Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,352

    Thanks toady xx

    good night everyone xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,235

    breakfast at the top today!!!

    Morning Joan I'm sure Sleek's bloods will be ok she seems very well. How lovely for the carer's daughter to be able to travel like that 😊 I bet her Mum will miss her though. I take it still no news about your scan? Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi Great poem and adorable 🐸 bread roll. I hope that's the only kind of amphibian BIL eats😯 Fabulously higgledy-piggledy poem you are so clever with words!!

    🤔 not so sure about the sleep course hmmmm. Not sure I would be either if it means missing something you enjoy, but might be worth finishing...maybe? See how you feel if you get more out of going to the group.

    Walking is so good for us physically as well as our MH time to look around and I do believe it helps us sleep better at night too I agree with you.

    Is it hairdresser for you today? If so fingers 🤞 Hope your neck copes.

    How are your eyes? It's been so windy here the last couple of days I'm sure that's not helped me. Your Mum too is she ok now on her higher BP tablet dosage? Any COVID jab side effects? I hope not.

    Ready with my nit comb

    to remove any ants (Oh LA!!!!) or anything else we might find. He is such a flirt that boy!

    How are you today Toady? I'm sure the solar panels are up now and doing good for the environment. When ours went up I think they only annoyed those in the Church yard and they are pretty quiet.

    Aha! Charles' head is done....ears and all😂 not too big just enough I think so it's recognisable as definitely him. Mind i expect the crown and throne will do that job for us. BTW is your 'throne' fixed now?🚽

    Sleek has stopped cussing the vet now and muttering I expect you've noticed yourself. She calls them vet'nry like the original 'all creatures great and small'.

    What fun the new shelving arriving and exactly the same as your existing set. I would be the same🙄. In too much of a pickle to make space, but you'll get there.

    Plenty of plants coming up in the garden here isn't it lovely? I wonder when your other tulips will emerge...might be quicker next year if you're lucky.

    It was still windy yesterday, but maybe better today fingers 🤞

    Not boiled eggs today with or without soldiers I actually posted breakfast at the top by mistake!!!


    a little mousie for you.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,352

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    thanks about sleep course but it’s something my mum wanted me to try and I do finish most things I’ve started but I’m not sure how beneficial it is really, will probably not go next week

    wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,252

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) love to you and your carers (()) and to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) thank you for your kind words. You know more about plants than me and life. Have a good day.

    Barbara (()) I hope things are going on ok for you (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Yes that’s right I have not heard anything about my scan thank you for thinking about me (()) Jacky’s daughter when she’s been on a long flight she has 3 days off so she goes home. has Skeete got a sore foot (()) are your pains better now (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) that’s good your mum having the booster injection does her arm feel better now (()) we have the injection on Saturday. Have a good day (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,352

    Hi Joan

    How are you and Sue doing today?

    thanks about my mum she said that her arm is not hurting too much but she didn’t feel that good in the night due to booster jab today. She’s generally not too bad today thank you

    I hope injection goes well for you both on Saturday. Bye Take care xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,615

    Hello people 😊 hope we're all doing ok today.

    Not bad out there today frog but I have been playing with shelving instead, as you will imagine 😄 arrived very promptly. Easier this time too as I don't need to learn how to assemble it. Not finished but I have made good inroads and some sorting & sweeping at the untidy end of the garage, ready for the off. Then I can have a jolly good storage rearrange, oh joy 😊 lucky this sort of thing makes me as happy as it does, as it's fairly arthritis/tiredness/covid/budget friendly. Hope you are getting on similarly well with His Highness & the royal details 👍️. Thank you the throne is progressing 😄, hoping for a ceremonial royal flush soon but still at the not quite finished stage, want to make sure there are no drips whatever before I reassemble any bits that may have to come off again. Pipe wrench adjustable spanner & plumber's tape at the ready. Yes the solar panels are up, no objection to people doing anything like this just not keen on the scaffolding overlooking side but it was a very quick job. Do you mean the panels themselves can make noise? Never thought of such a thing. Made myself cross yesterday reading about yards of hedges being chopped to the ground somewhere (and stupid space rockets today) so it's back to avoiding the news for me 🙄. Hope everyone well, good to hear Sleek has bounced back from her experience & put it behind her 👍️ (stiff upper whiskers, we know who she gets that from 😺). Nowt else to report except thank you for the mousie 😍 needless to say I love. Have a good evening :) xx

