Val's Cafe



  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,618

    Quick goodnight all 👋

    V. well done bosh for seeing the doc like that & grasping the nettle as they say, she sounds a good sort, and from what you say it sounds like it was all sensible things she was saying, and reassuring you to ring and not worry, etc. Hope the tests are helpful and point in one definitive direction or other, knowing where you are is half the battle sometimes. Hope you don't have to wait too long for the follow-up things, though I completely understand why you are happier to be seen at the 'right' level of priority not the 'other' sort 👍️.

    I see now that by promising better pollen levels I have put myself in an invidious position, I think that's the word, oh dear 🤔 I'm afraid you are the better politician of us. At least I don't have any redacted b*ris style communiques to worry about as well, that's something! I love analytical cookie monster, that is very very clever 😀 if I see him he will be given the 'dear youtube I will always skip ad' treatment! I was trying to solve a problem with my laptop's audio yesterday, and oh the cookies I had to wade through on tech forums & things first (& after all that, you find that the post where someone asked your exact question, was in 2013 and no-one answered 🙄). The lady in the painting is emanating the sort of social joie de vivre levels I've perfected over the years 😄 such an amazing painting! 😮 I'm fascinated by that, am definitely going to look it up. Oh poor Leola, things are just going from bad to worse for her 😱 hopefully the tide will turn against the glamorous (but worthless) vegetables and she will have the last laugh. Hope you have a good night 👋 :) xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,236

    Morning Joan did you get on ok at the dentist yesterday? You are so right those dogs have kept my friend going. Whether she liked it or not she had to see to their needs before herself. Yes thanks my coat was safely at the foodbank ((())) xxx

    Good morning Reshmi I hope you are feeling ok today.

    I am very very proud of you for braving the Drs yesterday and am also very pleased that the Dr is taking you so seriously. You will benefit from a psychiatric assessment and just to reassure you they will do their very very best to keep you out of hospital. That's the last thing they want. They just want everyone at home, but feeling well and safe. Maybe some tweaking of meds is all that's needed. If not and it is the PM then some HRT that is safe with your existing meds.

    Not a bad idea to give your phone and tablet to your Mum to protect yourself from weirdos too if you feel the need. What an excellent GP you have.

    Poor Leola! She is much maligned! Imagine being an ugly veggie! My niece, Aurora, is a beautiful delphinium like the one I posted the other day with the bee on it.

    Love the pic of the man protecting himself from teh you remember this man from italy when we had the COVID-19 pandemic?

    I hope you day is a good one!

    Morning Toady how are you doing today? Well I hope.

    It was a busy day for me. They always seem to be now🙄. Today we are off to Derby to a cafe (vegan!) called the Figaro in the Fig to meet some of our Figgy friends for some lunch.

    Yesterday I had to get the Fig cleaned for lunch today (there might be a photo opportunity?) do some ironing, water some village flowers, tax a car online, arrange an apt for Paul for Saturday morning, try to locate Lucy's essential meds (again! they only had half of what we needed), pay the TV licence, cook the dinner, clean the fish out, fetch my coat from the foodbank and wash my hair - the worst part!

    Today will be easier I hope.

    Did you get the letter written? I very much hope so. Sleek says she may need to 'deel wiv dat wind agen' today it seems to be back a bit...😕

    Good idea stealing some fruit so you can grow the bush yourself!! Love it!

    Did you get all that planting done? I do hope so because our plants are so important to us. That's what's teh matter with me I need some time in the garden on my own. Those apricot foxgloves I do want to see as soon as they are in flower. Can you put anything next to one so I can gauge the size???

    The temporary car is related to the Fig and is called a Pao. It was made at the same factory in Japan before the Fig. It's smashing isn't it? and the roof comes down too - when it works! That's where Paul is going on Saturday to the Figaro shop to see whether they can help. They know all 4 of the 'Pike' cars better than anyone. It's also automatic like the Fig and drives the same so easy for me.

