Hello, new here
Hi, my name is Mel and I have lived with arthritis for about 10 years. I am hoping to be able to get hints and tips on managing my pain. Looking forward to interacting with you.
Hi all My name is Sandee I have PsA/ Fibro and have been on MTX well for the last three months, I started so well now I feel as if I am on a downward hill! I have an easy job I LOVE but I am exhausted by home time even if I do nothing taxing. I am an upbeat person and try not to moan and gripe if I can help it but I'm…
I have Fibromyalgia with neck pain and arthritis in my hands.
I have Fibromyalgia with neck pain and arthritis in my hands. The pain is minimal but I have chronic fatigue,dizziness and low mood I have tried umpteen drugs and I have just started Amitriptyline 10 mg which helps sleep but nothing else. However it is early days Any advice?
Bladder weakness and incontinence with flare ups
Hi, I’m 52 female and have had Rheumatoid Arthritis for 22 years Just before a flare up I have noticed that I start getting bladder weakness and incontinence. This clears up as soon as the flare settles down. Initially I thought it has to be stress incontinence due to giving birth to my children and did pelvic floor…
Leather gloves
Hi folks, new here so hoping I am not breaking any of the guidelines with my question (I don't think I am, but the fibro fog is hitting hard today!) My mum has her heart set on a pair of leather gloves for Christmas, but she has really bad arthritis in her hands, so her knuckles are too swollen for most ladies gloves. Is…
Osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia
Hi I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia about 6 years ago. Its hard to know which is causing the most pain. I have diagnosed osteoarthritis in my neck, spine and toes but suspect its more widespread. I am 54 next week, live in Norfolk with my husband. Just looking to meet people who understand and generally…
Say hello!
Hi, I've just joined community, I've been living with osteoarthritis for some years, took a while to get diagnosed, recently been told I'm suffering with fibromyalgia and that my osteoarthritis is very progressive bone deteriation very advanced for my age! I am also battling depression and anxiety, most days are a painful…
Combination Arthritis
I’ve had osteoarthritis since I was 17-55 years ago, I’m 62 now. Since then but over 35 years ago I’ve also been diagnosed with Rheumatoid & Psoriatic Arthritis and I have spondylitis in my neck and lumbar spine. I have 2 full metal joints and had over 25 steroid injections with under 5 working. I’m on maximum medications,…
Osteoarthritis and Apixaban
I have osteoarthritis in both knees. It is quite bad. Since coming to England in 2020, some of my medication changed and I now believe that this change may be affecting/contributing to my general body pain. I have a blood clotting disorder and was on warfarin in South Africa for around 6 years. Once in the UK, I was put…
Today the ‘single thread of hope’ was taken away from me …….
I tried to paint a picture of how I really feel, but I could not find the colours to make it all seem real. Not one colour hot enough to show the burning pain, not one colour bright enough to make me wince again. Not one dark enough to show the isolation. In the end all I saw was one thin line, worn, frayed and almost…
Dip joint fusion. Should I do it?
Hi everyone. I am 50 yrs old and have had oa (hands, fingers, feet, shoulders and lower back and neck), and fibromyalgia for many years. Along with other health issues. My Ortho consultant has offered me dip joint fusion surgery. I was all for it, but reading up about it, the recovery seems quite harsh. I still work 4 days…
Fashion finds on the high street
Does anyone have any favorite high street brands or fashion finds they can recommend that are stylish but also potentially easy for dressing/putting on?
Saying Hi - RA with newly diagnosed Fibromyalgia
Hi, I’ve had RA for 12 years and was managing my condition OK but the last 12 months have been a trial. Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia too in December and it’s completely thrown me, leaving me feeling very overwhelmed. Hoping to find a lovely, supportive group who know what all this is about because I haven’t a clue right…
Supplements for Fibromyalgia.
With a change in pain and mental state recently, doctors want me to take amatriptylin and an anti depressant to aleviate the issue on going, but i do feel it's perhaps being tackled from the wrong direction. Reading 1 or 2 books, what has become notible is a lack of magnesium can cause symptoms to be worse. Also an…
I have just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, however, the rheumatologist wasnt happy as he said my gp should be sorting it out. My markers in my blood are elevated, he said it wasnt due to fibromyalgia. I have got bony lumps on my little fingers plus my thumb is so painful, the pain wakes me up most nights. Any help…
I have inflammatory arthritis alongside fibromyalgia
Hi, I'm new to this site and forum, not new to arthritis unfortunately. I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis 30 years ago and have had surgery for this resulting in a permanent Ileostomy. UC though does not just affect the colon it can also cause joint problems too. I was diagnosed with UC related inflammatory arthritis…
Hello I have Fibro
Hi I am ang I’ve just joined you group I’m going to be 60 next month.I had heart attack last sept,I have Fibro, chronic pain IBS ,Nerve pain had back opperation bad feet pain had Morton Neuroma in both feet and other problem and can’t take medication due to Reflux any advice would be very grateful is there any supplements…
Hey everyone
Hey all, Newbie here.... Wants to share my problems and also let me find out a solution for thers.
Hi there I have chronic fibromyalgia and I had been living with it for years before a doctor took me seriously and diagnosed me. I have horrific pain all day and night and the fatigue is the worst. I cannot do most things I used to and IF I have a goofing day , it completely wiped me out for a week or so. I find driving…
Hi everyone I was recently diagnosed after a long time of doctors not taking me seriously, but now I'm diagnosed there is no help they have just left me to get on with it.i feel let down and depressed.in pain every day and night and no light at the end of the tunnel
Hello I’m waiting for a hip and knee replacement I have also got fibromyalgia I’m in a lot of pain and feel like I’m in constant pain which makes me depressed.
Feeling frustrated
I’m not use to posting on these types of things however I am pretty new to my condition and struggling so just wondering if anyone have or is in the same position…. I had arthritis as a child and have joint hyper mobility syndrome. I was discharged at 16 and had no issues for 10 years January of this year I had a flare up…
Flare up any help relieving it?
Hi everyone hope you are doing okay. I have arthritis on my left ankle but has spread to my hip, right ankle and now probably my back as it hurting also. Since 2 days ago i have been feeling more fatigued than usual. I sleep all day and night but still wake up tired. Anyone with ideas how to conquer this? I feel awful and…
Hello everyone. Hope you are all having s good Friday. I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia 3yrs ago now but am waiting for a blood test for arthritis as my dad had arthritis. I'm a mum to 2 children and many fur babies (2 dogs and 1 rabbit) and scaly babies (3 lizards). I have been with my partner for 15yrs and we have a…