    Hello joan, not too bad a day here today if still breezy, I saw a heron today! It was on the roof where the solar panels have just been fitted, behind here, it dipped down into their garden out of sight (maybe they have a pond) but I did see it again briefly when it came up again and saw it fly off. Not near enough for a picture though. My garden is not doing well at all this year after the cold and all the distractions with the roof etc, but thank you, I do try that's the main thing. I was just saying to Toni how cross it made me reading about the space rocket that has just exploded, all that money 🙄 I agree completely with you that it should be spent on better things. Leave the sky to the birdies (I don't like planes either really). Hope you both have a good day tomorrow :) xx

    Will see bosh later I expect so just a wave for now 👋 :) xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,352

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    heart shaped potato cakes. Wow, what a breakfast👍

    Thanks about the poem and pic

    yes I hope so, but I’ve got a feeling that in a previous life Bill was definitely a carnivore. Maybe even a daddy T-Rex how very frightening and ooky 😱

    I know what you mean about the sleep course in some ways, but the thing is that when the lockdown finished this group was running for a long time and I didn’t realise it was no one’s fault really, but I feel I’ve missed out on a lot and I really do enjoy going there I also know what you mean about seeing things through, but it’s just a kind of very basic course really just two sessions. It might have been a bit different if it was a face-to-face thing, but it’s just a video call and a bit of info that most people know about. I also know what you mean about seeing things through but it’s just a common sense - based really so I think the likelihood is that I’ll go to the group Even though I haven’t quite hundred percent made up my mind, but thanks for your advice

    Walking is good yes

    hairdressers was ok thanks took ages to was the perfumed products out of my hair though ooky 🤢

    My eyes not always that good yeah wind never helps unfortunately

    Mums not too bad post - jab thanks

    ok going now tired

    bye Toni tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,352

    Hi toady

    how are you today?

    I too do not eat dog biscuits lol

    don't suggest it to Bil though, otherwise he may start eating those and nothing else lol

    Hairdressers was ok thanks

    no conditioner written exam lol

    hd did scold me for wearing my hair in ponytail though

    so even though there’s a storm in Kansas as you mentioned lol, I shouldn’t tie my hair up at all?!

    Very very odd

    I know i have a bad habit of always tying up my hair, but when my skin was v bad, it was by far the least painful way now I’m trying to wear it down occasionally ( when it’s right length of course) at least in the house where it’s not windy.

    I Have established a 4 - clip hair technique though, lol, not to be confused with four - hatted methodology of course haha, Ive found if I put 4 giant clips in my hair it will stay put in the wind without a hat, the danger is of course that my ears may get frozen off lol.

    Well I’ll leave it there getting tired now, good that your shelving arrived promptly, sorry I didn’t manage to read the details

    bye toady tc xx

    Ps pic is just a random image that’s a bit different xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,615

    'night all, 'night bosh 👋 glad you got on ok at hairdressers and only minimum tellings-off this time 👍️. Hairclips are my friend too haha, especially one favourite that I hope I don't break🤞(can't seem to find the same one again). Hair down & windy weather might be ok if you're driving along some sunny California highway like the movies, but over here, in the rain, not really. I'm just sitting and watching a couple of my own nosegay auctions before bed, will be ending in a few mins with no buyers I expect despite 5 watchers 🙄 how are people supposed to afford dog biscuits even if they did want them 🤨. Make their own? er maybe not. Thanks about the shelving arriving quickly, it's only interesting to me really, not everyone's hobby is rearranging their boxes of garage junk a million times 😂 but it's something to do & for free haha. Beautiful colours in tonight's pic btw 🖌️. Have a good night, hope your mum is still feeling alright after the earlier jab side-effects and EF are all ok. (Anything going on with QJL &c lately? or is all quiet on that front). See you anon :) xx

