Stiff all day

Waking up stiff and spending half of Saturday going back to bed to sleep it off.


  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 532

    Decided to try a dose of 8mg co-codamol x2 first thing. I wasn't impressed. Co-Codamol feels no different to paracetamol. I didn't notice any particular pain disappear like magic. Possibly the pain is more dull than it was.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 772

    Hi @Baloo

    I wake up really stiff every morning and do find a nice hot bath helps release the aches and the stiffness. It's a heck of a job getting in sometimes but well worth the struggle. Do you have a tens machine? Mine hs a massage function on it which helps as well

    love n hugs

    Trish xx

  • Jock1
    Jock1 Member Posts: 11

    Morning guys,

    I’ve definitely found a hot bath/shower first thing, even before the coffee goes on, helps.

    Even just to kick start the muscles and joints to get ready for dressing myself.

    My friend suggested an inflatable hot tub, cheap but maybe something I need to look into.

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 532

    Jumping in the bath sounds a bit athletic, but I do believe in leverage, that a small exercise action now can lead to bigger and more useful actions later.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,149

    To be fair that is the lowest dose of codeine, but the only one available over the counter. I do use it though at times with my anti-inflammatory (arcoxia) it can be effective for moderate pain but absolutely not a proper flare for me at least.

    Your GP can prescribe the co-cos at 16 and 30 mg.

    Take care and I hope you feel better soon

    Toni x

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 532

    Another weekend spent going back to bed to sleep it off, especially after meals.

    So is time to hatch a plan, which might take a while.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 772

    Hi @Baloo

    I'm sorry you're in so much pain - pain of all kinds is the worse whether it's the dull ache that is constant and wears you down over weeks and months or the sharp pain when you move in a particular way or the pain that cannot be described and stops you moving, sleeping or simply stops you doing anything apart from curling up back in bed (if you're able to curl up) and trying to sleep it off which, in my experience, doesn't work very often.

    I found over the counter codeine as much use as a chocolate tea pot. Before my body got used to it, I was taking prescription codeine, 30 mg x 8 a day and on bad days I took 2 x paracetamol halflway between the doses of codeine to keep me topped up.

    One of the nicer GP's I've had told me off for only taking the codeine as I needed it and told me I needed a pain management dosage to keep my body topped up and constantly fighting the pain. This worked until my body told me I needed something stronger.

    See if you can speak to your GP and simply tell him/her the pain is unbearable and you need help.

    With the constant stiffness when you wake, what about trying something simple like having an old pair of leggings by the side of your bed and slipping them on while you have a lie in for half hour to warm your legs up? Obviously might like to leave that until the weather cools down, using a heat cream/spray to ease the stiffness could help get you moving or if it's generally colder I would wear some winter tights under my pj's to keep me warm (don't laugh, it works!!) or layer up with some leggings.

    I don't think there's a magic way of stopping that stiffness when you wake up, just experiment with different things until you find what works for you.

    I have found a good natural cream that I apply to my hips morning and bedtime that seems to help ease pain and stiffness from that selling site that is named after a river basin in South America, called Herbalshire Arthritis Pain Relief Cream for Osteoarthritis. It wasn't cheap but seems to do what it says on the label. (other creams are available but this one works for me :) )

    I hope you find relief soon,

    Love n hugs

    Trish xx