in pain

belpop Member Posts: 6
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:09 in Living with arthritis

hello I have just be diagnosed with osteoarthritis I think I had it for a while I also have fibromalga so everytime I went do doc's they said it was my fibro all I know is every part of my body hurts I don't sleep well I'm just so fed up of being in pain


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,841

    Hello @belpop Welcome to the Versus Arthritis online community.

    I see from your post that you have just been diagnosed with Osteoarthritis (OA) on top of your existing diagnosis of Fibromyalgia.

    Many of our members have such a dual diagnosis so you are in good company here. While you're waiting for someone to come along and share their own experience with you, I am going to attach a few of links I think might be useful:

    and finally, one about sleeping:

    Now that you've introduced yourself, please do have a look around the rest of the forum. Living with Arthritis tends to be the most popular.

    Best wishes


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,026

    Hi @belpop

    Nice to meet you. I am so sorry you are struggling with pain. There is not much worse than not being able to sleep. Are any of your pain meds 'slow release' that can help at night. My anti-inflammatory is a 24 hour one so I take it before bed it helps a bit. I have just got myself a comfortable earpiece so I can listen to an audiobook in bed to distract myself if i wake up. It is not disturbing my husband either.

    Once you have the Fibro label they do seem to blame everything on that don't they?🙄

    I'm glad you've found us keep posting someone else might have better ideas than me to help too.

    Toni x

  • Hi, I'm new to the site. I also have trouble sleeping due to pain. I never have more than an hour sleep in one go. My right knee is so bad atm and I'm already on high amount of opiates. I know exactly how you feel. I'm not soft by no means but the pain is so bad. I suppose it's getting worse for me atm with the weather getting colder. But it's not easy is it. I hope you've managed to get some sleep since you posted this.

    Samantha X

  • belpop
    belpop Member Posts: 6

  • belpop
    belpop Member Posts: 6

    thank u for the kind words I'm up all night and in bed all day I just can't get back to normality my doctors are not bothered can't see a doctor just a nurse practitioner give me cream to put on knees the only pain relief is codeine it's not doing a thing

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,026


    I think the time has come for you to ask to be referred to a pain clinic if they have one in your area. This is really affecting your quality of life and is unfair.

    Sending you some ((())) not that they'll do much but you know we all understand and care.

    Toni x

  • belpop
    belpop Member Posts: 6

    thank you for your kind words if I'm honest I don't like seeing people I feel like I'm not believed when I was diagnosed with fibro my doctor told to find a job it would be best if I went back to work I lost my job through ill health had a disc problem in back then I seem to get something else wrong I never thought I end up like this I was always healthy apart from getting cold