    Love to everyone 😘 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,235
    edited 21. Apr 2023, 06:14

    Hi Joan of course I think about you even if you don't complain much. I hope you hear soon with a date for your scan. Yes Sleek was complaining about her paw, but not now😅 That's nice to have Jacky home for 3 days at a time I think😊 Take care both of you ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi How are you feeling this rainy morning? All well here back a bit sore, but if it stops I will brave my walk.

    I see the sleep course was your Mum's idea bless her for trying to help. I know you to be the kind of person who sees something through when committed, but if you get more from group🤔 and it sounds as though you know everything anyway if it's basic. If it was something new and might actually help. I bet it's the usual; light, temperature turning off tech etc etc... Thing is being exhausted is possibly your Arthritis anyway so might not be fixable in the conventional ways.

    Oh no! You might be right about BIL

    There is photographic evidence of his great great great great great great great Grandfather!

    I'm very pleased to hear your Mum has had no side effects form her COVID vaccination isn't that good?

    The pollen count is very high and this rain here will temporarily make it higher🙄 I am wearing my sunglasses outside though all the time. I even bought some bigger ones from faster which cover more.

    Well done getting your hair done I bet it's all sleek and shiny now you had to wash it again yourself! My hairdresser doesn't use smelly products for those of us who have sensitive skin she is really understanding.

    Well you have a good day.

    Morning Toady! It's ☔ 😕

    Still I did get outside for a bit yesterday. Do you ever use nematodes? Just a thought because a few of the village pots have got vine weevil eggs in them🤢 Doesn't strike me as being very Vegan though....

    Black bun playing with brown bun down at the secret pond end yesterday.

    I am very glad to hear your own throne is coming along nicely very very sensible to make sure nothing needs to be taken apart once assembled. Sounds like you had a great time in the garage. That is a perfect project it being 'all of those things' friendly! Won't you be tidy soon😊

    The King went back in the greenhouse yesterday snug and dry away from today's rain.

    Solar panels are silent 100% silent isn't that good no noise pollution at all. I mean they don't look pretty, but they are worth it. I can use as much electricity as I like during daylight hours free and have an enormous 'Duracell' battery in the garage to store more. If it was down to me I'd have a wind generator too, but I think Paul might say no to that one! I'm glad your neighbours is done and the scaffolding gone. Privacy restored.

    Sleek is back to normal although moaning about the call from the vet yet though with blood results.

    We started a 'new' hedge last year didn't we? and have loads of it all the way round here none of it has been massacred. I never ever watch the news and my phone has given up with real news - mostly sending me cat stories😉 No idea why!

    beautiful Eid breakfast. I am pretty sure Ramadan ends today.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,352
    edited 21. Apr 2023, 07:40

    Hi everyone

    wppl xx

    ps bills making breakfast 🍳- time to lower VC’s food hygiene rating 😱😱

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,252

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) have a good weekend take care (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) You are good putting up a flat pack. we need help in this country you get all the adverts for help but who helps us. Have a good weekend (()) yes I have seen a Heron.

