What is the best way forward

I have OA and also according to consultant I saw in 2017 mild fibromyalgia. I have had awful neck pain for the last 6 months but about 3 weeks ago my low back hip area on the right side started to cause pain now affecting left side as well. Doctor said to take paracetamol and prescribed ibuprofen gel I cannot take nsaids and any of the fibro drugs because I have glaucoma. So my choice of medication is limited I hardly go out now because of the pain only if really necessary. Night time is the worst I don't sleep well any but now woken up about 4pm each morning in awful pain in lower back above buttocks hip and leg pain thankfully the neck pain is bad in the day but settles at night. I spent 4 days just reclining on sofa watching tv all night the week before last. I have an app with gp in 2 weeks time. I was wondering if I should call surgery tomorrow and ask for a telephone app although after a bank holiday unlikely I will get through before all app are gone. I appreciate that the gps and nhs are really struggling at the moment but I can't seem to get anywhere. I wonder if I might need hip replacement and how long the wait for that would be. So many things running round in my mind. I am 75 and would still like to enjoy myself but it seems very unlikely now my husband is also in pain with hips and other health problems. I suppose I am just looking for advice on how to proceed with GP I think I need more fresh x rays but she had never suggested that. I have suffered from anxiety over the years and I think and have heard other people say once you are labelled with anxiety then everyone thinks that is the cause of everything. From previous xrays I now I have OA in knees neck and spine and possible low back or hips. I had covid in November and often wonder if this is anything to do with that. Thanks for read my ranting.


  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 809

    Hi @Liberally13

    I'm sorry you're suffering so much.

    I also struggle to get through to my gp and my strategy now is to start dialling just before the surgery opens and just keep redialling until I get into the queue. That way I am almost always guaranteed of getting to speak to a GP.

    Write down everything you're going through before Tuesday when they reopen after the bank holiday. A bullet list will do to remind you. Also add on your list that you feel you need a face to face appointment when you have your phone appointment.

    I hope you get some help

    Love n hugs

    Trish xx

  • Liberally13
    Liberally13 Member Posts: 41

    @Trish9556 Thank you for replying. Hope you are enjoying your bank holiday weekend. With regards to calling the Doctors Surgery that is what I used to do keep dialling. These days you can ring at 8.59. am and it goes straight to a message saying surgery now closed you keep trying and get the engaged signal then a message saying we are busy try later still keep trying and if and when you eventually get through they say all telephone appointments gone. I have just lot heart. I only got this appointment for 21st May so two weeks because I went to surgery for Covid booster and asked at reception when was the earliest I could see my GP. The time before I managed to get a telephone appointment and my gp gave me a face to face appointment for 2 weeks. I have tried writing bullet points down but never really seem to get anywhere. I have decided just to wait for my app in 2 weeks time and if things get worse to call like suggested. I think my physical health is affecting my mental health and visa versa. I have never been good with coping with pain. I do appreciate you replying and hope you are keeping well Carolx

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 539

    Sounds like your feeling a bit rough @Liberally13 and looking for an answer, which isn't a bad idea by the way. Arthritis is going to keep coming and coming, probably a different way each time, so it pays to keep asking and asking. But not all the time. I suspect all the time is going to make you anxious and whacked out. I would set a time for asking thats going to fit your day.

    I like to set a time just after tidying up, and found it really works. Somehow I am a bit more fresh and able to come up with something new each time, and its often enough to keep me happy.

  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764

    I think you acted very sensibly in making an appt. to see a GP while having your covid jab. Now make the most of it by sorting out clearly, in your own mind, exactly what you're hoping for from it. X-rays? Pain relief? Physio?

    As you know, I'm a big believer in physio. I know your physio has given you exercises previouslg but, as you're already doing them conscientiously, maybe it's time to check on your progress and, especially in view of the new aches and pains, see if more would be recommended.

