Val's Cafe
Good morning everyone
Have a good day all of you
Toady (()) you are doing a good job feeding the birds.
Toni (()) It’s colder today will you still have hay fever
Reshmi thinking of you have a good day and your mum (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Quick wave to Joan 👋 :) xx
Back later have a good day everyone 😊
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Hi everyone
wppl xx
Ps is this pic a cat/ Dino / LA? V confused now lol xx
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Hi Toni
how are you?
im trying to do normal things but getting a bit scared from time to time really
its a weird problem really, seems maybe to linked to lithium, pm and oestrogen levels I guess, I’m not really sure of course, but I guess time b tests etc will provide the answer
i feel angry that I haven’t been allowed a face - to - face or telephone / video psych assessment for over 6 years, if that had happened maybe i wouldn’t be in this situation now.
mum is ok today thanks
b sugar good question, poss slightly low I can’t fully remember now tbh, but nowhere near a hypo thanks 🙏
Thanks I just came across some random memes on Pinterest, sometimes I do search for fine art or art history memes though
glad you enjoyed the vegan cafe
I am feeling a bit less anxious than yesterday
i think I’ll leave it there for now Toni
there maybe another instalment if I get my act together lol
take care xx
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Hi Joan
how are you both doing today?
thanks that’s very kind
im not too bad thanks even though the day seemed to take a long time to get going
dad went somewhere and left both outside doors open downstairs and a massive dog wandered in and I got really scared and had a panic attack and came close to falling on the stairs he’s become very irresponsible
mum is ok atm thanks
have a good evening both of you bye tc xx
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Hi toady
how are you?
I’m tired but ok thanks
mum is ok at the moment too thank you
birthday preparations are being made, LA said elephant trunk lady baby is travelling from India just to attend the party- bless him
if I were her, I’d claim it on expenses and submit it to the JL manager lol, no economy class for her, plenty of leg room in first, enough room to swing an elephant- well his trunk anyway lol.
Ok I’ll leave it there for now, will attempt more later if I don’t get too tired.
bye toady tc xx
ps pic - related history lesson apparently lol xx
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Hi toady
how are you?
Just wanted to say RR’s private physio must be massaging his back with uncut diamonds if she’s charging such JL - esque rates lol.
have a good night toady tc xx
Ps some of the cut diamonds I found inside RR’s couch lol. xx
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Hi folks 👋
Nice to catch up with all your news, am just wrestling with a late grocery shop because it came upon me that no other day is better this week, so tomorrow it is 😬 I will see you all for a quieter chat tomorrow when I'm not trying to juggle my 3s for 2 and my any 5 for something & all that jazz.
Hope you have had a good day frog 😊 a few Bayleaf bits got done but not as many as I'd like, it's chilly first thing then too hot at midday etc, so it's a bit tricky picking the right times. Glad you had a proper run at things yesterday 👍️ and Sleek is so gorgeous in that pic, the sun on her fur 😍 expect she was rolling right over to her other side all at once, & back, in turns, I love that 😊. Hope your back is not complaining too much after the food bank standing, and a long day in the garden. Updates on mine tomorrow I expect. You can have overnight rain with my blessing if it isn't heavy, nice little summery showers, none forecast for me for a bit yet though. Love to all :) xx
Hello joan, hope you got on well today thanks for popping in before you went, will hear your news tomorrow 👍️. Thank you I do my best for the birdies, they have got used to coming here. I didn't know much at one time about birds, whether the ones you see were always different birds or regular pairs of the same ones, but I got to know them after a while. It was cold again this morning, should be nice for the rest of the week maybe rain at the weekend 🤔. Love to both :) xx
Wave goodnight to bosh too, hope you have as good a night as poss - I am far too late, can't expect to sleep 🙄 my own fault. I did have a longer walk today & the postbox as well. I passed a lady with a large dog on the long walk, I really wasn't keen on it luckily she was talking to a elderly gentleman I was able to sidle round and keep him between me & the dog (whilst thinking, if the dog is going to go for someone hopefully it will choose him first 😬 sorry sir!) So then I read your dog encounter which was much worse in your own home, sorry you had that, v scary for you 😔. Birthday prep is in full swing I see, you will be able to sort out all of the necessary sat nav for elephant trunk lady baby, both ways if needs be 😄. Yes, physio trade is lucrative (all those overpaid sportspeople I suppose, physios must get used to naming their price 😉) I was reading today about how many old style £1 coins are still 'out here' somewhere - I didn't even recognise the new ones, have they really been around since 2017 😮 don't remember having any of those, let alone uncut diamonds, I'm in the wrong business 😄 see you soon 👋 :) xx
Wave to Barbara, my fellow blue-shed owner, I have been redoing bits of mine today & thinking of you 😘 xx
Love to Kitty and hope all's well with you & your garden 🌼 xx
'night all xx
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Hi Joan. How did you get on yesterday? All go according to plan? Did you manage to avoid all pregnant women in the end? Yes the weather might even make the hay fever worse blowing the pollen here and there🙄Have a more restful day today. Oh do you ahve an apt with the consultant already booked for your results? ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi I think you should make very good friends with RR is he has all those diamonds down the back of his sofa! What a stash.😮
Anyway how are you feeling today? I do hope you are still coping ok. Sooner those bloods are done and you actually get a psych apt the better. You went 6 years without?! That's just terrible at least this time you have a GP who is ready to help.