    Barbara (()) I hope you have a good weekend love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I don’t mind if the scan is in December has long as I know when. Is Lucy gums alright (()) how is Tia and her hydro doing (()) I hope it’s going well. Have a good weekend love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) Is your mums blood count still good (()) have a good weekend all

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,352

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    sorry bit of a sluggish day for me really

    went out briefly to buy some biccies tbh lol

    but haven’t gone overboard with them - yet

    mums ok thanks health wise today

    but dad’s upsetting everyone

    sorry about your back I sometimes have extra pains in the damp too

    hope it gets better soon

    need to work up enthusiasm to self - inject mxt soon

    dont worry I will do it even if I do delay it slightly

    bfn tc xx

    ps Leola’s taken up motivational speaking please don’t tell LA lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,352

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    I’m tired but not too bad thanks

    mums b sugar is good atm thanks 🙏

    I hope you both have a great evening

    bye tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,352

    Hi toady 🐸

    how are you?

    thanks about the pic

    ive also got some hair clips that seem without clones, irritating isn’t it?

    We just need to borrow dr who’s friendly neighbourhood cyber men cloning machine and use it for own unorthodox purposes that are possibly illegal according to intergalactic law lol

    no recent QJL etc stories but I’ve got an old one, not about QJL specifically but a family friend’s son who was visiting uk and came to dinner a long time ago, he was in mid - twenties at the time approximately, he really enjoyed my mums cooking and suddenly whispered to dad that he was just going to the hall do loosen his belt and then he’d be straight back lol, he said next time he’d wear his ,”eating trousers” also known as loose tracksuit bottoms 😂

    Now that’s a worrying thought trousers designed specifically for eating - don’t tell bill whatever you do haha

    don’t worry I also like re - arranging things sometimes

    my dad changes nothing not even his clothes most of the time 🤢

    it was so funny LA told him off, saying, “Big B why are you wearing the same outfit all the time? go and change NOW’ and BB obeyed, as Toni says, “imagine that!” Lol

    ok bfn toady tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,352

    Good night all

    Henry’s cat story tomorrow toady if I remember bye tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,615
    edited 21. Apr 2023, 21:39

    Hello all 👋 have run myself out of time today having tarried too long in the garage and other things, so am only just popping in so you all know I'm ok and will call in earlier tomorrow 👍️ it was National Tea day today so I hope we all made the most of it, I have a cup here as I type 😊 ☕️.

    Love to frog and thank you for the lovely bun 😍 wasn't he/she good to obligingly be caught mid leap for the picture. Lots of little buns soon I hope 🐰🐇🐰 maybe black & tan ones 🤔😊. Yes it jolly did rain 😕 and more to come though we might get a dry morning. Hope you've had a good day and will catch up tomorrow :) xx

    'Night to joan, my shelving is finished thanks they are fairly simple being metal just tap together, no screws or nuts & bolts or anything (even then, one section wouldn't go quite right; just because I was saying yesterday they were easy having done them before, serves me right 😉). Have a good Saturday and will be in then 👋 xx

    Proper reply to bosh then too, yes story please only of course if you do have time 😊 hope there are a few biccies left to round off National Tea day, and you haven't had to don special biccie eating trousers 😮 have a good night and here is a suitable teapot for nighttime and also today's rabbit theme in one. 🌚 Back tomorrow :) xx

    Love to everyone 😘

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,235

    Morning Joan Lucy's gums will be ok I hope her special treatment isn't until May I 🤔 Heard back from the vet Sleek's bloods are all good slightly high kidney and cholesterol so less treats for her, but for nearly 14 the vet is very happy. I agree about your scan it really doesn't matter when it is - a date is all you need! Take care both of you ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi who was feeling sluggish yesterday morning😕 hope today is better. Probably not yesterday being MTX day.

    How is your Mum doing? All good still after her jab? I heard they are rolling out the COVID vaccination for older people and super vulnerable ones again it is good. Does it affect her sugar at all - just wondering.

    Sorry your Dad is playing up and upsetting you all there's no need for it at all😠 I'm just so glad you have each other you and your Mum.

    Oh no!! Keep BIL out of the kitchen!

    that was it now look....

    we all now how to improve it just keep him out😂

    Well done going for biccies (a walk) even better that you didn't eat the lot. They will come in handy for the MTX hangover I 🤔

    Go Leolia! She is amazing I feel incredible now she has got may day off to a brilliant start 😉

    Take care now hope today is good for you ((()))

    Morning Toady Hope you are feeling ok today.

