Does anyone have a Blue Badge with their symptoms varying widely?

Asnina Member Posts: 23
edited 20. Jul 2023, 14:05 in Living with arthritis


Diagnosed with seronegative inflammatory arthritis early this year.

I wanted to check if anyone is like me, where sometimes I am perfectly fine (or close to fine), and sometimes I am unable to get myself up and down stairs or even function properly and am in immense pain. To be honest, many days I wake up 'fine', but by the end of the day, I'm in agony (I find this happens nearly every time I commute into the office or have a long journey to go through). However, I try to stay active and walk when my pain is manageable, but to the outside world, I look 'fine'. Does anyone have such varied symptoms and also qualify for a Blue Badge? I'm in two minds if to even bother trying to apply for one, as I only need it on my bad days, but many a time, it would be invaluable (for example, if I need to go to the hospital or the GP).

I'm due to start methotrexate next week (if my hospital can get themselves together and send the prescription through to the hospital pharmacy), so who knows I may improve and no longer have so many bad days, but I thought I'd ask in case there are any in the same boat as me that have either been successful in their application or have received a solid no.

Thank you


  • Loggiemod
    Loggiemod Member Posts: 240
    edited 21. Jul 2023, 10:07

    Hi @Asnina I think you should apply and stress the bad days - after all if you are on a good day you don't have to use it, but on a bad day you may regret not having one.

    Try and apply for it would be my advice.

  • MissA
    MissA Member Posts: 58

    Hi Asnina,

    I agree with Loggiemod. I have had a Blue Badge for nearly 10 years. When I first applied it felt strange as I never considered myself ‘disabled’ but you don’t have to be in a wheelchair to deserve the relief having a Blue Badge can give you.

    Nobody should be in pain & if having a Blue Badge helps on your bad days then you are worthy of applying. I have my badge but don’t always use it on days when I feel ok but I don’t regret getting it, the relief from the literal pain of walking long distances to my car at times makes it invaluable.

    What I would say is when you fill in your application, complete it as if you were experiencing your worst day. I know for me that was really hard, to see it in black and white as I always try so hard not to be defined by arthritis, I almost felt like I was letting it beat me, silly I know.

    At the end of the day having aBlue Badge enabled me to keep my independence as long as possible. Remind yourself you are entitled to live an independent, pain free life as much as anyone else. You did not ask to have arthritis, we all have to play the best hand we are dealt with.

    Good luck x

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 539

    My blue badge says "Please offer me a seat" because if I try to stand up on the tram, I am going to be done for. It took me a month or two to work out I needed one.

    I make sure I get a seat instead, and to be honest I keep the badge in one of my coat pocket somewhere for good luck. I still got one though.

  • Louisa77
    Louisa77 Administrator Posts: 264

    Hi @Asnina

    I think you should apply and base your answers in the application to your worse days.

    Good luck!

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  • Asnina
    Asnina Member Posts: 23

    Hi @Baloo , thank you, I also already have the blue please offer me a seat badge. I haven’t used it yet, as I worry people will look at me and think there is nothing wrong with you, and also because I’ve not been in high enough pain to warrant it (if I’m having a bad day I avoid public transport, I’m lucky in that I can work from home on bad days). I’m now thinking about asking for a blue badge for parking, I just hope I can get over my fear of using it, like I need to do with the please offer me a seat badge.

    PODGE Member Posts: 15


    I have Pallindromic Rheumatoid Arthritis was confirmed in January by consultant after 3 months of hell!

    I was contacted by local Welfare Rights teams who advised me what I should be entitled to ie PIP which they then supported me with application over phone then posted for me to sign and fwd to DWP.

    Whilst waiting for confirmation they advised me to apply for blue bade, which I did and was amazed how quick it came through.

    I rarely use badge as fell there are people worse off than me and need the spaces.

    Friends family tell me not to be stupid but as I look normal (ish) feel like I am being judged using badge.

    Obviously bad days I dont go out and cant drive but good days I can.

    Hope this helps you there is help out there !!

    Take Care xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    I have never applied for a blue badge because in spite of any pain I can walk the length of a double decker bus. Or 50 metres.

    I did however apply for one for my youngest when she had leukaemia and could only walk maybe 2 yards if that.

    We also never used it on good days.

    You can do the same on good days don't use it, then your conscience will be clear 😊

    Best of luck

    Toni x

  • Rj14
    Rj14 Member Posts: 7

    Like you I have good and bad days, some days I can walk 50m others I can’t go downstairs, I applied for PIP & a blue badge and got both. Like others have said I use it on bad days where without it I wouldn’t physically be able to leave the house.

  • Lambourne
    Lambourne Member Posts: 22

    I have osteoarthritis in my knees and after a couple of friends suggested it I applied for a Blue Badge last November, I fully expected it to be turned down so when mine came through the post 10 days later I was delighted. It has meant that I am less stressed when I go out. If you feel you don’t need one all the time on your good days park in an ordinary space and leave the disabled space for someone else - that’s what I do.

  • Ive had both knees replaced and a double left ankle fusion and both wrists fused ive had a blue badge since 2018 i thought when i got it every one was watching me but over time i thought i need this and remember...


  • Asnina
    Asnina Member Posts: 23

    Thank for all for your comments, i submitted my application today, I’m in a pretty bad flare, that is getting worse (started soon after I started methotrexate, now off it due to some bad side effects). I had to get out today to run errands, and take my father to the hospital (he has his own blue badge) and I was in agony, ans even now that I’m back home, joints throb, and no position makes it better. So it really brought it to the forefront that I could do with this badge, because I never know when I will go into a flare, and for how long it will last. I’ll try to remember to come back and let you all know how it went.

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 539

    @Asnina too right conditions change like the wind and then you have to react. The trams are getting worse in the heat, I sometimes skip a tram and catch the next one as I need a seat by the door, otherwise the doors are already bleeping to close on my way out. I dug out my blue badge for good luck as it was lost somewhere in my winter coat. Deciding where to put it next.

  • Asnina
    Asnina Member Posts: 23

    I submitted my application whilst in the middle of a really bad flare where usual 5 min walk to the pharmacy took me 20+ mins, my ankle went from under me twice, and then had a throbbing ankle for the rest of the day, with the pain radiating up my leg(More throbbing than normal & I don't normally have pain going up my leg). This then prompted me to buy a walking stick, as I still need to be able to leave the house when in a flared state, but I don't expect to use it all the time, as I don't need it when not in a flare (not raised with the blue badge team as this was after I submitted my application), I've now been asked to attend an in-person assessment (date TBC), by which time my flare is likely to be over, as I'm starting to feel better.

    I wonder how this will work, if I go in while I'm not in a flare, will they just discount it and refuse my application? The Rheumatology nurse has told me she will write a supporting letter; fingers crossed that will help matters.