Pain medication whilst awaiting hip replacement

Hi everyone,

I was told last September I would have my op “by April “ Still nothing! I spoke to the admissions department last week who told me I am going up the list. She then said I’m probably looking at August now. Does anyone know if this lady would know or is qualified to know? I did not want to sound rude and ask her. I’m guessing she was a receptionist? The other question I have is I am taking max dose of tramadol paracetamol naproxen and amitriptyline. I’ve also been started on gabapentin and currently take 600mgs 3 x daily. I have no cartilage left in my hip. I am still working although it’s a huge struggle and I’m in constant pain day and night.I use a stick to help me walk. My issue is this medication is not working. Obviously it’s taking the edge off and my Dr even added in morphine but it did nothing so I stopped it. Any advice on anything I could try?

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  • Lorraine_24
    Lorraine_24 Member Posts: 34

    Hi @Newyear ,regarding being on the waiting list my advice is to phone them weekly and see if you have been scheduled for surgery yet, I went in to have my first hip replacement last November, I was in my gown on way to theatre when my surgery got stopped my ecg had not been read properly at my pre assessment the story is far to long to go into but I was promised I would be called for surgery within 6 weeks, of course that never happened ,only last week I finally got through to someone at admissions office that actually listened to me and my concerns as I have to have both done 4 weeks apart and have a date for next month, you have to keep at them, it's been tiring, frustrating but eventually I got somewhere hopefully fingers crossed my surgery won't get cancelled as this is happening to a lot of people, pain relief I've been on everything tried the lot but at this stage nothing helps, I need both hips replaced asap get me out of this relentless pain so my advice is phone regularly and tell them how it's effecting your life because at end of the day we are all just a name and number on these waiting lists unfortunately

  • Hi @Newyear

    Thanks for your enquiry to the Helpline. I'm not sure if you are managing Osteoarthritis (OA) or another condition, you can look up the type of arthritis under our Conditions search.

    I'm not sure what team at the Hospital you might have spoken to, you might have to ring the Hospital to know whether it was someone who deals with all appointments, or if it was more specific - such as the Orthopaedic waiting list.

    You mentioned that you are on your maximum dose for a number of different pain medications and that you are still working. Here at the Helpline, we frequently talk to people who may have had to stop travelling to work in the run up to their surgery, as a way of managing their pain. I don't know what work you do and whether there are any further reasonable adjustments you can explore. What does your GP suggest on the subject of your work?

    In the run up to surgery it's helpful to be eating a balanced diet to keep your weight down. The surgeons always emphasise the need to do whatever movements you are able to, to look after the muscles surrounding the joint.

    Conditions | Types of arthritis, causes, treatments (

    Work | Support, commuting and self-help | Versus Arthritis

    All the best

    Guy - Helpline Team

  • Newyear
    Newyear Member Posts: 20

    Hi everybody!,

    I have been given an appointment for my long is surgery after this? I saw my surgeon on the 13th of August again (after really having to be forceful) and he has said i was put on the 3 month list last September so should of ad the op last December! Im also wondering what is the best footwear for after surgery?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Hi @Newyear

    We are really pleased to hear that you have been given an appointment for the pre-op, often the surgery isn't long after the pre-op, so fingers crossed for you. I have added a link below from the NHS called My Planned care which lists an A-Z treatment centres and the waiting times so hopefully that will help to answer your question.

    The best people to speak to regarding footwear would be a Podiatrist a Physiotherapist or an Occupational therapist but a pair of flat comfortable shoe with either cushion insoles or purchase in-soles separately may help.

    All the best for the future operation.

    Best wishes


    Helpline Advisor

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The community is a safe space for people living with and connected to arthritis to ask questions and share experiences. Get started by registering here and posting your first comment or question!