    My ticker is up again today to 69 (got to 67 I think yesterday) due to someone in the village upsetting me before i went to bed. 'good' sleep is essential for keeping mine low. I am quite cross. She was having a go at me for not reading a village email she had sent out. Like I have time for that!!!😠People eh?! I hope yours settles when you are outside? This is resting heartrate not the active one when you are up and about I mean of course. The one your heart does (I think) when you're asleep. Ah well onwards and upwards eh?

    I need to wear sunglasses outside at all times thanks for reminding me! I remembered everything from the foodbank.

    I will send you some energy if you send me some calming?


  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,254

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Have a good weekend it could be a bit warmer. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) you must have a lovely garden. The advertiser is comes out daily we did have it delivered but to many adverts. Now I look at it on- line. How long have you lived in your house. Have a good weekend with no problems.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) have a good weekend. And your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Yes thank you the Dentist’s went well just a check up. Have a nice time at the Figaro cafe. I’m sorry you got upset just because of an email if that’s all the lady has to worry about she’s lucky. I hope you can get Lucy’s tablet’s sorted. When someone upsets me I think of them with no clothes on (()) Have a good weekend. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I’m sorry you have problems try not to worry you are doing very well stay happy try to laugh ever day (()). Love to your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,361

    Hi Joan

    how are you both?

    thanks I do try to laugh a lot, but sometimes the problem is I’m laughing too much it can be a symptom of a “bipolar high”, but I know what you mean, it’s good advice thanks

    mum is ok today thanks

    I’ll go now, bit tired

    bfn tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,361

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,361
    edited 2. Jun 2023, 14:00

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    the GP seemed to think it’s more likely lithium problems rather than peri m, I got the impression, but she’s investigating everything so that’s good.

    thanks I am also very glad I went to see the doctor

    the thing is the second time round especially it felt like madness, like Kari I presume, we know what that feels like in some ways, so we have something to compare it to from our past experience is what I’m trying to say I guess. The antipsychotic I used to be on before was olanzapine and there was nothing that wrong with that other than weight gain, but the dosage was right at that time I feel, plus it’s not related to kidney problems like lithium can be, to be honest it took longer to work, but it was working, I was only put on lithium because a GP told me to stop taking olanzapine and so basically due to this irresponsible GP I wasn’t taking anything for a while and then ended up in hospital.

    Sorry to hear you’ve been suffering with the pollen too, it is nasty and ooky isn’t it?

    Ive not seen the pic of the man from Italy before that’s funny lol.

    before LA went home he forced poor granny into giving him all the jelly babies he could fit into his little hands - oh dear!

    Mum is exhausted from the antibiotics but she’s starting to feel better in general now thanks 🙏

    was distinctly ooky temperature for my morning walk today - I wore my winter coat no less.

    cleaners are here, then it’s self - injecting mxt time.

    LA’s birthday next week I believe

    Olivia - one of LA’s “ex - girlfriends” lol, from nursery didn’t recognise him! How odd maybe because his little legs have grown and now he’s a v tall littley.

    my stomach really hurt yesterday could’ve partly been stress.

    bfn Toni tc xx

    Ps not quite sure what this meme is about really but still funny lol. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,361

    Hi toady

    I’m writing from the other side of ooky self - injected mxt 🤢🤢

    oh dear so I’m feeling nice and shattered lol

    how are you?

    ever fancied selling cheese on nosegay?

    you would have one loyal little customer, but he may be using Leola’s credit card - double ook 😱😱

    I’ll have to alert the authorities- no cheese sandwiches for a month is the penalty I believe

    my stomach was in triple ook form yesterday- stress was def a factor

    bye for now toady tc xx

    ps non - ooky chickpeas lol - well as long as you control the portion 😂 xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,618
    edited 2. Jun 2023, 20:23

