Hello I have Fibro

Hi I am ang I’ve just joined you group I’m going to be 60 next month.I had heart attack last sept,I have Fibro, chronic pain IBS ,Nerve pain had back opperation bad feet pain had Morton Neuroma in both feet and other problem and can’t take medication due to Reflux any advice would be very grateful is there any supplements that I could take I’m on 5 new meds since I had heart attack .Today I feel wiped out I hate it I’ve always worked and now I don’t since last yr ,Look forward to chatting to you all x😊



  • noddingtonpete
    noddingtonpete Moderator Posts: 1,332

    Hello @Angie133 and welcome to the community. We are a friendly and supportive group and I hope that you will find that as well.

    I understand that you have fibromyalgia, chronic pain IBS, nerve pain and pain in your feet and back. I also understand that you are looking to chat to like minded people. You are certainly in the right place. Our website contains a lot of useful information on arthritis, treatments hints and tips, and our community has a lot of people who will have similar condition and can share their thoughts and experiences with you. I've put a couple of links in below which you may find of interest.

    Please keep posting and let us know how you are getting on and I am sure that others will connect with you to share their experiences as well

    With very best wishes

    Peter (moderator)

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on0800 5200 520Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764

    You're having a tough time of it, aren't you?

    I think you need to check with your GP or pharmacist about being unable to take medication due to reflux. I've had GORD for years but I can still take meds. Don't presume that supplements will be OK though. They can be hard on stomachs too. Take advice from your GP or pharmacist.

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    Steven Wright