    Never saw a 'mixture' bun always one or the other🤨 odd eh? I took several pics that honestly was the best. They were having such a fabulous time bless them in the sun. there will be plenty more I'm sure. Hopefully the smelly flowers on the boarders will protect my veg which are nearer the house. Sleek watched but didn't try to catch them for which I am so grateful. The times I have been yelling quote: "I draw the line at rabbits!"

    It was a funny day wasn't it dry, but overcast, then sunny then came some rain late on🙄 Never mind at least we got out (I did) first thing.

    I am shattered, but didn't sleep well so an early start for me.

    How is the 'throne'? Looking good? I'm sure it is😊

    Well what shall we eat?

    Don't worry our hygiene rating is back up Bosh got BIL out of the café kitchen

    aloo poha

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,352

    morning everyone

    wppl xx

    ps morning view from Bills palace lol xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,252

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) How are you have a good day. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) what is the next job you have in mind to do. Have a rest and a cup of tea ☕️ have a good day.

    Barbara (()) i hope you have a good day take care (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I hope you have a good day. Jacky’s daughter coming back from South Africa on the plane met Ian wright the football player with his family. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day. That’s good your mum feels better (()) take care

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,352

    👋 toady

    So I’m not waiting for night or whatever have a good day 😀

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,352

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    im v relieved you’ve restored the excellent food hygiene rating of VC!

    lol thanks for that😀

    im having some pains as mum and I had to put some heavy shopping back while dad was out gallivanting 😡

    mums b sugar is ok thanks

    B Sugar not adversely affected by jab ty 👍

    will write more later

    need to shower soon to try and get rid of some of this muscular pain

    bfn tc xx


    how are you both today?

    im not too bad thanks

    thanks about mum

    bfn tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,352

    Hi again toady

    sorry wasn’t being grouchy just the muscular pain was not feeling good

    bfn xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,615
    edited 22. Apr 2023, 17:08

    Afternoon all 😊 the sun is shining, what strangeness is this 🤔

    Very welcome it is too. That sleepy pic was me this morning frog only with much better hair (hers, I mean, not me 😂). Have been outdoors today instead of in the garage, but I am pleased with the tidying progress in there so far 😀. One thing I noted is how much recycling I have tinfoil etc so I will have to take that somewhere meself, it all makes space. Few things happening in the garden, salad & chard etc coming up nicely, have put in some bulbs, & some rocket. V few seedlings of other sorts though but maybe the heatwave (are we really having such a thing 😮) might give them something to think about. Have seen all birdies today, inc pair of doves, and mouses inc mouse 'senior'. Yes, I suppose the buns would favour one parent or the other for colour wouldn't they, logically. Must have been so nice for them to finally have a day worth capering around in (and definitely no, Sleek, no!). Hope the pollen not too bad for you at the moment. Glad Sleek had the v. nearly all clear, good girl 👍️. Oh you were quite right, for me to focus on those of us putting in hedges, not (the other unspoken thing). Have you seen today's google, I know you'll love all the little creatures doing their good works 😊. Also going back, no have never tried nematodes I only come across vine weevils themselves occasionally not eggs (or else I don't know it's their eggs), if I turn those up Robin tends to 'take care of them' - not much better I suppose but that's the way it is. I don't have anything too crucial I want to protect really, if I did I wouldn't know what to decide either 🤔 sorry if the village pots do need an 'answer' to this. Btw I did finally twig what you meant about the solar panels(I think!) got my 'theys' wrong & read it as they (the panels) are quite quiet, not the churchyard residents are, then the penny dropped sorry 😄😳 duh. Have a good afternoon &c and sorry you didn't sleep well, better tonight I hope 🤞:) xx