    Hi all 👋

    Not a bad day and moderately productive, better than yesterday 😊 the letter is not finished frog but I've got it on the ropes 😄 & I did get most of the planting done, 'most of it' is usually as good as it gets haha, also found a couple more seedlings coming up in my second-wave pots of french lavender from a stratified sowing, which I'm pleased about, belt & braces etc. Nice weather apart from the fact the binmen managed to leave 2 bags in the bottom of mine, grass clippings & weeds, which were going warm & damp & mingy at the bottom like they do 🙄 so the contents have had to be tipped out to dry at the bottom of the garden, not nice to be downwind of 😬. The foxgloves won't be long, they are in a mixed/muddly border so there should be 'scale' from whatever they are among hopefully. Sorry you are not getting proper garden time at the moment 😔 & double sorry about the village person having a go 😠 super important I'm sure it was (not) 🙄. Hope you have got a line drawn under it one way & another and that your other chores all worked out, Lucy's meds, etc. Hair washing, say no more 😱😱 me next, I fear 😕. Admittedly the car didn't look very mini-like, I squinted at the badge & went by the 'wings'. Hope it runs nicely and the roof does indeed come down 😊. Have a good Sat, and I received the extra energy you sent much appreciated, hope you got your calmingness 'by return' 🤞 and your ticker is now doing a nice mellow grandfather clock tick. Mine was doing about 74 lying down resting this afternoon; I suppose it may go below in an even more rested state 🤔, I don't track these things. Just happy it's not doing what it was doing when the RA was all over the place 💀! Btw glad to hear your friend is doing well, 6 months, good heavens. As long as it's doing its time heals work, then that's the main thing. Have a good evening hope the Fig lunch was nice :) xx

    Hello joan, I read my local paper online but not that often, it's mostly depressing, about something nice being demolished or bad news. I've lived here for a while but on & off because of things to do with family, I moved to a flat for some time a few years ago, have been back in the area for about 20 years. I moved around a fair bit before, I was just reading about one of my old schools being demolished which I didn't know, quite sad it was the best one I went to 😔. Thank you, the garden would need work to get it really nice but it's a matter of whether it's worth putting in the effort as I'm restricted about what I can do how high the fences can be & all that. So I just do a few things I like and leave lots of it fairly overgrown for the wildlife. Good advice about visualizing annoying people undressed 😂 in some cases that might upset you even more mind you! 😱😂. Have a good weekend :) xx

    Hi bosh, selling cheese on nosegay, well this weather I'm not sure I fancy packing it day in day out 🤔😂. Mind you at least I'd pack it properly, unlike the book I got in the post today, the seller had just stuffed it in a padded bag to get it through the large letter slot, ugh. Lucky (for them 😉) it wasn't damaged. Anyway I will watch out for long-legged littleys trying to pass off certain person's credit cards if I do go into the 🧀 market. Jelly babies too you say, well Doctor Who is very fond of jelly babies isn't he, this is all v interesting 🤔 we may need to know if he has a sonic screwdriver among his gas engineer's kit. It would also explain his in-depth knowledge that the dinosaurs are definitely extinct, if he has been popping to and fro the paleolithic era in the tardis, he probably is the best person to know. Sorry it's mxt day and I hope the shatteredness and the triple ook stomach both decline soon🤞I do quite like chickpeas, when did I last have any though 🤔 hmm definitely years, can't remember if I went through a stage where we disagreed with each other, or it's just laziness. Have a good evening & a better Sat I hope. I would love a nice tortoise (turtle) ride 😍 perfect, lots of ventilation, no enclosed cab, who wants uber, pfft. Btw I went off on a long art browsing tangent after looking up the artists from your painting yesterday, all very interesting, thanks for the starting point :) bfn xx

    Love to Kitty, Barbara, and everyone not posting right now 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,361

    Morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,236

    Morning Joan thank you the lady came over and apologised yesterday so all is well, but I might just try your trick - imagining her starkers🤭 I was watering the Churchyard plants which went in yesterday and Sleek crossed the road to help me! Aidan will be up there telling her off!!! Glad your teeth were fine😊 Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? You did your MTX jab? Good well done.

    Funny how different things are for MH services in different areas. My sis is not allowed to do anything (not the GP either) unless she sees a psych again. I'm just so impressed with this GP helping you now she seems on the ball and thorough. I'll ask her about the olanzapine shame they cause weight gain😕 Gosh that other GP leaving you with nothing!!😯no wonder you got so ill before. Well I don't think this one will do that.

