Peri menopause and RA


Hi all. I have RA and take MTX and Naproxen. I have recently been told that I could be peri menopausal but it’s hard to determine due to similar symptoms of RA. What I would like to know is if the HRT patches will interfere with the meds I am on. I asked the doctor and they didn’t know and told me to research it. I am not due to see my consultant for several months and so I was wondering is there anyone out there that is on MTX and HRT patches. There seems to be conflicting views on the risks of HRT as women with RA are already at risk of certain conditions such as heart disease which can be a risk of HRT patches. So I would like to hear from others how they are getting on. Many thanks.


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,446

    Sorry to hear you are suffering @Gadgetgirl

    I can't help much as I am not allowed HRT (Migraines with aura) although I would have snatched their hands off for it!!

    What i can say though is if you are in your 40's you will definitely be in the peri menopause as that is around 10 years before menopause.

    This might be worth a read

    Take care

    Toni x

  • Hairobsessed123

    Hi @Gadgetgirl !!

    I have psoriatic arthritis and I’m on methotrexate and sulfasalazine and I have been on everol sequi patches for nearly 2 years no affects to my meds at all !

    I has to stop taking it because I found a lump in breast which was a cyst and even thou it’s only been a week my lower back has been awful so I’m now back on them u might find it can help with aches and pains because that’s also a symptom of peri menopause xx

  • Gadgetgirl
    Gadgetgirl Member Posts: 38

    @Hairobsessed123 Many thanks for this. I too have been prescribed Everol Sequi and had found out that the progesterone patch is not body identical and can cause issues which is why I am worried about taking it. Thank you for sharing as there is so little information on HRT/RA and long term impact.👍

  • Gadgetgirl
    Gadgetgirl Member Posts: 38

    @frogmorton Many thanks. Interesting as I am a migraine sufferer but the doctor told me I could take the Everol patches. I am trying to do lots of research and am going back to see a different doctor as I felt the first was not really interested ☹️I will take a look at the link you provided, thank you.

  • Bleu
    Bleu Member Posts: 8

    From what I have read, depending on the HRT given, it's to prevent bone deterioration. Studies have shown that either bone density improves or does not get bad quicker. I am no medical professional authorized to say take this or that treatment. But, I can explain the combo a bit. Combined with MTX, it is hoping that inflammation markers in blood tests go down, hence inflammation goes down or not as often...kinda equated to not as severe pain. Being perimenopausal, the hopes of preventing bone loss to damage from RA is lessened, and hopefully less inflammation. This does not equate to pain going away. Just preventative.... This is my take on it. I could be absolutely, mega wrong on this. You can ask a pharmacist about effects or manner they work in combo.

    I am not saying take the combo, or not. Just weigh your options. The amount of estrogen prescribed is not like it was in the olden days. Find out more on the dosage and how it impacts a female body. Hope this helps!