Finger tip joint pain


I have just been diagnosed with OA 6 months ago. This summer's humidity was not good for me. I wanted to know if anyone had experience with finger tip joint pain? I usually have it in all the finger joints. But, one finger in particular is painfull all the time. I have bouts where it is more than just painful. Has anyone been suggested to temporarily splint a finger joint? I don't want to ask for pain meds yet, its only one joint all the time. What works for you?


  • Poppyjane
    Poppyjane Moderator Posts: 763

    Hello @Bleu ,welcome to the online community,

    You were diagnosed with OA 6 months ago and have one finger joint in particular that is causing you extra pain. You have come to the right place for support and suggestions from our members about living with arthritis. We have recently been encouraging members to watch the new VA stretching videos, one is specifically for hands and fingers so I hope you find it useful.

    Many of our members share their experiences of what works for them when dealing with their condition and some say that heat and some say cold packs help to ease pain or stiffness. I attach some links and hope they are help.

    Hands and fingers are such a vital resource for us all and so to preserve their flexibility and mobility is crucial. I hope that you gain some relief through trying the exercises and that some members with similar conditions will add their helpful tips .

    We look forward to hearing from you again soon.

    Take care


    If it would be helpful to talk to someone ring the Helpline 0800 5200 520

    Monday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 6.00p.m.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,453

    Herbedens nodes I think they're called @Bleu if you are referring to the topmost finger joint?

    They do exactly what you said hurt for a while then ease off then hurt some more. In my experience in the end they seem to stop hurting.

    You can get something from your pharmacy to immobilise a finger if it helps while it settles back down.

    Sorry it that wasn't what you meant

    take care

    Toni x

  • Bleu
    Bleu Member Posts: 8

    Thanks guys! I think it is Herbedens nodes. My doc never really said it out right. I was told to google hand stretches. Until recently a flare up meant hands and feet, sometimes a shoulder, sometimes a knee. Right now this one finger joint (DIP joint) is making me miserable. If anything touches it in a certain way.. oooowee? Sharp pain. Anyway, in this one joint, I am losing range of motion, mobility. Quite bizarre, it's only this one so far, but grateful it's not all my affected joints at one time. I was wondering what others have tried. Sometimes one person's experience is the gold nugget of the moment. Trying to just take it chill for now!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,453

    Sounds like it when mine have kicked off they almost 'stung' they hurt so much but really it has largely passed now.

    I hope things ease up for you soon. Distraction helps and if typing hurts have a think about immobilising the joint to rest it from time to time ((()))

    Toni xx

  • Bleu
    Bleu Member Posts: 8

    Great! I appreciate the experiences you share with me. Even at 52, I only know people who have had it for years and have dementia. It's not something people have in their topics for chit chat. I went to the exercise sites amd grabbed a few pertinent to me. My arthritis has only bothered me in the Summer once before, way long before I knew it was arthritis. I believed the myth that flare ups exist only in Winter.