    So pleased your Mum is recovering from her sinus infection and coping with the ABs soon be done.

    I am not too bad at all thank you today. I am going to be helping the foodbank at 'Pass-the' getting people to donate a tin or two of food to the foodbank. Only for two hours this morning.

    Yesterday was a good day in the end because we went to meet some friends at a vegan cafe in our Figaros

    Had a really nice lunch and my stomach survived too 😊

    The husband's eyes were also pouring. so we are not alone.

    Aww LA has gone (not without a good supply of sweeties of course!) home. Peace is restored. Funny about Olivia, but.....are you sure she wasn't just 'playing it cool' around the hunky LA???

    Loved the chick pea curry thank you it's one of my favourites and healthy too just don't eat a BIL sized portion!

    That man was pretty stupid telling his OH the truth wasn't he?😂 Sometimes honesty is not the best policy!!!

    Take care and I hope your walk is comfortable today ((()))

    Morning Toady how are you today?

    My resting heart rate is back to 68, but needs to be 67 to make me really happy or less if possible. 70 is average I think or something like that. Good sleep is key for me as is never drinking alcohol nor eating too late I presume the body is too busy getting rid of both substances while we are asleep maybe? 74 is fine when you're chilling and yes I think yours sounds like it will be even lower when you are asleep so good👍️Gosh yes when Lucy was ill with neutropenic sepsis (chemo caused) it was ludicrously high 145 I think. Any inflammation/infection can do that RA is a definite when it's out of control.

    Thank you for the calmingness and I am glad the energy I sent did it's job.

    Yes thanks the meds sorted for Lucy. My lovely pharmacist managed to source the generic version from somewhere and although there is a tiny tiny risk of a breakthrough seizure all should be well🤞

    Well done getting most of your planting done and finding two more babies!!! (seedlings) Hoorah! Glad to know the muddy border (you sound a bit like Monty!) contains other plants so I can 'size' the foxgloves😊 Oh dear me manky cuttings can be very whiffy indeed🤢

    Keep adding to that letter it will soon get done.😊

    Thanks for asking the Fig lunch was YUM!!! Hope your day is a good one.

    Love to Kitty and Barbara ((())) xxx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,236

    Just paid £87.50 for our garden waste bins to be collected by the council for this year🙄

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,254

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope you are has well as you can be (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) It’s so cold in the morning here. Have a good day I’m sorry your old school is being demolished I expect flats will be built there.

    Barbara (()) Have a good day I hope all is as well has can be (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Yes Sue pays for the green bin to be emptied. That’s nice you enjoyed it at the Figaro cafe. And you got Lucy’s tablet’s. I went in the co-op yesterday and saw vegan magnum ice cream. Have a good weekend. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I used to take lithium and marplan you could not have broad beans. We are here to help with any problems so try not to worry (()) have a good day and your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,361

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    i see, is marplan an antidepressant?

    thanks that’s very kind

    im trying to take things one step at a time,

    the GP gave me the phone numbers for the crisis team which is really helpful and reassuring for me, I also gave the numbers to my mum.

    Mum is ok thanks she’s still having the antibiotics.

    I hope you both have a good afternoon bye tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,361

    Hi Toni and toady

    how are you both?

    wppl xx

    bye tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,618

    Hi all 👋 Saturday, apparently - feels exactly like Sunday.

    Have not got much done so far today and yet it seems to be 7pm 😬 can't explain that. I seem to have one day on one day off lately for getting things done, there must be a happy medium in there somewhere. Still, have ticked off a few chores frog, hope you have too. Mostly watering & pottering. Thanks to the strong sun the noxious cuttings are turning back into crispy hay, mercifully, should have let them dry more first really. I ought to have a brown bin too, I know, and the council don't really want greenery in the normals ofc. I've just quickly checked the cost in my area and got three different answers 🤷‍♀️ will have to look into it further. Glad the lunch was good - lovely sunny day, nice cafe, artistically parked figs, what more could you want 😊. Sorry Paul is afflicted with the streaming eyes too, how does Lucy fare, has she inherited yours? Glad the lovely pharmacist could help but sorry you had to go with a generic I somewhat live in fear of them doing that with various things. Certainly hope she can get the proper stuff soon/next time. Will manage another turn round the garden in a minute - Mrs B has waylaid me every time so far today, and has had me peeling apples & chopping grapes, her wish is my command 😄. The letter is done too, not exactly a belter but best can do. Hope the food bank went well - have a good Sunday :) xx