    I'm not sure how hopeful I'd be about x-rays of the new areas precisely because they are new but you can ask for nothing. And, if you want them, do ask. Don't wait to be offered them. It could be a long wait😆

    Perhaps you could be prescribed some different pain relief for bedtme. But also, how old is your bed / mattress? They only last well for about 10 years. Sleeping on the sofa can't be good for you.

    Also, I suggest when you go to bed at nigjt you think of at least three good, positive things you've done that day. Exercises would count. Making thst appt. would count. I find it best to fall asleep thnking positive thoughts.

    And good luck.

    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • Arthuritis
    Arthuritis Member Posts: 492

    @Liberally13 @stickywicket I would follow Sticky’s wise counsel. The bit about getting a decent mattress and them wearing out is unbelievably true. A good supportive mattress will make an overnight difference in whether you wake up fresh or feeling exhausted after 8 hours. Strangely enough the best night’s sleep I had was when as a student I only had a blanket and slept on the floor! However as we get older we may need a bit more, but I’d recommend trying out a few different types. It’s a shame your GP does not offer online/e-mail booking requests. Our one is not too sophisticated but they have a website where you can enroll to send your request and they call you back with an appointment offer, saves hanging on the phone.

  • Liberally13
    Liberally13 Member Posts: 41

    @stickywicket Thanks for your reply. You mention physio and I did see the physio a couple of months ago and was given exercise sspecifically for my neck and shoulders which have been giving me so much pain for the last 6 months. Several years go I was diagnosed with degeneration of the spine but only had occasional neck pain at the at time this carried on until December last year when my neck suddenly got bad and everyday which makes going out difficult. I do wonder as we both had Covid for the first time in the November if this is anything to do with it. You hear that long Covid can include fibromyalgia for example. My lower back/hips only started this bad about 3 weeks ago. Before I had the odd day or so with knee pain low back pain or hands but nothing that bad. I have found it is impossible to do the exercises with this back pain. I am still doing my previous neck exercises these new ones were additional ones. I have spoken to the physio on the photos and he is now waiting for me to see my Gp and get back to him. On the bed issue my mattress is about 8 years old so as you saying I will need a new one soon. I hate a hard mattress was wondering about getting a mattress topper in the meantime. Thank you for your suggestion about three positive things to think about before sleep will try that. Thanks,

  • Liberally13
    Liberally13 Member Posts: 41

    @Baloo Thanks for your reply. I like the idea of setting aside a time to get answers to my problems. I must admit I do spend a lot of the day thinking about my pain and what to do and it makes me tired and anxious. i will try that.

  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764

    Many people swear by mattress toppers. My last two mattresses have been about 3/4 sprung and 1/4 memory foam. I'd have no other now. I wouldn't call them soft (I think soft mattresses are not supportive enough) but so comfy and supportive.

    I don't know what you mean by 'the physio on the photos' but, with additional problems, I think you do need more physio advice. Many physios now seem to tell GPs when they feel a patient needs x-rays so that could be a way through for you. Also they might give mattress / topper advice specific to your needs.

    I know that some on here, with autoimmune forms of arthritis, have found that covid set it off flaring. I don't know about OA. You could have a wander through the Coronavirus Forum and see.

    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 539

    I suspected covid too.

    When I was originally treated by the amazing NHS hospital (and in their own words "we will do as many tests as we can') I specifically asked for an antibody test before I was discharged, but it came out negative.

    I am more inclined to blame physical trauma, on what is now obviously a more fragile body.

  • Liberally13
    Liberally13 Member Posts: 41

    @stickywicket Thank you I am going to explore mattress toppers. I know many people swear by memory foam mattresses and pillows. I have tried the pillows more than once over the years but have found them to be so hard and made the pain worse. Yes I think you are right I might need a bit more physio advice.

    With regard to Covid as well as widespread OA I was also diagnosed with mild Fibromyalgia in 2017 at the time I only had mild pain. I think my gp only sent me to the rheumatologist to rule out rheumatoid arthritis and to see of I might have Fibromyalgia. I will take a look at the Coronavirus forum s suggested. I think one of main problems apart from anxiety and stress is being limited to what pain medication I can take.