DIP joint osteoarthritis

I am 42 with osteoarthritis in anumber of joints. Recently the DIP joint (joint nearest tip) in my forefinger of my left hand is agony. Stabbing pain intermittently throughout the day. Worse when cold. I try to rest it but easier said than done. I can't seem to get any suggestions for relief from rheumatology or GP. Any suggestions?


  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 809


    You might find a mixture of heat and cold helps. Try wearing some thermal gloves and when my hands are really bad I use 'hot hands' or 'llittle hotties' from Amazon which last for 10-12 hours and you can juse squeeze them as you would with physio dough or play doh. You might find resting it actually makes it worse when you do use it - like any joint they get a bit rusty when not used. Play-doh or physio dough, whic is available in different strengths from soft to firm may also help as you can sit and squeeze/play with as a child does with their play-doh. If those don't help would suggest asking for a referral to a hand therapy specialist.

    trish x

  • Lane
    Lane Member Posts: 113

    Hello @Roopy welcome to our online community.

    I understand that you have Osteoarthritis in a number of joints.

    I have attached some information for you:


    I see you have already made connection with other members.

    All the best.

  • speedalong
    speedalong Member Posts: 3,315

    Hi Trish,

    I have OA in a few finger joints too. Putting my hands in a basin of warm water helps and trying to avoid them getting cold in the first place .. not always easy I know. Have you identified any triggers that set it off? Using scissors a lot can set mine off as can using my phone too much 🙄


    I have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.
  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 809

    Hi Speedalong

    I typed for work for 50 years, 30 of which on a manual typewriter so I think that probably didn't do my hands any good. I had a trapeziectomy on my left thumb in 2020 and now have arthritis in the right hand and left wrist. Holding and using a mobile phone is still uncomfortable. Try the hot hands or little hotties instead of water - you can pick them up in most chemists/pound shops as a pack of 2 and if they work buy them in bulk. Much better than warm water! Fingerless gloves also an essential part of my wardrobe as I could work in them with the hot hands inide.

    Hope you manage to find what works for you

    trish x

  • Roopy
    Roopy Member Posts: 6

    Will try the hottest as cold is definitely a trigger. Has anyone tried finger splints?

  • speedalong
    speedalong Member Posts: 3,315

    Hi Trish,

    I taught children with special needs and that's what wore out myself shoulder and fingers.

    I will look out for some; though I reckon I have some mini wheatie bags somewhere that go in the microwave too. I do have fingerless gloves, must dig them out!

    Have you tried using voice controls on your phone to save your hands? You could also use earphones with a mic when making a call or use it on speakerphone.


    I have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.