    Hello joan, yes it was v cold here this morning, you think you must be mistaken don't you 🤔 but it really is, til it gets going. The school demolition was a while ago I just hadn't heard, yes I'm sure it will be housing now 🙄 seems such a waste, I can't think it was that old a building. They seem to let these things stand idle for a while, til they deteriorate, then there's vandalism and usually a fire, then there's no alternative - you do wonder if they do it on purpose 🤨. Have not done much today but at least it's been surprisingly quiet. Have a good Sunday :) xx

    Wave to bosh and see you later if I make it back in again 👋 :) xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,361

    Hi Toni and toady

    sorry I haven’t been on here properly today

    just a bit worried but taking things one step at a time

    also quite tired really when LA was here not much sleep to be had

    thanks Toni, does K take olanzapine?

    sorry your eyes are hurting Toni mine aren’t too bad today

    toady sorry you didn’t have a productive day

    good evening Toni and toady tc xx

    Ps good evening from bill lol xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,236

    Morning Joan yes I did get the tablets thanks to the pharmacist thinking outside of the box😊 You have to try that magnum! They are lovely I have one every chance I get from the ice cream vans at car shows they are usually there and are YUM! I expect Sue is the same as me with the bins - it's better than having to take it to the tip yourself🙄 Have a good day if you can. Oh how is Sue's ankle doing now? What time is your scan tomorrow too? ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi. How are you today? I hope reasonably ok. I quite understand you will be a bit up and down and on edge until you get some answers. You are doing well though, incredibly well. Like Kari to a large extent you know what you are doing and can manage. I do hope the apt comes through quickly though. Yes my sis has been on olanzapine in the past but not now same as you quetiapine now.

    Did you sleep well last night? I hope so I am sure sleep was minimal whilst the tiny tyrant was staying at yours!!!

    Now BIL can keep his 'nightcap' of caffeine to himself!! I want some sleep!!!🤣

    Eyes are already off! Wondering if my new lung meds might be responsible. I hope not because they are really helping the lungs🙄

    Take very good care ((()))

    Morning Toady I hope you're well?

    I achieved very little yesterday myself. I was the Queen of procrastination and am ashamed of myself. Today I will do better.

    I did at least get two HUGE trolleys full of food for the food bank at Asda yesterday morning. People were so generous and I heard some genuinely sad tales. Fair restored my faith in human nature for now at least.

    Watering yes I managed that but that was about it. I reckon I could do my 10,000 steps just watering atm what a nightmare it is! Time for a rain dance:

    I hope you never need to get generic, but gosh it has to be better than nothing. The last thing Lucy needs is a seizure.

    Paul is ok with his eyes it was the other chap in the blue/grey Fig. But at least he made another suggestion which I might try. Lucy is ok as is Charley but Tia's husband is the same unfortunately. Glad you appreciated my parking skills! Got it first go! Woo-woooo! get me! They were so lovely there even made Sue and I a non alcoholic gin 🍹 cocktail.

    Get a bin if you can it helps. It's good to know your greenery is being composted by someone else at least.

    Aww Mrs B! What a sweet girl she is! Soon she'll be sitting in her eggs unable to ask for treats☺️ Well done finishing the letter now it can go off😉Hope teh reply isn't too quick or you have to start again!

    Right best get on!

