems to relieve pain and stiffness, as does warmth. I've been able to delay a scheduled hip replacement following a big improvement after strength exercises, lateral leg raises, just 20 each side once a day alongside 20 knee raises. I really advise finding a good physio. Personally by go to has been Bob and Brad on YouTube but any good physiotherapist who understands arthritis. I resist pain medication as much as possible but do take ibuprofen at bed time. All the best, hope that helps!

  • JULIE252423

    Hi Deni I've also got osteoarthritis in my hands and feet I also found that the exercises you did with your hands even tough it is painful it also helps with hand movements