Date for knee replacement

Hello…haven’t been on here for quite a while as I’ve been pottering along and getting on as best I could with lower spine pain, attacks of sciatica and knee pain. And managing to carry on and get about.

Now I have a date for a knee replacement which is 21/11 and I’m really nervous. Remembering the tales I’ve heard of what pain people have afterwards and how sometimes it’s worse than before they had the surgery. Wondering if I’m doing the right thing and then give myself a shake and say I’m lucky with the NHS under such pressure to even have a date.

But would like some reassurance.

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  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    Hi @nicholaj

    I bet you are feeling nervous now I know I would be in your shoes, but it sounds as though your quality of life has diminished so much.

    Did I post this to you before? I know it's an old thread by @Helenbothknees but a lot of other knee people contributed to it (having 'only' one knee done too) it might give you some reassurance

    Did you get this via our mods before too?

    Do keep posting start a thread in the weeks leading up to your operation and during your recovery. The recent 'hip' threads have been invaluable to those facing their own surgeries.

    Best of luck

    Toni xx

  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764

    @nicholaj , I've had three knee replacements. (Don't worry. The one that had to be re-replaced was 27 years old by then. All have been great successes, especially the revision, as techniques get better all the time.

    Before any operations I always do all the preparation I can. I ensure the medics know anything that could be relevant to them especially meds or any supplements, I do the pre-op exercises and I get into place all I can for afterwards -I batch and freeze meals; if you have any dangerous rugs remove them temporarily; make cuppa-making (so essential) as easy as possible (in fact, if Mr SW was at work all day I got him to make me a flask first; accept all help offered; do the exercises regularly and rest afterwards. They are your only 'jobs' in the first weeks.

    Above all, don't read the scare stories. People always share the bad news, not the good. TKR is a major but very routine op and success rates are in excess of 90%.

    Oh, and never watch hospital dramas in the weeks before your op. In reality, surgeons and anaesthetists do not fight over their comatose patients nor rock up under the influence of drugs😉 Mine have all been excellent and very conscientious and kind.

    Just be aware that your' other bits' ie spine and sciatica might briefly have a little bite back. This will pass and soon you'll be a very happy bunny.

    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • Bren
    Bren Member Posts: 4


    I totally agree with what stickywicket replied, I have had both knees done and done all the post op exercises that I was given in fact if my knees are aching now I'll do some.

    I was told by the physio to accept all painkillers you are offered after the op whilst in hospital even if you don't feel you need them.

    Hope all goes well

  • Bic1982
    Bic1982 Member Posts: 31


    I completely agree with stickywicket and Bren. I have had both of my knees replaced and I can honestly say that they have made a massive difference to my quality of life.

    Operations are always scary but as long as you do the exercises and rest, you should be fine. I can honestly say the worst part for me was the bruising and not the actual op, so just be aware that when you come round you may be a little black and blue. As long as you take the pain relief its fine to deal with. Just take it easy and remember that we all take our time to heal. Don't be tempted to do too much too soon!

    Good luck and I will be thinking of you!

  • RogerBill
    RogerBill Member Posts: 223

    Hi @nicholaj If the NHS have given you a date then clearly they think you are a deserving case and should have the operation and that there's a very good chance that you will benefit from it. If it were an organisation driven by a profit motive then you'd be right to question the need.

    I had a hip replacement one year ago which although different to knees I'm sure is somewhat similar. My experience is that the post op pain is perfectly manageable and the best part is that it soon gets better providing you do the exercises and follow all the advice and don't try to do too much too soon.

    As with all things in life there are risks but you need to balance this small possibility against the fact that you know the pain you have been suffering for "quite a while" and how it's limiting your life and you presumably realise it'll almost certainly only get worse unless you have the operation.

    Hope this helps puts the difficult decision into perspective. I know from my own experience it isn't an easy decision but I do hope you will take heart from the fact that as @stickywicket said it's a major but very routine operation which has been done countless times over many years. The procedures have been gradually refined and improved and the success rates are very good.

    Before the operation concentrate on doing whatever exercises you can manage to build muscle strength and flexibility. Also prepare your home and get any equipment suggested to ease life immediately after the op.

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Hi, Welcome!

The community is a safe space for people living with and connected to arthritis to ask questions and share experiences. Get started by registering here and posting your first comment or question!