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,361

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,254

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) love to you and your carers (()). Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) Does Mr B come for food has well. Yes it’s a shame building’s are left to go to ruin. We’ve been told we have a neighbour next door but we haven’t seen her yet she’s been seen looking out the window. Have a good day (())

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) have a good day. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Lucy (()) is brave being in her flat not knowing when she could have a seizure or does she know when one is coming (()) she has to have her life I know (()). Thank you sues ankle is better now. My appointment tomorrow is 10-45 I have an injection with a blue dye then a scan then I have to wait 2 hours and drink a pint or more of water and have dinner I must not sit by any body who’s pregnant then I have another scan then I can go home I don’t get the results straight away. Have a good day (()) how is your hip pain. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) you are doing well (()) I took the tablets when our mum died. I did not think I was has good as anyone else nobody would want to speak to me then I thought my money is has good as their’s I’m better now. Have a good day love to your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,361

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    thank you, it must have been a very difficult time when your mum died, I’m glad the medicines helped you.

    i haven’t really had any problems with my bipolar for over 6 years so it was just a bit shocking for me but now I know what to do - as in who to contact.

    I wrote some things down which helps me, I also wrote some words about your kind advice 🙏

    mums b sugar was a little bit low today but not a hypo thankfully

    otherwise she’s ok thanks 👍

    I hope you and Sue have a nice day

    bfn tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,361

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    I slept well but still tired thanks

    mum had low sugar but not hypo

    otherwise she’s not too bad thanks

    my blood tests are on 15 june

    LA ‘s birthday and birthday dinner Thursday of next week we’re going there to MH then if alls well

    Sorry about your eyes

    K was on olanzapine, I see, I was on it once and put on 3 and a half stone

    thanks for saying I’m coping well

    mum still can’t convince LA that I’m his mummy’s sister and not his lol

    so he’s five next week, which means I’m probably turning 7 soon lol

    but still no free lollipop for me post - blood test lol

    i may write a letter of complaint to nhs lol

    bit tired bfn Toni tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,361

    Hi toady

    how are things with you?

    have you replenished the nosegay cheese stocks yet?

    LA’s birthday next week, so no pressure lol.

    mums ok atm thanks

    low b sugar this morning but no hypo 👍

    im a bit nervous really but my b tests are on 15 th so that’s good

    I really hope psych referral doesn’t take too long

    LA is still adamant I’m his sister lol

    LA and BR’s mummy was told off by J Lewis manager as they were running about quite noisily ooks 😱😱

    but I’m sure kids have done that before sure it didn’t affect share prices lol

    bfn toady tc xx

    Ps wait is bill,”cooking” again? Lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,618
    edited 4. Jun 2023, 19:40

    Hi all 😊 hope the nice weather fans are enjoying their Sunday and the hay fever people are surviving it 🤞

    Sorry I assumed you to be calling Paul 'the husband' frog 😄 people do I suppose, as in the wife, whichever Harry Enfield character that was 🤔 etc etc. anyway glad he is excused the watery eyes, and the girls, poor Tia's husband got the short straw too though. Straw not being his friend ofc! Yes I will think the brown bin over but at least the nasty grass is crisping nicely and can go round again for now (lots of tips on how not to get your garden waste stuck in the bin, on the the garden recycling page, yes yes I know 🙄😂). Have done a bit of pottering & planting today, will try and get out again now. No rain no no thank you 😱 I'll happily water, anything but that 😬. Hope you got some of your procrastinate-y jobs done if poss or at least had fun not doing them. Jolly good food bank morning 😊 what sort of rota are you on for volunteering in general or does it vary. Have not done a lot myself but will be looming up on an airing cupboard sort soon 🤨 oh what fun. Thank you my letter-writer isn't likely to send back promptly, I worry how to convey to people that either can't write too well or don't feel up to it these days, elderly etc, that please do have a letter off me and don't worry about replies 🤔 would I feel awkward in their shoes anyway. oh social niceties I hate them 🙄. Have a good new week :) xx

    Hello joan, oh new neighbours it is then, a positive sighting 😬 you win the sweepstake then for first to have new people in (can't remember what the prize was 😉). Hope they are nice 👍️ next door came and mowed their lawn again, no idea why, it was already scalped 🙄. Is it significant that they did that again so soon, I hope not. Very good luck with the test tomorrow, that is a lot of stages - will you be glowing slightly radioactively is that why you have to sit by yourself 😬 seriously hope it all goes well, & the results don't take tooo long. Yes Mr B comes for food just as much but it's Mrs that tends to come over to me and look at me meaningfully 😄 I put food all in different places so the doves & pigeons don't have everyone else's, and in little places the sparrows etc can forage. Cafe kettle will be on for when you next want a cuppa after the pint of water :) xx