How is your Mum? All better after that infection now? and is her sugar ok today? 🤞
You are good at finding funny Memes and pics. The dino-cat is so cute😍as is the police 'dog'!!!!! Brilliant. I want to send it to everyone with a cat.
My goodness did you tell Joan that a dog got in the house?? That's scary I would have been terrified. Your Dad is really not always functioning right at all.
Well let's hope today is a good day for both of us ((()))
Morning Toady how the diddly are you today?
Thinking of Barbara I see... painting your shed. I did some planting yesterday bedding plants some for the village and some in my hanging baskets. and cleaned the house😖 well it was Monday😕 Put my wheelie bins out (garden waste and recyc) and the Church ones too. The Church watering cans seem to have gone AWOL though 🤨
That's exactly what Sleek was doing thoroughly enjoying herself bless her. She likes to be outside with me when I am outside. Not enough Bayleafing for me either yesterday never mind today may yet be be fair I wasted some time at 🐝 and queue getting more peat free compost. Then of course you have to look at the plants...the gardening tools.....the pots.....
No rain forecast here either. We had our summer fête meeting yesterday at one of the farmer's houses and they need it desperately. So overnight it must be - cats!!! Come here!
Right what shall we eat?
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Good morning everyone
wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Have a good day everyone. Yesterday when I went to the hospital the scanning machine had broken down they tried to let me know they had my mobile phone number but it didn’t ring. I have another appointment for the 26 June. Thank you for thinking about me.
Kitty (()) love to you and your carers (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) why do some people say you should not feed the birds they have to fend for themselves. Have a good day.
Barbara (()) love to Mr B (()) have a good day love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) I hope you have a good day today (()) you are so busy everyday (()) yes if I had gone to a garden I would’ve wanted to look at everything there. When does Paul have his tip and tilt (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day try not to worry (()) sorry about the dog coming into your house very frightening (()) your Dad must have something on his mind what if there had been a little baby in your house and he had gone out the door. love to your mum (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi everyone
wppl xx
ps pic contributed by bill apparently lol xx
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Hi Toni
im ok thanks
woke up too early though as mum almost had a hypo
only just about made up the sleep
also went to town centre
bfn Toni more later tc xx
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Hi Joan
sorry about the scanner not working etc, that’s not good.
mum said once the same thing happened to her.
im ok thanks
but mum had low b sugar almost hypo early this morning, she’s ok now though thanks 🙏
but no one slept well as a result unfortunately
I forced myself to go to the town centre but only made up my sleep much later in the day
thanks about the large dog in the house
yes you’re right dad is doing dangerous things sometimes but he won’t see the doctor
I hope you both have a good evening
bye tc xx
ps im pretending it’s winter lol xx
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Hi Toni
how are you?