    Hello joan, nice day today 😊 I have nearly finished tidying up, just some bits & bobs to decide on, it's also annoying when you have things you can't recycle like old tins of paint, will have to deal with them a bit at a time. I am thinking about a little cupboard that's out in the garage, and whether it is worth giving it a facelift or not 🤔 I'm in two minds.. when I see furniture that people have 'done up' sometimes I think they've made it worse but as this is quite tatty I don't think I could spoil it. So that might be a little project. Interesting about Ian Wright & family being on the plane, he always sounds a nice chap from what you read. Hope you are both having a good day, love to the dear dogs 😘 xx

    Hi bosh, I didn't take your post as grouchiness in the slightest 😊 wouldn't occur, so no worries. Sorry about the muscular pain though and hope the shower helps/helped. And sorry DV is 'playing up' as Toni put it (as well as not being there to help with lifting things), LA could do with handing out a few more directives for BB to follow! Doing what he was told, just imagine indeed. Hope your mum is ok too after the shopping moving. It was an amusing story about the family friends's son & the trousers, I only briefly mentioned yesterday 🤭 in his mid-20s, you'd hope he hasn't been eating solidly like that ever since he will have gone up a few trouser sizes 👖. Being a small eater I can't imagine eating past the point my waistband is tight anyway, I'd take that as the sign to stop! Talking of clothing, & going back to the lovely lady pic from before, I noticed afterwards about her having her sleeves rolled up, always nice to meet a fellow sleeve turner-up haha. We can't tell if she has hairgrips in though under that headdress 😉 bet she does. I do google for 'my' hair clip occasionally but there's nothing really to search for it's just a slightly particular shape, you just turn up hundreds of similar ones 😔. I was saying to Toni about the google doodle, spot me helping a squirrel to hang up an outdoor washing line, with (maybe toadstool?) socks on 😊). Btw I love the 'ladybird' spoof book, tin telephones were a big thing when I was young I know I tried it 😂😂. I must remember the govt test alarm thing is tomorrow at 3pm. Hope you have a better evening :) xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,352

    Hi again Toni

    the poha looks great 👍

    I think I need to invest in a nit comb like yours- maybe a version that catches nasty neighbours in its teeth lol

    i was really not having a good day at all until about half five this evening when I got up and had some toast because as well as mxt fatigue, my stomach got upset yesterday and this morning too so i wasn’t eating v much, I think it may be because yesterday I ate some slightly rich food that I didn’t buy myself and wouldn’t normally have eaten. I didn’t walk today as I was too tired and didn’t want to make myself even more hungry.

    The muscular pain from the heavy shopping lifting has gone now thanks, shower helped, but poor mum, she lifted more than I realised at the time, I couldn’t stop her, anyway we both got things sorted out, but dad was doing some unnecessary task like walking around supermarket looking for reduced carrots or whatever, I did tell him that al fresco delivery could come early but he always knows best 😡

    Yes there’s no keeping Leola down is there? Lol

    apparently the lady baby who got the dubious pleasure of becoming the ant queen as it were was actually a 9 year old girl whom LA refers to as Big Ella - so a considerably older woman - oh dear oh dear that irrepressible LA 😂

    Just thought I’d mention the FB group with over zealous administrator I mentioned has a group chat facility now, I don’t use it, just took a quick look, it’s got some somewhat “dodgy” subject material for example someone had written, “ feeling lonely? Come and join me at my place of worship here’s the contact information- remember i will curse all unbelievers in the one true…” well you get the idea- I wonder how exactly is that PC and non - exploitative? You’re right this digital world we live in is getting stranger and stranger.

    it is indeed good news about recent covid vaccines

    BR wanted some ham today - got in a massive tantrum about it lol

    he also said “Rick Stein” as he watches RS with daddy and LA lol

    he finally calmed down from tantrum when sis put RS on the tv and said” Look BR, RS is eating an egg roll” 😂

    Bye for now Toni tc xx

    ps the man is bill - well a thinner better looking version of - v private info there - no blabbing 🤫😂