    Hi bosh 👋 the cheese stocks are fine & are very safely stored in the fridge, so safely in fact I have a job getting at them myself 😂 I didn't really realize that my new fridge from not long ago has self-closing hinges, and boy they don't hang about! 😮 no taking the milk in for a cup of tea & leaving the door while you put it straight back. At least I never leave it open by accident. Thank you for the hello from last night, I thought I must go for a walk & get to bed early for once so I resisted checking in again to anywhere. I didn't do too much today either but that was sort of on purpose as it was a nice quiet day, may as well make the most of some rest time before the local building works start again Mon morning 😕. 15th for the blood tests is not too bad wishing you luck in advance for those and hope your referral is 'timely' as well as they say, in the meantime just keep coming in here & talking about random odds & ends with us & the time will go by 👍️ or it might drag if I start on about nosegay and gardening and compost bins 😬 will try to keep it interesting 😉. Hope the rest of your day not too bad, what do 6 (nearly 7) year olds do apart from watery football and comparing hairslides with other littleys 😄 not running about noisily, I'm sure. Oh dear poor mummy 😳 but yes they'll certainly survive that at JL. Not that they see any of my money 🤨. Hope you have an ok night and your mum's b sugar is normal tomorrow 🤞bfn :) xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,361

    Thanks toady

    glad you’re in control of the cheese situation lol

    yes JL can be v stuffy can’t they?

    as if kids have never run around before 🤷‍♀️

    oh well

    bye for now bit tired

    tc good night toady xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,236
    edited 5. Jun 2023, 05:45

    Morning Joan. Well I'll be thinking of you today for your scan hope it goes well and they can see exactly what is going on. With that dye they should be able to. Best avoid all women sit by a man if you can!!!! Yes Lucy is brave I worry a lot too, but she knows how to be as safe as possible. For instance she never baths always showers. Never misses her meds gets enough sleep etc. Right GOOD LUCK🤞 ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi. some great pics today! 'Live laugh love'😁 Where do you find them?😂

    I hope you are feeling ok today? You sounded wiped out yesterday.

    How is your Mum's B Sugar? She does managed her diabetes well doesn't she?

    Off to MH soon then for LA's birthday do. Please don't tell me he'll be 'Big 5'?!!!!😮 OMG! No!!! Time flies far too fast. You will be 7 soon will you? That's good big sister of LA!! Bless him they do struggle with that concept. I remember Charley struggling though Lucy never did perhaps because Charley told her who everyone is related to maybe?

    Right here is a lollipop for being a good girl for your injection

    3 and a half stone! WOW!!!!! You did well shifting that. I think Kari did something similar although unlike you she has always struggled with her weight.

    I hope you have more energy today and I am very very glad your blood test us soon. I will make sure there's another lolly ready for the 15th.😉

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Toadster! I hope you are well this sunny June day?

    Oh I had a great day yesterday I was outside almost all day. On and off of course with rests😊I felt restored being in the muck where I should be 😊

    Sleek writhing about in the sun happy to be outside with me.

    How to reassure someone that they don't ned to reply to your letter...🤔 I know social niceties, customs and 'rules'🙄

    Yes the husband belonged to the blue Fig!😁 he's very nice but I can hardly cope with the one I've got!! Husband not car!!😂 Poor Mikey got the eczema gene too like me. I suppose all are sort of allergies and must be connected in some way.

    I'm glad you also got outside yesterday Bayleafing😊 we do need rain though between the hours of 10pm and maybe 5am??? Will that do?

    I volunteer at the foodbank just a couple of hours on a Wednesday morning - it really is humbling Toady. The supermarket collections are 'special's and we have a rota so just sign up for any time we can manage. They are harder on me they hurt my back the 'standing' for long periods? Still it's nice to chat to people too and Saturday's haul brought me to tears.

    Well I must get some clothes on and I'll see you outside in about 20 mins?