Thanks about the memes glad you liked them
mum had a bad start today almost a hypo really
but she’s ok now thankfully
i felt v tired due to sleep disruption due to poor mum
but forced myself to go out and eventually made up sleep at about 4.30 pm roughly 👍
I didn’t bother with ghost group today
May have over - done soy milk hot chocolate as I was so tired but stomach seems to be slowly improving I think👍
how are your stomach and back?
yes terrible about the MH thing I agree but you’re right this GP seems v good thanks
Yes dads not himself but he won’t seek help
mums antibiotics are finished now and she’s feeling better now 🙏
not done neck physio yet so will leave it there
hope you have a nice evening Toni bye tc xx
ps is a friend of Bill’s attempting dance aerobics? Oh dear 😂
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Hi toady
how are you?
extra high pollen count - what have you and your fungal spores been up to today? Lol
mum wasn’t well in the morning but she’s ok now thanks 🙏
i didn’t sleep enough but eventually made up for it later in the day
stomachs not 100 %
but may poss go to group tomorrow and have a squash
how is nosegay doing?
is diy dad still making a nuisance of himself?
I live opposite the park and it gets very “people - y” at this time of the year toady, I do have a diy dad - type neighbour but he’s quite helpful too, so I say that “you should count yourself lucky young lady”, lol, the whole world and his / her familiars go to the park in hot / warmish weather in these parts, plus the more dogs that go there, of course the more fragrant this area becomes 🤢.
what a lovely nighttime thought for you, hope it didn’t put you off your choc digestives, high glycemic index, very naughty indeed 😂
have some Japanese purple milk bread instead, made with purple yams apparently
good night toady tc xx
ps one self - explanatory pic and another which reminds me how glad I am not to be working with other people anymore lol xx
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Hi all 👋 terribly late again, this is what happens when you don't go to bed til gone 1 the night before so haven't caught up all day 😬
Plus too many odds & ends to do of the annoying sort. Grocery shop was at the late end of slot & it was one of those days I couldn't make myself sit down & wait or get on with anything either, then I just end up going up & down stairs dozens of times. Wish I had been at the store you mentioned frog instead, did the 'looking at' stop there or did it progress to the several trolleysful stage 😀 hope you got something interesting anyway as well as the basics you went for. Hardly got in the garden myself but painted a bit more shed & checked on a few things. I was quite lucky that the store I got my fence paint from before got it back in briefly so I'm set up with a new potful, stuff seems to go in & out with them & you have to hover about checking stock (hasn't everyone hiked their min order for free delivery up? 😱 £70 £80 £100 in some cases, and they manage to make that sound like a favour 🙄). Runner beans are climbing nicely I'm v pleased with the use of an arch for them, pic at some point to demonstrate the arrangement. Where are the church watering cans?! 🧐 Hmm. Tomorrow a bit dull looking but then a couple of nice days - thundery showers in the offing though if that will suit 😬⚡️ not quite what you were after 🌦️. Have a good day hope it's at least gardening-able, & hope everyone well :) xx
Hello joan, oh no 🙄 so sorry about the scan and the failed message/phone call, 3 weeks more is a nuisance, is it the sort of thing that ringing to ask about cancellations would do any good? 🤔 Sorry about the inconvenience hope the rest of your day went as well as poss. I suppose with garden birds there are varous reasons people think it can be a bad thing to feed them, maybe if you feed unsuitable things or if you put up bird feeders & don't clean them, also it can give one species an advantage maybe. All the birds I see still forage for themselves so they get a good variety and I only put out little bits at a time, in different places, not in feeders, & just to top up what they get themselves really. I wish we got a few more types I'd love to see a thrush visit or things like redwings, hardly ever see them. Have a good day tomorrow :) love to both xx
Hi bosh 👋 to answer your kind enquiries I'm ok thanks, just running behind a bit but otherwise alright. Things have been quiet today out there 👍️ just the odd strimmer, which probably was DIY Dad; nothing worse. I will cheerfully admit that some of the people I don't have much to do with round here is down to me, DIYD's family for example are perfectly ok people. It's the ones that have come in and made a mess of their gardens to park endless cars etc that annoy me, or have been noisy in the lockdown etc when I could really have done without it. Plus most like to mow their lawns down to the bone and powerwash everything in sight and it's all weedkiller & ant powder so we just aren't on the same wavelength. Nosegay is dead quiet 😬 eek, just the eternal watchers. Next time it's cheap to list I'm tempted to end & relist certain things over & over on the same day just to give them something to do, having to click watch again 😂. Yes I can see that having the park near would get too people-y for comfort, and if I had been just about to have a chocolate digestive, you certainly would have put me off it many times over 💩😂😂 I don't have any, thankfully. Rich tea it is✌️. Hope you have a much better night and not disturbed sleep, really sorry you had the worry of your mum last night 😔 is there a pattern to her having these near-hypos at the moment? Hope things stay level and you have a better day for going to group, fairly overcast here hope the weather suits you for that & I will do my best with the pollen🤞. Right, I really must try & go & roost for the night at least a minute or 2 earlier 🦇 bfn :) xx
Love to all 😘 xx
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Morning Joan. Oh no!!!!!!!!!! are you serious? after all that no scan🙄 Paul is still waiting for a date to be tipped and tilted. I could take him to the kids park and lie him on the sea-saw??😂 Yesterday was cold, but hopefully today will be much better. Have a nice day ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi oh dear me! Your poor Mum. She was ok though that's good, but you'll have been out of sorts all day probably all of you.
