
Hi Everyone

I was recently put onto the waiting list for a Hip Replacement, which should be around September time

I live alone in a house,

Some friends have suggested I have a bed moved downstairs which I am not keen on doing. I would need to buy a single bed that following recovery wouldn't be used again

I have rails on the staircase

Has anyone any tips/suggestions on managing alone at home, after their surgery

Many Thanks


  • CarylW
    CarylW Member Posts: 274

    Hello @Pickford

    You may find this information helpful

    Before leaving hospital you have to be able to negotiate steps, and you are normally advised to have someone staying the first night or two; the most difficult thing is carrying anything while on crutches. I am sure some of our members will offer you advice! Good luck with the surgery.

    Best wishes


    Need more help? Call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Hi @Pickford

    As @CarylW said 'they' will make sure you can do stairs. Having said that I doubt you'll want to go up and down too often. A handrail either side can really help as could having walking aids upstairs and downstairs if you are using them.

    Having a bed downstairs is great but as you said a waste of money in the longer term. A downstairs loo is far more useful in my opinion! If you haven't got one loaning a commode from the red cross might really help.

    A walker with a tray on is something my MIL loved post her hip op. She used it to transport food and bits and pieces from one room to another.

    Best of luck and do let us know how you get on

    Toni x

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 809

    Hi @Pickford

    I am currently struggling around on two elbow crutches for the forseeable. To get around the problem of carrying stuff up and down stairs on crutches I use a tote bag. Hot drinks in a thermos. The straps can be a bit long so I wind these around the crutch so the don't either fall off my shoulder or drag in the floor.

    Just make sure if you wind the bag around the crutch it's not causing a hazard if its own.

    Love n hugs

    Trish xx

  • RogerBill
    RogerBill Member Posts: 223

    Here's a good video on handling crutches while negotiating stairs after a hip replacement:

    Having practiced a little with crutches before the op, after my hip replacement I didn't find stairs too much of a problem taking it slowly and carefully. But I did minimise the number of times I used the stairs each day and most of the time my partner was in the house which was reassuring even though in the event I didn't need to call upon her assistance.

    A rucksack is useful for carrying things, bottles and flasks for drinks and an Easy Grabber for picking up things that inevitably are dropped or too low to reach without breaking the "don't bend more than 90 degrees" rule.

  • Shazznay
    Shazznay Member Posts: 6

    I am 2 weeks post op hip replacement. As others have said a rucksack is a godsend for carrying things around. A grabber is a must, you won’t believe how many times things fall on the floor or are just out of reach. Another problem I encountered which had never occurred to me was getting my operated leg up onto the bed. A dressing gown belt noosed around my foot to lift my leg up has been vital. Fortunately I can manage to do it myself now. Good luck!

  • Themenace
    Themenace Member Posts: 3

    When I had my hip replacement a few years ago I bought a twin motor riser recliner chair which I slept on for the first few days until I was able to use the stairs again. I did have a downstairs toilet which was invaluable so I washed in the kitchen and just never went upstairs for a few days. When I wanted to carry things around I managed with a carrier bag that I hung on the handle of my crutches.