Recently diagnosed ,

Hello, I was diagnosed with arthritis in my hips in feb 23, the scans showed it in my hips, the specialist said he would refer me to start a treatment plan, so finally an appointment has come through for next month but it’s with Orthopaedics which I though was odd, I assumed it would be rymotology department ( please excuse spelling, im dyslexic) , could anyone shed some light on this . I’m 43 and just starting this journey . Many thanks



  • yaz239
    yaz239 Member Posts: 52

    Hello @JacFerg and welcome to the forum!

    In this community you'll hopefully be able to find support from other people living with arthritis. If you feel comfortable, engaging in conversations is the best way to seek support from others.

    In the meantime, here's some information on various treatments.

    Best wishes, Yasmin (Mod)

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764

    Hi and welcome and, believe me, if you are dyslexic your spelling is very good indeed.

    Rheumatologists normally just deal with inflammatory forms of arthritis such as RA, PsA, AS to name but three. It sounds as if you have OA (osteoarthritis) which is normally dealt with by our GPs but also orthopaedic surgeons, physiotherapists and, sometimes, orthotists, occupational therapists and Pain Clinics.

    Do let us know how you get on with orthopaedics. In the meantime you might like to try some of the exerciseson here. They're good whatever form of arthritis we have.

    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • JacFerg
    JacFerg Member Posts: 4

    Thank you very much, thank goodness for spell check but even sometimes it gives me no suggestions 🤣. Ah ok that makes sense, so the surgeon/specialist I seen for intitial consultation just said it was visable I’m my joints but never said which type it was. Thank you I will let you know how ot goes 🙏🏼

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 539
    edited 27. Aug 2023, 22:52

    @JacFerg g to me the most nuisance part of arthritis is the way it comes and goes with good days and bad days that look as if they will never end, but they do. Today I feel quite settled, providing I don't move much. But over the past month or two, its been in my hips and then it eased off, and then it was in my neck and now its eased off. I'm working on my knees to see if I can get back to riding a bicycle, but I can measure the progress in the gym and its definitely frustrating. Today I don't want to do the physio. In the gym I can measure whats happening. Sometimes I can leg press 30kg, sometimes 60kg. The arthritis affect is far more dynamic than I would like it to be.

  • JacFerg
    JacFerg Member Posts: 4

    @Baloo thank you for your reply, that’s interesting in the way you say it moves about, my neck has been bothering me off and on but just thought it was strain due to being an artist, always looking down to draw but maybe not! If you have OS does it effect all joints /bones or can it be selective, it’s showing in my hips and in my knees but no other areas were scanned but I do feel it in elbow and my hands starting to ache. Once I get my first appointment out of the way I’m hoping to try strengthen up my legs/knees , hopeing just walking and swimming will be enough, hard to do much at the moment as still not on any meds apart from nighttime to let me sleep . How long have you had it?

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 539

    @JacFerg coincidentally, a three years ago movie popped up on my phone a couple of days ago. It was myself in an orange hospital gown, recovering from my original arthritis attack, so thats how long it's been. Its been flaring up on an off ever since.