Well done still doing your walk though and neck physio.
My sister's DIL also has diabetes and woke up with a cloudy right eye on Sunday. Turns out to be to do with her diabetes after a trip to the eye hospital on Monday. She is not managing her diabetes as well as your Mum is. She's only 28 I think so this is not good.
Some fabulous memes and pics today thank you really made me ☺
I hope that the soy milk hot choc was comforting at the time and your stomach did ease off. Mine is not happy ATM (thanks for asking) and I am at the foodbank this morning hopefully I'll be ok though. Back a bit iffy how about your pains?
You were probably wise to dodge ghost group yesterday to be honest you needed an easier day.
Wow! BIL is friends with Ed Miliband😂 that would be funny. Can BIL do Dad dancing yet? I mean he is a Dad so should be able to.....
I hope you have a good day ((()))
Morning Toady
How are you today? I hope recovered from that extremely late night.
Well done getting your paint for the shed that's a relief. I know exactly what you mean about 'free delivery if you spend £80' yeah right I only need to spend £10.50 thanks! I bet loads fall for it.
I did indeed buy stuff i shouldn't have at 🐝 and queue and not only the peat free compost😳oh well. I have finished the 3 village planters I feel responsible for with bedding plants for BKV.
I am so pleased your runner beans are climbing the arch so well. P used to do something with wires with hers in pots. It worked somehow. She was a florist so seemed to know what to do. The orange flowers will look lovely soon won't they?
It was freezing here yesterday! I put my vest back on in the end! Today will be warmer but overcast tomorrow HOT!!!!!!!! All apparently of course - who knows?
I found one Church watering can - just one the red one green still AWOL of course it might be near a grave somewhere blending in????🤨maybe???? Or half-inched!
How is Mrs B? and Mousie any sign and time to see them????
Well have a good day if you can.
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I hope everything is going has well as it can be for you (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) I was told if you feed the birds they don’t look for food. People look forward to feeding them it’s all they have got. I hope you have a better night tonight (())
Barbara (()) have a good day (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) Sorry you are still having pain (()) I can just see Paul (()) on a see saw that would save money on the NHS but it would not help Paul a lot. It’s nice that lady apologised to you. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) sorry about your mum nearly having a hypo you must get worried about her (()) try not to worry (()) your mum must be worried about your dad. Take care
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Joan Toni and toady
how are you all?
mums b sugar was ok today thanks
ive got the “monthlies” no hyper********y symptoms thank G**
just normal things like nausea backache etc
wppl xx
ps pic of someone who’s met my dad lol tc xx
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Hi Toni
how are you?
I am at long last starting to feel better from the “ monthlies” thanks
It was quite a bad one this time, but as I said the vile symptom didn’t occur, so I’m very grateful for that.
