Joining another club!

Bagrat Member Posts: 5
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:11 in Living with arthritis

Just to say greetings to fellow forum members. I've just joined. Knees the most difficult issue. Trying to do exercises every morning. I don't take pills unless really peeved. Can't take NSAIDs as on anticoagulants, ditto some supplements. Know others are far worse off so just looking for tips and a bit of support.


  • noddingtonpete
    noddingtonpete Moderator Posts: 1,314

    Hello @Bagrat and welcome to the Community. We are a friendly and supportive group and I hope that will be your experience as well.

    I understand that you have problems with your knees and try to do exercises every day which is good. Are these as given by a doctor or physio? You might be interested in the knee exercise videos we have on our YouTube channel, see

    also have a look at our website as it contains lots of useful info on arthritis and treatments - I've put a link in below which might also be of use.

    Please keep posting an let us know how you are getting on.

    With best wishes

    Peter (moderator)

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on0800 5200 520Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • jonr
    jonr Member Posts: 426

    Hello and welcome from a fellow Arthritic Knee sufferer @Bagrat

    Is there anything specific you'd like Forum members to comment on?

    This is a fantastic site full of great resources to help understand and manage Arthritis is all its many forms.

    Perhaps if you'd be good enough to pinpoint any areas you'd like to discuss other members can share their experiences?



  • Bagrat
    Bagrat Member Posts: 5

    Thank you so much for the links, these are the exercises I'm trying to do daily! Good looking physio and patient helps a golden oldie!!

    As a retired Specialist nurse, with no experience of Arthritis, rheumatology, I am not good at taking the advice I would give others! Interested in whether I should persevere with gentle exercise even on the not so good days. I don't take pain killers at present especially as the ones that would probably help the most, I can't take because of another condition. Swearing helps though!!

  • Bagrat
    Bagrat Member Posts: 5

    Thank you Jon. Have just answered part of your comment to the wrong post!! I'm quite a busy person and tend to just get on with things unless my other issue means I need an hour or twos rest some days. I am interested that some folk find a TENs machine helpful. Have borrowed one when my back plays up but never thought of that for knees, will have to have a look. Used them for patients when I was working. I'm not very good at routine so building exercise in every day is a bit of a challenge but it does help, I'm heading for 80 BTW

  • jonr
    jonr Member Posts: 426

    Good stuff @Bagrat

    There's basically 2 cornerstones of handling Arthritis I believe - pain management through prescribed meds, supplements, gels, aids and diet, and physio/exercise to keep things supple, build strength around weakened joints to aid stability and relieve the pain that tendons and muscles come under as they pick up the slack. There are 2 other obvious benefits - keeping fit physically and mentally. Most folk find the 2 go hand-in-hand (difficult to exercise and be mobile when in pain) so finding the right balance can take determination, experimentation and a bit of luck.

    I think anything you can do is good. I'm 56 with OA in both knees, going in for the 1st of two total knee replacements this Thursday and when I started out after my diagnosis 18 months ago I found it incredibly tough to do anything when I could barely get down the stairs of a morning to make myself a cuppa!

    So here's a few tips which worked for me (and might be helpful in part for you)

    1: You will have good days and bad days, that's par for the course with this condition so if you're finding it hard to do physio, do a little and come back later to do the rest.

    2: Try doing it at a specific time of day to build routine because routines become habits and habits are hard to break

    3: It's not just physio either - any low impact activity like walking and swimming is excellent too. I motivate myself with the promise of a coffee and a slice of cake or a glass of wine at the end.

    4: Once you think you're mastering the physio it maybe good to look at some gymwork. I went on the GP Exercise Referral Programme which got me a 1:1 appointment with a specialist at my local Council run sports centre. She gave me some exercises to do specifically geared up for building my quads and other muscles around my knees using the weight machines. This came with a 40% discount off the annual membership as well and these are run nationwide if you don't know about them. Another scheme which is free to join is run by Nuffield Health, bit of a waiting list and they don't operate in all areas but it's bi-weekly and runs for 3 months.

    5: In terms of pain management I do use a TENS machine, usually if I've overdone it. It works for me but not for others, you can only try it for yourself. I also use a deep tissue massaging gun on strained muscles and tendons. I use a gel called FlexiSeq which aids lubrication to prevent crunching, clicking and grinding, plus 5KIND Hemp gel which has a very soothing effect. I used to use Capsaicin cream but it's virtually impossible to get hold of. Finally, if you're finding your knees give way or have problems with stability, elasticated knee supports can help. I would recommend a visit to an independent pharmacy as they usually stock a big range and have a consultation room where you can try some on for fit and comfort.

    6: Some foodstuffs have proven anti-inflammatory effects - oily fish and eggs rich in Omega 3, Garlic, Walnuts, dark green leafy veg and Olives of all things!

    There is information on this website about all of these, I've merely condensed it into this one long post for ease - sorry!

    Hope some of these help, do stick up your hand if you have anything else.


  • Bagrat
    Bagrat Member Posts: 5

    @jonr thank you so much, that's so helpful. So good you are optimising your fitness prior to knee replacement. I was surprised by the actual weight of a "bionic" new knee so those muscles will get a workout.

    Good advice re building exercise into my day.

  • jonr
    jonr Member Posts: 426

    Glad I could help - after 18 months I'm convinced the answer lies in the physio and exercise but it takes months and months but so worth it.

  • HMGH
    HMGH Member Posts: 3

    Hi. I have just had my second total knee replacement op (4 weeks ago)and have found using a Cryocyff good for reducing pain and swelling. Nuffield Health sell the "cuff" and the "ice bucket" online, not too expensive either.

    Undoubtedly , muscle strengthening exercises working the quads and inner quads are the best for getting the knee fighting fit (so i am told by my physio). So, flexing the knee as far behind you as you can, in a seated position, as well as extending the leg straight out in front of you whilst also in a seated position are the ones which i find i need to work on!

    Good luck xx