LA’s birthday tomorrow so mum has made him and BR some lovely Indian rice - based pudding- only recommended for littleys and those with the constitution of an ox - not the stomach of an ox - did you hear that Bill? Lol
Yes worrrying about mums hypos and almost - hypos no doubt, but her b sugar was good today so that’s something
sorry about your DIL
this a “from memory one” sorry about that
i have seen bill do a very strange dance once, wearing a very unflattering tight T - shirt and his ubiquitous shorts, lol, whether it was dad dance or a “ oops sorry I’m wired everyone, my sis - in - law told me it was peppermint tea” kind of dance I’ve yet to determine, lol.
The plan is that my parents and I go to MH sort of late afternoon- time tomorrow and we we eat there, most people will be having a barbecue but I’ll be having fish stew that mum is making, bless her and probably also the littleys.
I got LA some books that mum helped me choose, I think they were about penguins and so on -aww.
I suggested I get the train one - way as it would hurt my back less, but that caused offence 🤷♀️
Sorry your back isn’t too good
ok bye for now Toni tc xx
ps pic of me at the gym lol xx
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Hi Joan
how are you both doing today?
im feeling a lot better now thanks but i was not feeling good at all with the time of the month for most of the day
thanks about mum, her b sugar was good today, so that was something
thanks for the advice, I try to not to worry too much, but sometimes it’s hard when there’s a stressful atmosphere at home
yes mum and I are worried about dad but he is so stubborn he never listens to advice
I hope you both have a good evening
bye tc xx
ps more chickpeas lol
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Hello all 👋
Just a quick line as I'd like to try & catch the last of the light and then I have to go to the postbox (I was no earlier to bed last night frog 😳 so I must try & make some sort of effort). Glad you came away from 'the' shop with some good stuff, they weren't frivolous purchases after all, no octopus cake stands 😄. Yes I am looking forward to the bean flowers, funnily enough I didn't grow a red-flowered variety the last couple of years, I grew 'Moonlight', but I missed the old-fashioned lovely colour so I reverted this year. My broad beans are reaching the bean stage, if they are going to go the distance, fingers crossed. Have just sold a few flower seeds on nosegay to a county councillor 😄 well it's all pocket money. Hope Paul will co-operate fully with the seesaw test, at least there should not be a long waiting list, just a small queue of kids hopefully 😄, and no cancellations like Joan 😕. I liked the seesaw but not the roundabout, I'm sure you could diagnose something useful from that (basically that if other kids are squealing to go faster and you want to get off, you are a feeble specimen, which later life pretty much confirmed 🙄). One watering can down one to go - yes probably hiding in plain sight 🌱, I do hope not half-inched. Have a good day tomorrow, yes it was a chilly start, and now weather warnings for heat I think? 😬 all over the place, isn't it. Hope the pollen count not too nasty. Mr and Mrs B fine and plenty of mouse activity but no sighting of original Mousie but I will have a proper observing session. xx
Hello joan, nice day today after a bit of a cold blowy start - hope it doesn't get too hot for you at the weekend. Yes you have to try & see that birds get enough for themselves & just top them up, & for when food is scarce or an extra bit when feeding chicks etc. I always think of that poem about the north wind will blow and we shall have snow and what will robin do then poor thing. It would be hard to see birds struggle to find food in bad weather but like most things it's a happy medium I suppose. Hope you have a good day tomorrow, Thursday already bins out again 😬 xx
Hi to bosh, good luck with the birthday prep 😬 sorry the train one way was given the thumbs down 😔 but hope you manage in the car. Glad the totm has just been its usual self and nothing worse, that's a good thing 👍️. Sorry this is short I must go & do some nosegay things - 2 little sales, so you brought me luck mentioning it, it obviously set off a change of fortune, well enough for a cheese sandwich 😂 . Catch you next time 👋 xx
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Hi toady - the public menace of the hay fever variety
how are you?
im starting to feel a bit tired again
but I’m generally not too bad thanks
Mums ok today too 🙏
have a good night toady tc xx
ps Japanese good night pic xx
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Hi toady
I seemed have had the missed post - itis lol.
So you’re well enough for a cheese sandwich, that can’t be bad lol, my stomach was in a terrible state this morning, tomorrow I’ll have to see how it goes, but I must at least devour a fictional sandwich of the non - vegan dairy variety - sorry Toni, lol - bfn toady tc xx
Ps I may give this sushi to Bill, but I can’t see him eating a veggie lol xx
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